[SCM] vim-scripts packaging branch, master, updated. 94d6931b39bc216e79e1673187150bfec7383e86

James Vega jamessan at debian.org
Wed Sep 2 03:33:56 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit ce0542c9373ab926f8598bcca6efc34fe5960c7f
Author: James Vega <jamessan at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Sep 1 21:45:05 2009 -0400

    Update Color Sampler Pack to 7.01

diff --git a/colors/aiseered.vim b/colors/aiseered.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e71108
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/aiseered.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+" gVim color file for working with files in GDL/VCG format.
+" Works nice in conjunction with gdl.vim
+" (see www.vim.org or www.aisee.com)
+" Works fine for C/C++, too.
+" Author : Alexander A. Evstyugov-Babaev <alex at absint.com>
+" Version: 0.2 for gVim/Linux,
+"          tested with gVim 6.3.25 under Ubuntu Linux (Warty)
+"          by Jo Vermeulen <jo at lumumba.luc.ac.be>
+" Date   : January 25th 2005
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="aiseered"
+hi Normal guifg=lightred guibg=#600000
+hi Cursor guifg=bg guibg=fg
+hi ErrorMsg guibg=red ctermfg=1
+hi Search term=reverse ctermfg=darkred ctermbg=lightred guibg=lightred guifg=#060000
+hi Comment guifg=#ffffff
+hi Constant guifg=#88ddee
+hi String guifg=#ffcc88
+hi Character guifg=#ffaa00
+hi Number guifg=#88ddee
+hi Identifier guifg=#cfcfcf
+hi Statement guifg=#eeff99 gui=bold
+hi PreProc guifg=firebrick1 gui=italic
+hi Type guifg=#88ffaa gui=none
+hi Special guifg=#ffaa00
+hi SpecialChar guifg=#ffaa00
+hi StorageClass guifg=#ddaacc
+hi Error guifg=red guibg=white
diff --git a/colors/astronaut.vim b/colors/astronaut.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8caec73..0000000
--- a/colors/astronaut.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-" astronaut.vim: a colorscheme
-"    Maintainer: Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <charles.e.campbell.1 at gsfc.nasa.gov>
-"          Date: Feb 21, 2006
-"       Version: 7
-"  Usage:
-"  Put into your <.vimrc> file:
-"    color astronaut
-"  Optional Modifiers:
-"  let g:astronaut_bold=1      : term, cterm, and gui receive bold modifier
-"  let g:astronaut_dark=1      : dark colors used (otherwise some terminals
-"                                make everything bold, which can be all one
-"                                color)
-"  let g:astronaut_underline=1 : assume that underlining works on your terminal
-"  let g:astronaut_italic=1    : allows italic to be used in gui
-"  Examples:
-"   iris       : let astronaut_dark=1
-"   Linux xterm: no modifiers needed
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 122 1 :AutoInstall: astronaut.vim
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists( "syntax_on" )
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name      = "astronaut"
-let g:loaded_astronaut = "v7"
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Default option values
-if !exists("g:astronaut_bold")
- " on some machines, notably SGIs, a bold qualifier means everything is
- " one color (SGIs: yellow)
- let g:astronaut_bold= 0
-if !exists("g:astronaut_dark")
- " this option, if true, means darkcolor (ex. darkred, darkmagenta, etc)
- " is understood and wanted
- let g:astronaut_dark= 0
-if !exists("g:astronaut_underline")
- let g:astronaut_underline= 1
-if !exists("g:astronaut_italic")
- let g:astronaut_italic= 0
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-"  Settings based on options
-if g:astronaut_bold != 0
- let s:bold=",bold"
- let s:bold=""
-if g:astronaut_italic != 0
- let s:italic= ",italic"
- let s:italic= ""
-if g:astronaut_dark != 0
- let s:black   = "black"
- let s:red     = "darkred"
- let s:green   = "darkgreen"
- let s:yellow  = "darkyellow"
- let s:blue    = "darkblue"
- let s:magenta = "darkmagenta"
- let s:cyan    = "darkcyan"
- let s:white   = "white"
- let s:black   = "black"
- let s:red     = "red"
- let s:green   = "green"
- let s:yellow  = "yellow"
- let s:blue    = "blue"
- let s:magenta = "magenta"
- let s:cyan    = "cyan"
- let s:white   = "white"
-if g:astronaut_underline != 0
- let s:underline= ",underline"
- let s:ulbg     = ""
- let s:underline= "none"
- if exists("g:astronaut_dark")
-  let s:ulbg     = "ctermbg=darkmagenta guibg=magenta4"
- else
-  let s:ulbg     = "ctermbg=magenta guibg=magenta"
- endif
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-exe "hi Blue           start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:blue."                              guifg=blue        guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Comment        start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:white."                             guifg=white                           term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Conceal                                                ctermfg=".s:blue."      ctermbg=".s:black."     guifg=Blue        guibg=Black         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Constant       start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:yellow."                            guifg=yellow      guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Cursor                                                                                                 guifg=blue        guibg=green         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Cyan           start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:cyan."                              guifg=cyan        guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Debug          start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:magenta."   ctermbg=".s:black."     guifg=magenta     guibg=black         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Delimiter      start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:white."                             guifg=white       guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi DiffAdd                                                ctermfg=".s:white."     ctermbg=".s:magenta."   guifg=White       guibg=Magenta       term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi DiffChange                                             ctermfg=".s:yellow."    ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=Yellow      guibg=Blue          term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi DiffDelete                                             ctermfg=".s:white."     ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=White       guibg=Blue          term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi DiffText                                               ctermfg=".s:white."     ctermbg=".s:red."       guifg=White       guibg=Red           term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Directory      start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:white."                             guifg=white                           term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Error          start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:white."     ctermbg=".s:red."       guifg=white       guibg=red           term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi ErrorMsg                                               ctermfg=".s:white."     ctermbg=".s:red."       guifg=White       guibg=Red           term=standout".s:bold."         cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi FoldColumn     start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:cyan."      ctermbg=".s:black."     guifg=Cyan        guibg=Brown         term=standout".s:bold."         cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Folded         start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:magenta."   ctermbg=".s:black."     guifg=magenta     guibg=black         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Function       start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:cyan."                              guifg=cyan        guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Green          start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:green."                             guifg=green       guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Identifier     start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:magenta."                           guifg=magenta     guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Ignore                                                 ctermfg=".s:black  ."                           guifg=bg                              term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi IncSearch      start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:black  ."   ctermbg=".s:green."     guifg=black       guibg=green         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi LineNr                                                 ctermfg=".s:yellow." ".s:ulbg."                 guifg=Yellow                          term=none".s:underline.s:bold." cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Magenta        start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:magenta."                           guifg=magenta     guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Menu                                                                                                   guifg=black       guibg=gray75        term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi ModeMsg                                                ctermfg=".s:green."                             guifg=SeaGreen                        term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi MoreMsg                                                ctermfg=".s:green."                             guifg=SeaGreen                        term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi NonText                                                ctermfg=".s:blue."                              guifg=Blue                            term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Normal         start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:green."                             guifg=green       guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi PreProc        start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:white."     ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=white       guibg=blue3         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Question       start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:yellow."                            guifg=yellow                          term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Red            start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:red."                               guifg=red         guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Scrollbar                                                                                              guifg=gray80      guibg=gray70        term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Search         start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:yellow."    ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=yellow      guibg=blue          term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Special        start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:green."     ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=green       guibg=blue          term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi SpecialKey     start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:black."     ctermbg=".s:magenta."   guifg=black       guibg=magenta       term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Statement      start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:cyan."                              guifg=cyan        guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi StatusLine     start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:black."     ctermbg=".s:cyan."      guifg=black       guibg=cyan          term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi StatusLineNC   start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:black."     ctermbg=".s:green."     guifg=black       guibg=green         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi String         start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:yellow."                            guifg=yellow      guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Subtitle       start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:magenta."                           guifg=magenta     guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-if v:version >= 700
- exe "hi TabLine        start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:black."     ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=black       guibg=blue          term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold.s:underline.s:italic
- exe "hi TabLineSel     start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:green."     ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=green       guibg=blue          term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold.s:underline.s:italic
- exe "hi TabLineFill    start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:blue."      ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=blue        guibg=blue          term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Tags           start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:yellow."    ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=yellow      guibg=blue3         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Title          start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:white."                             guifg=white                           term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Todo           start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:white."     ctermbg=".s:magenta."   guifg=white       guibg=magenta       term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Type           start=    stop=   ctermfg=".s:green."    ".s:ulbg."               guifg=seagreen1                       term=none".s:underline.s:bold." cterm=none".s:bold.s:underline."  gui=none".s:bold.s:underline
-exe "hi Underlined                                             ctermfg=".s:green."     ".s:ulbg."              guifg=green                           term=none".s:underline.s:bold." cterm=none".s:bold.s:underline."  gui=none".s:bold.s:underline
-exe "hi Unique         start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:blue."      ctermbg=".s:white."     guifg=blue3       guibg=white         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi AltUnique      start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:magenta."   ctermbg=".s:white."     guifg=magenta     guibg=white         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi AltAltUnique   start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:black."     ctermbg=".s:white."     guifg=black       guibg=white         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi VertSplit      start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:black."     ctermbg=".s:green."     guifg=black       guibg=green         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Visual         start=   stop=   ctermfg=black           ctermbg=green           guifg=Grey        guibg=fg            term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi VisualNOS                                                                      ".s:ulbg."                                                    term=none".s:underline.s:bold." cterm=none".s:bold.s:underline."  gui=none".s:bold.s:underline
-exe "hi WarningMsg     start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:black."     ctermbg=".s:yellow."    guifg=black       guibg=yellow        term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi White          start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:white."                             guifg=white       guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi WildMenu                                               ctermfg=".s:black."     ctermbg=".s:yellow."    guifg=Black       guibg=Yellow        term=standout".s:bold."         cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi Yellow         start=      stop=   ctermfg=".s:yellow."                            guifg=yellow      guibg=navyblue      term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi lCursor                                                                                                guifg=bg          guibg=fg            term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold
-exe "hi AltConstant    start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:yellow."    ctermbg=".s:black."     guifg=yellow      guibg=black         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold.s:italic
-exe "hi AltFunction    start=   stop=   ctermfg=".s:green."     ctermbg=".s:black."     guifg=green       guibg=black         term=none".s:bold."             cterm=none".s:bold."              gui=none".s:bold.s:italic
-exe "hi AltType        start= stop=   ctermfg=".s:green."     ctermbg=".s:black."     guifg=seagreen1   guibg=black         term=none".s:underline.s:bold." cterm=none".s:bold.s:underline."  gui=none".s:bold.s:underline.s:italic
-exe "hi User1                                                  ctermfg=".s:white."     ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=white       guibg=blue"
-exe "hi User2                                                  ctermfg=".s:cyan."      ctermbg=".s:blue."      guifg=cyan        guibg=blue"
-" vim: nowrap
diff --git a/colors/asu1dark.vim b/colors/asu1dark.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index ce5f90f..0000000
--- a/colors/asu1dark.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   A. Sinan Unur
-" Last Change:  2001/10/04
-" Dark color scheme
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="asu1dark"
-" Console Color Scheme
-hi Normal       term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=LightGray   ctermbg=Black
-hi NonText      term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Brown       ctermbg=Black
-hi Function     term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkCyan    ctermbg=Black
-hi Statement    term=BOLD cterm=BOLD ctermfg=DarkBlue    ctermbg=Black
-hi Special      term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGreen   ctermbg=Black
-hi SpecialChar  term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=Black
-hi Constant     term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=Black
-hi Comment      term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGray    ctermbg=Black
-hi Preproc      term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkGreen   ctermbg=Black
-hi Type         term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkMagenta ctermbg=Black
-hi Identifier   term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=Black
-hi StatusLine   term=BOLD cterm=NONE ctermfg=Yellow      ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi StatusLineNC term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Black       ctermbg=Gray
-hi Visual       term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=White       ctermbg=DarkCyan
-hi Search       term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermbg=Yellow      ctermfg=DarkBlue
-hi VertSplit    term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Black       ctermbg=Gray
-hi Directory    term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Green       ctermbg=Black
-hi WarningMsg   term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=Yellow
-hi Error        term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=DarkRed     ctermbg=Gray
-hi Cursor                            ctermfg=Black       ctermbg=Cyan
-hi LineNr       term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Red         ctermbg=Black
-" GUI Color Scheme
-hi Normal       gui=NONE     guifg=White   guibg=#110022
-hi NonText      gui=NONE     guifg=#ff9999 guibg=#444444
-hi Function     gui=NONE     guifg=#7788ff guibg=#110022
-hi Statement    gui=BOLD     guifg=Yellow  guibg=#110022
-hi Special      gui=NONE     guifg=Cyan    guibg=#110022
-hi Constant     gui=NONE     guifg=#ff9900 guibg=#110022
-hi Comment      gui=NONE     guifg=#99cc99 guibg=#110022
-hi Preproc      gui=NONE     guifg=#33ff66 guibg=#110022
-hi Type         gui=NONE     guifg=#ff5577 guibg=#110022
-hi Identifier   gui=NONE     guifg=Cyan    guibg=#110022
-hi StatusLine   gui=BOLD     guifg=White   guibg=#336600
-hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE     guifg=Black   guibg=#cccccc
-hi Visual       gui=NONE     guifg=White   guibg=#00aa33
-hi Search       gui=BOLD     guibg=Yellow  guifg=DarkBlue
-hi VertSplit    gui=NONE     guifg=White   guibg=#666666
-hi Directory    gui=NONE     guifg=Green   guibg=#110022
-hi WarningMsg   gui=STANDOUT guifg=#0000cc guibg=Yellow
-hi Error        gui=NONE     guifg=White   guibg=Red
-hi Cursor                    guifg=White   guibg=#00ff33
-hi LineNr       gui=NONE     guifg=#cccccc guibg=#334444
-hi ModeMsg      gui=NONE     guifg=Blue    guibg=White
-hi Question     gui=NONE     guifg=#66ff99 guibg=#110022
diff --git a/colors/autumn.vim b/colors/autumn.vim
index 22a5ef0..f269b35 100644
--- a/colors/autumn.vim
+++ b/colors/autumn.vim
@@ -1,88 +1,69 @@
-" Vim colour file
-" Maintainer:   Antony Scriven <ad_scriven at postmaster.co.uk>
-" Last Change:  2003-06-12
+" Vim color file
+"  Maintainer: Tiza
+" Last Change: 2002/10/14 Mon 16:41.
+"     version: 1.0
+" This color scheme uses a light background.
 set background=light
 hi clear
 if exists("syntax_on")
-        syntax reset
+   syntax reset
 let colors_name = "autumn"
-hi Normal       term=none      cterm=none ctermfg=black         ctermbg=White           gui=none guifg=Black            guibg=#f0f2f0
-hi Cursor       term=none      cterm=none ctermfg=white         ctermbg=darkgrey        gui=none guifg=black            guibg=red
-hi DiffAdd      term=bold       cterm=none      ctermfg=white   ctermbg=DarkBlue        gui=none guifg=#aaeeaa          guibg=#447744
-hi DiffChange   term=bold       cterm=none      ctermfg=white   ctermbg=DarkMagenta     gui=none guifg=lightyellow      guibg=#ddbb55
-hi DiffDelete   term=bold       cterm=none      ctermfg=blue    ctermbg=darkcyan        gui=none guifg=#336633          guibg=#aaccaa
-hi difftext     term=reverse    cterm=bold      ctermfg=white   ctermbg=red             gui=none guifg=lightyellow      guibg=#cc7733
-hi Directory    term=none      cterm=none ctermfg=Red           ctermbg=white           gui=none guifg=Red              guibg=bg
-hi ErrorMsg     term=standout  cterm=none ctermfg=white         ctermbg=DarkRed         gui=none guifg=white            guibg=DarkRed
-hi Folded       term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=darkblue      ctermbg=lightgrey       gui=none guifg=darkblue         guibg=lightgrey
-"8 col term
-hi FoldColumn   term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=darkblue      ctermbg=grey            gui=none guifg=darkblue         guibg=grey
-hi IncSearch    term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=yellow        ctermbg=darkgreen       gui=none guifg=yellow           guibg=#449944 
-hi lCursor      term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=black         ctermbg=cyan            gui=none guifg=black            guibg=Cyan
-hi LineNr       term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=darkred       ctermbg=grey            gui=none guifg=brown            guibg=lightgrey 
-hi ModeMsg      term=bold      cterm=none ctermfg=green         ctermbg=darkgreen       gui=none guifg=#007700          guibg=#aaccaa
-hi MoreMsg      term=bold      cterm=none ctermfg=darkGreen     ctermbg=white           gui=none guifg=darkgreen        guibg=bg
-hi Question     term=bold      cterm=none ctermfg=darkGreen     ctermbg=white           gui=none guifg=darkgreen        guibg=bg
-hi Search       term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=black         ctermbg=yellow          gui=none guifg=black            guibg=yellow
-hi SpecialKey   term=italic    cterm=none ctermfg=lightgrey     ctermbg=white           gui=none guifg=lightblue        guibg=bg
-hi NonText      term=bold      cterm=none ctermfg=lightgrey     ctermbg=white           gui=none guifg=#c6c6c6          guibg=bg
-hi StatusLine   term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=white         ctermbg=black           gui=none guifg=#80624d          guibg=#ddd9b8
-hi Title        term=bold      cterm=none ctermfg=DarkMagenta   ctermbg=white           gui=none guifg=DarkMagenta      guibg=bg
-if has("gui_running") || &t_Co > 8
-        hi Visual       term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=black         ctermbg=lightgrey       gui=none guifg=black       guibg=lightgreen
-        hi VertSplit    term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=darkgrey      ctermbg=darkgrey        gui=none guifg=#c7c7c2     guibg=#d7d7d2 
-        hi StatusLineNC term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=white         ctermbg=darkgrey        gui=none guifg=darkgrey    guibg=#d7d7d2
-        hi Comment      term=italic    cterm=none ctermfg=grey          ctermbg=white           gui=none guifg=#ccaaaa     guibg=bg
-        hi Visual       term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=green         ctermbg=darkgreen       gui=none guifg=black    guibg=lightgreen
-        hi VertSplit    term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=darkcyan      ctermbg=darkblue        gui=none guifg=darkgrey guibg=darkgrey 
-        hi StatusLineNC term=reverse   cterm=none ctermfg=white         ctermbg=darkblue        gui=none guifg=white    guibg=darkgrey
-        hi Comment      term=italic    cterm=none ctermfg=darkcyan      ctermbg=white           gui=none guifg=#ccaaaa  guibg=bg
-hi VisualNOS    term=bold      cterm=none ctermfg=grey         ctermbg=black        gui=none guifg=grey         guibg=black
-hi WarningMsg   term=standout  cterm=none ctermfg=Red          ctermbg=white        gui=none guifg=Red          guibg=bg
-hi WildMenu     term=bold      cterm=none ctermfg=darkblue     ctermbg=yellow       gui=none guifg=black        guibg=lightyellow
+hi Normal       guifg=#404040 guibg=#fff4e8
+" Search
+hi IncSearch    gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#404040 guibg=#e0e040
+hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=#544060 guibg=#f0c0ff
+" Messages
+hi ErrorMsg     gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#4040ff
+hi WarningMsg   gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#4040ff
+hi ModeMsg      gui=NONE guifg=#d06000 guibg=NONE
+hi MoreMsg      gui=NONE guifg=#0090a0 guibg=NONE
+hi Question     gui=NONE guifg=#8000ff guibg=NONE
+" Split area
+hi StatusLine   gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#904838
+hi StatusLineNC gui=BOLD guifg=#c0b0a0 guibg=#904838
+hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#904838
+hi WildMenu     gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#ff3030
+" Diff
+hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=#2850a0 guibg=#c0d0f0
+hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=#208040 guibg=#c0f0d0
+hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=#ff2020 guibg=#eaf2b0
+hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=#ff2020 guibg=#eaf2b0
-hi Constant     term=underline  cterm=none      ctermfg=darkred         ctermbg=bg      gui=none guifg=#bb6666  guibg=bg
-hi Special      term=bold       cterm=none      ctermfg=darkcyan        ctermbg=white   gui=none guifg=darkcyan guibg=bg
-hi identifier   term=underline  cterm=none      ctermfg=darkmagenta     ctermbg=white   gui=none guifg=darkcyan guibg=bg
-hi statement    term=bold       cterm=none      ctermfg=darkgreen       ctermbg=white   gui=none guifg=#44aa44  guibg=bg
-hi preproc      term=underline  cterm=none      ctermfg=darkgrey        ctermbg=white   gui=none guifg=darkgrey guibg=bg
-hi type         term=none       cterm=none      ctermfg=brown           ctermbg=white   gui=none guifg=#bb9900  guibg=bg
-hi underlined   term=underline  cterm=underline ctermfg=darkmagenta     ctermbg=white   gui=underline guifg=darkmagenta guibg=bg
-hi Ignore       term=italic     cterm=none      ctermfg=lightgrey       ctermbg=white   gui=none guifg=grey     guibg=bg
-"hi todo         term=underline  cterm=bold      ctermfg=yellow          ctermbg=brown   gui=none guifg=#333333     guibg=#ddee33
-hi todo   term=bold       cterm=none      ctermfg=yellow   ctermbg=brown     gui=bold guifg=#229900      guibg=#ddd9b8
-hi function     term=bold       cterm=none      ctermfg=blue            ctermbg=white   gui=none guifg=#0055cc  guibg=bg
+" Cursor
+hi Cursor       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#0080f0
+hi lCursor      gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8040ff
+hi CursorIM     gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8040ff
-hi link String          Constant
-hi link Character       Constant
-hi link Number          Constant
-hi link Boolean         Constant
-hi link Float           Number
-hi link Conditional     Statement
-hi link Repeat          Statement
-hi link Label           Statement
-hi link Operator        Statement
-hi link Keyword         Statement
-hi link Exception       Statement
-hi link Include         PreProc
-hi link Define          PreProc
-hi link Macro           PreProc
-hi link PreCondit       PreProc
-hi link StorageClass    Type
-hi link Structure       Type
-hi link Typedef         Type
-hi link Tag             Special
-hi link SpecialChar     Special
-hi link Delimiter       Special
-hi link SpecialComment  Special
-hi link Debug           Special
-hi link vimfunction     function
+" Fold
+hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#804030 guibg=#ffc0a0
+hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#a05040 guibg=#f8d8c4
+" Other
+hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=#7050ff guibg=NONE
+hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#e0b090 guibg=NONE
+hi NonText      gui=BOLD guifg=#a05040 guibg=#ffe4d4
+hi SpecialKey   gui=NONE guifg=#0080ff guibg=NONE
+hi Title        gui=BOLD guifg=fg      guibg=NONE
+hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=#804020 guibg=#ffc0a0
+" hi VisualNOS  gui=NONE guifg=#604040 guibg=#e8dddd
-" vim: set ts=8 sw=8 et sts=8 tw=72 fo-=t ff=unix :
+" Syntax group
+hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=#ff5050 guibg=NONE
+hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=#00884c guibg=NONE
+hi Error        gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#4040ff
+hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=#b07800 guibg=NONE
+hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=bg guibg=NONE
+hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=#0090a0 guibg=NONE
+hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=#8040f0 guibg=NONE
+hi Statement    gui=BOLD guifg=#80a030 guibg=NONE
+hi Todo         gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE guifg=#0080f0 guibg=NONE
+hi Type         gui=BOLD guifg=#b06c58 guibg=NONE
+hi Underlined   gui=UNDERLINE guifg=blue guibg=NONE
diff --git a/colors/autumn.vim b/colors/autumn2.vim
similarity index 100%
copy from colors/autumn.vim
copy to colors/autumn2.vim
diff --git a/colors/autumnleaf.vim b/colors/autumnleaf.vim
index b19d073..3260354 100644
--- a/colors/autumnleaf.vim
+++ b/colors/autumnleaf.vim
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ let colors_name="AutumnLeaf"
 " Colors for the User Interface.
-hi Cursor   guibg=#aa7733   guifg=#ffeebb   gui=bold
-hi Normal   guibg=#fffdfa   guifg=black gui=none
-hi NonText  guibg=#eafaea   guifg=#000099   gui=bold
-hi Visual   guibg=#fff8cc   guifg=black gui=none
+hi Cursor       guibg=#aa7733   guifg=#ffeebb   gui=bold
+hi Normal       guibg=#fffdfa   guifg=black     gui=none
+hi NonText      guibg=#eafaea   guifg=#000099   gui=bold
+hi Visual       guibg=#fff8cc   guifg=black     gui=none
 " hi VisualNOS
-hi Linenr   guibg=bg    guifg=#999999 gui=none
+hi Linenr       guibg=bg        guifg=#999999 gui=none
 " Uncomment these if you use Diff...??
 " hi DiffText   guibg=#cc0000   guifg=white gui=none
@@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ hi Linenr   guibg=bg    guifg=#999999 gui=none
 " hi DiffChange guibg=#990099   guifg=white gui=none
 " hi DiffDelete guibg=#888888   guifg=#333333 gui=none
-hi Directory    guibg=bg    guifg=#337700   gui=none
+hi Directory    guibg=bg        guifg=#337700   gui=none
-hi IncSearch    guibg=#c8e8ff   guifg=black gui=none
-hi Search   guibg=#c8e8ff   guifg=black gui=none
-hi SpecialKey   guibg=bg    guifg=fg        gui=none
-hi Titled   guibg=bg    guifg=fg    gui=none
+hi IncSearch    guibg=#c8e8ff   guifg=black     gui=none
+hi Search       guibg=#c8e8ff   guifg=black     gui=none
+hi SpecialKey   guibg=bg        guifg=fg        gui=none
+hi Titled       guibg=bg        guifg=fg        gui=none
-hi ErrorMsg     guibg=bg    guifg=#cc0000   gui=bold
-hi ModeMsg      guibg=bg    guifg=#003399   gui=none
+hi ErrorMsg         guibg=bg    guifg=#cc0000   gui=bold
+hi ModeMsg          guibg=bg    guifg=#003399   gui=none
 hi link MoreMsg     ModeMsg
 hi link Question    ModeMsg
 hi WarningMsg       guibg=bg    guifg=#cc0000   gui=bold
-hi StatusLine   guibg=#ffeebb   guifg=black gui=bold
+hi StatusLine   guibg=#ffeebb   guifg=black     gui=bold
 hi StatusLineNC guibg=#aa8866   guifg=#f8e8cc   gui=none
 hi VertSplit    guibg=#aa8866   guifg=#ffe0bb   gui=none
@@ -57,38 +57,38 @@ hi VertSplit    guibg=#aa8866   guifg=#ffe0bb   gui=none
 hi Comment guibg=#ddeedd guifg=#002200 gui=none
-hi Constant guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=bold
-hi String   guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=italic
+hi Constant     guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=bold
+hi String       guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=italic
 hi Character    guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=italic
-hi Number   guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=bold
-hi Boolean  guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=bold
-hi Float    guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=bold
+hi Number       guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=bold
+hi Boolean      guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=bold
+hi Float        guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=bold
 hi Identifier   guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=none
-hi Function guibg=bg    guifg=#0055aa gui=bold
+hi Function     guibg=bg    guifg=#0055aa gui=bold
 hi Statement    guibg=bg    guifg=#003399 gui=none
 hi Conditional  guibg=bg    guifg=#aa7733 gui=bold
-hi Repeat   guibg=bg    guifg=#aa5544 gui=bold
+hi Repeat       guibg=bg    guifg=#aa5544 gui=bold
 hi link Label   Conditional
-hi Operator guibg=bg    guifg=#aa7733 gui=bold
+hi Operator     guibg=bg    guifg=#aa7733 gui=bold
 hi link Keyword Statement
 hi Exception    guibg=bg    guifg=#228877 gui=bold
-hi PreProc      guibg=bg    guifg=#aa7733 gui=bold
-hi Include      guibg=bg    guifg=#558811 gui=bold
+hi PreProc          guibg=bg    guifg=#aa7733 gui=bold
+hi Include          guibg=bg    guifg=#558811 gui=bold
 hi link Define      Include
 hi link Macro       Include
 hi link PreCondit   Include
-hi Type         guibg=bg    guifg=#007700 gui=bold
+hi Type                 guibg=bg    guifg=#007700 gui=bold
 hi link StorageClass    Type
-hi link Structure   Type
-hi Typedef      guibg=bg    guifg=#009900 gui=italic
+hi link Structure       Type
+hi Typedef              guibg=bg    guifg=#009900 gui=italic
-hi Special      guibg=bg        guifg=fg        gui=none
+hi Special          guibg=bg        guifg=fg        gui=none
 hi SpecialChar      guibg=bg        guifg=fg        gui=bold
-hi Tag          guibg=bg        guifg=#003399   gui=bold
+hi Tag              guibg=bg        guifg=#003399   gui=bold
 hi link Delimiter   Special
 hi SpecialComment   guibg=#dddddd   guifg=#aa0000   gui=none
 hi link Debug       Special
@@ -97,29 +97,29 @@ hi Underlined guibg=bg guifg=blue gui=underline
 hi Title    guibg=bg    guifg=fg        gui=bold
 hi Ignore   guibg=bg    guifg=#999999   gui=none
-hi Error    guibg=red   guifg=white gui=none
+hi Error    guibg=red   guifg=white     gui=none
 hi Todo     guibg=bg    guifg=#aa0000   gui=none
 " The same in cterm colors.
