[SCM] Vim packaging branch, debian, updated. upstream/7.2.148-1022-gf6a76d8

James Vega jamessan at debian.org
Fri Jun 5 20:55:25 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit 2b398a1acb4fc56d2c69ca480e246d1b29941316
Merge: ea1da8a985cb365c8368574ef5d0281d65ad7bcd 0bcdd38e9845f70b1251e00c040581ec23b0ce7d
Author: James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jun 3 02:35:34 2009 -0400

    Merge branch 'upstream-runtime' into debian

diff --combined src/Makefile
index bbcaf24,02b8d6c..bfdad17
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@@ -105,8 -105,8 +105,8 @@@
  # 4. "make test"  {{{1
  #	This is optional.  This will run Vim scripts on a number of test
  #	files, and compare the produced output with the expected output.
- #	If all is well, you will get the "ALL DONE" message in the end.  See
- #	below (search for "/^test").
+ #	If all is well, you will get the "ALL DONE" message in the end.  If a
+ #	test fails you get "TEST FAILURE".  See below (search for "/^test").
  # 5. "make install"  {{{1
  #	If the new Vim seems to be working OK you can install it and the
@@@ -533,6 -533,11 +533,11 @@@ CClink = $(CC
  #CFLAGS = -g -DDEBUG -Wall -Wshadow -Wmissing-prototypes
  #CFLAGS = -g -O2 '-DSTARTUPTIME="vimstartup"' -fno-strength-reduce -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes
+ # Use this with GCC to check for mistakes, unused arguments, etc.
+ #CFLAGS = -g -Wall -Wextra -Wmissing-prototypes -Wunreachable-code
+ #PYTHON_CFLAGS_EXTRA = -Wno-missing-field-initializers
+ #MZSCHEME_CFLAGS_EXTRA = -Wno-unreachable-code -Wno-unused-parameter
  # EFENCE - Electric-Fence malloc debugging: catches memory accesses beyond
  # allocated memory (and makes every malloc()/free() very slow).
  # Electric Fence is free (search ftp sites).
@@@ -551,7 -556,13 +556,13 @@@
  # }}}
  # LINT - for running lint
+ #  For standard Unix lint
+ LINT = lint
  LINT_OPTIONS = -beprxzF
+ #  For splint
+ #  It doesn't work well, crashes on include files and non-ascii characters.
+ #LINT = splint
+ #LINT_OPTIONS = +unixlib -weak -macrovarprefixexclude -showfunc -linelen 9999
  # PROFILING - Uncomment the next two lines to do profiling with gcc and gprof.
  # Might not work with GUI or Perl.
@@@ -1259,16 -1270,16 +1270,16 @@@ CPP_DEPEND = $(CC) -I$(srcdir) -M$(CPP_
  #     This is for cproto 3 patchlevel 8 or below
  #     __inline, __attribute__ and __extension__ are not recognized by cproto
  #     G_IMPLEMENT_INLINES is to avoid functions defined in glib/gutils.h.
- NO_ATTR = -D__inline= -D__inline__= -DG_IMPLEMENT_INLINES \
- 	  -D"__attribute__\\(x\\)=" -D"__asm__\\(x\\)=" \
- 	  -D__extension__= -D__restrict="" \
- 	  -D__gnuc_va_list=char -D__builtin_va_list=char
+ #NO_ATTR = -D__inline= -D__inline__= -DG_IMPLEMENT_INLINES \
+ #	  -D"__attribute__\\(x\\)=" -D"__asm__\\(x\\)=" \