-hi Cursor   ctermbg=6   ctermfg=14
-hi Normal   ctermbg=15  ctermfg=0
-hi NonText  ctermbg=10  ctermfg=1
-hi Visual   ctermbg=14  ctermfg=0
+hi Cursor       ctermbg=6   ctermfg=14
+hi Normal       ctermbg=15  ctermfg=0
+hi NonText      ctermbg=10  ctermfg=1
+hi Visual       ctermbg=14  ctermfg=0
 " hi VisualNOS
-hi Linenr   ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=7
+hi Linenr       ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=7
 " hi DiffText   ctermbg=4   ctermfg=15
 " hi DiffAdd    ctermbg=1   ctermfg=15
 " hi DiffChange ctermbg=5   ctermfg=15
 " hi DiffDelete ctermbg=7   ctermfg=8
 hi Directory    ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=2 
 hi IncSearch    ctermbg=9   ctermfg=0
-hi Search   ctermbg=9   ctermfg=0
+hi Search       ctermbg=9   ctermfg=0
 hi SpecialKey   ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=fg 
-hi Titled   ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=fg
-hi ErrorMsg ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=12 
-hi ModeMsg  ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  
+hi Titled       ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=fg
+hi ErrorMsg     ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=12 
+hi ModeMsg      ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  
 hi WarningMsg   ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=12 
 hi StatusLine   ctermbg=14  ctermfg=0
 hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=6   ctermfg=14
@@ -127,28 +127,28 @@ hi VertSplit    ctermbg=6   ctermfg=14
 " hi Folded
 " hi FoldColumn
 " hi SignColumn
-hi Comment  ctermbg=10  ctermfg=2
-hi Constant ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9
-hi String   ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=italic
+hi Comment      ctermbg=10  ctermfg=2
+hi Constant     ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9
+hi String       ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=italic
 hi Character    ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=italic
-hi Number   ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
-hi Boolean  ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
-hi Float    ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
-hi Function ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
+hi Number       ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
+hi Boolean      ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
+hi Float        ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
+hi Function     ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
 hi Statement    ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
 hi Conditional  ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=6  cterm=bold
-hi Repeat   ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=6  cterm=bold
-hi Operator ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=6  cterm=bold
+hi Repeat       ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=6  cterm=bold
+hi Operator     ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=6  cterm=bold
 hi Exception    ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=2  cterm=bold
-hi PreProc  ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=6
-hi Include  ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=2  cterm=bold
-hi Type     ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=2  cterm=bold
-hi Typedef  ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=2  cterm=italic
-hi Special  ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=fg cterm=bold
-hi Tag      ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
+hi PreProc      ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=6
+hi Include      ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=2  cterm=bold
+hi Type         ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=2  cterm=bold
+hi Typedef      ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=2  cterm=italic
+hi Special      ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=fg cterm=bold
+hi Tag          ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=bold
 hi SpecialComment ctermbg=7 ctermfg=4
 hi Underlined   ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=9  cterm=underline
-hi Title    ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=fg cterm=bold 
-hi Ignore   ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=7
-hi Error    ctermbg=12  ctermfg=15
-hi Todo     ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=15
+hi Title        ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=fg cterm=bold 
+hi Ignore       ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=7
+hi Error        ctermbg=12  ctermfg=15
+hi Todo         ctermbg=bg  ctermfg=15
diff --git a/colors/baycomb.vim b/colors/baycomb.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ecc473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/baycomb.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+" Vim color file
+" baycomb v2.4
+" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1454
+" Maintainer:   Shawn Axsom <axs221 at gmail.com>
+"   * Place :colo baycomb in your VimRC/GVimRC file
+"   * Also add :set background=dark  or :setbackground=light
+"     depending on your preference.
+"   - Thanks to Desert and OceanDeep for their color scheme 
+"     file layouts
+"   - Thanks to Raimon Grau and Bob Lied for their feedback
+if version > 580
+    " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
+    " complaining
+    hi clear
+    if exists("syntax_on")
+                syntax reset
+    endif
+let g:colors_name="baycomb"
+if &background == "dark"
+hi Normal       guifg=#a0b4e0 guibg=#11121a   "1a1823
+hi NonText      guifg=#382920 guibg=bg
+hi Folded       guibg=#232235 guifg=grey
+hi FoldColumn   guibg=#0a0a18 guifg=#dbcaa5
+hi LineNr       guibg=#101124 guifg=#206aa9 
+hi StatusLine   guibg=#354070 guifg=#6880ea gui=none
+hi StatusLineNC guibg=#2c3054 guifg=#5c6dbe gui=none
+hi VertSplit    guibg=#22253c guifg=#223355  gui=none
+hi tablinesel   guibg=#515a71 guifg=#50aae5 gui=none
+hi tabline      guibg=#4d4d5f guifg=#5b7098 gui=none
+hi tablinefill  guibg=#2d2d3f guifg=#aaaaaa gui=none
+"hi SpellBad
+"hi SpellCap
+"hi SpellLocal
+"hi SpellRare
+hi MatchParen   guibg=#7b5a55 guifg=#001122
+" syntax highlighting """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
+hi Comment              guifg=#349d58 guibg=bg
+hi Title            guifg=#e5e5ca gui=none
+hi Underlined   guifg=#bac5ba gui=none
+hi Statement    guifg=#fca8ad gui=none "a080aa
+hi Type             guifg=#0490e8  gui=bold
+hi Constant         guifg=#5c78f0 "guibg=#111a2a
+hi Number       guifg=#4580b4 "guibg=#111a2a
+hi PreProc      guifg=#ba75cf
+hi Special          guifg=#aaaaca
+hi Ignore       guifg=grey40
+hi Todo             guifg=orangered guibg=yellow2
+hi Error        guibg=#b03452
+hi Function     guifg=#bab588 guibg=bg gui=bold 
+hi Identifier   guifg=#5094c4   
+"""""this section borrowed from OceanDeep/Midnight"""""
+highlight Conditional gui=None guifg=#d0688d guibg=bg
+highlight Repeat gui=None guifg=#e06070 guibg=bg
+"hi Label gui=None guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
+highlight Operator gui=None guifg=#e8cdc0 guibg=bg
+highlight Keyword gui=bold guifg=grey guibg=bg
+highlight Exception gui=bold guifg=#d0a8ad guibg=bg
+"end syntax highlighting """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
+" highlight groups
+"hi CursorIM
+hi Directory    guifg=#bbd0df
+hi DiffText    guibg=#004335
+hi DiffChange   guibg=#685b5c
+hi DiffAdd      guibg=#0a4b8c
+hi DiffDelete   guifg=#300845 guibg=#200845
+hi ErrorMsg     guibg=#ff4545
+hi Cursor       guibg=#cad5c0 guifg=#0000aa
+hi Search       guibg=darkyellow guifg=black
+hi IncSearch    guifg=#babeaa guibg=#3a4520 
+hi ModeMsg      guifg=#00AACC
+hi MoreMsg      guifg=SeaGreen
+hi Question     guifg=#AABBCC
+hi SpecialKey   guifg=#90dcb0
+hi Visual       guifg=#102030 guibg=#80a0f0
+hi VisualNOS    guifg=#201a30 guibg=#a3a5FF
+hi WarningMsg   guifg=salmon
+"hi WildMenu
+"hi Menu
+"hi Scrollbar  guibg=grey30 guifg=tan
+"hi Tooltip
+" new Vim 7.0 items
+hi Pmenu        guibg=#3a6595 guifg=#9aadd5
+hi PmenuSel     guibg=#4a85ba guifg=#b0d0f0                    
+" color terminal definitions
+hi Cursor ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+hi Normal ctermfg=grey ctermbg=black
+hi Number ctermfg=darkgreen
+highlight Operator ctermfg=yellow
+highlight Conditional ctermfg=darkred
+highlight Repeat ctermfg=darkred
+hi Exception ctermfg=darkred
+hi SpecialKey   ctermfg=darkgreen
+hi NonText      cterm=bold ctermfg=darkgrey
+hi Directory    ctermfg=darkcyan
+hi ErrorMsg     cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
+hi IncSearch    ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
+hi Search       ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
+hi MoreMsg      ctermfg=darkgreen
+hi ModeMsg      cterm=NONE ctermfg=brown
+hi LineNr       ctermfg=darkcyan ctermbg=black
+hi Question     ctermfg=green
+hi StatusLine   ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=darkblue cterm=NONE
+hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue cterm=NONE
+hi VertSplit    ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkgrey cterm=NONE
+hi Title        ctermfg=yellow cterm=NONE
+hi Visual       ctermbg=grey ctermfg=blue cterm=NONE
+hi VisualNOS    ctermbg=grey ctermfg=blue cterm=NONE
+hi WarningMsg   ctermfg=1
+hi WildMenu     ctermfg=0 ctermbg=3
+hi Folded       ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=darkblue cterm=NONE
+hi FoldColumn   ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=black
+hi DiffAdd      ctermbg=4
+hi DiffChange   ctermbg=5
+hi DiffDelete   cterm=bold ctermfg=4 ctermbg=6
+hi DiffText     cterm=bold ctermbg=1
+hi Comment              ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=black
+hi Identifier   ctermfg=cyan
+"set comments to grey on non-Windows OS's to make sure
+"it is readable
+if &term == "builtin_gui" || &term == "win32"
+        hi function ctermfg=grey
+        hi Type         ctermfg=darkyellow ctermbg=darkblue
+        hi IncSearch    ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey cterm=NONE
+        hi Search       ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkgrey cterm=NONE
+        hi function ctermfg=white
+        hi Type         ctermfg=grey
+        hi IncSearch    ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
+        hi Search       ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
+hi Constant     ctermfg=darkcyan
+hi Special      ctermfg=white
+hi Statement    ctermfg=yellow
+hi PreProc      ctermfg=darkred
+hi Underlined   ctermfg=cyan cterm=NONE
+hi Ignore       cterm=bold ctermfg=7
+hi Ignore       ctermfg=darkgrey
+hi Error        cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
+" new Vim 7.0 items
+hi Pmenu        ctermbg=darkblue ctermfg=lightgrey
+hi PmenuSel     ctermbg=lightblue ctermfg=white                    
+hi tablinesel   ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=blue
+hi tabline      ctermfg=black ctermbg=blue
+hi tablinefill  ctermfg=green ctermbg=darkblue
+"vim: sw=4
+hi MatchParen   ctermfg=black ctermbg=green
+elseif &background == "light"
+hi Normal       guifg=#003255 guibg=#e8ebf0 "greyish blue2
+hi NonText      guifg=#382920 guibg=#152555
+" syntax highlighting """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
+"set comments to grey on non-Windows OS's to make sure
+"it is readable
+if &term == "builtin_gui" || &term == "win32"
+        hi Comment              guifg=#daddb8  guibg=#308ae5
+        hi Comment              guifg=darkyellow  guibg=#207ada
+hi Title                guifg=#857540  gui=none
+hi Underlined   guifg=#8a758a  
+hi Statement    guifg=#da302a  gui=none
+hi Type                 guifg=#307aca  gui=none
+hi Constant             guifg=#3a40aa  gui=none
+hi PreProc      guifg=#9570b5 
+hi Identifier   guifg=#856075  "gui=bold
+hi Special              guifg=#652a7a 
+hi Ignore       guifg=grey40
+hi Todo                 guifg=orangered guibg=yellow2
+hi Error        guibg=#b03452
+"""""this section borrowed from OceanDeep/Midnight"""""
+hi Number guifg=#006bcd 
+hi Function gui=None guifg=#d06d50 "or green 50b3b0 
+highlight Conditional gui=None guifg=#a50a4a
+highlight Repeat gui=None guifg=#700d8a
+"hi Label gui=None guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
+highlight Operator gui=None guifg=#e0b045
+highlight Keyword gui=bold guifg=grey guibg=bg
+highlight Exception gui=none guifg=#ea5460
+"end syntax highlighting """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
+" highlight groups
+"hi CursorIM
+hi Directory    guifg=#bbd0df
+"hi DiffAdd
+"hi DiffChange
+"hi DiffDelete
+"hi DiffText
+hi ErrorMsg     guibg=#ff4545
+hi Cursor       guibg=#cadaca guifg=#05293d
+hi FoldColumn   guibg=#409ae0 guifg=darkgrey
+"hi FoldColumn  guibg=#83a5cd guifg=#70459F
+hi LineNr       guibg=#409ae0 guifg=darkblue gui=bold
+"hi LineNr       guibg=#081c30 guifg=#80a0dA 
+hi StatusLine   guibg=#20b5fd guifg=#0a150d gui=none
+hi StatusLineNC guibg=#0580da guifg=#302d34 gui=none
+hi Search       guibg=#babdad guifg=#3a4520
+hi IncSearch    guifg=#dadeca guibg=#3a4520 
+hi VertSplit    guibg=#525f95 guifg=grey50 gui=none
+hi Folded       guibg=#252f5d guifg=#BBDDCC
+hi ModeMsg      guifg=#00AACC
+hi MoreMsg      guifg=SeaGreen
+hi Question     guifg=#AABBCC
+hi SpecialKey   guifg=#308c70
+hi Visual       guifg=#008FBF guibg=#33DFEF
+"hi VisualNOS
+hi WarningMsg   guifg=salmon
+"hi WildMenu
+"hi Menu
+"hi Scrollbar  guibg=grey30 guifg=tan
+"hi Tooltip
+" new Vim 7.0 items
+hi Pmenu        guibg=#3a6595 guifg=#9aadd5
+hi PmenuSel     guibg=#4a85ba guifg=#b0d0f0                    
+" color terminal definitions
+hi Normal ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+hi Number ctermfg=blue
+highlight Operator ctermfg=yellow
+highlight Conditional ctermfg=magenta
+highlight Repeat ctermfg=magenta
+hi Exception ctermfg=red
+hi function ctermfg=darkyellow
+hi SpecialKey   ctermfg=darkgreen
+hi NonText      cterm=bold ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=grey
+hi Directory    ctermfg=darkcyan
+hi ErrorMsg     cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
+hi IncSearch    ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
+hi Search       ctermfg=white ctermbg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
+hi MoreMsg      ctermfg=darkgreen
+hi ModeMsg      cterm=NONE ctermfg=brown
+hi LineNr       ctermfg=black ctermbg=blue
+hi Question     ctermfg=green
+hi StatusLine   ctermfg=cyan ctermbg=blue cterm=NONE
+hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue cterm=NONE
+hi VertSplit    ctermfg=black ctermbg=black cterm=NONE
+hi Title        ctermfg=darkyellow ctermbg=white
+hi Visual       ctermbg=darkcyan ctermfg=cyan cterm=NONE
+hi VisualNOS    ctermbg=darkcyan ctermfg=white cterm=NONE
+hi WarningMsg   ctermfg=1
+hi WildMenu     ctermfg=0 ctermbg=3
+hi Folded       ctermfg=black ctermbg=white cterm=NONE
+hi FoldColumn   ctermfg=green ctermbg=blue
+hi DiffAdd      ctermbg=4
+hi DiffChange   ctermbg=5
+hi DiffDelete   cterm=bold ctermfg=4 ctermbg=6
+hi DiffText     cterm=bold ctermbg=1
+hi Comment              ctermfg=grey  ctermbg=blue
+hi Constant     ctermfg=darkblue
+hi Special      ctermfg=darkmagenta
+hi Identifier   ctermfg=darkyellow cterm=NONE
+hi Statement    ctermfg=red
+hi PreProc      ctermfg=magenta
+hi Type         ctermfg=darkcyan "or darkcyan
+hi Underlined   ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+hi Ignore       cterm=bold ctermfg=7
+hi Ignore       ctermfg=darkgrey
+hi Error        cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
+" new Vim 7.0 items
+hi Pmenu        ctermbg=darkblue ctermfg=lightgrey
+hi PmenuSel     ctermbg=lightblue ctermfg=white                    
+"vim: sw=4
diff --git a/colors/biogoo.vim b/colors/biogoo.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index e99dd14..0000000
--- a/colors/biogoo.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color File
-" Name:			biogoo
-" Maintainer:	Benjamin Esham <bdesham at gmail.com>
-" Last Change:	2006-11-20
-" Version:		1.5
-" Colorful text on a light gray background.  It's pretty easy on the eyes in
-" my opinion.  Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
-" Installation:
-"	Copy to ~/.vim/colors; do :color biogoo
-" Customization Options:
-"	Use a 'normal' cursor color:
-"		let g:biogoo_normal_cursor = 1
-" Props:
-"	Jani Nurminen's zenburn.vim as an example file.
-"	Scott F. and Matt F. for feature suggestions.
-"	Bill McCarthy for his Vim mailing list post about Vim 7 support.
-" Version History:
-"	1.5:	should fully support Vim 7 now
-"	1.4:	more support for Vim 7: added the `MatchParen' group for ()[]{} matching
-"	1.3:	added support for Vim 7: added groups for the new spellchecking, and
-"			added a conditional to display Visual mode correctly in any version.		
-"	1.2:	added `SpellErrors' group for use with vimspell.
-"	1.1:	added `IncSearch' group for improved visibility in incremental searches.
-"	1.0:	minor tweaks
-"	0.95:	initial release
-" TODO: Add new groups as needed.  E-mail me with any suggestions!
-set background=light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-	syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "biogoo"
-hi Comment			guifg=#0000c3
-hi Constant			guifg=#0000ff
-hi CursorColumn		guibg=#ffffff
-hi CursorLine		guibg=#ffffff
-hi Delimiter		guifg=#00007f
-hi DiffAdd			guifg=#007f00 guibg=#e5e5e5
-hi DiffChange		guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5
-hi DiffDelete		guifg=#7f0000 guibg=#e5e5e5
-hi DiffText			guifg=#ee0000 guibg=#e5e5e5
-hi Directory		guifg=#b85d00
-hi Error			guifg=#d6d6d6 guibg=#7f0000
-hi ErrorMsg			guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff0000 gui=bold
-hi Float			guifg=#b85d00
-hi FoldColumn		guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5
-hi Folded			guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5
-hi Function			guifg=#7f0000
-hi Identifier		guifg=#004000
-hi Include			guifg=#295498 gui=bold
-hi IncSearch		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#0000ff gui=bold
-hi LineNr			guifg=#303030 guibg=#e5e5e5 gui=underline
-hi Keyword			guifg=#00007f
-hi Macro			guifg=#295498
-hi MatchParen		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#00a000
-hi ModeMsg			guifg=#00007f
-hi MoreMsg			guifg=#00007f
-hi NonText			guifg=#007f00
-hi Normal			guifg=#000000 guibg=#d6d6d6
-hi Number			guifg=#b85d00
-hi Operator			guifg=#00007f
-hi Pmenu			guifg=#000000 guibg=#cc9999
-hi PmenuSel			guifg=#ffffff guibg=#993333
-hi PmenuSbar		guibg=#99cc99
-hi PmenuThumb		guifg=#339933
-hi PreCondit		guifg=#295498 gui=bold
-hi PreProc			guifg=#0c3b6b gui=bold
-hi Question			guifg=#00007f
-hi Search			guibg=#ffff00
-hi Special			guifg=#007f00
-hi SpecialKey		guifg=#00007f
-hi SpellBad			guifg=#ffffff guibg=#7f0000 gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
-hi SpellCap			guifg=#ffffff guibg=#7f007f gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
-hi SpellLocal		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#007f7f gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
-hi SpellRare		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#b85d00 gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
-hi Statement		guifg=#00007f gui=none
-hi StatusLine		guifg=#00007f guibg=#ffffff
-hi StatusLineNC		guifg=#676767 guibg=#ffffff
-hi String			guifg=#d10000
-hi TabLine			guifg=#222222 guibg=#d6d6d6
-hi TabLineFill		guifg=#d6d6d6
-hi TabLineSel		guifg=#00007f guibg=#eeeeee gui=bold
-hi Title			guifg=#404040 gui=bold
-hi Todo				guifg=#00007f guibg=#e5e5e5 gui=underline
-hi Type				guifg=#540054 gui=bold
-hi Underlined		guifg=#b85d00
-hi VertSplit		guifg=#676767 guibg=#ffffff
-if version < 700
-	hi Visual		guifg=#7f7f7f guibg=#ffffff
-	hi Visual		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#7f7f7f
-hi VisualNOS		guifg=#007f00 guibg=#e5e5e5
-hi WarningMsg		guifg=#500000
-hi WildMenu			guifg=#540054
-" Non-standard highlighting (e.g. for plugins)
-" vimspell
-hi SpellErrors		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#7f0000 gui=undercurl guisp=#d6d6d6
-if !exists("g:biogoo_normal_cursor")
-	" use a gray-on-blue cursor
-	hi Cursor		guifg=#ffffff guibg=#00007f
-" vim:noet:ts=4 sw=4
diff --git a/colors/blackdust.vim b/colors/blackdust.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0eb20a7..0000000
--- a/colors/blackdust.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-set background=dark
-hi clear          
-hi Boolean         guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
-hi Character       guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
-hi Comment         guifg=#7f7f7f
-hi Condtional      guifg=#8fffff
-hi Constant        guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
-hi Cursor          guifg=#000000 guibg=#aeaeae
-hi Debug           guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
-hi Define          guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
-hi Delimiter       guifg=#8f8f8f
-hi DiffAdd         guibg=#613c46
-hi DiffChange      guibg=#333333
-hi DiffDelete      guifg=#333333 guibg=#464646 gui=none
-hi DiffText        guifg=#ffffff guibg=#1f1f1f gui=bold
-hi Directory       guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
-hi Error           guifg=#000000 guibg=#00ffff
-hi ErrorMsg        guifg=#000000 guibg=#00c0cf
-hi Exception       guifg=#8fffff gui=underline
-hi Float           guifg=#9c93b3
-hi FoldColumn      guifg=#dca3a3 guibg=#464646
-hi Folded          guifg=#dca3a3 guibg=#333333
-hi Function        guifg=#ffff8f
-hi Identifier      guifg=#ffffff
-hi Include         guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
-hi IncSearch       guifg=#000000 guibg=#c15c66
-hi Keyword         guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
-hi Label           guifg=#8fffff gui=underline
-hi LineNr          guifg=#7f7f7f guibg=#464646
-hi Macro           guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
-hi ModeMsg         guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
-hi MoreMsg         guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
-hi NonText         guifg=#1f1f1f
-hi Normal          guifg=#cccccc guibg=#3f3f3f
-hi Number          guifg=#aca0a3
-hi Operator        guifg=#ffffff
-hi PreCondit       guifg=#dfaf8f gui=bold
-hi PreProc         guifg=#ffcfaf gui=bold
-hi Question        guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
-hi Repeat          guifg=#8fffff gui=underline
-hi Search          guifg=#000000 guibg=#c15c66
-hi SpecialChar     guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
-hi SpecialComment  guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
-hi Special         guifg=#7f7f7f
-hi SpecialKey      guifg=#7e7e7e
-hi Statement       guifg=#8fffff
-hi StatusLine      guifg=#333333 guibg=#f18c96
-hi StatusLineNC    guifg=#333333 guibg=#cccccc
-hi StorageClass    guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
-hi String          guifg=#cc9393
-hi Structure       guifg=#ffffff gui=bold,underline
-hi Tag             guifg=#dca3a3 gui=bold
-hi Title           guifg=#ffffff guibg=#333333 gui=bold
-hi Todo            guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000 gui=bold
-hi Typedef         guifg=#ffffff gui=bold,underline
-hi Type            guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
-hi VertSplit       guifg=#333333 guibg=#cccccc
-hi Visual          guifg=#333333 guibg=#f18c96 gui=reverse
-hi VisualNOS       guifg=#333333 guibg=#f18c96 gui=bold,underline
-hi WarningMsg      guifg=#ffffff guibg=#333333 gui=bold
-hi WildMenu        guifg=#000000 guibg=#dca3a3
diff --git a/colors/bluegreen.vim b/colors/bluegreen.vim
index bdb4892..fd32bfe 100644
--- a/colors/bluegreen.vim
+++ b/colors/bluegreen.vim
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
 " Vim color file
 " Maintainer:   
 " Last Change:  
-" URL:           
+" URL:                   
 " cool help screens
@@ -18,23 +16,23 @@ if exists("syntax_on")
 let g:colors_name="mine"
-hi Normal   guifg=White guibg=#061A3E
+hi Normal       guifg=White guibg=#061A3E
 " highlight groups
-hi Cursor   guibg=#D74141 guifg=#e3e3e3
+hi Cursor       guibg=#D74141 guifg=#e3e3e3
 hi VertSplit guibg=#C0FFFF guifg=#075554 gui=none
-hi Folded       guibg=#FFC0C0 guifg=black
+hi Folded               guibg=#FFC0C0 guifg=black
 hi FoldColumn   guibg=#800080 guifg=tan
 "hi IncSearch   cterm=none ctermbg=blue ctermfg=grey guifg=slategrey guibg=khaki
 hi ModeMsg guifg=#404040 guibg=#C0C0C0
 hi MoreMsg guifg=darkturquoise guibg=#188F90
 hi NonText guibg=#334C75 guifg=#9FADC5
-hi Question guifg=#F4BB7E
+hi Question     guifg=#F4BB7E
 hi Search guibg=fg guifg=bg 
 hi SpecialKey   guifg=#BF9261
 hi StatusLine   guibg=#004443 guifg=#c0ffff gui=none
 hi StatusLineNC guibg=#067C7B guifg=#004443 gui=bold
-hi Title    guifg=#8DB8C3
+hi Title        guifg=#8DB8C3
 hi Visual gui=bold guifg=black guibg=#C0FFC0
 hi WarningMsg   guifg=#F60000 gui=underline
@@ -46,7 +44,7 @@ hi Statement guifg=#7E75B5
 hi PreProc guifg=#14F07C
 hi Type guifg=#A9EE8A
 hi Special guifg=#EEBABA
-hi Ignore   guifg=grey60
+hi Ignore       guifg=grey60
 hi Todo guibg=#9C8C84 guifg=#244C0A
 "vim: ts=4
diff --git a/colors/borland.vim b/colors/borland.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index c39c101..0000000
--- a/colors/borland.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Yegappan Lakshmanan
-" Last Change:  2001 Sep 9
-" Color settings similar to that used in Borland IDE's.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="borland"
-hi Normal       term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Yellow ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi Normal       gui=NONE guifg=Yellow guibg=DarkBlue
-hi NonText      term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=White ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi NonText      gui=NONE guifg=White guibg=DarkBlue
-hi Statement    term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=White  ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=White guibg=DarkBlue
-hi Special      term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Cyan ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=Cyan guibg=DarkBlue
-hi Constant     term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Magenta ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=Magenta guibg=DarkBlue
-hi Comment      term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Gray ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=Gray guibg=DarkBlue
-hi Preproc      term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Green ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi Preproc      gui=NONE guifg=Green guibg=DarkBlue
-hi Type         term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=White ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=White guibg=DarkBlue
-hi Identifier   term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=White ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=White guibg=DarkBlue
-hi StatusLine   term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=Black ctermbg=White
-hi StatusLine   gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=White
-hi StatusLineNC term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Black ctermbg=White
-hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=Black guibg=White
-hi Visual       term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Black ctermbg=DarkCyan
-hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=Black guibg=DarkCyan
-hi Search       term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermbg=Gray
-hi Search       gui=NONE guibg=Gray
-hi VertSplit    term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Black ctermbg=White
-hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=Black guibg=White
-hi Directory    term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=Green ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=Green guibg=DarkBlue
-hi WarningMsg   term=standout cterm=NONE ctermfg=Red ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi WarningMsg   gui=standout guifg=Red guibg=DarkBlue
-hi Error        term=NONE cterm=NONE ctermfg=White ctermbg=Red
-hi Error        gui=NONE guifg=White guibg=Red
-hi Cursor       ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Yellow
-hi Cursor       guifg=Black guibg=Yellow
diff --git a/colors/breeze.vim b/colors/breeze.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 21cf417..0000000
--- a/colors/breeze.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-"  Maintainer: Tiza
-" Last Change: 2002/10/30 Wed 00:08.
-"     version: 1.0
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name = "breeze"
-hi Normal       guifg=#ffffff guibg=#005c70
-" Search
-hi IncSearch    gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#60ffff guibg=#6060ff
-hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#6060ff
-" Messages
-hi ErrorMsg     gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff40a0
-hi WarningMsg   gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff40a0
-hi ModeMsg      gui=NONE guifg=#60ffff guibg=NONE
-hi MoreMsg      gui=NONE guifg=#ffc0ff guibg=NONE
-hi Question     gui=NONE guifg=#ffff60 guibg=NONE
-" Split area
-hi StatusLine   gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#d0d0e0
-hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=#606080 guibg=#d0d0e0
-hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=#606080 guibg=#d0d0e0
-hi WildMenu     gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#00c8f0
-" Diff
-hi DiffText     gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#ffff00 guibg=#000000
-hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000
-hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=#60ff60 guibg=#000000
-hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=#60ff60 guibg=#000000
-" Cursor
-hi Cursor       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#d86020
-hi lCursor      gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#e000b0
-hi CursorIM     gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#e000b0
-" Fold
-hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#0088c0
-" hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#2080d0
-hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#60e0e0 guibg=#006c7f
-" Other
-hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=#00e0ff guibg=NONE
-hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#60a8bc guibg=NONE
-hi NonText      gui=BOLD guifg=#00c0c0 guibg=#006276
-hi SpecialKey   gui=NONE guifg=#e0a0ff guibg=NONE
-hi Title        gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=NONE
-hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#6060d0
-" hi VisualNOS  gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#6060d0
-" Syntax group
-hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=#c8d0d0 guibg=NONE
-hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=#60ffff guibg=NONE
-hi Error        gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff40a0
-hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=#cacaff guibg=NONE
-hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=#006074 guibg=NONE
-hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=#ffc0ff guibg=NONE
-hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=#ffd074 guibg=NONE
-hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=#ffff80 guibg=NONE
-hi Todo         gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE guifg=#ffb0b0 guibg=NONE
-hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=#80ffa0 guibg=NONE
-hi Underlined   gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#ffffff guibg=NONE
diff --git a/colors/brookstream.vim b/colors/brookstream.vim
index 63ca719..c440002 100644
--- a/colors/brookstream.vim
+++ b/colors/brookstream.vim
@@ -18,45 +18,45 @@ let g:colors_name="brookstream"
-hi Normal                   gui=none    guibg=#000000   guifg=#bbbbbb
-hi Cursor                                       guibg=#44ff44 guifg=#000000
-hi Directory                                                            guifg=#44ffff
-hi DiffAdd                                  guibg=#080808   guifg=#ffff00
-hi DiffDelete                               guibg=#080808   guifg=#444444
-hi DiffChange                               guibg=#080808   guifg=#ffffff
-hi DiffText                                 guibg=#080808   guifg=#bb0000
-hi ErrorMsg                                 guibg=#880000   guifg=#ffffff
-hi Folded                                                                   guifg=#000088
-hi IncSearch                                guibg=#000000   guifg=#bbcccc
-hi LineNr                                       guibg=#050505   guifg=#4682b4
-hi ModeMsg                                                              guifg=#ffffff
-hi MoreMsg                                                              guifg=#44ff44
-hi NonText                                                              guifg=#4444ff
-hi Question                                                             guifg=#ffff00
-hi SpecialKey                                                           guifg=#4444ff
-hi StatusLine           gui=none    guibg=#2f4f4f   guifg=#ffffff
-hi StatusLineNC     gui=none    guibg=#bbbbbb   guifg=#000000       
-hi Title                                                                    guifg=#ffffff
-hi Visual                   gui=none    guibg=#bbbbbb   guifg=#000000
-hi WarningMsg                               guifg=#ffff00
+hi Normal gui=none guibg=#000000 guifg=#bbbbbb
+hi Cursor guibg=#44ff44 guifg=#000000
+hi Directory guifg=#44ffff
+hi DiffAdd guibg=#080808 guifg=#ffff00
+hi DiffDelete guibg=#080808 guifg=#444444
+hi DiffChange guibg=#080808 guifg=#ffffff
+hi DiffText guibg=#080808 guifg=#bb0000
+hi ErrorMsg guibg=#880000 guifg=#ffffff
+hi Folded guifg=#000088
+hi IncSearch guibg=#000000 guifg=#bbcccc
+hi LineNr guibg=#050505 guifg=#4682b4
+hi ModeMsg guifg=#ffffff
+hi MoreMsg guifg=#44ff44
+hi NonText guifg=#4444ff
+hi Question guifg=#ffff00
+hi SpecialKey guifg=#4444ff
+hi StatusLine gui=none guibg=#2f4f4f guifg=#ffffff
+hi StatusLineNC gui=none guibg=#bbbbbb guifg=#000000 
+hi Title guifg=#ffffff
+hi Visual gui=none guibg=#bbbbbb guifg=#000000
+hi WarningMsg guifg=#ffff00
 " syntax highlighting groups ----------------------------------------
-hi Comment                                  guifg=#696969
-hi Constant                                 guifg=#00aaaa
-hi Identifier                               guifg=#00e5ee
-hi Statement                                guifg=#00ffff
-hi PreProc                                  guifg=#8470ff
-hi Type                                         guifg=#ffffff
-hi Special      gui=none            guifg=#87cefa
-hi Underlined   gui=bold          guifg=#4444ff
-hi Ignore                                       guifg=#444444
-hi Error            guibg=#000000   guifg=#bb0000
-hi Todo             guibg=#aa0006   guifg=#fff300
-hi Operator     gui=none            guifg=#00bfff
-hi Function                         guifg=#1e90ff
-hi String       gui=None            guifg=#4682b4
-hi Boolean                                  guifg=#9bcd9b
+hi Comment guifg=#696969
+hi Constant guifg=#00aaaa
+hi Identifier guifg=#00e5ee
+hi Statement guifg=#00ffff
+hi PreProc guifg=#8470ff
+hi Type guifg=#ffffff
+hi Special gui=none guifg=#87cefa
+hi Underlined gui=bold guifg=#4444ff
+hi Ignore guifg=#444444
+hi Error guibg=#000000 guifg=#bb0000
+hi Todo guibg=#aa0006 guifg=#fff300
+hi Operator gui=none guifg=#00bfff
+hi Function guifg=#1e90ff
+hi String gui=None guifg=#4682b4
+hi Boolean guifg=#9bcd9b
 "hi link Character Constant
 "hi link Number    Constant
diff --git a/colors/buttercream.vim b/colors/buttercream.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 05931f8..0000000
--- a/colors/buttercream.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" vim: tw=0 ts=8 sw=4
-" Scriptname:   buttercream
-" Maintainer:   Håkan Wikström <hakan at prinsig.se>
-" Version:      1.1
-" Last Change:  20060413
-" As of now only gui is supported
-" Based on the theme fog theme by Thomas R. Kimpton <tomk at emcity.net>
-set background=light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let colors_name = "buttercream"
-"  Highlight            Foreground              Background                      Extras
-hi Normal               guifg=#213a58           guibg=#ffffde
-hi NonText              guifg=LightBlue         guibg=#eee9bf                   gui=bold
-hi Comment              guifg=#2f8e99
-hi Constant             guifg=#7070a0
-hi Statement            guifg=DarkGreen                                         gui=bold
-hi identifier           guifg=DarkGreen
-hi preproc              guifg=#408040
-hi type                 guifg=DarkBlue
-hi label                guifg=#c06000
-hi operator             guifg=DarkGreen                                         gui=bold
-hi StorageClass         guifg=#a02060                                           gui=bold
-hi Number               guifg=Blue
-hi Special              guifg=#aa8822
-hi Cursor               guifg=LightGrey         guibg=#880088
-hi lCursor              guifg=Black             guibg=Cyan
-hi ErrorMsg             guifg=White             guibg=DarkRed
-hi DiffText                                     guibg=DarkRed                   gui=bold
-hi Directory            guifg=DarkGrey                                          gui=underline
-hi LineNr               guifg=#ccaa22
-hi MoreMsg              guifg=SeaGreen                                          gui=bold
-hi Question             guifg=DarkGreen                                         gui=bold
-hi Search               guifg=Black             guibg=#887722
-hi SpecialKey           guifg=Blue
-hi SpecialChar          guifg=DarkGrey                                          gui=bold
-hi Title                guifg=DarkMagenta                                       gui=underline
-hi WarningMsg           guifg=DarkBlue          guibg=#9999cc
-hi WildMenu             guifg=Black             guibg=Yellow                    gui=underline
-hi Folded               guifg=DarkBlue          guibg=LightGrey
-hi FoldColumn           guifg=DarkBLue          guibg=Grey
-hi DiffAdd                                      guibg=DarkBlue
-hi DiffChange                                   guibg=DarkMagenta
-hi DiffDelete           guifg=Blue              guibg=DarkCyan                  gui=bold
-hi Ignore               guifg=grey90
-hi IncSearch                                                                    gui=reverse
-hi ModeMsg                                                                      gui=bold
-hi StatusLine                                                                   gui=reverse,bold
-hi StatusLineNC                                                                 gui=reverse
-hi VertSplit                                                                    gui=reverse
-hi Visual               guifg=LightGrey                                         gui=reverse
-hi VisualNOS                                                                    gui=underline,bold
-hi Todo                                         guibg=#ccaa22                   gui=bold,underline
diff --git a/colors/bw.vim b/colors/bw.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b42657e..0000000
--- a/colors/bw.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Hans Fugal <hans at fugal.net>
-" Last Change:  5 Oct 2001
-" URL:      http://fugal.net/vim/colors/bw.vim
-" cool help screens
-" :he group-name
-" :he highlight-groups
-" :he cterm-colors
-if version > 580
-    " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
-    " complaining
-    hi clear
-    if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-    endif
-let g:colors_name="bw"
-hi SpecialKey     cterm=bold        ctermfg=NONE
-hi NonText        cterm=bold            ctermfg=NONE
-hi Directory      cterm=bold            ctermfg=NONE
-hi ErrorMsg       cterm=standout        ctermfg=NONE
-hi IncSearch      cterm=reverse         ctermfg=NONE
-hi Search         cterm=reverse         ctermfg=NONE
-hi MoreMsg        cterm=bold            ctermfg=NONE
-hi ModeMsg        cterm=bold            ctermfg=NONE
-hi LineNr         cterm=underline       ctermfg=NONE
-hi Question       cterm=standout        ctermfg=NONE
-hi StatusLine     cterm=bold,reverse    ctermfg=NONE
-hi StatusLineNC   cterm=reverse     ctermfg=NONE
-hi VertSplit      cterm=reverse     ctermfg=NONE
-hi Title          cterm=bold        ctermfg=NONE
-hi Visual         cterm=reverse     ctermfg=NONE
-hi VisualNOS      cterm=bold,underline  ctermfg=NONE
-hi WarningMsg     cterm=standout    ctermfg=NONE
-hi WildMenu       cterm=standout    ctermfg=NONE
-hi Folded         cterm=standout    ctermfg=NONE
-hi FoldColumn     cterm=standout    ctermfg=NONE
-hi DiffAdd        cterm=bold            ctermfg=NONE
-hi DiffChange     cterm=bold            ctermfg=NONE
-hi DiffDelete     cterm=bold            ctermfg=NONE
-hi DiffText       cterm=reverse         ctermfg=NONE
-hi Comment        cterm=bold            ctermfg=NONE
-hi Constant       cterm=underline   ctermfg=NONE
-hi Special        cterm=bold        ctermfg=NONE
-hi Identifier     cterm=underline   ctermfg=NONE
-hi Statement      cterm=bold        ctermfg=NONE
-hi PreProc        cterm=underline   ctermfg=NONE
-hi Type           cterm=underline   ctermfg=NONE
-hi Underlined     cterm=underline   ctermfg=NONE
-hi Ignore         cterm=bold        ctermfg=NONE
-hi Error          cterm=reverse     ctermfg=NONE
-hi Todo           cterm=standout    ctermfg=NONE
diff --git a/colors/calmar256_dark.vim b/colors/calmar256_dark.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c823fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/calmar256_dark.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+" Vim color file:  calmar256-dark.vim
+" Last Change: 21. Aug 2007
+" License: public domain
+" Maintainer:: calmar <mac at calmar.ws>
+" for a 256 color capable terminal like xterm-256color, ... or gvim as well
+" "{{{
+" it only works in such a terminal and when you have:
+" set t_Co=256
+" in your vimrc"}}}
+" {{{ t_Co=256 is set - check 
+if &t_Co != 256 && ! has("gui_running")
+    echomsg ""
+    echomsg "write 'set t_Co=256' in your .vimrc or this file won't load"
+    echomsg ""
+    finish
+" }}}
+" {{{ reset colors and set colors_name and store cpo setting
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "calmar256-dark"
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" }}}
+" FORMAT:"{{{
+" \ ["color-group", "term-style", "foreground-color", "background-color", "gui-style", "under-curl-color" ],
+" 'term-style'/'gui-style' can be: 
+"              bold, underline, undercurl, reverse, inverse, italic, standout, NONE
+" if gui-style is empty, the term-style value is used for the gui
+" (Note: not everything is supported by a terminal nor the gui)
+" besides empty values defaults to 'NONE"
+" may also check:  :help highlight-groups
+"                  :help hl-<highlight-group> "
+" for the Color numbers (0-255) for the foreground/background and under-curl-colors:
+" http://www.calmar.ws/vim/256-xterm-24bit-rgb-color-chart.html
+"             EDIT/ADD your style/colors below
+" Format:   \ ["color-group",   
+"                               "term-style", 
+"                                       "foreground-color", 
+"                                                "background-color", 
+"                                                       "gui-style", 
+"                                                                   "under-curl-color" ],
+let s:colors256 = [
+            \ ["Normal",        "",     "41",   "232",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Cursor",        "",     "255",  "33",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["CursorLine",    "",     "",     "233",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["CursorColumn",  "",     "",     "223",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Incsearch",     "bold", "195",  "124",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Search",        "",     "",     "52",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["ErrorMsg",      "bold", "16",   "202",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["WarningMsg",    "bold", "16",   "190",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["ModeMsg",       "bold", "226",  "18",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["MoreMsg",       "bold", "16",   "154",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Question",      "bold", "70",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["StatusLine",    "",     "190",  "22",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["StatusLineNC",  "",     "84",   "234",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["User1",         "bold", "28",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["User2",         "bold", "39",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["VertSplit",     "",     "84",   "22",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["WildMenu",      "bold", "87",   "35",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["DiffText",      "",     "16",   "190",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["DiffChange",    "",     "18",   "83",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["DiffDelete",    "",     "79",   "124",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["DiffAdd",       "",     "79",   "21",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Folded",        "bold", "38",   "234",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["FoldedColumn",  "",     "39",   "190",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["FoldColumn",    "",     "38",   "234",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Directory",     "",     "28",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["LineNr",        "",     "28",   "16",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["NonText",       "",     "244",  "16",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpecialKey",    "",     "190",  "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Title",         "bold", "98",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Visual",        "",     "",     "238",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Comment",       "",     "37",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Costant",       "",     "73",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["String",        "",     "190",  "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Error",         "",     "69",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Identifier",    "",     "81",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Ignore",        "",     "",     "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Number",        "bold", "50",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["PreProc",       "",     "178",  "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Special",       "",     "15",   "234",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpecialChar",   "",     "155",  "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Statement",     "",     "36",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Todo",          "bold", "16",   "148",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Type",          "",     "71",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Underlined",    "bold", "77",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["TaglistTagName","bold", "48",   "124",  "",         ""   ]]
+let s:colorvim7 = [
+            \ ["Pmenu",         "",     "228",  "236",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["PmenuSel",      "bold", "226",  "232",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["PmenuSbar",     "",     "119",  "16",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["PmenuThumb",    "",     "11",   "16",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpellBad",      "underline", "","",     "undercurl","160"],
+            \ ["SpellRare",     "",     "82",   "233",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpellLocal",    "",     "227",  "234",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpellCap",      "",     "46",   "236",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["MatchParen",    "bold", "15",   "22",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["TabLine",       "",     "253",  "30",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["TabLineSel",    "bold", "247",  "16",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["TabLineFill",   "",     "247",  "16",   "",         ""   ]]
+"        * NO NEED * to edit below (unless bugfixing)
+" {{{ change empty fields to "NONE"
+for s:col in s:colors256
+    for i in  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+        if s:col[i] == "" 
+            let s:col[i] = "NONE"
+        endif
+    endfor
+for s:col in s:colorvim7
+    for i in  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+        if s:col[i] == "" 
+            let s:col[i] = "NONE"
+        endif
+    endfor
+" }}}
+" {{{ check args helper function
+function! s:checkargs(arg)
+    if a:arg+0 == 0 && a:arg != "0"  "its a string
+        return a:arg
+    else
+        return s:cmap[a:arg+0]       "get rgb color based on the number
+    endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ guisetcolor helper function
+function! s:guisetcolor(colarg)
+    " if gui-style is empty use (c)term-style also for gui
+        if a:colarg[4] == ""
+            let guival = a:colarg[1]
+        else
+            let guival = a:colarg[4]
+        endif
+        let fg = s:checkargs(a:colarg[2])
+        let bg = s:checkargs(a:colarg[3])
+        let sp = s:checkargs(a:colarg[5])
+        exec "hi ".a:colarg[0]." gui=".guival." guifg=".fg." guibg=".bg." guisp=".sp
+" }}}
+" {{{ color setup for terminal
+if ! has("gui_running")
+    for s:col in s:colors256
+        exec "hi ".s:col[0]." cterm=".s:col[1]." ctermfg=".s:col[2]." ctermbg=".s:col[3]
+    endfor
+    if v:version >= 700
+        for s:col in s:colorvim7
+            exec "hi ".s:col[0]." cterm=".s:col[1]." ctermfg=".s:col[2]." ctermbg=".s:col[3]
+        endfor
+    endif
+" }}}
+    " color-mapping array {{{
+    " number of vim colors and #html colors equivalent for gui
+    let s:cmap =   [ 
+                \ "#000000", "#800000", "#008000", "#808000", 
+                \ "#000080", "#800080", "#008080", "#c0c0c0", 
+                \ "#808080", "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", 
+                \ "#0000ff", "#ff00ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", 
+                \
+                \ "#000000", "#00005f", "#000087", "#0000af", "#0000d7", "#0000ff", 
+                \ "#005f00", "#005f5f", "#005f87", "#005faf", "#005fd7", "#005fff", 
+                \ "#008700", "#00875f", "#008787", "#0087af", "#0087d7", "#0087ff", 
+                \ "#00af00", "#00af5f", "#00af87", "#00afaf", "#00afd7", "#00afff", 
+                \ "#00d700", "#00d75f", "#00d787", "#00d7af", "#00d7d7", "#00d7ff", 
+                \ "#00ff00", "#00ff5f", "#00ff87", "#00ffaf", "#00ffd7", "#00ffff", 
+                \ "#5f0000", "#5f005f", "#5f0087", "#5f00af", "#5f00d7", "#5f00ff", 
+                \ "#5f5f00", "#5f5f5f", "#5f5f87", "#5f5faf", "#5f5fd7", "#5f5fff", 
+                \ "#5f8700", "#5f875f", "#5f8787", "#5f87af", "#5f87d7", "#5f87ff", 
+                \ "#5faf00", "#5faf5f", "#5faf87", "#5fafaf", "#5fafd7", "#5fafff", 
+                \ "#5fd700", "#5fd75f", "#5fd787", "#5fd7af", "#5fd7d7", "#5fd7ff", 
+                \ "#5fff00", "#5fff5f", "#5fff87", "#5fffaf", "#5fffd7", "#5fffff", 
+                \ "#870000", "#87005f", "#870087", "#8700af", "#8700d7", "#8700ff", 
+                \ "#875f00", "#875f5f", "#875f87", "#875faf", "#875fd7", "#875fff", 
+                \ "#878700", "#87875f", "#878787", "#8787af", "#8787d7", "#8787ff", 
+                \ "#87af00", "#87af5f", "#87af87", "#87afaf", "#87afd7", "#87afff", 
+                \ "#87d700", "#87d75f", "#87d787", "#87d7af", "#87d7d7", "#87d7ff", 
+                \ "#87ff00", "#87ff5f", "#87ff87", "#87ffaf", "#87ffd7", "#87ffff", 
+                \ "#af0000", "#af005f", "#af0087", "#af00af", "#af00d7", "#af00ff", 
+                \ "#af5f00", "#af5f5f", "#af5f87", "#af5faf", "#af5fd7", "#af5fff", 
+                \ "#af8700", "#af875f", "#af8787", "#af87af", "#af87d7", "#af87ff", 
+                \ "#afaf00", "#afaf5f", "#afaf87", "#afafaf", "#afafd7", "#afafff", 
+                \ "#afd700", "#afd75f", "#afd787", "#afd7af", "#afd7d7", "#afd7ff", 
+                \ "#afff00", "#afff5f", "#afff87", "#afffaf", "#afffd7", "#afffff", 
+                \ "#d70000", "#d7005f", "#d70087", "#d700af", "#d700d7", "#d700ff", 
+                \ "#d75f00", "#d75f5f", "#d75f87", "#d75faf", "#d75fd7", "#d75fff", 
+                \ "#d78700", "#d7875f", "#d78787", "#d787af", "#d787d7", "#d787ff", 
+                \ "#d7af00", "#d7af5f", "#d7af87", "#d7afaf", "#d7afd7", "#d7afff", 
+                \ "#d7d700", "#d7d75f", "#d7d787", "#d7d7af", "#d7d7d7", "#d7d7ff", 
+                \ "#d7ff00", "#d7ff5f", "#d7ff87", "#d7ffaf", "#d7ffd7", "#d7ffff", 
+                \ "#ff0000", "#ff005f", "#ff0087", "#ff00af", "#ff00d7", "#ff00ff", 
+                \ "#ff5f00", "#ff5f5f", "#ff5f87", "#ff5faf", "#ff5fd7", "#ff5fff", 
+                \ "#ff8700", "#ff875f", "#ff8787", "#ff87af", "#ff87d7", "#ff87ff", 
+                \ "#ffaf00", "#ffaf5f", "#ffaf87", "#ffafaf", "#ffafd7", "#ffafff", 
+                \ "#ffd700", "#ffd75f", "#ffd787", "#ffd7af", "#ffd7d7", "#ffd7ff", 
+                \ "#ffff00", "#ffff5f", "#ffff87", "#ffffaf", "#ffffd7", "#ffffff", 
+                \
+                \ "#080808", "#121212", "#1c1c1c", "#262626", "#303030", "#3a3a3a", 
+                \ "#444444", "#4e4e4e", "#585858", "#606060", "#666666", "#767676", 
+                \ "#808080", "#8a8a8a", "#949494", "#9e9e9e", "#a8a8a8", "#b2b2b2", 
+                \ "#bcbcbc", "#c6c6c6", "#d0d0d0", "#dadada", "#e4e4e4", "#eeeeee" ]
+    " }}}
+" {{{ color setup for gvim
+    for s:col in s:colors256
+        call s:guisetcolor(s:col)
+    endfor
+    if v:version >= 700
+        for s:col in s:colorvim7
+            call s:guisetcolor(s:col)
+        endfor
+    endif
+" }}}
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo   " restoring &cpo value
+" vim: set fdm=marker fileformat=unix:
diff --git a/colors/calmar256_light.vim b/colors/calmar256_light.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..941f8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/calmar256_light.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+" Vim color file:  calmar256-dark.vim
+" Last Change: 21. Aug 2007
+" License: public domain
+" Maintainer:: calmar <mac at calmar.ws>
+" for a 256 color capable terminal like xterm-256color, ... or gvim as well
+" "{{{
+" it only works in such a terminal and when you have:
+" set t_Co=256
+" in your vimrc"}}}
+" {{{ t_Co=256 is set - check 
+if &t_Co != 256 && ! has("gui_running")
+    echomsg ""
+    echomsg "write 'set t_Co=256' in your .vimrc or this file won't load"
+    echomsg ""
+    finish
+" }}}
+" {{{ reset colors and set colors_name and store cpo setting
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "calmar256-light"
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" }}}
+" FORMAT:"{{{
+" \ ["color-group", "term-style", "foreground-color", "background-color", "gui-style", "under-curl-color" ],
+" 'term-style'/'gui-style' can be: 
+"              bold, underline, undercurl, reverse, inverse, italic, standout, NONE
+" if gui-style is empty, the term-style value is used for the gui
+" (Note: not everything is supported by a terminal nor the gui)
+" besides empty values defaults to 'NONE"
+" may also check:  :help highlight-groups
+"                  :help hl-<highlight-group> "
+" for the Color numbers (0-255) for the foreground/background and under-curl-colors:
+" http://www.calmar.ws/vim/256-xterm-24bit-rgb-color-chart.html
+"             EDIT/ADD your style/colors below
+" Format:   \ ["color-group",   
+"                               "term-style", 
+"                                       "foreground-color", 
+"                                                "background-color", 
+"                                                       "gui-style", 
+"                                                                   "under-curl-color" ],
+let s:colors256 = [
+            \ ["Normal",        "",     "17",   "230",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Cursor",        "",     "",     "226",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["CursorLine",    "",     "",     "222",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["CursorColumn",  "",     "",     "223",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Incsearch",     "bold", "195",  "28",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Search",        "",     "",     "119",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["ErrorMsg",      "bold", "16",   "202",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["WarningMsg",    "bold", "16",   "190",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["ModeMsg",       "bold", "16",   "51",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["MoreMsg",       "bold", "16",   "154",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Question",      "bold", "27",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["StatusLine",    "",     "231",  "30",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["StatusLineNC",  "",     "20",   "250",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["User1",         "bold", "28",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["User2",         "bold", "39",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["VertSplit",     "",     "84",   "22",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["WildMenu",      "bold", "87",   "35",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["DiffText",      "",     "16",   "190",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["DiffChange",    "",     "16",   "83",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["DiffDelete",    "",     "79",   "124",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["DiffAdd",       "",     "79",   "21",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Folded",        "bold", "19",   "115",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["FoldedColumn",  "",     "39",   "190",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["FoldColumn",    "",     "19",   "115",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Directory",     "",     "28",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["LineNr",        "",     "63",   "228",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["NonText",       "",     "243",  "229",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpecialKey",    "",     "190",  "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Title",         "bold", "18",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Visual",        "",     "",     "220",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Comment",       "",     "21",   "255",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Costant",       "",     "58",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["String",        "",     "160",  "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Error",         "",     "130",  "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Identifier",    "",     "31",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Ignore",        "",     "",     "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Number",        "bold", "23",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["PreProc",       "",     "26",   "255",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Special",       "",     "",     "229",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpecialChar",   "",     "22",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Statement",     "",     "36",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Todo",          "",     "",     "229",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Type",          "",     "20",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["Underlined",    "bold", "25",   "",     "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["TaglistTagName","bold", "29",   "118",  "",         ""   ]]
+let s:colorvim7 = [
+            \ ["Pmenu",         "",     "229",  "29",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["PmenuSel",      "bold", "232",  "226",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["PmenuSbar",     "",     "16",   "119",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["PmenuThumb",    "",     "16",   "11",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpellBad",      "undercurl", "","",     "undercurl","160"  ],
+            \ ["SpellRare",     "",     "",     "228",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpellLocal",    "",     "",     "224",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["SpellCap",      "",     "",     "247",  "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["MatchParen",    "bold", "15",   "22",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["TabLine",       "",     "252",  "22",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["TabLineSel",    "bold", "253",  "30",   "",         ""   ],
+            \ ["TabLineFill",   "",     "247",  "16",   "",         ""   ]]