+ #	  -D__extension__= -D__restrict="" \
+ #	  -D__gnuc_va_list=char -D__builtin_va_list=char
- #     This is for cproto 3 patchlevel 9 or above (currently 4.6)
+ #     This is for cproto 3 patchlevel 9 or above (currently 4.6, 4.7g)
  #     __inline and __attribute__ are now recognized by cproto
  #     -D"foo()=" is not supported by all compilers so do not use it
- # NO_ATTR=
  #     maybe the "/usr/bin/cc -E" has to be adjusted for some systems
  # This is for cproto 3.5 patchlevel 3:
@@@ -1432,6 -1443,7 +1443,7 @@@ LINT_SRC = $(BASIC_SRC) $(GUI_SRC) $(HA
  #LINT_SRC = $(SRC)
  OBJ = \
  	objects/buffer.o \
@@@ -1737,7 -1749,8 +1749,8 @@@ types.vim: $(TAGS_SRC) $(TAGS_INCL
  # messages.  Don't worry about that.
  # If there is a real error, there will be a difference between "test.out" and
  # a "test99.ok" file.
- # If everything is alright, the final message will be "ALL DONE".
+ # If everything is alright, the final message will be "ALL DONE".  If not you
+ # get "TEST FAILURE".
  test check:
  	$(MAKE) -f Makefile $(VIMTARGET)
@@@ -1779,6 -1792,7 +1792,6 @@@ installvimbin: $(VIMTARGET) $(DESTDIR)$
  	  rm -f $(DEST_BIN)/$(VIMNAME).rm; \
  # may create a link to the new executable from /usr/bin/vi
@@@ -1913,6 -1927,7 +1926,6 @@@ installtools: $(TOOLS) $(DESTDIR)$(exec
  	  rm -f $(DEST_BIN)/xxd.rm; \
 -	$(STRIP) $(DEST_BIN)/xxd$(EXEEXT)
  	chmod $(BINMOD) $(DEST_BIN)/xxd$(EXEEXT)
  	-$(SHELL) ./installman.sh xxd $(DEST_MAN) "" $(INSTALLMANARGS)
@@@ -2185,6 -2200,7 +2198,7 @@@ clean celan: testclea
  	-rm -f $(TOOLS) auto/osdef.h auto/pathdef.c auto/if_perl.c
  	-rm -f conftest* *~ auto/link.sed
  	-rm -rf $(APPDIR)
+ 	-rm -rf mzscheme_base.c
  	if test -d $(PODIR); then \
  		cd $(PODIR); $(MAKE) prefix=$(DESTDIR)$(prefix) clean; \
@@@ -2270,12 -2286,12 +2284,12 @@@ depend
  # Run lint.  Clean up the *.ln files that are sometimes left behind.
  	-rm -f *.ln
  # Check dosinst.c with lint.
- 	lint $(LINT_OPTIONS) -DWIN32 -DUNIX_LINT dosinst.c
+ 	$(LINT) $(LINT_OPTIONS) -DWIN32 -DUNIX_LINT dosinst.c
  	-rm -f dosinst.ln
@@@ -2418,8 -2434,11 +2432,11 @@@ objects/if_cscope.o: if_cscope.
  objects/if_xcmdsrv.o: if_xcmdsrv.c
  	$(CCC) -o $@ if_xcmdsrv.c
- objects/if_mzsch.o: if_mzsch.c
- 	$(CCC) -o $@ if_mzsch.c
+ objects/if_mzsch.o: if_mzsch.c $(MZSCHEME_EXTRA)
+ 	$(CCC) -o $@ $(MZSCHEME_CFLAGS_EXTRA) if_mzsch.c
+ mzscheme_base.c:
+ 	$(MZSCHEME_MZC) --c-mods mzscheme_base.c ++lib scheme/base
  objects/if_perl.o: auto/if_perl.c
  	$(CCC) -o $@ auto/if_perl.c
@@@ -2428,7 -2447,7 +2445,7 @@@ objects/if_perlsfio.o: if_perlsfio.
  	$(CCC) -o $@ if_perlsfio.c
  objects/if_python.o: if_python.c
- 	$(CCC) -o $@ if_python.c
+ 	$(CCC) -o $@ $(PYTHON_CFLAGS_EXTRA) if_python.c
  objects/if_ruby.o: if_ruby.c
  	$(CCC) -o $@ if_ruby.c

Vim packaging

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