+"        * NO NEED * to edit below (unless bugfixing)
+" {{{ change empty fields to "NONE"
+for s:col in s:colors256
+    for i in  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+        if s:col[i] == "" 
+            let s:col[i] = "NONE"
+        endif
+    endfor
+for s:col in s:colorvim7
+    for i in  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+        if s:col[i] == "" 
+            let s:col[i] = "NONE"
+        endif
+    endfor
+" }}}
+" {{{ check args helper function
+function! s:checkargs(arg)
+    if a:arg+0 == 0 && a:arg != "0"  "its a string
+        return a:arg
+    else
+        return s:cmap[a:arg+0]       "get rgb color based on the number
+    endif
+" }}}
+" {{{ guisetcolor helper function
+function! s:guisetcolor(colarg)
+    " if gui-style is empty use (c)term-style also for gui
+        if a:colarg[4] == ""
+            let guival = a:colarg[1]
+        else
+            let guival = a:colarg[4]
+        endif
+        let fg = s:checkargs(a:colarg[2])
+        let bg = s:checkargs(a:colarg[3])
+        let sp = s:checkargs(a:colarg[5])
+        exec "hi ".a:colarg[0]." gui=".guival." guifg=".fg." guibg=".bg." guisp=".sp
+" }}}
+" {{{ color setup for terminal
+if ! has("gui_running")
+    for s:col in s:colors256
+        exec "hi ".s:col[0]." cterm=".s:col[1]." ctermfg=".s:col[2]." ctermbg=".s:col[3]
+    endfor
+    if v:version >= 700
+        for s:col in s:colorvim7
+            exec "hi ".s:col[0]." cterm=".s:col[1]." ctermfg=".s:col[2]." ctermbg=".s:col[3]
+        endfor
+    endif
+" }}}
+    " color-mapping array {{{
+    " number of vim colors and #html colors equivalent for gui
+    let s:cmap =   [ 
+                \ "#000000", "#800000", "#008000", "#808000", 
+                \ "#000080", "#800080", "#008080", "#c0c0c0", 
+                \ "#808080", "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#ffff00", 
+                \ "#0000ff", "#ff00ff", "#00ffff", "#ffffff", 
+                \
+                \ "#000000", "#00005f", "#000087", "#0000af", "#0000d7", "#0000ff", 
+                \ "#005f00", "#005f5f", "#005f87", "#005faf", "#005fd7", "#005fff", 
+                \ "#008700", "#00875f", "#008787", "#0087af", "#0087d7", "#0087ff", 
+                \ "#00af00", "#00af5f", "#00af87", "#00afaf", "#00afd7", "#00afff", 
+                \ "#00d700", "#00d75f", "#00d787", "#00d7af", "#00d7d7", "#00d7ff", 
+                \ "#00ff00", "#00ff5f", "#00ff87", "#00ffaf", "#00ffd7", "#00ffff", 
+                \ "#5f0000", "#5f005f", "#5f0087", "#5f00af", "#5f00d7", "#5f00ff", 
+                \ "#5f5f00", "#5f5f5f", "#5f5f87", "#5f5faf", "#5f5fd7", "#5f5fff", 
+                \ "#5f8700", "#5f875f", "#5f8787", "#5f87af", "#5f87d7", "#5f87ff", 
+                \ "#5faf00", "#5faf5f", "#5faf87", "#5fafaf", "#5fafd7", "#5fafff", 
+                \ "#5fd700", "#5fd75f", "#5fd787", "#5fd7af", "#5fd7d7", "#5fd7ff", 
+                \ "#5fff00", "#5fff5f", "#5fff87", "#5fffaf", "#5fffd7", "#5fffff", 
+                \ "#870000", "#87005f", "#870087", "#8700af", "#8700d7", "#8700ff", 
+                \ "#875f00", "#875f5f", "#875f87", "#875faf", "#875fd7", "#875fff", 
+                \ "#878700", "#87875f", "#878787", "#8787af", "#8787d7", "#8787ff", 
+                \ "#87af00", "#87af5f", "#87af87", "#87afaf", "#87afd7", "#87afff", 
+                \ "#87d700", "#87d75f", "#87d787", "#87d7af", "#87d7d7", "#87d7ff", 
+                \ "#87ff00", "#87ff5f", "#87ff87", "#87ffaf", "#87ffd7", "#87ffff", 
+                \ "#af0000", "#af005f", "#af0087", "#af00af", "#af00d7", "#af00ff", 
+                \ "#af5f00", "#af5f5f", "#af5f87", "#af5faf", "#af5fd7", "#af5fff", 
+                \ "#af8700", "#af875f", "#af8787", "#af87af", "#af87d7", "#af87ff", 
+                \ "#afaf00", "#afaf5f", "#afaf87", "#afafaf", "#afafd7", "#afafff", 
+                \ "#afd700", "#afd75f", "#afd787", "#afd7af", "#afd7d7", "#afd7ff", 
+                \ "#afff00", "#afff5f", "#afff87", "#afffaf", "#afffd7", "#afffff", 
+                \ "#d70000", "#d7005f", "#d70087", "#d700af", "#d700d7", "#d700ff", 
+                \ "#d75f00", "#d75f5f", "#d75f87", "#d75faf", "#d75fd7", "#d75fff", 
+                \ "#d78700", "#d7875f", "#d78787", "#d787af", "#d787d7", "#d787ff", 
+                \ "#d7af00", "#d7af5f", "#d7af87", "#d7afaf", "#d7afd7", "#d7afff", 
+                \ "#d7d700", "#d7d75f", "#d7d787", "#d7d7af", "#d7d7d7", "#d7d7ff", 
+                \ "#d7ff00", "#d7ff5f", "#d7ff87", "#d7ffaf", "#d7ffd7", "#d7ffff", 
+                \ "#ff0000", "#ff005f", "#ff0087", "#ff00af", "#ff00d7", "#ff00ff", 
+                \ "#ff5f00", "#ff5f5f", "#ff5f87", "#ff5faf", "#ff5fd7", "#ff5fff", 
+                \ "#ff8700", "#ff875f", "#ff8787", "#ff87af", "#ff87d7", "#ff87ff", 
+                \ "#ffaf00", "#ffaf5f", "#ffaf87", "#ffafaf", "#ffafd7", "#ffafff", 
+                \ "#ffd700", "#ffd75f", "#ffd787", "#ffd7af", "#ffd7d7", "#ffd7ff", 
+                \ "#ffff00", "#ffff5f", "#ffff87", "#ffffaf", "#ffffd7", "#ffffff", 
+                \
+                \ "#080808", "#121212", "#1c1c1c", "#262626", "#303030", "#3a3a3a", 
+                \ "#444444", "#4e4e4e", "#585858", "#606060", "#666666", "#767676", 
+                \ "#808080", "#8a8a8a", "#949494", "#9e9e9e", "#a8a8a8", "#b2b2b2", 
+                \ "#bcbcbc", "#c6c6c6", "#d0d0d0", "#dadada", "#e4e4e4", "#eeeeee" ]
+    " }}}
+" {{{ color setup for gvim
+    for s:col in s:colors256
+        call s:guisetcolor(s:col)
+    endfor
+    if v:version >= 700
+        for s:col in s:colorvim7
+            call s:guisetcolor(s:col)
+        endfor
+    endif
+" }}}
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo   " restoring &cpo value
+" vim: set fdm=marker fileformat=unix:
diff --git a/colors/camo.vim b/colors/camo.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 059af42..0000000
--- a/colors/camo.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Tim Aldrich <aldy0169 at yahoo.com>
-" Last Change:  19 January 2002
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="camo"
-hi Normal       guifg=bisque            guibg=grey15
-hi Cursor       guifg=snow              guibg=bisque3
-hi CursorIM     guifg=OliveDrab4        guibg=bisque
-hi Directory    guifg=OliveDrab4        guibg=grey15
-hi DiffAdd      guifg=DarkOliveGreen1   guibg=grey15
-hi DiffChange   guifg=PaleGreen         guibg=grey15
-hi DiffDelete   guifg=red               guibg=grey15
-hi DiffText     guifg=grey15            guibg=red
-hi ErrorMsg     guifg=snow              guibg=red
-hi VertSplit    guifg=bisque4           guibg=DarkOliveGreen1
-hi Folded       guifg=DarkOliveGreen2   guibg=grey30
-hi FoldColumn   guifg=DarkOliveGreen2   guibg=grey30
-hi IncSearch    guifg=bisque            guibg=red
-hi LineNr       guifg=OliveDrab4        guibg=grey15
-hi ModeMsg      guifg=khaki3            guibg=grey15
-hi MoreMsg      guifg=khaki3            guibg=grey15
-hi NonText      guifg=DarkSalmon        guibg=grey10
-hi Question     guifg=IndianRed         guibg=grey10
-hi Search       guifg=DarkSalmon        guibg=grey15
-hi SpecialKey   guifg=yellow            guibg=grey15
-hi StatusLine   guifg=bisque4           guibg=DarkOliveGreen1
-hi StatusLineNC guifg=bisque4           guibg=DarkOliveGreen3
-hi Title        guifg=IndianRed         guibg=grey15
-hi Visual       guifg=OliveDrab4        guibg=bisque1
-hi WarningMsg   guifg=bisque            guibg=red
-hi WildMenu     guifg=LightBlue         guibg=DarkViolet
-"Syntax hilight groups
-hi Comment      guifg=tan
-hi Constant     guifg=khaki
-hi String       guifg=moccasin
-hi Character    guifg=chocolate
-hi Number       guifg=chocolate
-hi Boolean      guifg=OliveDrab3
-hi Float        guifg=chocolate
-hi Identifier   guifg=khaki4
-hi Function     guifg=OliveDrab4
-hi Statement    guifg=khaki
-hi Conditional  guifg=khaki
-hi Repeat       guifg=khaki
-hi Label        guifg=khaki
-hi Operator     guifg=DarkKhaki
-hi Keyword      guifg=DarkKhaki
-hi Exception    guifg=khaki
-hi PreProc      guifg=khaki4
-hi Include      guifg=khaki4
-hi Define       guifg=khaki1
-hi Macro        guifg=khaki2
-hi PreCondit    guifg=khaki3
-hi Type         guifg=khaki3
-hi StorageClass guifg=tan
-hi Structure    guifg=DarkGoldenrod
-hi Typedef      guifg=khaki3
-hi Special      guifg=IndianRed
-hi SpecialChar  guifg=DarkGoldenrod
-hi Tag          guifg=DarkKhaki
-hi Delimiter    guifg=DarkGoldenrod
-hi SpecialComment   guifg=cornsilk
-hi Debug        guifg=brown
-hi Underlined   guifg=IndianRed
-hi Ignore       guifg=grey30
-hi Error        guifg=bisque    guibg=red
-hi Todo         guifg=red       guibg=bisque
diff --git a/colors/candy.vim b/colors/candy.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 545ff7c..0000000
--- a/colors/candy.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-"  Maintainer: Tiza
-" Last Change: 2002/04/28 Sun 19:35.
-"     version: 1.0
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name = "candy"
-hi Normal       guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=#000000
-" Search
-hi IncSearch    gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#80ffff guibg=#0060c0
-hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=#0060c0
-" Messages
-hi ErrorMsg     gui=BOLD guifg=#ffa0ff guibg=NONE
-hi WarningMsg   gui=BOLD guifg=#ffa0ff guibg=NONE
-hi ModeMsg      gui=BOLD guifg=#40f0d0 guibg=NONE
-hi MoreMsg      gui=BOLD guifg=#00ffff guibg=#008070
-hi Question     gui=BOLD guifg=#e8e800 guibg=NONE
-" Split area
-hi StatusLine   gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#c8c8d8
-hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=#707080 guibg=#c8c8d8
-hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=#606080 guibg=#c8c8d8
-hi WildMenu     gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#a0a0ff
-" Diff
-hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=#ff78f0 guibg=#a02860
-hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=#e03870 guibg=#601830
-hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=#a0d0ff guibg=#0020a0
-hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=#a0d0ff guibg=#0020a0
-" Cursor
-hi Cursor       gui=NONE guifg=#00ffff guibg=#008070
-hi lCursor      gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8800ff
-hi CursorIM     gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8800ff
-" Fold
-hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#40f0f0 guibg=#005080
-hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#40c0ff guibg=#00305c
-" Other
-hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=#40f0d0 guibg=NONE
-hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#9090a0 guibg=NONE
-hi NonText      gui=BOLD guifg=#4080ff guibg=NONE
-hi SpecialKey   gui=BOLD guifg=#8080ff guibg=NONE
-hi Title        gui=BOLD guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=NONE
-hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=#e0e0f0 guibg=#707080
-" Syntax group
-hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=#c0c0d0 guibg=NONE
-hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=#90d0ff guibg=NONE
-hi Error        gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff0088
-hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=#40f0f0 guibg=NONE
-hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=NONE
-hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=#40f0a0 guibg=NONE
-hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=#e0e080 guibg=NONE
-hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=#ffa0ff guibg=NONE
-hi Todo         gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE guifg=#ffa0a0 guibg=NONE
-hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=#ffc864 guibg=NONE
-hi Underlined   gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=NONE
-hi htmlLink                 gui=UNDERLINE
-hi htmlBold                 gui=BOLD
-hi htmlBoldItalic           gui=BOLD,ITALIC
-hi htmlBoldUnderline        gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE
-hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic  gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE,ITALIC
-hi htmlItalic               gui=ITALIC
-hi htmlUnderline            gui=UNDERLINE
-hi htmlUnderlineItalic      gui=UNDERLINE,ITALIC
diff --git a/colors/candycode.vim b/colors/candycode.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3800d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/candycode.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+" Vim color file -- candycode
+" Maintainer:   Justin Constantino <goflyapig-at-gmail-com>
+" Last Change:  2006 Aug 12
+set background=dark
+highlight clear
+let g:colors_name="candycode"
+let save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" basic highlight groups (:help highlight-groups) {{{
+" text {{{
+hi Normal       guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#050505       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=black       cterm=NONE
+hi Folded       guifg=#c2bfa5       guibg=#050505       gui=underline
+            \   ctermfg=lightgray   ctermbg=black       cterm=underline
+hi LineNr       guifg=#928c75       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=darkgray    ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi Directory    guifg=#00bbdd       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=cyan        ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi NonText      guifg=#77ff22       guibg=NONE          gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=yellow      ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi SpecialKey   guifg=#559933       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=green       ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi SpellBad     guifg=NONE          guibg=NONE          gui=undercurl
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=darkred     guisp=#ff0011
+hi SpellCap     guifg=NONE          guibg=NONE          gui=undercurl
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=darkblue    guisp=#0044ff
+hi SpellLocal   guifg=NONE          guibg=NONE          gui=undercurl
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=cyan        guisp=#00dd99   
+hi SpellRare    guifg=NONE          guibg=NONE          gui=undercurl
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=darkmagenta guisp=#ff22ee   
+hi DiffAdd      guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#126493       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=darkblue    cterm=NONE
+hi DiffChange   guifg=#000000       guibg=#976398       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=darkmagenta cterm=NONE
+hi DiffDelete   guifg=#000000       guibg=#be1923       gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=red         cterm=bold
+hi DiffText     guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#976398       gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=green       cterm=bold
+" }}}
+" borders / separators / menus {{{
+hi FoldColumn   guifg=#c8bcb9       guibg=#786d65       gui=bold            
+            \   ctermfg=lightgray   ctermbg=darkgray    cterm=NONE
+hi SignColumn   guifg=#c8bcb9       guibg=#786d65       gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=lightgray   ctermbg=darkgray    cterm=NONE
+hi Pmenu        guifg=#000000       guibg=#a6a190       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=darkgray    cterm=NONE
+hi PmenuSel     guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#133293       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=lightblue   cterm=NONE
+hi PmenuSbar    guifg=NONE          guibg=#555555       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=black       cterm=NONE
+hi PmenuThumb   guifg=NONE          guibg=#cccccc       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=gray        ctermbg=gray        cterm=NONE
+hi StatusLine   guifg=#000000       guibg=#c2bfa5       gui=bold    
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=white       cterm=bold
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=#444444       guibg=#c2bfa5       gui=NONE    
+            \   ctermfg=darkgray    ctermbg=white       cterm=NONE
+hi WildMenu     guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#133293       gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=darkblue    cterm=bold
+hi VertSplit    guifg=#c2bfa5       guibg=#c2bfa5       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=white       cterm=NONE
+hi TabLine      guifg=#000000       guibg=#c2bfa5       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=white       cterm=NONE
+hi TabLineFill  guifg=#000000       guibg=#c2bfa5       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=white       cterm=NONE
+hi TabLineSel   guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#133293       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=black       cterm=NONE
+"hi Menu
+"hi Scrollbar
+"hi Tooltip
+" }}}
+" cursor / dynamic / other {{{
+hi Cursor       guifg=#000000       guibg=#ffff99       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=white       cterm=NONE
+hi CursorIM     guifg=#000000       guibg=#aaccff       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=white       cterm=reverse
+hi CursorLine   guifg=NONE          guibg=#1b1b1b       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=NONE        ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi CursorColumn guifg=NONE          guibg=#1b1b1b       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=NONE        ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi Visual       guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#606070       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=lightblue   cterm=NONE
+hi IncSearch    guifg=#000000       guibg=#eedd33       gui=bold 
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=yellow      cterm=NONE
+hi Search       guifg=#efefd0       guibg=#937340       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=darkgreen   cterm=NONE
+hi MatchParen   guifg=NONE          guibg=#3377aa       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=blue        cterm=NONE
+"hi VisualNOS
+" }}}
+" listings / messages {{{
+hi ModeMsg      guifg=#eecc18       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=yellow      ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi Title        guifg=#dd4452       guibg=NONE          gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=red         ctermbg=NONE        cterm=bold
+hi Question     guifg=#66d077       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=green       ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi MoreMsg      guifg=#39d049       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=green       ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi ErrorMsg     guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#ff0000       gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=red         cterm=bold
+hi WarningMsg   guifg=#ccae22       guibg=NONE          gui=bold    
+            \   ctermfg=yellow      ctermbg=NONE        cterm=bold
+" }}}
+" }}}
+" syntax highlighting groups (:help group-name) {{{
+hi Comment      guifg=#ff9922       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=brown       ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi Constant     guifg=#ff6050       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=red         ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi Boolean      guifg=#ff6050       guibg=NONE          gui=bold  
+            \   ctermfg=red         ctermbg=NONE        cterm=bold
+hi Identifier   guifg=#eecc44       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=yellow      ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi Statement    guifg=#66d077       guibg=NONE          gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=green       ctermbg=NONE        cterm=bold
+hi PreProc      guifg=#bb88dd       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=darkmagenta ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi Type         guifg=#4093cc       guibg=NONE          gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=lightblue   ctermbg=NONE        cterm=bold
+hi Special      guifg=#9999aa       guibg=NONE          gui=bold  
+            \   ctermfg=lightgray   ctermbg=NONE        cterm=bold
+hi Underlined   guifg=#80a0ff       guibg=NONE          gui=underline
+            \   ctermfg=NONE        ctermbg=NONE        cterm=underline
+            \   term=underline 
+hi Ignore       guifg=#888888       guibg=NONE          gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=darkgray    ctermbg=NONE        cterm=NONE
+hi Error        guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#ff0000       gui=NONE
+            \   ctermfg=white       ctermbg=red         cterm=NONE
+hi Todo         guifg=#ffffff       guibg=#ee7700       gui=bold
+            \   ctermfg=black       ctermbg=yellow      cterm=bold
+" }}}
+let &cpo = save_cpo
+" vim: fdm=marker fdl=0
diff --git a/colors/chela_light.vim b/colors/chela_light.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cde34d..0000000
--- a/colors/chela_light.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Stefan Karlsson <stefan.74 at comhem.se>
-" Last Change:  8 August 2006
-set background=light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="chela_light"
-"Syntax Groups =============================================
-hi comment      guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#339900   gui=none
-hi constant     guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#cc2222   gui=none
-hi identifier   guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#2222ff   gui=none
-hi statement    guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#2222ff   gui=none
-hi preproc      guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#2222ff   gui=none
-hi precondit    guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#cc00cc   gui=none
-hi type         guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#2222ff   gui=none
-hi special      guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#cc00cc   gui=none
-hi specialchar  guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#cc2222   gui=underline
-hi underlined   guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#2222ff   gui=underline
-hi error        guibg=#ff2222   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
-hi todo         guibg=#339933   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
-"General Groups ============================================
-hi cursor       guibg=#000000   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
-"  cursorim?
-hi cursorcolumn guibg=#eeeeee                   gui=none
-hi cursorline   guibg=#eeeeee                   gui=none
-hi directory    guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#2222ff   gui=none
-hi diffadd      guibg=#66ff66   guifg=#000000   gui=none
-hi diffchange   guibg=#ffff00   guifg=#cccc99   gui=none
-hi diffdelete   guibg=#ff6666   guifg=#ff6666   gui=none
-hi difftext     guibg=#ffff00   guifg=#000000   gui=none
-hi errormsg     guibg=#ff2222   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
-hi vertsplit    guibg=#2222ff   guifg=#2222ff   gui=none
-hi folded       guibg=#eeeeee   guifg=#2222ff   gui=none
-hi foldcolumn   guibg=#eeeeee   guifg=#999999   gui=none
-"  signcolumn?
-hi incsearch    guibg=#ffbb00   guifg=#000000   gui=none
-hi linenr       guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#cccccc   gui=none
-hi matchparen   guibg=#cccccc                   gui=none
-hi modemsg      guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#999999   gui=none
-hi moremsg      guibg=#339900   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
-hi nontext      guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#999999   gui=none
-hi normal       guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#222222   gui=none
-hi pmenu        guibg=#cccccc   guifg=#222222   gui=none
-hi pmenusel     guibg=#2222ff   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
-"  pmenusbar?
-"  pmenuthumb?
-hi question     guibg=#339900   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
-hi search       guibg=#ffff00   guifg=#000000   gui=none
-hi specialkey   guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#cc00cc   gui=none
-hi spellbad                                     gui=undercurl guisp=#ff2222
-hi spellcap                                     gui=undercurl guisp=#ff2222
-hi spelllocal                                   gui=undercurl guisp=#cc2222
-hi spellrare                                    gui=undercurl guisp=#22cc22
-hi statusline   guibg=#2222ff   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
-hi statuslinenc guibg=#2222ff   guifg=#999999   gui=none
-hi tabline      guibg=#cccccc   guifg=#222222   gui=none
-hi tablinesel   guibg=#2222ff   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
-hi tablinefill  guibg=#aaaaaa   guifg=#aaaaaa   gui=none
-hi title        guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#6666ff   gui=none
-hi visual       guibg=#cccccc   guifg=#333333   gui=none
-"  visualnos?
-hi warningmsg   guibg=#fafafa   guifg=#ff0000   gui=none
-hi wildmenu     guibg=#339900   guifg=#ffffff   gui=none
diff --git a/colors/chocolateliquor.vim b/colors/chocolateliquor.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dfa712..0000000
--- a/colors/chocolateliquor.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Gerald S. Williams
-" Last Change:  2007 Jun 13
-" This started as a dark version (perhaps opposite is a better term) of
-" PapayaWhip, but took on a life of its own. Easy on the eyes, but still has
-" good contrast. Not bad on a color terminal, either (especially if yours
-" default to PapayaWhip text on a ChocolateLiquor/#3f1f1f background).
-" Only values that differ from defaults are specified.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "ChocolateLiquor"
-hi Normal guibg=#3f1f1f guifg=PapayaWhip ctermfg=White
-hi NonText guibg=#1f0f0f guifg=Brown2 ctermfg=Brown ctermbg=Black
-hi LineNr guibg=#1f0f0f guifg=Brown2
-hi DiffDelete guibg=DarkRed guifg=White ctermbg=DarkRed ctermfg=White
-hi DiffAdd guibg=DarkGreen guifg=White ctermbg=DarkGreen ctermfg=White
-hi DiffText gui=NONE guibg=DarkCyan guifg=Yellow ctermbg=DarkCyan ctermfg=Yellow
-hi DiffChange guibg=DarkCyan guifg=White ctermbg=DarkCyan ctermfg=White
-hi Constant ctermfg=Red
-hi Comment guifg=LightBlue3
-hi PreProc guifg=Plum ctermfg=Magenta
-hi StatusLine guibg=White guifg=Sienna4 cterm=NONE ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Brown
-hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=Black guibg=Gray ctermbg=Black ctermfg=Gray
-hi VertSplit guifg=Gray
-hi Search guibg=Gold3 ctermfg=Blue
-hi Type gui=NONE guifg=DarkSeaGreen2
-hi Statement gui=NONE guifg=Gold3
-hi FoldColumn guibg=#1f0f0f ctermfg=Cyan ctermbg=Black
-hi Folded guibg=grey20 ctermfg=Cyan ctermbg=Black
diff --git a/colors/cleanphp.vim b/colors/cleanphp.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 41e8780..0000000
--- a/colors/cleanphp.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Billy McIntosh <billymcintosh at ntlworld.com>
-" Last Change:  June 24, 2003
-" Licence:      Public Domain
-" This package offers a eye-catching color scheme for PHP syntax
-" First remove all existing highlighting.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let colors_name = "cleanphp"
-hi Normal guifg=#008000 guibg=#d3e4f8
-hi ErrorMsg guibg=#d3e4f8 guifg=Red
-hi IncSearch gui=reverse
-hi ModeMsg gui=bold
-hi StatusLine gui=reverse,bold
-hi StatusLineNC gui=reverse
-hi VertSplit gui=reverse
-hi Visual gui=reverse guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=fg
-hi VisualNOS gui=underline,bold
-hi DiffText gui=bold guibg=Red
-hi Cursor guibg=Black guifg=NONE
-hi lCursor guibg=Black guifg=NONE
-hi Directory guifg=#ff8040
-hi LineNr guifg=#008000
-hi MoreMsg gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
-hi NonText gui=bold guifg=#ff8040 guibg=#d3e4f8
-hi Question gui=bold guifg=Black
-hi Search guibg=#008000 guifg=NONE
-hi SpecialKey guifg=#ff8040
-hi Title gui=bold guifg=Magenta
-hi WarningMsg guifg=Red
-hi WildMenu guibg=Cyan guifg=#d3e4f8
-hi Folded guibg=White guifg=Darkblue
-hi FoldColumn guibg=#c0c0c0 guifg=Darkblue
-hi DiffAdd guibg=Lightblue
-hi DiffChange guibg=LightMagenta
-hi DiffDelete gui=bold guifg=#ff8040 guibg=LightCyan
-hi Comment guifg=#ff8040 guibg=#d3e4f8
-hi Constant guifg=#BB0000 guibg=#d3e4f8
-hi PreProc guifg=#008080 guibg=#d3e4f8
-hi Statement gui=NONE guifg=#008000 guibg=#d3e4f8
-hi Special guifg=#008080 guibg=#d3e4f8
-hi Ignore guifg=#c0c0c0
-hi Identifier guifg=#000080 guibg=#d3e4f8
-hi Type guifg=#00BB00 guibg=#d3e4f8
-hi link IncSearch       Visual
-hi link String          Constant
-hi link Character       Constant
-hi link Number          Constant
-hi link Boolean         Constant
-hi link Float           Number
-hi link Function        Identifier
-hi link Conditional     Statement
-hi link Repeat          Statement
-hi link Label           Statement
-hi link Operator        Statement
-hi link Keyword         Statement
-hi link Exception       Statement
-hi link Include         PreProc
-hi link Define          PreProc
-hi link Macro           PreProc
-hi link PreCondit       PreProc
-hi link StorageClass    Type
-hi link Structure       Type
-hi link Typedef         Type
-hi link Tag             Special
-hi link SpecialChar     Special
-hi link Delimiter       Special
-hi link SpecialComment  Special
-hi link Debug           Special
-" vim: sw=2
diff --git a/colors/colorer.vim b/colors/colorer.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b4e7bb..0000000
--- a/colors/colorer.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-" local syntax file - set colors on a per-machine basis:
-" vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Sergey V. Beduev <shaman at interdon.net>
-" Last Change: Sun Mar 28 11:19:38 EEST 2004
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "colorer"
-hi Normal           ctermfg=Gray guifg=DarkGray guibg=black
-hi Visual           ctermfg=DarkCyan guibg=black guifg=DarkCyan
-hi Comment          ctermfg=Brown guifg=#B46918 gui=NONE
-hi PerlPOD          ctermfg=Brown guifg=#B86A18 gui=NONE
-hi Constant         ctermfg=White guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi Charachter       ctermfg=Yellow guifg=Yellow gui=NONE
-hi String           ctermfg=Yellow guifg=Yellow gui=NONE
-hi Number           ctermfg=White guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi Boolean          ctermfg=Cyan guifg=DarkGray gui=NONE
-hi Special          ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=Red gui=NONE
-hi Define           ctermfg=LightMagenta guifg=Magenta gui=NONE
-hi Identifier       ctermfg=Green guifg=Green gui=NONE
-hi Exception        ctermfg=White guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi Statement        ctermfg=White guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi Label            ctermfg=White guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi Keyword          ctermfg=White guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi PreProc          ctermfg=Green guifg=Green gui=NONE
-hi Type             ctermfg=LightGreen guifg=Green gui=NONE
-hi Function         ctermfg=White guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi Repeat           ctermfg=White guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi Operator         ctermfg=White guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi Ignore           ctermfg=black guifg=bg
-hi Folded           ctermbg=LightBlue ctermfg=Gray guibg=DarkBlue guifg=DarkGray gui=NONE
-hi Error            term=reverse ctermbg=Red ctermfg=White guibg=darkRed guifg=White gui=NONE
-hi Todo             term=standout ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black guifg=Black guibg=#AD5500 gui=NONE
-hi Done             term=standout ctermbg=Gray ctermfg=White guifg=White guibg=Gray gui=NONE
-hi SpellErrors      ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=Black gui=NONE
-hi MailQ            ctermfg=darkcyan guibg=black    gui=NONE
-hi MailQu           ctermfg=darkgreen guibg=black   gui=NONE
-hi MyDiffNew        ctermfg=magenta guifg=red   gui=NONE
-hi MyDiffCommLine   ctermfg=white   ctermbg=red guifg=white guibg=darkred gui=NONE
-hi MyDiffRemoved    ctermfg=LightRed guifg=red  gui=NONE
-hi MyDiffSubName    ctermfg=DarkCyan guifg=Cyan gui=NONE
-hi MyDiffNormal     ctermbg=White ctermfg=black guibg=White guifg=black gui=NONE
-hi MoreMsg          gui=NONE
-hi ModeMsg          gui=NONE
-hi Title            gui=NONE
-hi NonText          gui=NONE
-hi DiffDelete       gui=NONE
-hi DiffText         gui=NONE
-hi StatusLine       guifg=black guibg=gray gui=NONE
-hi Question         gui=NONE
-" Common groups that link to default highlighting.
-" You can specify other highlighting easily.
-"hi link String Constant
-"hi link Character  Constant
-"hi link Number     Constant
-"hi link Boolean    Constant
-hi link Float       Number
-hi link Conditional Repeat
-hi link Include     PreProc
-hi link Structure   Define
-hi link Macro       PreProc
-hi link PreCondit   PreProc
-hi link StorageClass    Type
-hi link Structure   Type
-hi link Typedef     Type
-hi link Tag     Special
-hi link SpecialChar Special
-hi link Delimiter   Normal
-hi link SpecialComment  Special
-hi link Debug       Special
diff --git a/colors/dante.vim b/colors/dante.vim
index 478d3ba..c9e8369 100644
--- a/colors/dante.vim
+++ b/colors/dante.vim
@@ -8,76 +8,76 @@
 hi clear
 if exists("syntax on")
-    syntax reset
+        syntax reset
 let g:colors_name = "dante"
 " General colors
-hi Normal   ctermfg=gray guifg=peachpuff3 guibg=black
+hi Normal       ctermfg=gray guifg=peachpuff3 guibg=black
 hi Directory    term=bold ctermfg=blue guifg=royalblue
-hi ErrorMsg term=standout ctermfg=white ctermbg=red guifg=white guibg=red3
-hi NonText  term=bold ctermfg=darkgray guibg=gray3 guifg=gray20
+hi ErrorMsg     term=standout ctermfg=white ctermbg=red guifg=white guibg=red3
+hi NonText      term=bold ctermfg=darkgray guibg=gray3 guifg=gray20
 hi SpecialKey   term=bold ctermfg=darkgray guifg=gray30
-hi LineNr   term=underline ctermfg=darkgray guifg=ivory4 guibg=gray4
+hi LineNr       term=underline ctermfg=darkgray guifg=ivory4 guibg=gray4
 hi IncSearch    term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse,bold guifg=darkgoldenrod2
-hi Search   term=reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow guifg=gray10 guibg=gold2
-hi Visual   term=bold,reverse cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=gray ctermbg=black gui=bold,reverse guifg=gray40 guibg=black
+hi Search       term=reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow guifg=gray10 guibg=gold2
+hi Visual       term=bold,reverse cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=gray ctermbg=black gui=bold,reverse guifg=gray40 guibg=black
 hi VisualNOS    term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline gui=bold,underline
-hi MoreMsg  term=bold ctermfg=green gui=bold guifg=olivedrab1
-hi ModeMsg  term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
-hi Question term=standout ctermfg=green gui=bold guifg=olivedrab1
+hi MoreMsg      term=bold ctermfg=green gui=bold guifg=olivedrab1
+hi ModeMsg      term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
+hi Question     term=standout ctermfg=green gui=bold guifg=olivedrab1
 hi WarningMsg   term=standout ctermfg=red gui=bold guifg=red3
-hi WildMenu term=standout ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow guifg=black guibg=gold2
-hi Folded   term=standout ctermfg=blue ctermbg=white guifg=royalblue1 guibg=white
+hi WildMenu     term=standout ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow guifg=black guibg=gold2
+hi Folded       term=standout ctermfg=blue ctermbg=white guifg=royalblue1 guibg=white
 hi FoldColumn   term=standout ctermfg=blue ctermbg=white guifg=royalblue3 guibg=white
-hi DiffAdd  term=bold ctermbg=blue guibg=royalblue2
+hi DiffAdd      term=bold ctermbg=blue guibg=royalblue2
 hi DiffChange   term=bold ctermbg=darkmagenta guibg=maroon
 hi DiffDelete   term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=cyan gui=bold guifg=lightblue guibg=cyan4
-hi DiffText term=reverse cterm=bold ctermbg=red gui=bold guibg=red3
-hi Cursor   guifg=bg guibg=fg
-hi lCursor  guifg=bg guibg=fg
+hi DiffText     term=reverse cterm=bold ctermbg=red gui=bold guibg=red3
+hi Cursor       guifg=bg guibg=fg
+hi lCursor      guifg=bg guibg=fg
 hi StatusLine   term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse guifg=gray60
 hi StatusLineNC term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse guifg=gray40
 hi VertSplit    term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=bold,reverse guifg=gray40
-hi Title    term=bold ctermfg=magenta gui=bold guifg=aquamarine
+hi Title        term=bold ctermfg=magenta gui=bold guifg=aquamarine
 " syntax hi colors
-hi Comment  term=bold ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=cyan4
-hi PreProc  term=underline ctermfg=darkblue guifg=dodgerblue4
-hi Constant term=underline ctermfg=darkred guifg=firebrick3
-hi Type     term=underline ctermfg=darkgreen gui=none guifg=chartreuse3
+hi Comment      term=bold ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=cyan4
+hi PreProc      term=underline ctermfg=darkblue guifg=dodgerblue4
+hi Constant     term=underline ctermfg=darkred guifg=firebrick3
+hi Type         term=underline ctermfg=darkgreen gui=none guifg=chartreuse3
 hi Statement    term=bold ctermfg=darkyellow gui=none guifg=gold3
 hi Identifier   term=underline ctermfg=darkgreen guifg=darkolivegreen4
-hi Ignore   term=bold ctermfg=darkgray guifg=gray45
-hi Special  term=underline ctermfg=brown guifg=sienna
-hi Error    term=reverse ctermfg=gray ctermbg=red guifg=gray guibg=red3
-hi Todo     term=standout ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow gui=bold guifg=gray10 guibg=yellow4
+hi Ignore       term=bold ctermfg=darkgray guifg=gray45
+hi Special      term=underline ctermfg=brown guifg=sienna
+hi Error        term=reverse ctermfg=gray ctermbg=red guifg=gray guibg=red3
+hi Todo         term=standout ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow gui=bold guifg=gray10 guibg=yellow4
 hi Underlined   term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=darkblue gui=underline guifg=slateblue
-hi Number   term=underline ctermfg=darkred guifg=red2
+hi Number       term=underline ctermfg=darkred guifg=red2
 " syntax hi links
-hi link String      Constant
-hi link Character   Constant
-hi link Number      Constant
-hi link Boolean     Constant
-hi link Float       Number
-hi link Function    Identifier
-hi link Number      Constant
-hi link Conditional Statement
-hi link Repeat      Statement
-hi link Label       Statement
-hi link Keyword     Statement
-hi link Exception   Statement
-hi link Operator    Statement
-hi link Include     PreProc
-hi link Define      PreProc
-hi link Macro       PreProc
-hi link PreCondit   PreProc
+hi link String          Constant
+hi link Character       Constant
+hi link Number          Constant
+hi link Boolean         Constant
+hi link Float           Number
+hi link Function        Identifier
+hi link Number          Constant
+hi link Conditional     Statement
+hi link Repeat          Statement
+hi link Label           Statement
+hi link Keyword         Statement
+hi link Exception       Statement
+hi link Operator        Statement
+hi link Include         PreProc
+hi link Define          PreProc
+hi link Macro           PreProc
+hi link PreCondit       PreProc
 hi link StorageClass    Type
-hi link Structure   Type
-hi link Typedef     Type
-hi link Tag     Special
-hi link SpecialChar Special
-hi link Delimiter   Special
+hi link Structure       Type
+hi link Typedef         Type
+hi link Tag             Special
+hi link SpecialChar     Special
+hi link Delimiter       Special
 hi link SpecialComment  Special
-hi link Debug       Special
+hi link Debug           Special
diff --git a/colors/darkblue2.vim b/colors/darkblue2.vim
index a65df91..d42981c 100644
--- a/colors/darkblue2.vim
+++ b/colors/darkblue2.vim
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ hi VertSplit            gui=bold guifg=NONE guibg=gray80
 "hi Folded
 "hi FoldColumn
 "hi IncSearch
-hi LineNr               gui=bold guifg=lightsteelblue guibg=#132b4a
+hi LineNr                               gui=bold guifg=lightsteelblue guibg=#132b4a
 hi ModeMsg              gui=bold
 "hi MoreMsg
 "hi NonText
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ hi VisualNOS            gui=bold guifg=steelblue guibg=fg
 hi WarningMsg           guifg=White guibg=Tomato
 "hi WildMenu
-hi User2                guifg=lightskyblue guibg=#021a39 gui=bold
+hi User2                                guifg=lightskyblue guibg=#021a39 gui=bold
 " If using Motif/Athena
 hi Menu                 guibg=#233b5a guifg=#fff8dc
diff --git a/colors/darkocean.vim b/colors/darkocean.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 99d2ed3..0000000
--- a/colors/darkocean.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-" Name Of File: darkocean.vim
-"  Description: Gvim colorscheme, works best with version 6.0.
-"   Maintainer: Naveen Chandra R <ncr AT iitbombay DOT org>
-"  Last Change: Thursday, August 15, 2002
-" Installation: Drop this file in your $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ directory
-"               or manually source this file using ':so darkocean.vim'.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="darkocean"
-hi Cursor         gui=None            guibg=#add8e6    guifg=#000000
-hi CursorIM       gui=None            guibg=#add8e6    guifg=#000000
-hi Directory      gui=None            guibg=bg         guifg=#20b2aa
-hi DiffAdd        gui=Bold            guibg=#7e354d    guifg=fg
-hi DiffChange     gui=Bold            guibg=#103040    guifg=#cc3300
-hi DiffDelete     gui=Bold,Reverse    guibg=#7e354d    guifg=fg
-hi DiffText       gui=Bold            guibg=#d74141    guifg=fg
-hi ErrorMsg       gui=None            guibg=#b22222    guifg=#ffffe0
-hi VertSplit      gui=None            guibg=#999999    guifg=#000000
-hi Folded         gui=Bold            guibg=#003366    guifg=#999999
-hi FoldColumn     gui=Bold            guibg=#305070    guifg=#b0d0e0
-hi IncSearch      gui=Bold            guibg=#8db6cd    guifg=fg
-hi LineNr         gui=Bold            guibg=#0f0f0f    guifg=#8db6cd
-hi MoreMsg        gui=Bold            guibg=bg         guifg=#bf9261
-hi ModeMsg        gui=Bold            guibg=bg         guifg=#4682b4
-hi NonText        gui=None            guibg=#0f0f0f    guifg=#87cefa
-hi Normal         gui=None            guibg=#000000    guifg=#e0ffff
-hi Question       gui=Bold            guibg=bg         guifg=#f4bb7e
-hi Search         gui=Bold            guibg=#607b8b    guifg=#000000
-hi SpecialKey     gui=None            guibg=bg         guifg=#63b8ff
-hi StatusLine     gui=Bold            guibg=#8db6cd    guifg=#000000
-hi StatusLineNC   gui=None            guibg=#607b8b    guifg=#1a1a1a
-hi Title          gui=Bold            guibg=bg         guifg=#5cacee
-hi Visual         gui=Reverse         guibg=#ffffff    guifg=#36648b
-hi VisualNOS      gui=Bold,Underline  guibg=#4682b4    guifg=fg
-hi WarningMsg     gui=Bold            guibg=bg         guifg=#b22222
-hi WildMenu       gui=Bold            guibg=#607b8b    guifg=#000000
-hi Comment        gui=None            guibg=#102520    guifg=#8db6cd
-hi Constant       gui=None            guibg=bg         guifg=#c34a2c
-hi Identifier     gui=None            guibg=bg         guifg=#009acd
-hi Statement      gui=None            guibg=bg         guifg=#72a5ee
-hi PreProc        gui=None            guibg=bg         guifg=#c12869
-hi Include        gui=None            guibg=bg         guifg=#ccccff
-hi Type           gui=None            guibg=bg         guifg=#3b9c9c
-hi Error          gui=None            guibg=#b22222    guifg=#ffffe0
-hi Todo           gui=None            guibg=#507080    guifg=#3bcccc
-hi Ignore         gui=None            guibg=bg         guifg=#777777
-hi TagName        gui=None            guibg=#660000    guifg=#a7a7a7
diff --git a/colors/darkslategray.vim b/colors/darkslategray.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b36aef0..0000000
--- a/colors/darkslategray.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-" vim: set tw=0 sw=4 sts=4 et:
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer: Tuomas Susi <tsusi at cc.hut.fi>
-" Last Change: 2004 October 05
-" Version: 1.7
-" Emacs in RedHat Linux used to have (still does?) a kind of 'Wheat on
-" DarkSlateGray' color scheme by default. This color scheme is created in the
-" same spirit.
-" Darkslategray is intended to be nice to your eyes (low contrast) and to take
-" advantage of syntax hilighting as much as possible.
-" This color scheme is for the GUI only, I'm happy with default console colors.
-" Needs at least vim 6.0.
-" Init stuff
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "darkslategray"
-" GUI colors
-hi Cursor               guifg=fg guibg=#da70d6
-hi CursorIM             guifg=NONE guibg=#ff83fa
-hi Directory            guifg=#e0ffff
-hi DiffAdd              guibg=#528b8b
-hi DiffChange           guibg=#8b636c
-hi DiffDelete           gui=bold guifg=fg guibg=#000000
-hi DiffText             gui=bold guibg=#6959cd
-hi ErrorMsg             gui=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff0000
-hi VertSplit            gui=bold guifg=#bdb76b guibg=#000000
-hi Folded               guifg=#000000 guibg=#bdb76b
-hi FoldColumn           guifg=#000000 guibg=#bdb76b
-hi SignColumn           gui=bold guifg=#bdb76b guibg=#20b2aa
-hi IncSearch            gui=bold guifg=#000000 guibg=#ffffff
-hi LineNr               gui=bold guifg=#bdb76b guibg=#528b8b
-hi ModeMsg              gui=bold
-hi MoreMsg              gui=bold guifg=#20b2aa
-hi NonText              gui=bold guifg=#ffffff
-hi Normal               guibg=#2f4f4f guifg=#f5deb3
-hi Question             gui=bold guifg=#ff6347
-hi Search               gui=bold guifg=#000000 guibg=#ffd700
-hi SpecialKey           guifg=#00ffff
-hi StatusLine           gui=bold guifg=#f0e68c guibg=#000000
-hi StatusLineNC         guibg=#bdb76b guifg=#404040
-hi Title                gui=bold guifg=#ff6347
-hi Visual               guifg=#000000 guibg=fg
-hi VisualNOS            gui=bold guifg=#000000 guibg=fg
-hi WarningMsg           guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff6347
-hi WildMenu             gui=bold guifg=#000000 guibg=#ffff00
-" I use GTK and don't wanna change these
-"hi Menu foobar
-"hi Scrollbar foobar
-"hi Tooltip foobar
-" Colors for syntax highlighting
-hi Comment              guifg=#da70d6
-hi Constant             guifg=#cdcd00
-    hi String           guifg=#7fffd4
-    hi Character        guifg=#7fffd4
-    hi Number           guifg=#ff6347
-    hi Boolean          guifg=#cdcd00
-    hi Float            guifg=#ff6347
-hi Identifier           guifg=#afeeee
-    hi Function         guifg=#ffffff
-hi Statement            gui=bold guifg=#4682b4
-    hi Conditional      gui=bold guifg=#4682b4
-    hi Repeat           gui=bold guifg=#4682b4
-    hi Label            gui=bold guifg=#4682b4
-    hi Operator         gui=bold guifg=#4682b4
-    hi Keyword          gui=bold guifg=#4682b4
-    hi Exception        gui=bold guifg=#4682b4
-hi PreProc              guifg=#cdcd00
-    hi Include          guifg=#ffff00
-    hi Define           guifg=#cdcd00
-    hi Macro            guifg=#cdcd00
-    hi PreCondit        guifg=#cdcd00
-hi Type                 gui=bold guifg=#98fb98
-    hi StorageClass     guifg=#00ff00
-    hi Structure        guifg=#20b2aa
-    hi Typedef          guifg=#00ff7f
-hi Special              guifg=#ff6347
-    "Underline Character
-    hi SpecialChar      gui=underline guifg=#7fffd4
-    hi Tag              guifg=#ff6347
-    "Statement
-    hi Delimiter        gui=bold guifg=#b0c4de
-    "Bold comment (in Java at least)
-    hi SpecialComment   gui=bold guifg=#da70d6
-    hi Debug            gui=bold guifg=#ff0000
-hi Underlined           gui=underline
-hi Ignore               guifg=bg
-hi Error                gui=bold guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff0000
-hi Todo                 gui=bold guifg=#000000 guibg=#ff83fa
diff --git a/colors/darkspectrum.vim b/colors/darkspectrum.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b78c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/darkspectrum.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Author: Brian Mock <mock.brian at gmail.com>
+" Note: Based on Oblivion color scheme for gedit (gtk-source-view)
+" cool help screens
+" :he group-name
+" :he highlight-groups
+" :he cterm-colors
+hi clear
+set background=dark
+if version > 580
+    " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
+    " complaining
+    hi clear
+    if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+    endif
+let g:colors_name="darkspectrum"
+hi Normal guifg=#efefef guibg=#2A2A2A
+" highlight groups
+hi Cursor       guibg=#ffffff guifg=#000000
+hi CursorLine   guibg=#000000
+"hi CursorLine  guibg=#3e4446
+hi CursorColumn guibg=#464646
+"hi DiffText     guibg=#4e9a06 guifg=#FFFFFF gui=bold
+"hi DiffChange   guibg=#4e9a06 guifg=#FFFFFF gui=bold
+"hi DiffAdd      guibg=#204a87 guifg=#FFFFFF gui=bold
+"hi DiffDelete   guibg=#5c3566 guifg=#FFFFFF gui=bold
+hi DiffAdd         guifg=#ffcc7f guibg=#a67429 gui=none
+hi DiffChange      guifg=#7fbdff guibg=#425c78 gui=none
+hi DiffText        guifg=#8ae234 guibg=#4e9a06 gui=none
+"hi DiffDelete      guifg=#252723 guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi DiffDelete      guifg=#000000 guibg=#000000 gui=none
+"hi ErrorMsg
+hi Number       guifg=#fce94f
+hi Folded       guibg=#000000 guifg=#FFFFFF gui=bold
+hi vimFold      guibg=#000000 guifg=#FFFFFF gui=bold
+hi FoldColumn   guibg=#000000 guifg=#FFFFFF gui=bold
+hi LineNr       guifg=#535353 guibg=#202020
+hi NonText      guifg=#535353 guibg=#202020
+hi Folded       guifg=#535353 guibg=#202020 gui=bold
+hi FoldeColumn  guifg=#535353 guibg=#202020 gui=bold
+"hi VertSplit   guibg=#ffffff guifg=#ffffff gui=none
+hi VertSplit    guibg=#3C3C3C guifg=#3C3C3C gui=none
+hi StatusLine   guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#3C3C3C gui=none
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=#808080 guibg=#3C3C3C gui=none
+hi ModeMsg      guifg=#fce94f
+hi MoreMsg      guifg=#fce94f
+hi Visual       guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#3465a4 gui=none
+hi VisualNOS    guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#204a87 gui=none
+hi IncSearch    guibg=#FFFFFF guifg=#ef5939
+hi Search       guibg=#ad7fa8 guifg=#FFFFFF
+hi SpecialKey   guifg=#8ae234
+hi Title        guifg=#ef5939
+hi WarningMsg   guifg=#ef5939
+hi Number       guifg=#fcaf3e
+hi MatchParen   guibg=#ad7fa8 guifg=#FFFFFF
+hi Comment      guifg=#8a8a8a
+hi Constant     guifg=#ef5939 gui=none
+hi String       guifg=#fce94f
+hi Identifier   guifg=#729fcf
+hi Statement    guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
+hi PreProc      guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
+hi Type         guifg=#8ae234 gui=bold
+hi Special      guifg=#e9b96e
+hi Underlined   guifg=#ad7fa8 gui=underline
+hi Directory    guifg=#729fcf
+hi Ignore       guifg=#555753
+hi Todo         guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#ef5939 gui=bold
+hi Function     guifg=#ad7fa8
+"hi WildMenu     guibg=#2e3436 guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
+"hi WildMenu     guifg=#7fbdff guibg=#425c78 gui=none
+hi WildMenu     guifg=#ffffff guibg=#3465a4 gui=none
+hi Pmenu        guibg=#000000 guifg=#c0c0c0
+hi PmenuSel     guibg=#3465a4 guifg=#ffffff
+hi PmenuSbar    guibg=#444444 guifg=#444444
+hi PmenuThumb   guibg=#888888 guifg=#888888 
+hi cppSTLType   guifg=#729fcf gui=bold
+hi spellBad     guisp=#fcaf3e
+hi spellCap     guisp=#73d216
+hi spellRare    guisp=#ad7fa8
+hi spellLocal   guisp=#729fcf
+hi link cppSTL          Function
+hi link Error           Todo
+hi link Character       Number
+hi link rubySymbol      Number
+hi link htmlTag         htmlEndTag
+"hi link htmlTagName     htmlTag
+hi link htmlLink        Underlined
+hi link pythonFunction  Identifier
+hi link Question        Type
+hi link CursorIM        Cursor
+hi link VisualNOS       Visual
+hi link xmlTag          Identifier
+hi link xmlTagName      Identifier
+hi link shDeref         Identifier
+hi link shVariable      Function
+hi link rubySharpBang   Special
+hi link perlSharpBang   Special
+hi link schemeFunc      Statement
+"hi link shSpecialVariables Constant
+"hi link bashSpecialVariables Constant
+" tabs (non gui)
+hi TabLine      guifg=#A3A3A3 guibg=#202020 gui=none
+hi TabLineFill  guifg=#535353 guibg=#202020 gui=none
+hi TabLineSel   guifg=#FFFFFF gui=bold
+"hi TabLineSel  guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+" vim: sw=4 ts=4
diff --git a/colors/dawn.vim b/colors/dawn.vim
index 56e0614..85d50ad 100644
--- a/colors/dawn.vim
+++ b/colors/dawn.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 " Vim color file
 " Maintainer:   Ajit J. Thakkar (ajit AT unb DOT ca)
 " Last Change:  2005 Nov. 24
-" Version:  1.5
-" URL:      http://www.unb.ca/chem/ajit/vim.htm
+" Version:      1.5
+" URL:          http://www.unb.ca/chem/ajit/vim.htm
 " This GUI-only color scheme has a light grey background, and is a softer
 " variant of the default and morning color schemes.
@@ -15,64 +15,64 @@ endif
 let colors_name = "dawn"
-hi Normal   guifg=Black guibg=grey90
-"hi Normal  guifg=Black guibg=grey80
+hi Normal       guifg=Black guibg=grey90
+"hi Normal      guifg=Black guibg=grey80
 " Groups used in the 'highlight' and 'guicursor' options default value.
-hi ErrorMsg gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
+hi ErrorMsg     gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
 hi IncSearch    gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=LightGreen
-hi ModeMsg  gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
+hi ModeMsg      gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
 hi StatusLine   gui=NONE guifg=DarkBlue guibg=grey70
 hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=grey90 guibg=grey70
 hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=grey70 guibg=grey70
-hi Visual   gui=reverse guifg=Grey guibg=fg
+hi Visual       gui=reverse guifg=Grey guibg=fg
 hi VisualNOS    gui=underline,bold guifg=fg guibg=bg
-hi DiffText gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=LightYellow
+hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=LightYellow
 "hi DiffText    gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=MistyRose2
-hi Cursor   guifg=NONE guibg=Green
-hi lCursor  guifg=NONE guibg=Cyan
+hi Cursor       guifg=NONE guibg=Green
+hi lCursor      guifg=NONE guibg=Cyan
 hi Directory    guifg=Blue guibg=bg
-hi LineNr   guifg=Brown guibg=grey80
-hi MoreMsg  gui=NONE guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
-hi NonText  gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=grey80
-hi Question gui=NONE guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
-hi Search   guifg=fg guibg=PeachPuff
+hi LineNr       guifg=Brown guibg=grey80
+hi MoreMsg      gui=NONE guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
+hi NonText      gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=grey80
+hi Question     gui=NONE guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
+hi Search       guifg=fg guibg=PeachPuff
 hi SpecialKey   guifg=Blue guibg=bg
-hi Title    gui=NONE guifg=Magenta guibg=bg
+hi Title        gui=NONE guifg=Magenta guibg=bg
 hi WarningMsg   guifg=Red guibg=bg
-hi WildMenu guifg=fg guibg=PeachPuff
-hi Folded   guifg=Grey40 guibg=bg " guifg=DarkBlue guibg=LightGrey
+hi WildMenu     guifg=fg guibg=PeachPuff
+hi Folded       guifg=Grey40 guibg=bg " guifg=DarkBlue guibg=LightGrey
 hi FoldColumn   guifg=DarkBlue guibg=Grey
-hi DiffAdd  gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan
+hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan
 hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=MistyRose2
 hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=LightBlue guibg=LightCyan
 " Colors for syntax highlighting
-hi Constant gui=NONE guifg=azure4 guibg=bg
+hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=azure4 guibg=bg
 "hi Constant    gui=NONE guifg=DeepSkyBlue4 guibg=bg
-hi String   gui=NONE guifg=DarkOliveGreen4 guibg=bg
-hi Special  gui=NONE guifg=Cyan4 guibg=bg
+hi String       gui=NONE guifg=DarkOliveGreen4 guibg=bg
+hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=Cyan4 guibg=bg
 hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=SlateBlue4 guibg=bg
-hi Operator gui=NONE guifg=Purple guibg=bg
-hi Ignore   gui=NONE guifg=bg guibg=bg
+hi Operator     gui=NONE guifg=Purple guibg=bg
+hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=bg guibg=bg
 if v:version >= 700
   hi SpellBad   gui=undercurl guisp=DeepPink1 guifg=fg guibg=bg
   hi SpellCap   gui=undercurl guisp=Blue guifg=fg guibg=bg
   hi SpellRare  gui=undercurl guisp=Black guifg=fg guibg=bg
   hi SpellLocal gui=undercurl guisp=SeaGreen guifg=fg guibg=bg
-hi ToDo     gui=NONE guifg=DeepPink1 guibg=bg
-hi Error    gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
-hi Comment  gui=NONE guifg=RoyalBlue guibg=NONE
+hi ToDo         gui=NONE guifg=DeepPink1 guibg=bg
+hi Error        gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
+hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=RoyalBlue guibg=NONE
 hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=DodgerBlue3 guibg=NONE
 "hi Identifier  gui=NONE guifg=SteelBlue4 guibg=NONE
-hi PreProc  gui=NONE guifg=Magenta4 guibg=NONE
-hi Type     gui=NONE guifg=Brown guibg=NONE
+hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=Magenta4 guibg=NONE
+hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=Brown guibg=NONE
 hi Underlined   gui=underline guifg=SlateBlue guibg=bg
 "if exists("g:minimal_colors")
 "  hi Statement gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
-"  hi Identifier    gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
-"  hi Type  gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
+"  hi Identifier        gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
+"  hi Type      gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
 " vim: sw=2
diff --git a/colors/delek.vim b/colors/delek.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b63f0c9..0000000
--- a/colors/delek.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   David Schweikert <dws at ee.ethz.ch>
-" Last Change:  2001 Mai 14
-" First remove all existing highlighting.
-hi clear
-let colors_name = "delek"
-hi Normal guifg=Black guibg=white
-" Groups used in the 'highlight' and 'guicursor' options default value.
-hi ErrorMsg term=standout ctermbg=DarkRed ctermfg=White guibg=Red guifg=White
-hi IncSearch term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
-hi ModeMsg term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
-hi VertSplit term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
-hi Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse guifg=Grey guibg=fg
-hi VisualNOS term=underline,bold cterm=underline,bold gui=underline,bold
-hi DiffText term=reverse cterm=bold ctermbg=Red gui=bold guibg=Red
-hi Cursor guibg=Green guifg=NONE
-hi lCursor guibg=Cyan guifg=NONE
-hi Directory term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=Blue
-hi LineNr term=underline ctermfg=Brown guifg=Brown
-hi MoreMsg term=bold ctermfg=DarkGreen gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
-hi Question term=standout ctermfg=DarkGreen gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
-hi Search term=reverse ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=NONE guibg=Yellow guifg=NONE
-hi SpecialKey term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=Blue
-hi Title term=bold ctermfg=DarkMagenta gui=bold guifg=Magenta
-hi WarningMsg term=standout ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=Red
-hi WildMenu term=standout ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black guibg=Yellow guifg=Black
-hi Folded term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue guibg=LightGrey guifg=DarkBlue
-hi FoldColumn term=standout ctermbg=Grey ctermfg=DarkBlue guibg=Grey guifg=DarkBlue
-hi DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=LightBlue guibg=LightBlue
-hi DiffChange term=bold ctermbg=LightMagenta guibg=LightMagenta
-hi DiffDelete term=bold ctermfg=Blue ctermbg=LightCyan gui=bold guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan
-hi StatusLine   cterm=bold ctermbg=blue ctermfg=yellow guibg=gold guifg=blue
-hi StatusLineNC cterm=bold ctermbg=blue ctermfg=black  guibg=gold guifg=blue
-hi NonText term=bold ctermfg=Blue gui=bold guifg=gray guibg=white
-hi Cursor guibg=fg guifg=bg
-" syntax highlighting
-hi PreProc    term=underline cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkmagenta  gui=NONE guifg=magenta3
-hi Identifier term=underline cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkcyan     gui=NONE guifg=cyan4
-hi Comment    term=NONE      cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkred      gui=NONE guifg=red2
-hi Constant   term=underline cterm=NONE ctermfg=darkgreen    gui=NONE guifg=green3
-hi Special    term=bold      cterm=NONE ctermfg=lightred     gui=NONE guifg=deeppink
-hi Statement  term=bold      cterm=bold ctermfg=blue         gui=bold guifg=blue
-hi Type       term=underline cterm=NONE ctermfg=blue         gui=bold guifg=blue 
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  let syntax_cmd = "enable"
-  runtime syntax/syncolor.vim
-  unlet syntax_cmd
-" vim: sw=2
diff --git a/colors/denim.vim b/colors/denim.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ca21b7..0000000
--- a/colors/denim.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-" Maintainer:   Tim Aldrich <aldy0169 at yahoo.com>
-" Last Change:  19 November 2001
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="denim"
-" GUI colors {{{
-hi Normal       guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000038
-hi Cursor       guifg=#000038 guibg=#FFFFFF
-hi CursorIM     guifg=#6699CC guibg=#99CCCC
-hi Directory    guifg=#33CCFF guibg=#6699CC
-hi DiffAdd      guifg=#FFFFCC guibg=#000038
-hi DiffChange   guifg=#FF9900 guibg=#000038
-hi DiffDelete   guifg=#999999 guibg=#000038
-hi DiffText     guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000038
-hi ErrorMsg     guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#FF0000
-hi VertSplit    guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000038
-hi Folded       guifg=#999999 guibg=#003366
-hi FoldColumn   guifg=#0000EE guibg=#6699CC
-hi IncSearch    guifg=#FFFF00 guibg=#000038
-hi LineNr       guifg=#FFFFEE guibg=#000038
-hi ModeMsg      guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000038
-hi MoreMsg      guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000038
-hi NonText      guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#00003D
-hi Question     guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#0000EE
-hi Search       guifg=#993300 guibg=#6699CC
-hi SpecialKey   guifg=#FFFF00 guibg=#000038
-hi StatusLine   guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000038
-hi StatusLineNC guifg=#CCCCCC guibg=#000038
-hi Title        guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#FF9900
-hi Visual       guifg=#003366 guibg=#6699FF
-hi WarningMsg   guifg=#FF0000 guibg=#FFFFFF
-hi WildMenu     guifg=#000038 guibg=#999999
-" }}}
-" cterm colors {{{
-hi Normal       ctermfg=white ctermbg=darkblue
-hi Cursor       ctermfg=darkblue ctermbg=white
-hi CursorIM     ctermfg=lightcyan ctermbg=lightcyan
-hi Directory    ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=lightcyan
-hi DiffAdd      ctermfg=LightYellow ctermbg=darkblue
-hi DiffChange   ctermfg=darkred ctermbg=darkblue
-hi DiffDelete   ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue
-hi DiffText     ctermfg=white   ctermbg=darkblue
-hi ErrorMsg     ctermfg=red ctermbg=lightcyan
-hi VertSplit    ctermfg=white   ctermbg=darkblue
-hi Folded       ctermfg=grey ctermbg=darkblue
-hi FoldColumn   ctermfg=darkred ctermbg=lightcyan
-hi IncSearch    ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=darkblue
-hi LineNr       ctermfg=lightyellow ctermbg=darkblue
-hi ModeMsg      ctermfg=white   ctermbg=darkblue
-hi MoreMsg      ctermfg=white   ctermbg=darkblue
-hi NonText      ctermfg=white   ctermbg=lightblue
-hi Question     ctermfg=white   ctermbg=darkblue
-hi Search       ctermfg=darkred ctermbg=lightcyan
-hi SpecialKey   ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=darkblue
-hi StatusLine   ctermfg=white   ctermbg=darkblue
-hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=lightgrey ctermbg=darkblue
-hi Title        ctermfg=white   ctermbg=yellow
-hi Visual       ctermfg=lightblue ctermbg=cyan
-hi WarningMsg   ctermfg=red ctermbg=white
-hi WildMenu     ctermfg=darkblue ctermbg=grey
-" }}}
-" GUI hilight groups {{{
-hi Comment      guifg=#999999
-hi Constant     guifg=#33FF33
-hi String       guifg=#CCCC99
-hi Character    guifg=#33FF33
-hi Number       guifg=#33FF33
-hi Boolean      guifg=#33FF33
-hi Float        guifg=#33FF33
-hi Identifier   guifg=#33FFFF
-hi Function     guifg=#33FFFF
-hi Statement    guifg=#FFFFCC
-hi Conditional  guifg=#FFFFCC
-hi Repeat       guifg=#FFFFCC
-hi Label        guifg=#33FF99
-hi Operator     guifg=#FFFF00
-hi Keyword      guifg=#FFFF00
-hi Exception    guifg=#FFFFAA
-hi PreProc      guifg=#66CCFF
-hi Include      guifg=#66CCFF
-hi Define       guifg=#66CCFF
-hi Macro        guifg=#66CCFF
-hi PreCondit    guifg=#66CCFF
-hi Type         guifg=#33FF99
-hi StorageClass guifg=#33FF99
-hi Structure    guifg=#33FF99
-hi Typedef      guifg=#33FF99
-hi Special      guifg=#00FF00
-hi SpecialChar  guifg=#00FF00
-hi Tag          guifg=#CCCCFF
-hi Delimiter    guifg=#CCCCFF
-hi SpecialComment   guifg=#FFFFCC
-hi Debug        guifg=#CC3300
-hi Ignore       guifg=#0066AA
-hi Error        guifg=#FF0000 guibg=#FFFFFF
-hi Todo         guifg=#999999 guibg=#FFFFFF
-" }}}
-" cterm hilight groups {{{
-hi Comment      ctermfg=grey
-hi Constant     ctermfg=lightgreen
-hi String       ctermfg=brown
-hi Character    ctermfg=lightgreen
-hi Number       ctermfg=lightgreen
-hi Boolean      ctermfg=lightgreen
-hi Float        ctermfg=lightgreen
-hi Identifier   ctermfg=lightcyan
-hi Function     ctermfg=lightcyan
-hi Statement    ctermfg=lightyellow
-hi Conditional  ctermfg=lightyellow
-hi Repeat       ctermfg=lightyellow
-hi Label        ctermfg=lightcyan
-hi Operator     ctermfg=yellow
-hi Keyword      ctermfg=yellow
-hi Exception    ctermfg=yellow
-hi PreProc      ctermfg=darkcyan
-hi Include      ctermfg=darkcyan
-hi Define       ctermfg=darkcyan
-hi Macro        ctermfg=darkcyan
-hi PreCondit    ctermfg=darkcyan
-hi Type         ctermfg=lightcyan
-hi StorageClass ctermfg=lightcyan
-hi Structure    ctermfg=lightcyan
-hi Typedef      ctermfg=lightcyan
-hi Special      ctermfg=green
-hi SpecialChar  ctermfg=green
-hi Tag          ctermfg=brown
-hi Delimiter    ctermfg=brown
-hi SpecialComment   ctermfg=lightyellow
-hi Debug        ctermfg=magenta
-hi Ignore       ctermfg=lightblue
-hi Error        ctermfg=red ctermbg=white
-hi Todo         ctermfg=grey ctermbg=white
-" }}}
diff --git a/colors/desert.vim b/colors/desert.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 793410f..0000000
--- a/colors/desert.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Hans Fugal <hans at fugal.net>
-" Last Change:  $Date: 2003/06/02 19:28:15 $
-" URL:      http://hans.fugal.net/vim/colors/desert.vim 
-" cool help screens
-" :he group-name
-" :he highlight-groups
-" :he cterm-colors
-set background=dark
-if version > 580
-    " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
-    " complaining
-    hi clear
-    if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-    endif
-let g:colors_name="desert"
-hi Normal   guifg=White guibg=grey20
-" highlight groups
-hi Cursor   guibg=khaki guifg=slategrey
-"hi CursorIM    
-"hi Directory   
-"hi DiffAdd             
-"hi DiffChange  
-"hi DiffDelete  
-"hi DiffText    
-"hi ErrorMsg    
-hi VertSplit    guibg=#c2bfa5 guifg=grey50 gui=none
-hi Folded   guibg=grey30 guifg=gold 
-hi FoldColumn   guibg=grey30 guifg=tan
-hi IncSearch    guifg=slategrey guibg=khaki
-"hi LineNr              
-hi ModeMsg  guifg=goldenrod
-hi MoreMsg  guifg=SeaGreen
-hi NonText  guifg=LightBlue guibg=grey30
-hi Question guifg=springgreen
-hi Search   guibg=peru guifg=wheat
-hi SpecialKey   guifg=yellowgreen
-hi StatusLine   guibg=#c2bfa5 guifg=black gui=none
-hi StatusLineNC guibg=#c2bfa5 guifg=grey50 gui=none
-hi Title    guifg=indianred
-hi Visual   gui=none guifg=khaki guibg=olivedrab
-"hi VisualNOS   
-hi WarningMsg   guifg=salmon
-"hi WildMenu    
-"hi Menu                
-"hi Scrollbar   
-"hi Tooltip             
-" syntax highlighting groups
-hi Comment   guifg=SkyBlue
-hi Constant  guifg=#ffa0a0
-hi Identifier    guifg=palegreen
-hi Statement     guifg=khaki
-hi PreProc   guifg=indianred
-hi Type      guifg=darkkhaki
-hi Special   guifg=navajowhite
-"hi Underlined  
-hi Ignore    guifg=grey40
-"hi Error           
-hi Todo      guifg=orangered guibg=yellow2
-" color terminal definitions
-hi SpecialKey    ctermfg=darkgreen
-hi NonText       cterm=bold ctermfg=darkblue
-hi Directory     ctermfg=darkcyan
-hi ErrorMsg      cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
-hi IncSearch     cterm=NONE ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=green
-hi Search        cterm=NONE ctermfg=grey ctermbg=blue
-hi MoreMsg       ctermfg=darkgreen
-hi ModeMsg       cterm=NONE ctermfg=brown
-hi LineNr        ctermfg=3
-hi Question      ctermfg=green
-hi StatusLine    cterm=bold,reverse
-hi StatusLineNC  cterm=reverse
-hi VertSplit     cterm=reverse
-hi Title         ctermfg=5
-hi Visual        cterm=reverse
-hi VisualNOS     cterm=bold,underline
-hi WarningMsg    ctermfg=1
-hi WildMenu      ctermfg=0 ctermbg=3
-hi Folded        ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=NONE
-hi FoldColumn    ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=NONE
-hi DiffAdd       ctermbg=4
-hi DiffChange    ctermbg=5
-hi DiffDelete    cterm=bold ctermfg=4 ctermbg=6
-hi DiffText      cterm=bold ctermbg=1
-hi Comment       ctermfg=darkcyan
-hi Constant      ctermfg=brown
-hi Special       ctermfg=5
-hi Identifier    ctermfg=6
-hi Statement     ctermfg=3
-hi PreProc       ctermfg=5
-hi Type          ctermfg=2
-hi Underlined    cterm=underline ctermfg=5
-hi Ignore        ctermfg=darkgrey
-hi Error         cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
-"vim: sw=4
diff --git a/colors/desert256.vim b/colors/desert256.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a97742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/desert256.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer: Henry So, Jr. <henryso at panix.com>
+" These are the colors of the "desert" theme by Hans Fugal with a few small
+" modifications (namely that I lowered the intensity of the normal white and
+" made the normal and nontext backgrounds black), modified to work with 88-
+" and 256-color xterms.
+" The original "desert" theme is available as part of the vim distribution or
+" at http://hans.fugal.net/vim/colors/.
+" The real feature of this color scheme, with a wink to the "inkpot" theme, is
+" the programmatic approximation of the gui colors to the palettes of 88- and
+" 256- color xterms.  The functions that do this (folded away, for
+" readability) are calibrated to the colors used for Thomas E. Dickey's xterm
+" (version 200), which is available at http://dickey.his.com/xterm/xterm.html.
+" I struggled with trying to parse the rgb.txt file to avoid the necessity of
+" converting color names to #rrggbb form, but decided it was just not worth
+" the effort.  Maybe someone seeing this may decide otherwise...
+set background=dark
+if version > 580
+    " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
+    " complaining
+    hi clear
+    if exists("syntax_on")
+        syntax reset
+    endif
+let g:colors_name="desert256"
+if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256
+    " functions {{{
+    " returns an approximate grey index for the given grey level
+    fun <SID>grey_number(x)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+            if a:x < 23
+                return 0
+            elseif a:x < 69
+                return 1
+            elseif a:x < 103
+                return 2
+            elseif a:x < 127
+                return 3
+            elseif a:x < 150
+                return 4
+            elseif a:x < 173
+                return 5
+            elseif a:x < 196
+                return 6
+            elseif a:x < 219
+                return 7
+            elseif a:x < 243
+                return 8
+            else
+                return 9
+            endif
+        else
+            if a:x < 14
+                return 0
+            else
+                let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10
+                let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10
+                if l:m < 5
+                    return l:n
+                else
+                    return l:n + 1
+                endif
+            endif
+        endif
+    endfun
+    " returns the actual grey level represented by the grey index
+    fun <SID>grey_level(n)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+            if a:n == 0
+                return 0
+            elseif a:n == 1
+                return 46
+            elseif a:n == 2
+                return 92
+            elseif a:n == 3
+                return 115
+            elseif a:n == 4
+                return 139
+            elseif a:n == 5
+                return 162
+            elseif a:n == 6
+                return 185
+            elseif a:n == 7
+                return 208
+            elseif a:n == 8
+                return 231
+            else
+                return 255
+            endif
+        else
+            if a:n == 0
+                return 0
+            else
+                return 8 + (a:n * 10)
+            endif
+        endif
+    endfun
+    " returns the palette index for the given grey index
+    fun <SID>grey_color(n)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+            if a:n == 0
+                return 16
+            elseif a:n == 9
+                return 79
+            else
+                return 79 + a:n
+            endif
+        else
+            if a:n == 0
+                return 16
+            elseif a:n == 25
+                return 231
+            else
+                return 231 + a:n
+            endif
+        endif
+    endfun
+    " returns an approximate color index for the given color level
+    fun <SID>rgb_number(x)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+            if a:x < 69
+                return 0
+            elseif a:x < 172
+                return 1
+            elseif a:x < 230
+                return 2
+            else
+                return 3
+            endif
+        else
+            if a:x < 75
+                return 0
+            else
+                let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40
+                let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40
+                if l:m < 20
+                    return l:n
+                else
+                    return l:n + 1
+                endif
+            endif
+        endif
+    endfun
+    " returns the actual color level for the given color index
+    fun <SID>rgb_level(n)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+            if a:n == 0
+                return 0
+            elseif a:n == 1
+                return 139
+            elseif a:n == 2
+                return 205
+            else
+                return 255
+            endif
+        else
+            if a:n == 0
+                return 0
+            else
+                return 55 + (a:n * 40)
+            endif
+        endif
+    endfun
+    " returns the palette index for the given R/G/B color indices
+    fun <SID>rgb_color(x, y, z)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+            return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z
+        else
+            return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z
+        endif
+    endfun
+    " returns the palette index to approximate the given R/G/B color levels
+    fun <SID>color(r, g, b)
+        " get the closest grey
+        let l:gx = <SID>grey_number(a:r)
+        let l:gy = <SID>grey_number(a:g)
+        let l:gz = <SID>grey_number(a:b)
+        " get the closest color
+        let l:x = <SID>rgb_number(a:r)
+        let l:y = <SID>rgb_number(a:g)
+        let l:z = <SID>rgb_number(a:b)
+        if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz
+            " there are two possibilities
+            let l:dgr = <SID>grey_level(l:gx) - a:r
+            let l:dgg = <SID>grey_level(l:gy) - a:g
+            let l:dgb = <SID>grey_level(l:gz) - a:b
+            let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb)
+            let l:dr = <SID>rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r
+            let l:dg = <SID>rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g
+            let l:db = <SID>rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b
+            let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db)
+            if l:dgrey < l:drgb
+                " use the grey
+                return <SID>grey_color(l:gx)
+            else
+                " use the color
+                return <SID>rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
+            endif
+        else
+            " only one possibility
+            return <SID>rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
+        endif
+    endfun
+    " returns the palette index to approximate the 'rrggbb' hex string
+    fun <SID>rgb(rgb)
+        let l:r = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 0, 2)) + 0
+        let l:g = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 2, 2)) + 0
+        let l:b = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 4, 2)) + 0
+        return <SID>color(l:r, l:g, l:b)
+    endfun
+    " sets the highlighting for the given group
+    fun <SID>X(group, fg, bg, attr)
+        if a:fg != ""
+            exec "hi " . a:group . " guifg=#" . a:fg . " ctermfg=" . <SID>rgb(a:fg)
+        endif
+        if a:bg != ""
+            exec "hi " . a:group . " guibg=#" . a:bg . " ctermbg=" . <SID>rgb(a:bg)
+        endif
+        if a:attr != ""
+            exec "hi " . a:group . " gui=" . a:attr . " cterm=" . a:attr
+        endif
+    endfun
+    " }}}
+    call <SID>X("Normal", "cccccc", "000000", "")
+    " highlight groups
+    call <SID>X("Cursor", "708090", "f0e68c", "")
+    "CursorIM
+    "Directory
+    "DiffAdd
+    "DiffChange
+    "DiffDelete
+    "DiffText
+    "ErrorMsg
+    call <SID>X("VertSplit", "c2bfa5", "7f7f7f", "reverse")
+    call <SID>X("Folded", "ffd700", "4d4d4d", "")
+    call <SID>X("FoldColumn", "d2b48c", "4d4d4d", "")
+    call <SID>X("IncSearch", "708090", "f0e68c", "")
+    "LineNr
+    call <SID>X("ModeMsg", "daa520", "", "")
+    call <SID>X("MoreMsg", "2e8b57", "", "")
+    call <SID>X("NonText", "addbe7", "000000", "bold")
+    call <SID>X("Question", "00ff7f", "", "")
+    call <SID>X("Search", "f5deb3", "cd853f", "")
+    call <SID>X("SpecialKey", "9acd32", "", "")
+    call <SID>X("StatusLine", "c2bfa5", "000000", "reverse")
+    call <SID>X("StatusLineNC", "c2bfa5", "7f7f7f", "reverse")
+    call <SID>X("Title", "cd5c5c", "", "")
+    call <SID>X("Visual", "6b8e23", "f0e68c", "reverse")
+    "VisualNOS
+    call <SID>X("WarningMsg", "fa8072", "", "")
+    "WildMenu
+    "Menu
+    "Scrollbar
+    "Tooltip
+    " syntax highlighting groups
+    call <SID>X("Comment", "87ceeb", "", "")
+    call <SID>X("Constant", "ffa0a0", "", "")
+    call <SID>X("Identifier", "98fb98", "", "none")
+    call <SID>X("Statement", "f0e68c", "", "bold")
+    call <SID>X("PreProc", "cd5c5c", "", "")
+    call <SID>X("Type", "bdb76b", "", "bold")
+    call <SID>X("Special", "ffdead", "", "")
+    "Underlined
+    call <SID>X("Ignore", "666666", "", "")
+    "Error
+    call <SID>X("Todo", "ff4500", "eeee00", "")
+    " delete functions {{{
+    delf <SID>X
+    delf <SID>rgb
+    delf <SID>color
+    delf <SID>rgb_color
+    delf <SID>rgb_level
+    delf <SID>rgb_number
+    delf <SID>grey_color
+    delf <SID>grey_level
+    delf <SID>grey_number
+    " }}}
+    " color terminal definitions
+    hi SpecialKey    ctermfg=darkgreen
+    hi NonText       cterm=bold ctermfg=darkblue
+    hi Directory     ctermfg=darkcyan
+    hi ErrorMsg      cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
+    hi IncSearch     cterm=NONE ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=green
+    hi Search        cterm=NONE ctermfg=grey ctermbg=blue
+    hi MoreMsg       ctermfg=darkgreen
+    hi ModeMsg       cterm=NONE ctermfg=brown
+    hi LineNr        ctermfg=3
+    hi Question      ctermfg=green
+    hi StatusLine    cterm=bold,reverse
+    hi StatusLineNC  cterm=reverse
+    hi VertSplit     cterm=reverse
+    hi Title         ctermfg=5
+    hi Visual        cterm=reverse
+    hi VisualNOS     cterm=bold,underline
+    hi WarningMsg    ctermfg=1
+    hi WildMenu      ctermfg=0 ctermbg=3
+    hi Folded        ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=NONE
+    hi FoldColumn    ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=NONE
+    hi DiffAdd       ctermbg=4
+    hi DiffChange    ctermbg=5
+    hi DiffDelete    cterm=bold ctermfg=4 ctermbg=6
+    hi DiffText      cterm=bold ctermbg=1
+    hi Comment       ctermfg=darkcyan
+    hi Constant      ctermfg=brown
+    hi Special       ctermfg=5
+    hi Identifier    ctermfg=6
+    hi Statement     ctermfg=3
+    hi PreProc       ctermfg=5
+    hi Type          ctermfg=2
+    hi Underlined    cterm=underline ctermfg=5
+    hi Ignore        ctermfg=darkgrey
+    hi Error         cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1
+" vim: set fdl=0 fdm=marker:
diff --git a/colors/desertEx.vim b/colors/desertEx.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cf477a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/desertEx.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:   Mingbai <mbbill AT gmail DOT com>
+" Last Change:  2006-12-24 20:09:09
+set background=dark
+if version > 580
+    " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
+    " complaining
+    hi clear
+    if exists("syntax_on")
+        syntax reset
+    endif
+let g:colors_name="desertEx"
+hi Normal       guifg=gray guibg=grey17 gui=none
+" AlignCtrl default
+" AlignCtrl =P0 guifg guibg gui
+" Align
+" highlight groups
+hi Cursor       guifg=black          guibg=yellow   gui=none
+hi ErrorMsg     guifg=white          guibg=red      gui=none
+hi VertSplit    guifg=gray40         guibg=gray40   gui=none
+hi Folded       guifg=DarkSlateGray3 guibg=grey30   gui=none
+hi FoldColumn   guifg=tan            guibg=grey30   gui=none
+hi IncSearch    guifg=#b0ffff        guibg=#2050d0
+hi LineNr       guifg=burlywood3     gui=none
+hi ModeMsg      guifg=SkyBlue        gui=none
+hi MoreMsg      guifg=SeaGreen       gui=none
+hi NonText      guifg=cyan           gui=none
+hi Question     guifg=springgreen    gui=none
+hi Search       guifg=gray80         guibg=#445599  gui=none
+hi SpecialKey   guifg=cyan           gui=none
+hi StatusLine   guifg=black          guibg=#c2bfa5  gui=bold
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=grey           guibg=gray40   gui=none
+hi Title        guifg=indianred      gui=none
+hi Visual       guifg=gray17         guibg=tan1     gui=none
+hi WarningMsg   guifg=salmon         gui=none
+hi Pmenu        guifg=white          guibg=#445599  gui=none
+hi PmenuSel     guifg=#445599        guibg=gray
+hi WildMenu     guifg=gray           guibg=gray17   gui=none
+hi MatchParen   guifg=cyan           guibg=NONE     gui=bold
+hi DiffAdd      guifg=black          guibg=wheat1
+hi DiffChange   guifg=black          guibg=skyblue1
+hi DiffText     guifg=black          guibg=hotpink1  gui=none
+hi DiffDelete   guibg=gray45         guifg=black     gui=none
+" syntax highlighting groups
+hi Comment      guifg=PaleGreen3     gui=italic
+hi Constant     guifg=salmon         gui=none
+hi Identifier   guifg=Skyblue        gui=none
+hi Function     guifg=Skyblue        gui=none
+hi Statement    guifg=lightgoldenrod2 gui=none
+hi PreProc      guifg=PaleVioletRed2 gui=none
+hi Type         guifg=tan1           gui=none
+hi Special      guifg=aquamarine2    gui=none
+hi Ignore       guifg=grey40         gui=none
+hi Todo         guifg=orangered      guibg=yellow2 gui=none
+" color terminal definitions
+hi SpecialKey   ctermfg=darkgreen
+hi NonText      cterm=bold           ctermfg=darkblue
+hi Directory    ctermfg=darkcyan
+hi ErrorMsg     cterm=bold           ctermfg=7        ctermbg=1
+hi IncSearch    cterm=NONE           ctermfg=yellow   ctermbg=green
+hi Search       cterm=NONE           ctermfg=grey     ctermbg=blue
+hi MoreMsg      ctermfg=darkgreen
+hi ModeMsg      cterm=NONE           ctermfg=brown
+hi LineNr       ctermfg=3
+hi Question     ctermfg=green
+hi StatusLine   cterm=bold,reverse
+hi StatusLineNC cterm=reverse
+hi VertSplit    cterm=reverse
+hi Title        ctermfg=5
+hi Visual       cterm=reverse
+hi VisualNOS    cterm=bold,underline
+hi WarningMsg   ctermfg=1
+hi WildMenu     ctermfg=0            ctermbg=3
+hi Folded       ctermfg=darkgrey     ctermbg=NONE
+hi FoldColumn   ctermfg=darkgrey     ctermbg=NONE
+hi DiffAdd      ctermbg=4
+hi DiffChange   ctermbg=5
+hi DiffDelete   cterm=bold           ctermfg=4        ctermbg=6
+hi DiffText     cterm=bold           ctermbg=1
+hi Comment      ctermfg=darkcyan
+hi Constant     ctermfg=brown
+hi Special      ctermfg=5
+hi Identifier   ctermfg=6
+hi Statement    ctermfg=3
+hi PreProc      ctermfg=5
+hi Type         ctermfg=2
+hi Underlined   cterm=underline      ctermfg=5
+hi Ignore       ctermfg=darkgrey
+hi Error        cterm=bold           ctermfg=7        ctermbg=1
diff --git a/colors/dusk.vim b/colors/dusk.vim
index df3c776..6b1ec43 100644
--- a/colors/dusk.vim
+++ b/colors/dusk.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 " Vim color file
 " Maintainer:   Ajit J. Thakkar (ajit AT unb DOT ca)
 " Last Change:  2005 Nov. 21
-" Version:  1.1
-" URL:      http://www.unb.ca/chem/ajit/vim.htm
+" Version:      1.1
+" URL:          http://www.unb.ca/chem/ajit/vim.htm
 " This GUI-only color scheme has a blue-black background
@@ -14,58 +14,58 @@ endif
 let colors_name = "dusk"
-hi Normal   guifg=ivory guibg=#1f3048
+hi Normal       guifg=ivory guibg=#1f3048
 " Groups used in the 'highlight' and 'guicursor' options default value.
-hi ErrorMsg gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
+hi ErrorMsg     gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
 hi IncSearch    gui=NONE guibg=LightGreen guifg=Black
-hi ModeMsg  gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
+hi ModeMsg      gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
 hi StatusLine   gui=NONE guifg=DarkBlue guibg=Grey
 hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=Grey50 guibg=Grey
 hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=Grey guibg=Grey
-hi Visual   gui=reverse guifg=fg guibg=LightSkyBlue4
+hi Visual       gui=reverse guifg=fg guibg=LightSkyBlue4
 hi VisualNOS    gui=underline guifg=fg guibg=bg
-hi DiffText gui=NONE guifg=Yellow guibg=LightSkyBlue4
-hi Cursor   guibg=Green guifg=Black
-hi lCursor  guibg=Cyan guifg=Black
+hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=Yellow guibg=LightSkyBlue4
+hi Cursor       guibg=Green guifg=Black
+hi lCursor      guibg=Cyan guifg=Black
 hi Directory    guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
-hi LineNr   guifg=MistyRose3 guibg=bg
-hi MoreMsg  gui=NONE guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
-hi NonText  gui=NONE guifg=Cyan4 guibg=#102848
-hi Question gui=NONE guifg=LimeGreen guibg=bg
-hi Search   gui=NONE guifg=SkyBlue4 guibg=Bisque
+hi LineNr       guifg=MistyRose3 guibg=bg
+hi MoreMsg      gui=NONE guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
+hi NonText      gui=NONE guifg=Cyan4 guibg=#102848
+hi Question     gui=NONE guifg=LimeGreen guibg=bg
+hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=SkyBlue4 guibg=Bisque
 hi SpecialKey   guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
-hi Title    gui=NONE guifg=Yellow2 guibg=bg
+hi Title        gui=NONE guifg=Yellow2 guibg=bg
 hi WarningMsg   guifg=Tomato3 guibg=Linen
-hi WildMenu gui=NONE guifg=SkyBlue4 guibg=Bisque
-"hi Folded  guifg=MistyRose2 guibg=bg
-hi Folded   guifg=MistyRose2 guibg=#102848
+hi WildMenu     gui=NONE guifg=SkyBlue4 guibg=Bisque
+"hi Folded      guifg=MistyRose2 guibg=bg
+hi Folded       guifg=MistyRose2 guibg=#102848
 hi FoldColumn   guifg=DarkBlue guibg=Grey
-hi DiffAdd  gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan
+hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan
 hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=white guibg=LightCyan4
 hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=LightBlue guibg=LightCyan
 " Colors for syntax highlighting
-hi Constant gui=NONE guifg=MistyRose3 guibg=bg
-hi String   gui=NONE guifg=LightBlue3 guibg=bg
-hi Special  gui=NONE guifg=GoldenRod guibg=bg
+hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=MistyRose3 guibg=bg
+hi String       gui=NONE guifg=LightBlue3 guibg=bg
+hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=GoldenRod guibg=bg
 hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=khaki guibg=bg
 "hi Statement   gui=NONE guifg=#d7cd7b guibg=bg
-hi Operator gui=NONE guifg=Chartreuse guibg=bg
-hi Ignore   gui=NONE guifg=bg guibg=bg
+hi Operator     gui=NONE guifg=Chartreuse guibg=bg
+hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=bg guibg=bg
 if v:version >= 700
   hi SpellBad   gui=undercurl guisp=Red guifg=fg guibg=bg
   hi SpellCap   gui=undercurl guisp=GoldenRod guifg=fg guibg=bg
   hi SpellRare  gui=undercurl guisp=Ivory guifg=fg guibg=bg
   hi SpellLocal gui=undercurl guisp=SeaGreen guifg=fg guibg=bg
-hi ToDo     gui=NONE guifg=DodgerBlue guibg=bg
-hi Error    gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
-hi Comment  gui=NONE guifg=SlateGrey guibg=bg
-"hi Comment gui=NONE guifg=Lavender guibg=bg
+hi ToDo         gui=NONE guifg=DodgerBlue guibg=bg
+hi Error        gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
+hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=SlateGrey guibg=bg
+"hi Comment     gui=NONE guifg=Lavender guibg=bg
 hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=BlanchedAlmond guibg=bg
-hi PreProc  gui=NONE guifg=#ffa0a0 guibg=bg
-hi Type     gui=NONE guifg=NavajoWhite guibg=bg
+hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=#ffa0a0 guibg=bg
+hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=NavajoWhite guibg=bg
 hi Underlined   gui=underline guifg=fg guibg=bg
 " vim: sw=2
diff --git a/colors/dw_blue.vim b/colors/dw_blue.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba8c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/dw_blue.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Name Of File: dw_blue.vim.
+" Description: Gvim colorscheme, designed against VIM 7.0 GUI
+" By: Steve Cadwallader
+" Contact: demwiz at gmail.com
+" Credits: Inspiration from the brookstream and redblack schemes.
+" Last Change: Saturday, September 17, 2006.
+" Installation: Drop this file in your $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ directory.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="dw_blue"
+hi Boolean                                       guifg=#0000ff
+hi cDefine                                       guifg=#0000ff
+hi cInclude                                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Comment                                       guifg=#696969
+hi Constant                                      guifg=#0000ff
+hi Cursor                         guibg=#444444  guifg=#ffffff
+hi CursorColumn                   guibg=#000011
+hi CursorLine                     guibg=#000018
+hi DiffAdd                        guibg=#333333  guifg=#0000ff
+hi DiffChange                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#0000ff
+hi DiffDelete                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#0000ff
+hi DiffText                       guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Directory                      guibg=#000000  guifg=#0000ff
+hi ErrorMsg                       guibg=#ffffff  guifg=#000000
+hi FoldColumn                     guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Folded                         guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Function                       guibg=#000000  guifg=#0000ff
+hi Identifier                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#0000cc
+hi IncSearch       gui=none       guibg=#0000bb  guifg=#000000
+hi LineNr                         guibg=#000000  guifg=#000088
+hi MatchParen      gui=none       guibg=#222222  guifg=#0000ff
+hi ModeMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#0000ff
+hi MoreMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#0000ff
+hi NonText                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Normal          gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#c0c0c0
+hi Operator        gui=none                      guifg=#696969
+hi PreProc         gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Question                                      guifg=#0000ff
+hi Search          gui=none       guibg=#0000ff  guifg=#000000
+hi SignColumn                     guibg=#111111  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Special         gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi SpecialKey                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#0000ff
+hi Statement       gui=bold                      guifg=#0000ff
+hi StatusLine      gui=none       guibg=#0000ff  guifg=#000000
+hi StatusLineNC    gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi String          gui=none                      guifg=#0000bb
+hi TabLine         gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi TabLineFill     gui=underline  guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi TabLineSel      gui=none       guibg=#0000aa  guifg=#000000
+hi Title           gui=none                      guifg=#0000ff
+hi Todo            gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Type            gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi VertSplit       gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Visual                         guibg=#0000dd  guifg=#000000
+hi WarningMsg                     guibg=#888888  guifg=#000000
+"- end of colorscheme -----------------------------------------------  
diff --git a/colors/dw_cyan.vim b/colors/dw_cyan.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..158d578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/dw_cyan.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Name Of File: dw_cyan.vim.
+" Description: Gvim colorscheme, designed against VIM 7.0 GUI
+" By: Steve Cadwallader
+" Contact: demwiz at gmail.com
+" Credits: Inspiration from the brookstream and redblack schemes.
+" Last Change: Saturday, September 17, 2006.
+" Installation: Drop this file in your $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ directory.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="dw_cyan"
+hi Boolean                                       guifg=#00ffff
+hi cDefine                                       guifg=#00ffff
+hi cInclude                                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Comment                                       guifg=#696969
+hi Constant                                      guifg=#00ffff
+hi Cursor                         guibg=#444444  guifg=#ffffff
+hi CursorColumn                   guibg=#001111
+hi CursorLine                     guibg=#001818
+hi DiffAdd                        guibg=#333333  guifg=#00ffff
+hi DiffChange                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#00ffff
+hi DiffDelete                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#00ffff
+hi DiffText                       guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Directory                      guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ffff
+hi ErrorMsg                       guibg=#ffffff  guifg=#000000
+hi FoldColumn                     guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Folded                         guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Function                       guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ffff
+hi Identifier                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#00cccc
+hi IncSearch       gui=none       guibg=#00bbbb  guifg=#000000
+hi LineNr                         guibg=#000000  guifg=#008888
+hi MatchParen      gui=none       guibg=#222222  guifg=#00ffff
+hi ModeMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ffff
+hi MoreMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ffff
+hi NonText                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Normal          gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#c0c0c0
+hi Operator        gui=none                      guifg=#696969
+hi PreProc         gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Question                                      guifg=#00ffff
+hi Search          gui=none       guibg=#00ffff  guifg=#000000
+hi SignColumn                     guibg=#111111  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Special         gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi SpecialKey                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ffff
+hi Statement       gui=bold                      guifg=#00ffff
+hi StatusLine      gui=none       guibg=#00ffff  guifg=#000000
+hi StatusLineNC    gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi String          gui=none                      guifg=#00bbbb
+hi TabLine         gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi TabLineFill     gui=underline  guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi TabLineSel      gui=none       guibg=#00aaaa  guifg=#000000
+hi Title           gui=none                      guifg=#00ffff
+hi Todo            gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Type            gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi VertSplit       gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Visual                         guibg=#00dddd  guifg=#000000
+hi WarningMsg                     guibg=#888888  guifg=#000000
+"- end of colorscheme -----------------------------------------------  
diff --git a/colors/dw_green.vim b/colors/dw_green.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de742f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/dw_green.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Name Of File: dw_green.vim.
+" Description: Gvim colorscheme, designed against VIM 7.0 GUI
+" By: Steve Cadwallader
+" Contact: demwiz at gmail.com
+" Credits: Inspiration from the brookstream and redblack schemes.
+" Last Change: Saturday, September 17, 2006.
+" Installation: Drop this file in your $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ directory.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="dw_green"
+hi Boolean                                       guifg=#00ff00
+hi cDefine                                       guifg=#00ff00
+hi cInclude                                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Comment                                       guifg=#696969
+hi Constant                                      guifg=#00ff00
+hi Cursor                         guibg=#444444  guifg=#ffffff
+hi CursorColumn                   guibg=#001100
+hi CursorLine                     guibg=#001800
+hi DiffAdd                        guibg=#333333  guifg=#00ff00
+hi DiffChange                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#00ff00
+hi DiffDelete                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#00ff00
+hi DiffText                       guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Directory                      guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ff00
+hi ErrorMsg                       guibg=#ffffff  guifg=#000000
+hi FoldColumn                     guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Folded                         guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Function                       guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ff00
+hi Identifier                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#00bb00
+hi IncSearch       gui=none       guibg=#00bb00  guifg=#000000
+hi LineNr                         guibg=#000000  guifg=#008800
+hi MatchParen      gui=none       guibg=#222222  guifg=#00ff00
+hi ModeMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ff00
+hi MoreMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ff00
+hi NonText                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Normal          gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#c0c0c0
+hi Operator        gui=none                      guifg=#696969
+hi PreProc         gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Question                                      guifg=#00ff00
+hi Search          gui=none       guibg=#00ff00  guifg=#000000
+hi SignColumn                     guibg=#111111  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Special         gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi SpecialKey                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#00ff00
+hi Statement       gui=bold                      guifg=#00ff00
+hi StatusLine      gui=none       guibg=#008800  guifg=#000000
+hi StatusLineNC    gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi String          gui=none                      guifg=#00bb00
+hi TabLine         gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi TabLineFill     gui=underline  guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi TabLineSel      gui=none       guibg=#00aa00  guifg=#000000
+hi Title           gui=none                      guifg=#00ff00
+hi Todo            gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Type            gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi VertSplit       gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Visual                         guibg=#00dd00  guifg=#000000
+hi WarningMsg                     guibg=#888888  guifg=#000000
+"- end of colorscheme -----------------------------------------------  
diff --git a/colors/dw_orange.vim b/colors/dw_orange.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b36b312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/dw_orange.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Name Of File: dw_orange.vim.
+" Description: Gvim colorscheme, designed against VIM 7.0 GUI
+" By: Steve Cadwallader
+" Contact: demwiz at gmail.com
+" Credits: Inspiration from the brookstream and redblack schemes.
+" Last Change: Saturday, September 17, 2006.
+" Installation: Drop this file in your $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ directory.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="dw_orange"
+hi Boolean                                       guifg=#ffff00
+hi cDefine                                       guifg=#ffff00
+hi cInclude                                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Comment                                       guifg=#696969
+hi Constant                                      guifg=#ffff00
+hi Cursor                         guibg=#555555  guifg=#000000
+hi CursorColumn                   guibg=#140500
+hi CursorLine                     guibg=#260a00
+hi DiffAdd                        guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffff00
+hi DiffChange                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffff00
+hi DiffDelete                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffff00
+hi DiffText                       guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Directory                      guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi ErrorMsg                       guibg=#ffffff  guifg=#000000
+hi FoldColumn                     guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Folded                         guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Function                                      guifg=#ffff00
+hi Identifier                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#d13800
+hi IncSearch       gui=none       guibg=#bf3300  guifg=#000000
+hi LineNr                         guibg=#000000  guifg=#de3b00
+hi MatchParen      gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffff00
+hi ModeMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff4400
+hi MoreMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffff00
+hi NonText                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Normal          gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#c0c0c0
+hi Operator        gui=none                      guifg=#696969
+hi PreProc         gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Question                                      guifg=#ffff00
+hi Search          gui=none       guibg=#ff4400  guifg=#000000
+hi SignColumn                     guibg=#111111  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Special         gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffa600
+hi SpecialKey                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff4400
+hi Statement       gui=bold                      guifg=#ff4400
+hi StatusLine      gui=none       guibg=#ff3200  guifg=#000000
+hi StatusLineNC    gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi String          gui=none                      guifg=#d13800
+hi TabLine         gui=none       guibg=#555555  guifg=#000000
+hi TabLineFill     gui=underline  guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi TabLineSel      gui=none       guibg=#ff4400  guifg=#000000
+hi Title           gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Todo            gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Type            gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi VertSplit       gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Visual                         guibg=#d13800  guifg=#000000
+hi WarningMsg                     guibg=#888888  guifg=#000000
+"- end of colorscheme -----------------------------------------------  
diff --git a/colors/dw_purple.vim b/colors/dw_purple.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59dc8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/dw_purple.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Name Of File: dw_purple.vim.
+" Description: Gvim colorscheme, designed against VIM 7.0 GUI
+" By: Steve Cadwallader
+" Contact: demwiz at gmail.com
+" Credits: Inspiration from the brookstream and redblack schemes.
+" Last Change: Saturday, September 17, 2006.
+" Installation: Drop this file in your $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ directory.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="dw_purple"
+hi Boolean                                       guifg=#ff00ff
+hi cDefine                                       guifg=#ff00ff
+hi cInclude                                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Comment                                       guifg=#696969
+hi Constant                                      guifg=#ff00ff
+hi Cursor                         guibg=#444444  guifg=#ffffff
+hi CursorColumn                   guibg=#110011
+hi CursorLine                     guibg=#180018
+hi DiffAdd                        guibg=#333333  guifg=#ff00ff
+hi DiffChange                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#ff00ff
+hi DiffDelete                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#ff00ff
+hi DiffText                       guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Directory                      guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff00ff
+hi ErrorMsg                       guibg=#ffffff  guifg=#000000
+hi FoldColumn                     guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Folded                         guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Function                       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff00ff
+hi Identifier                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#cc00cc
+hi IncSearch       gui=none       guibg=#bb00bb  guifg=#000000
+hi LineNr                         guibg=#000000  guifg=#880088
+hi MatchParen      gui=none       guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff00ff
+hi ModeMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff00ff
+hi MoreMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff00ff
+hi NonText                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Normal          gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#c0c0c0
+hi Operator        gui=none                      guifg=#696969
+hi PreProc         gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Question                                      guifg=#ff00ff
+hi Search          gui=none       guibg=#ff00ff  guifg=#000000
+hi SignColumn                     guibg=#111111  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Special         gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi SpecialKey                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff00ff
+hi Statement       gui=bold                      guifg=#ff00ff
+hi StatusLine      gui=none       guibg=#ff00ff  guifg=#000000
+hi StatusLineNC    gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi String          gui=none                      guifg=#bb00bb
+hi TabLine         gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi TabLineFill     gui=underline  guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi TabLineSel      gui=none       guibg=#aa00aa  guifg=#000000
+hi Title           gui=none                      guifg=#ff00ff
+hi Todo            gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Type            gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi VertSplit       gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Visual                         guibg=#dd00dd  guifg=#000000
+hi WarningMsg                     guibg=#888888  guifg=#000000
+"- end of colorscheme -----------------------------------------------  
diff --git a/colors/dw_red.vim b/colors/dw_red.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a2c80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/dw_red.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Name Of File: dw_red.vim.
+" Description: Gvim colorscheme, designed against VIM 7.0 GUI
+" By: Steve Cadwallader
+" Contact: demwiz at gmail.com
+" Credits: Inspiration from the brookstream and redblack schemes.
+" Last Change: Saturday, September 17, 2006.
+" Installation: Drop this file in your $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ directory.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="dw_red"
+hi Boolean                                       guifg=#ff0000
+hi cDefine                                       guifg=#ff0000
+hi cInclude                                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Comment                                       guifg=#696969
+hi Constant                                      guifg=#ff0000
+hi Cursor                         guibg=#444444  guifg=#ffffff
+hi CursorColumn                   guibg=#110000
+hi CursorLine                     guibg=#180000
+hi DiffAdd                        guibg=#333333  guifg=#ff0000
+hi DiffChange                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#ff0000
+hi DiffDelete                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#ff0000
+hi DiffText                       guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Directory                      guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi ErrorMsg                       guibg=#ffffff  guifg=#000000
+hi FoldColumn                     guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Folded                         guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Function                       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Identifier                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#cc0000
+hi IncSearch       gui=none       guibg=#bb0000  guifg=#000000
+hi LineNr                         guibg=#000000  guifg=#880000
+hi MatchParen      gui=none       guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi ModeMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi MoreMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi NonText                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Normal          gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#c0c0c0
+hi Operator        gui=none                      guifg=#696969
+hi PreProc         gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Question                                      guifg=#ff0000
+hi Search          gui=none       guibg=#ff0000  guifg=#000000
+hi SignColumn                     guibg=#111111  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Special         gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi SpecialKey                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Statement       gui=bold                      guifg=#ff0000
+hi StatusLine      gui=none       guibg=#ff0000  guifg=#000000
+hi StatusLineNC    gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi String          gui=none                      guifg=#bb0000
+hi TabLine         gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi TabLineFill     gui=underline  guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi TabLineSel      gui=none       guibg=#aa0000  guifg=#000000
+hi Title           gui=none                      guifg=#ff0000
+hi Todo            gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Type            gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi VertSplit       gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Visual                         guibg=#dd0000  guifg=#000000
+hi WarningMsg                     guibg=#888888  guifg=#000000
+"- end of colorscheme -----------------------------------------------  
diff --git a/colors/dw_yellow.vim b/colors/dw_yellow.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..011b092
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/dw_yellow.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Name Of File: dw_yellow.vim.
+" Description: Gvim colorscheme, designed against VIM 7.0 GUI
+" By: Steve Cadwallader
+" Contact: demwiz at gmail.com
+" Credits: Inspiration from the brookstream and redblack schemes.
+" Last Change: Saturday, September 17, 2006.
+" Installation: Drop this file in your $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ directory.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="dw_yellow"
+hi Boolean                                       guifg=#ffff00
+hi cDefine                                       guifg=#ffff00
+hi cInclude                                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Comment                                       guifg=#696969
+hi Constant                                      guifg=#ffff00
+hi Cursor                         guibg=#444444  guifg=#ffffff
+hi CursorColumn                   guibg=#111100
+hi CursorLine                     guibg=#181800
+hi DiffAdd                        guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffff00
+hi DiffChange                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffff00
+hi DiffDelete                     guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffff00
+hi DiffText                       guibg=#333333  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Directory                      guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffff00
+hi ErrorMsg                       guibg=#ffffff  guifg=#000000
+hi FoldColumn                     guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Folded                         guibg=#222222  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Function                       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffff00
+hi Identifier                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#cccc00
+hi IncSearch       gui=none       guibg=#bbbb00  guifg=#000000
+hi LineNr                         guibg=#000000  guifg=#888800
+hi MatchParen      gui=none       guibg=#222222  guifg=#ffff00
+hi ModeMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffff00
+hi MoreMsg                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffff00
+hi NonText                        guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Normal          gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#c0c0c0
+hi Operator        gui=none                      guifg=#696969
+hi PreProc         gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi Question                                      guifg=#ffff00
+hi Search          gui=none       guibg=#ffff00  guifg=#000000
+hi SignColumn                     guibg=#111111  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Special         gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi SpecialKey                     guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffff00
+hi Statement       gui=bold                      guifg=#ffff00
+hi StatusLine      gui=none       guibg=#ffff00  guifg=#000000
+hi StatusLineNC    gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi String          gui=none                      guifg=#bbbb00
+hi TabLine         gui=none       guibg=#444444  guifg=#000000
+hi TabLineFill     gui=underline  guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi TabLineSel      gui=none       guibg=#aaaa00  guifg=#000000
+hi Title           gui=none                      guifg=#ffff00
+hi Todo            gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ff0000
+hi Type            gui=none                      guifg=#ffffff
+hi VertSplit       gui=none       guibg=#000000  guifg=#ffffff
+hi Visual                         guibg=#dddd00  guifg=#000000
+hi WarningMsg                     guibg=#888888  guifg=#000000
+"- end of colorscheme -----------------------------------------------  
diff --git a/colors/earendel.vim b/colors/earendel.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83ee819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/earendel.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let colors_name = "earendel"
+execute "command! -nargs=1 Colo set background=<args>"
+if &background == "light"
+    hi Normal ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=#ffffff guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi Cursor guibg=#000000 guifg=#ffffff gui=none
+    hi CursorColumn ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=fg guibg=#dfdfdf gui=none
+    hi CursorLine ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=fg guibg=#dfdfdf gui=none
+    hi DiffAdd guibg=#bae981 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi DiffChange guibg=#8495e6 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi DiffDelete guibg=#ff95a5 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi DiffText guibg=#b9c2f0 guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi Directory guibg=bg guifg=#272fc2 gui=none
+    hi ErrorMsg guibg=#ca001f guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
+    hi FoldColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#656565 gui=none
+    hi Folded guibg=#cacaca guifg=#324263 gui=bold
+    hi IncSearch guibg=#f7b69d gui=none
+    hi LineNr guibg=bg guifg=#656565 gui=none
+    hi ModeMsg ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi MoreMsg guibg=bg guifg=#4a4a4a gui=bold
+    hi NonText ctermfg=DarkGray guibg=bg guifg=#656565 gui=bold
+    hi Pmenu guibg=#aab8d5 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi PmenuSbar guibg=#6a83b5 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi PmenuSel guibg=#fee06b guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi PmenuThumb guibg=#c7cfe2 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi Question guibg=bg guifg=#4a4a4a gui=bold
+    hi Search guibg=#fee481 gui=none
+    hi SignColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#656565 gui=none
+    hi SpecialKey guibg=bg guifg=#844631 gui=none
+    hi StatusLine ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=#96aad3 guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=fg guibg=#bcc7de guifg=#384547 gui=none
+    if has("spell")
+        hi SpellBad guisp=#ca001f gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellCap guisp=#272fc2 gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellLocal guisp=#0f8674 gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellRare guisp=#d16c7a gui=undercurl
+    endif
+    hi TabLine guibg=#d4d4d4 guifg=fg gui=underline
+    hi TabLineFill guibg=#d4d4d4 guifg=fg gui=underline
+    hi TabLineSel guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi Title guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi VertSplit ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=fg guibg=#bcc7de guifg=#384547 gui=none
+    if version >= 700
+        hi Visual ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=fg guibg=#b5c5e6 gui=none
+    else
+        hi Visual ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=fg guibg=#b5c5e6 guifg=fg gui=none
+    endif    
+    hi VisualNOS ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=#4069bf gui=bold,underline
+    hi WarningMsg guibg=bg guifg=#ca001f gui=bold
+    hi WildMenu guibg=#fedc56 guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi Comment guibg=bg guifg=#558817 gui=none
+    hi Constant guibg=bg guifg=#a8660d gui=none
+    hi Error guibg=bg guifg=#bf001d gui=none
+    hi Identifier guibg=bg guifg=#0e7c6b gui=none
+    hi Ignore guibg=bg guifg=bg gui=none
+    hi lCursor guibg=#79bf21 guifg=#ffffff gui=none
+    hi MatchParen guibg=#0f8674 guifg=#ffffff gui=none
+    hi PreProc guibg=bg guifg=#a33243 gui=none
+    hi Special guibg=bg guifg=#844631 gui=none
+    hi Statement guibg=bg guifg=#2239a8 gui=bold
+    hi Todo guibg=#fedc56 guifg=#512b1e gui=bold
+    hi Type guibg=bg guifg=#1d318d gui=bold
+    hi Underlined ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=#272fc2 gui=underline
+    hi htmlBold ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi htmlBoldItalic ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,italic
+    hi htmlBoldUnderline ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline
+    hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline,italic
+    hi htmlItalic ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=italic
+    hi htmlUnderline ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline
+    hi htmlUnderlineItalic ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline,italic
+    hi Normal ctermbg=Black ctermfg=LightGray guibg=#181818 guifg=#cacaca gui=none
+    hi Cursor guibg=#e5e5e5 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi CursorColumn ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=White guibg=#404040 gui=none
+    hi CursorLine ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=White guibg=#404040 gui=none
+    hi DiffAdd guibg=#558817 guifg=#dadada gui=none
+    hi DiffChange guibg=#1b2e85 guifg=#dadada gui=none
+    hi DiffDelete guibg=#9f0018 guifg=#dadada gui=none
+    hi DiffText guibg=#2540ba guifg=#dadada gui=bold
+    hi Directory guibg=bg guifg=#8c91e8 gui=none
+    hi ErrorMsg guibg=#ca001f guifg=#e5e5e5 gui=bold
+    hi FoldColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#9a9a9a gui=none
+    hi Folded guibg=#555555 guifg=#bfcadf gui=bold
+    hi IncSearch guibg=#a7380e guifg=#dadada gui=none
+    hi LineNr guibg=bg guifg=#9a9a9a gui=none
+    hi ModeMsg ctermbg=bg ctermfg=fg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi MoreMsg guibg=bg guifg=#b5b5b5 gui=bold
+    hi NonText ctermfg=DarkGray guibg=bg guifg=#9a9a9a gui=bold
+    hi Pmenu guibg=#3d5078 guifg=#dadada gui=none
+    hi PmenuSbar guibg=#324263 guifg=#dadada gui=none
+    hi PmenuSel guibg=#f3c201 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi PmenuThumb guibg=#5c77ad guifg=#dadada gui=none
+    hi Question guibg=bg guifg=#b5b5b5 gui=bold
+    hi Search guibg=#947601 guifg=#dadada gui=none
+    hi SignColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#9a9a9a gui=none
+    hi SpecialKey guibg=bg guifg=#d3a901 gui=none
+    hi StatusLine ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#41609e guifg=#e5e5e5 gui=bold
+    hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#35466a guifg=#afbacf gui=none
+    if has("spell")
+        hi SpellBad guisp=#ea0023 gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellCap guisp=#8c91e8 gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellLocal guisp=#16c9ae gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellRare guisp=#e09ea8 gui=undercurl
+    endif
+    hi TabLine guibg=#4a4a4a guifg=#e5e5e5 gui=underline
+    hi TabLineFill guibg=#4a4a4a guifg=#e5e5e5 gui=underline
+    hi TabLineSel guibg=bg guifg=#e5e5e5 gui=bold
+    hi Title ctermbg=bg ctermfg=White guifg=#e5e5e5 gui=bold
+    hi VertSplit ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#35466a guifg=#afbacf gui=none
+    if version >= 700
+        hi Visual ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#274278 gui=none
+    else
+        hi Visual ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#274278 guifg=fg gui=none
+    endif    
+    hi VisualNOS ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=#5c77ad gui=bold,underline
+    hi WarningMsg guibg=bg guifg=#ea0023 gui=bold
+    hi WildMenu guibg=#fbca01 guifg=#000000 gui=bold
+    hi Comment guibg=bg guifg=#77be21 gui=none
+    hi Constant guibg=bg guifg=#dc8511 gui=none
+    hi Error guibg=bg guifg=#ea0023 gui=none
+    hi Identifier guibg=bg guifg=#16c9ae gui=none
+    hi Ignore guibg=bg guifg=bg gui=none
+    hi lCursor guibg=#c4ec93 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi MatchParen guibg=#17d2b7 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi PreProc guibg=bg guifg=#e09ea8 gui=none
+    hi Special guibg=bg guifg=#d3a901 gui=none
+    hi Statement guibg=bg guifg=#a7b4ed gui=bold
+    hi Todo guibg=#fedc56 guifg=#512b1e gui=bold
+    hi Type guibg=bg guifg=#95a4ea gui=bold
+    hi Underlined ctermbg=bg ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=#8c91e8 gui=underline
+    hi htmlBold ctermbg=bg ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi htmlBoldItalic ctermbg=bg ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,italic
+    hi htmlBoldUnderline ctermbg=bg ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline
+    hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic ctermbg=bg ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline,italic
+    hi htmlItalic ctermbg=bg ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=italic
+    hi htmlUnderline ctermbg=bg ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline
+    hi htmlUnderlineItalic ctermbg=bg ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline,italic
+hi! default link bbcodeBold htmlBold
+hi! default link bbcodeBoldItalic htmlBoldItalic
+hi! default link bbcodeBoldItalicUnderline htmlBoldUnderlineItalic
+hi! default link bbcodeBoldUnderline htmlBoldUnderline
+hi! default link bbcodeItalic htmlItalic
+hi! default link bbcodeItalicUnderline htmlUnderlineItalic
+hi! default link bbcodeUnderline htmlUnderline
diff --git a/colors/eclipse.vim b/colors/eclipse.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f00d8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/eclipse.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:   Juan frias <juandfrias at gmail dot com>
+" Last Change:  2007 Feb 25
+" Version:      1.0.1
+" URL:          http://www.axisym3.net/jdany/vim-the-editor/#eclipse
+set background=light
+highlight clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "eclipse"
+highlight Normal gui=none guifg=#000000 guibg=#ffffff ctermfg=Gray
+" Search
+highlight IncSearch gui=underline guifg=#404040 guibg=#e0e040
+highlight Search    gui=none      guifg=#544060 guibg=#f0c0ff ctermbg=1
+" Messages
+highlight ErrorMsg   gui=none guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#4040ff
+highlight WarningMsg gui=none guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#4040ff
+highlight ModeMsg    gui=none guifg=#d06000 guibg=bg
+highlight MoreMsg    gui=none guifg=#0090a0 guibg=bg
+highlight Question   gui=none guifg=#8000ff guibg=bg
+" Split area
+highlight StatusLine   gui=none guifg=#ffffff guibg=#4570aa cterm=bold       ctermbg=blue     ctermfg=white
+highlight StatusLineNC gui=none guifg=#ffffff guibg=#75a0da cterm=none       ctermfg=darkgrey ctermbg=blue
+highlight VertSplit    gui=none guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#904838 ctermfg=darkgrey cterm=none       ctermbg=blue
+highlight WildMenu     gui=none guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#ff3030
+" Diff
+highlight DiffText   gui=none guifg=red   guibg=#ffd0d0 cterm=bold    ctermbg=5  ctermfg=3
+highlight DiffChange gui=none guifg=black guibg=#ffe7e7 cterm=none    ctermbg=5  ctermfg=7
+highlight DiffDelete gui=none guifg=bg    guibg=#e7e7ff ctermbg=black
+highlight DiffAdd    gui=none guifg=blue  guibg=#e7e7ff ctermbg=green cterm=bold
+" Cursor
+highlight Cursor   gui=none guifg=#ffffff guibg=#0080f0
+highlight lCursor  gui=none guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8040ff
+highlight CursorIM gui=none guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8040ff
+" Fold
+highlight Folded     gui=none guifg=#804030 guibg=#fff0d0 ctermbg=black ctermfg=black cterm=bold
+highlight FoldColumn gui=none guifg=#6b6b6b guibg=#e7e7e7 ctermfg=black ctermbg=white
+" Popup Menu
+highlight PMenu      ctermbg=green ctermfg=white
+highlight PMenuSel   ctermbg=white ctermfg=black
+highlight PMenuSBar  ctermbg=red   ctermfg=white
+highlight PMenuThumb ctermbg=white ctermfg=red
+" Other
+highlight Directory  gui=none guifg=#7050ff guibg=bg
+highlight LineNr     gui=none guifg=#6b6b6b guibg=#eeeeee
+highlight NonText    gui=none guifg=#707070 guibg=#e7e7e7
+highlight SpecialKey gui=none guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=bg      cterm=none       ctermfg=4
+highlight Title      gui=bold guifg=#0033cc guibg=bg
+highlight Visual     gui=none guifg=#804020 guibg=#ffc0a0 ctermfg=DarkCyan
+" Syntax group
+highlight Comment    gui=none guifg=#236e25 guibg=bg      ctermfg=2
+highlight Constant   gui=none guifg=#00884c guibg=bg      ctermfg=White
+highlight Error      gui=none guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#4040ff term=reverse        ctermbg=Red    ctermfg=White
+highlight Identifier gui=none guifg=#b07800 guibg=bg      ctermfg=Green
+highlight Ignore     gui=none guifg=bg      guibg=bg      ctermfg=black
+highlight PreProc    gui=none guifg=#683821 guibg=bg      ctermfg=Green
+highlight Special    gui=none guifg=#8040f0 guibg=bg      ctermfg=DarkMagenta
+highlight Statement  gui=none guifg=#b64f90 guibg=bg      ctermfg=White
+highlight Todo       gui=none guifg=#ff5050 guibg=white   term=standout       ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black
+highlight Type       gui=bold guifg=#7f0055 guibg=bg      ctermfg=LightGreen
+highlight Underlined gui=none guifg=blue    guibg=bg
+highlight String     gui=none guifg=#8010a0 guibg=bg      ctermfg=Yellow
+highlight Number     gui=none guifg=#0000ff guibg=bg      ctermfg=White
+if !has("gui_running")
+    hi link Float          Number
+    hi link Conditional    Repeat
+    hi link Include        PreProc
+    hi link Macro          PreProc
+    hi link PreCondit      PreProc
+    hi link StorageClass   Type
+    hi link Structure      Type
+    hi link Typedef        Type
+    hi link Tag            Special
+    hi link Delimiter      Normal
+    hi link SpecialComment Special
+    hi link Debug          Special
+" vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/colors/ekvoli.vim b/colors/ekvoli.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4aa13e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/ekvoli.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:   Preben Randhol <randhol+ekvoli at pvv.org>
+" Last Change:  2008 Feb 24
+" License:              GNU Public License (GPL) v2
+" Version 1.6: Added colours for TVO and changed folding colour
+highlight clear Normal
+set background&
+" Remove all existing highlighting and set the defaults.
+highlight clear
+" Load the syntax highlighting defaults, if it's enabled.
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "ekvoli"
+hi Cursor               guifg=white gui=reverse,bold     
+hi iCursor              guifg=white gui=reverse,bold     
+hi rCursor              guifg=white gui=reverse,bold     
+hi vCursor              guifg=white gui=reverse,bold     
+hi lCursor              guifg=white gui=reverse,bold     
+hi nCursor              guifg=white gui=reverse,bold     
+hi CursorLine           guibg=#05456f gui=none
+hi CursorColumn         guibg=#05456f gui=none          
+hi Normal                       guifg=white guibg=#001535
+hi Error                        guibg=#6000a0 gui=bold,italic,undercurl guisp=white
+hi ErrorMsg                     guifg=white guibg=#287eff gui=bold,italic
+hi Visual                       guibg=#2080c0 guifg=white gui=bold
+hi VisualNOS            guibg=#6080a0 guifg=white gui=bold
+hi Todo                         guibg=#00a0d0 guifg=white gui=underline
+hi NonText                      guifg=#6590f0
+hi Search                       guibg=#667799 guifg=white gui=bold 
+hi IncSearch            guibg=#667799 guifg=white gui=bold 
+hi SpecialKey           guifg=#00c0e0
+hi Directory            guifg=#00c0e0
+hi Title                        guifg=#00a0f0 gui=none 
+hi WarningMsg           guifg=lightblue                 
+hi WildMenu                     guifg=white guibg=#0080c0
+hi Pmenu                        guifg=white guibg=#005090
+hi PmenuSel                     guifg=white guibg=#3070c0
+hi ModeMsg                      guifg=#22cce2           
+hi MoreMsg                      guifg=#22cce2 gui=bold  
+hi Question                     guifg=#22cce2 gui=none 
+hi MatchParen           guifg=white guibg=#3070c0 gui=bold
+hi StatusLine           guifg=white guibg=#104075 gui=bold
+hi StatusLineNC         guifg=#65a0f0 guibg=#104075 gui=none
+hi VertSplit            guifg=#305885 guibg=#305885 gui=none
+hi Folded                       guifg=#65b0f6 guibg=#122555 gui=italic
+hi FoldColumn           guifg=white guibg=#103366 gui=none
+hi LineNr                       guifg=#5080b0 gui=bold
+hi DiffAdd                      guibg=#2080a0 guifg=white gui=bold
+hi DiffChange           guibg=#2080a0 guifg=white gui=bold
+hi DiffDelete           guibg=#306080 guifg=white gui=none 
+hi DiffText                     guibg=#8070a0 guifg=white gui=bold 
+hi SpellBad             gui=undercurl,italic guisp=#76daff 
+hi SpellCap             gui=undercurl guisp=#7ba2ba 
+hi SpellRare            gui=undercurl guisp=#8080f0
+hi SpellLocal           gui=undercurl guisp=#c0c0e0
+hi Comment              guifg=#9590d5 gui=italic
+hi Constant                     guifg=#87c6f0 gui=italic
+hi Special                      guifg=#50a0e0 gui=bold
+hi Identifier           guifg=#7fe9ff 
+hi Statement            guifg=white gui=bold
+hi PreProc                      guifg=#3f8fff gui=none
+hi type                         guifg=#90bfd0 gui=none 
+hi Ignore                       guifg=bg 
+hi Underlined           gui=underline cterm=underline term=underline
+" TVO - The Vim Outliner
+hi otlTab0    gui=bold,underline guifg=#eeeeff
+hi otlTab1    gui=bold,underline guifg=#3377ee
+hi otlTab2    gui=bold,underline guifg=#22cae2
+hi otlTab3    gui=bold,underline guifg=#9966ff
+hi otlTab5    gui=bold,underline guifg=#22aae2
+hi otlTab4    gui=bold,underline guifg=#92caf2
+hi otlTab7    gui=bold,underline guifg=#22bae2
+hi otlTab6    gui=bold,underline guifg=#8866ee
+hi otlTab8    gui=bold,underline guifg=#1166ee
+hi otlTab9    gui=bold,underline guifg=#99ddee
+hi otlTodo    gui=bold,underline guifg=white guibg=#00a0d0
+hi otlTagRef  guifg=white guibg=#8070a0   
+hi otlTagDef  guifg=white guibg=#005090
diff --git a/colors/fine_blue.vim b/colors/fine_blue2.vim
similarity index 53%
rename from colors/fine_blue.vim
rename to colors/fine_blue2.vim
index e642bfa..89c280c 100644
--- a/colors/fine_blue.vim
+++ b/colors/fine_blue2.vim
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 " Vim color file
 "  Maintainer: Tiza
-" Last Change: 2002/03/08 Fri 21:38.
-"     version: 1.2
+" Last Change: 2002/10/30 Wed 00:12.
+"     version: 1.7
 " This color scheme uses a light background.
-" GUI only
 set background=light
 hi clear
@@ -13,49 +12,52 @@ endif
 let colors_name = "fine_blue"
-hi Normal       guifg=#303040 guibg=#f8f8f8
+hi Normal       guifg=#404048 guibg=#f8f8f8
-" Search 
-hi IncSearch    gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#303040 guibg=#40ffff
-hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=#303040 guibg=#ffffa0
+" Search
+hi IncSearch    gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#404054 guibg=#40ffff
+hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=#404054 guibg=#ffffa0
-" Messages 
+" Messages
 hi ErrorMsg     gui=NONE guifg=#ff0070 guibg=#ffe0f4
 hi WarningMsg   gui=NONE guifg=#ff0070 guibg=#ffe0f4
 hi ModeMsg      gui=NONE guifg=#0070ff guibg=NONE
 hi MoreMsg      gui=NONE guifg=#a800ff guibg=NONE
 hi Question     gui=NONE guifg=#008050 guibg=NONE
-" Split area 
-hi StatusLine   gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#303040
-hi StatusLineNC gui=BOLD guifg=#a0a0b0 guibg=#303040
-hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#303040
+" Split area
+hi StatusLine   gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#404054
+hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=#b8b8c0 guibg=#404054
+hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#404054
 hi WildMenu     gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#00aacc
-" Diff 
-hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=#f83010 guibg=#ffeae0
-hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=#006800 guibg=#d0ffd0
-hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=#2020ff guibg=#c8f2ea
-hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=#2020ff guibg=#c8f2ea
+" Diff
+hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=#4040ff guibg=#c0c0ff
+hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=#5050ff guibg=#e0e0ff
+hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=#4040ff guibg=#c8f2ea
+hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=#4040ff guibg=#c8f2ea
-" Cursor 
+" Cursor
 hi Cursor       gui=NONE guifg=#0000ff guibg=#00e0ff
 hi lCursor      gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#8000ff
 hi CursorIM     gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#8000ff
-" Fold 
-hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#7800ff guibg=#e0d8ff
+" Fold
+hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#7820ff guibg=#e0d8ff
 hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#aa60ff guibg=#f0f0f4
+" hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#58587c guibg=#e0e0e8
+" hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#9090b0 guibg=#f0f0f4
-" Other 
-hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=#0000ff guibg=NONE
-hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#8080a0 guibg=NONE
+" Other
+hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=#0070b8 guibg=NONE
+hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#a0a0b0 guibg=NONE
 hi NonText      gui=BOLD guifg=#4000ff guibg=#ececf0
-hi SpecialKey   gui=NONE guifg=#c87000 guibg=NONE
+hi SpecialKey   gui=NONE guifg=#d87000 guibg=NONE
 hi Title        gui=NONE guifg=#004060 guibg=#c8f0f8
 hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=#404060 guibg=#dddde8
+" hi VisualNOS  gui=NONE guifg=#404060 guibg=#dddde8
-" Syntax group 
+" Syntax group
 hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=#ff00c0 guibg=NONE
 hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=#2020ff guibg=#e8e8ff
 hi Error        gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff4080
@@ -67,13 +69,3 @@ hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=#008858 guibg=NONE
 hi Todo         gui=NONE guifg=#ff0070 guibg=#ffe0f4
 hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=#7040ff guibg=NONE
 hi Underlined   gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#0000ff guibg=NONE
-" HTML 
-hi htmlLink                 gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#0000ff guibg=NONE
-hi htmlBold                 gui=BOLD
-hi htmlBoldItalic           gui=BOLD,ITALIC
-hi htmlBoldUnderline        gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE
-hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic  gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE,ITALIC
-hi htmlItalic               gui=ITALIC
-hi htmlUnderline            gui=UNDERLINE
-hi htmlUnderlineItalic      gui=UNDERLINE,ITALIC
diff --git a/colors/fnaqevan.vim b/colors/fnaqevan.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index d936cee..0000000
--- a/colors/fnaqevan.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer: Rafal Sulejman <rms at poczta.onet.pl>
-" Last Change:  2002.06.18
-" This color scheme uses a black (dark) background.
-" First remove all existing highlighting.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let colors_name = "fnaqevan"
-hi Normal       guibg=#000000 guifg=#C0C0C0 gui=NONE
-" Main colors
-hi Constant     guibg=#000000 guifg=#00B8E0 gui=NONE
-hi Identifier   guibg=#000000 guifg=#FFA850 gui=NONE
-hi Special      guibg=#000000 guifg=#B899C8 gui=NONE
-hi Statement    guibg=#000000 guifg=#EEE840 gui=NONE
-hi Preproc      guibg=#000000 guifg=#00B098 gui=NONE
-hi Type         guibg=#000000 guifg=#40D040 gui=NONE
-" Secondary colors
-hi Comment      guibg=#000000 guifg=#006699 gui=NONE
-hi Visual       guibg=#005900 guifg=#40C940 gui=NONE
-hi VisualNOS    guibg=#005900 guifg=#40C940 gui=NONE
-hi Search       guibg=#707000 guifg=#FFFF00 gui=NONE
-hi IncSearch    guibg=#D05000 guifg=#FFE000 gui=NONE
-" Special colors
-hi WarningMsg   guibg=#707000 guifg=#FFFF00 gui=NONE
-hi MoreMsg      guibg=#000070 guifg=#00B8E0 gui=NONE
-hi ErrorMsg     guibg=#CC0000 guifg=#FFEE00 gui=NONE
-hi ModeMsg      guibg=#000000 guifg=#E8E8E8 gui=NONE
-hi WildMenu     guibg=#5f5f5f guifg=#FFEE60 gui=NONE
-hi StatusLine   guibg=#1f1f1f guifg=#F0F0F0 gui=NONE
-hi StatusLineNC guibg=#0f0f0f guifg=#eaea3a gui=NONE
-hi VertSplit    guibg=#1f1f1f guifg=#F0F0F0 gui=NONE
-hi Error        guibg=#EE0000 guifg=#FFDD60 gui=NONE
-hi Todo         guibg=#EEE000 guifg=#000000 gui=NONE
-hi Title        guibg=#000000 guifg=#ffffff gui=NONE
-hi Question     guibg=#005900 guifg=#40E840 gui=NONE
-hi LineNr       guibg=#000000 guifg=#F0B0E0 gui=NONE
-hi Directory    guibg=#000000 guifg=#D0D0D0 gui=NONE
-hi NonText      guibg=#000000 guifg=#FFDDAA gui=NONE
-hi SpecialKey   guibg=#000000 guifg=#FFFFFF gui=NONE
-" Diff colors
-hi DiffAdd      guibg=#505050 guifg=#D0D0D0 gui=NONE
-hi DiffChange   guibg=#505050 guifg=#D0D0D0 gui=NONE
-hi DiffDelete   guibg=#505050 guifg=#D0D0D0 gui=NONE
-hi DiffText     guibg=#707070 guifg=#F0F0F0 gui=NONE
-" Folding colors
-hi Folded       guibg=#703070 guifg=#DDB8DD gui=NONE
-hi FoldColumn   guibg=#C4153B guifg=#F0F0F0 gui=NONE
-" Cursor colors
-hi Cursor       guibg=#FFFFFF guifg=#000000 gui=NONE
-hi icursor      guibg=#FFEE00 guifg=#000000 gui=NONE
-hi ncursor      guibg=#FFFFFF guifg=#000000 gui=NONE
-hi rcursor      guibg=#00CCFF guifg=#000000 gui=NONE
-hi lcursor      guibg=#40D040 guifg=#000000 gui=NONE
diff --git a/colors/fog.vim b/colors/fog.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c791c5..0000000
--- a/colors/fog.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
-" Maintainer:   Thomas R. Kimpton <tomk at emcity.net>
-" Last Change:  2001 Nov 8
-" This color scheme is meant for the person that spends hours
-" and hours and hours and... in vim and wants some contrast to
-" help pick things out in the files they edit, but doesn't want
-" **C**O**N**T**R**A**S**T**!
-set background=light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let colors_name = "fog"
-hi Normal       ctermbg=White       ctermfg=Black
-" 660066 = darkish purple
-hi Normal       guifg=#660066       guibg=grey80
-hi NonText      term=bold
-hi NonText      ctermfg=LightBlue
-hi NonText      gui=bold            guifg=LightBlue         guibg=grey80
-hi Comment      ctermfg=DarkGrey    ctermbg=White
-" 444499 = darkish blue grey
-hi Comment      guifg=#444499
-hi Constant     term=underline
-hi Constant     ctermfg=Magenta
-hi Constant     guifg=#7070a0
-hi Statement    term=bold
-hi Statement    cterm=bold          ctermfg=DarkGreen       ctermbg=White
-hi Statement    guifg=DarkGreen     gui=bold
-hi identifier   ctermfg=DarkGreen
-hi identifier   guifg=DarkGreen
-hi preproc      ctermfg=DarkGreen
-hi preproc      guifg=#408040
-hi type         ctermfg=DarkBlue
-hi type         guifg=DarkBlue
-hi label        ctermfg=yellow
-hi label        guifg=#c06000
-hi operator     ctermfg=darkYellow
-hi operator     guifg=DarkGreen     gui=bold
-hi StorageClass ctermfg=DarkRed         ctermbg=White
-hi StorageClass guifg=#a02060           gui=bold
-hi Number       ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=White
-hi Number       guifg=Blue
-hi Special      term=bold
-hi Special      ctermfg=LightRed
-hi Special      guifg=#aa8822
-hi Cursor       ctermbg=DarkMagenta
-hi Cursor       guibg=#880088       guifg=LightGrey
-hi lCursor      guibg=Cyan          guifg=Black
-hi ErrorMsg     term=standout
-hi ErrorMsg     ctermbg=DarkRed     ctermfg=White
-hi ErrorMsg     guibg=DarkRed       guifg=White
-hi DiffText     term=reverse
-hi DiffText     cterm=bold          ctermbg=DarkRed
-hi DiffText     gui=bold            guibg=DarkRed
-hi Directory    term=bold
-hi Directory    ctermfg=LightRed
-hi Directory    guifg=Red gui=underline
-hi LineNr       term=underline
-hi LineNr       ctermfg=Yellow
-hi LineNr       guifg=#ccaa22
-hi MoreMsg      term=bold
-hi MoreMsg      ctermfg=LightGreen
-hi MoreMsg      gui=bold            guifg=SeaGreen
-hi Question     term=standout
-hi Question     ctermfg=LightGreen
-hi Question     gui=bold            guifg=DarkGreen
-hi Search       term=reverse
-hi Search       ctermbg=DarkYellow  ctermfg=Black
-hi Search       guibg=#887722       guifg=Black
-hi SpecialKey   term=bold
-hi SpecialKey   ctermfg=LightBlue
-hi SpecialKey   guifg=Blue
-hi SpecialChar  ctermfg=DarkGrey    ctermbg=White
-hi SpecialChar  guifg=DarkGrey      gui=bold
-hi Title        term=bold
-hi Title        ctermfg=LightMagenta
-hi Title        gui=underline           guifg=DarkMagenta
-hi WarningMsg   term=standout
-hi WarningMsg   ctermfg=LightRed
-hi WarningMsg   guifg=DarkBlue      guibg=#9999cc
-hi WildMenu     term=standout
-hi WildMenu     ctermbg=Yellow      ctermfg=Black
-hi WildMenu     guibg=Yellow        guifg=Black gui=underline
-hi Folded       term=standout
-hi Folded       ctermbg=LightGrey   ctermfg=DarkBlue
-hi Folded       guibg=LightGrey     guifg=DarkBlue
-hi FoldColumn   term=standout
-hi FoldColumn   ctermbg=LightGrey   ctermfg=DarkBlue
-hi FoldColumn   guibg=Grey          guifg=DarkBlue
-hi DiffAdd      term=bold
-hi DiffAdd      ctermbg=DarkBlue
-hi DiffAdd      guibg=DarkBlue
-hi DiffChange   term=bold
-hi DiffChange   ctermbg=DarkMagenta
-hi DiffChange   guibg=DarkMagenta
-hi DiffDelete   term=bold
-hi DiffDelete   ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=DarkCyan
-hi DiffDelete   gui=bold            guifg=Blue          guibg=DarkCyan
-hi Ignore       ctermfg=LightGrey
-hi Ignore       guifg=grey90
-hi IncSearch    term=reverse
-hi IncSearch    cterm=reverse
-hi IncSearch    gui=reverse
-hi ModeMsg      term=bold
-hi ModeMsg      cterm=bold
-hi ModeMsg      gui=bold
-hi StatusLine   term=reverse,bold
-hi StatusLine   cterm=reverse,bold
-hi StatusLine   gui=reverse,bold
-hi StatusLineNC term=reverse
-hi StatusLineNC cterm=reverse
-hi StatusLineNC gui=reverse
-hi VertSplit    term=reverse
-hi VertSplit    cterm=reverse
-hi VertSplit    gui=reverse
-hi Visual       term=reverse
-hi Visual       cterm=reverse
-hi Visual       gui=reverse         guifg=DarkGrey      guibg=fg
-hi VisualNOS    term=underline,bold
-hi VisualNOS    cterm=underline,bold
-hi VisualNOS    gui=underline,bold
-hi Todo         gui=reverse
-" vim: sw=2
diff --git a/colors/freya.vim b/colors/freya.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8adbd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/freya.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let colors_name = "freya"
+hi Normal ctermbg=0 ctermfg=7 cterm=none guibg=#2a2a2a guifg=#dcdccc gui=none
+hi Cursor guibg=fg guifg=bg gui=none
+hi CursorColumn guibg=#3f3f3f gui=none
+hi CursorLine guibg=#3f3f3f gui=none
+hi DiffAdd guibg=#008b00 guifg=fg gui=none
+hi DiffChange guibg=#00008b guifg=fg gui=none
+hi DiffDelete guibg=#8b0000 guifg=fg gui=none
+hi DiffText guibg=#0000cd guifg=fg gui=bold
+hi Directory guibg=bg guifg=#d4b064 gui=none
+hi ErrorMsg guibg=bg guifg=#f07070 gui=bold
+hi FoldColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#c2b680 gui=none
+hi Folded guibg=#101010 guifg=#c2b680 gui=none
+hi IncSearch guibg=#866a4f guifg=fg gui=none
+hi LineNr guibg=bg guifg=#9f8f80 gui=none
+hi ModeMsg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+hi MoreMsg guibg=bg guifg=#dabfa5 gui=bold
+hi NonText ctermfg=8 guibg=bg guifg=#9f8f80 gui=bold
+hi Pmenu guibg=#a78869 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+hi PmenuSbar guibg=#B99F86 guifg=fg gui=none
+hi PmenuSel guibg=#c0aa94 guifg=bg gui=none
+hi PmenuThumb guibg=#f7f7f1 guifg=bg gui=none
+hi Question guibg=bg guifg=#dabfa5 gui=bold
+hi Search guibg=#c0aa94 guifg=bg gui=none
+hi SignColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#c2b680 gui=none
+hi SpecialKey guibg=bg guifg=#d4b064 gui=none
+if has("spell")
+    hi SpellBad guisp=#f07070 gui=undercurl
+    hi SpellCap guisp=#7070f0 gui=undercurl
+    hi SpellLocal guisp=#70f0f0 gui=undercurl
+    hi SpellRare guisp=#f070f0 gui=undercurl
+hi StatusLine ctermbg=7 ctermfg=0 guibg=#736559 guifg=#f7f7f1 gui=bold
+hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=8 ctermfg=0 guibg=#564d43 guifg=#f7f7f1 gui=none
+hi TabLine guibg=#564d43 guifg=#f7f7f1 gui=underline
+hi TabLineFill guibg=#564d43 guifg=#f7f7f1 gui=underline
+hi TabLineSel guibg=bg guifg=#f7f7f1 gui=bold
+hi Title ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guifg=#f7f7f1 gui=bold
+hi VertSplit ctermbg=7 ctermfg=0 guibg=#564d43 guifg=#f7f7f1 gui=none
+if version >= 700
+    hi Visual ctermbg=7 ctermfg=0 guibg=#5f5f5f gui=none
+    hi Visual ctermbg=7 ctermfg=0 guibg=#5f5f5f guifg=fg gui=none
+hi VisualNOS guibg=bg guifg=#c0aa94 gui=bold,underline
+hi WarningMsg guibg=bg guifg=#f07070 gui=none
+hi WildMenu guibg=#c0aa94 guifg=bg gui=bold
+hi Comment guibg=bg guifg=#c2b680 gui=none
+hi Constant guibg=bg guifg=#afe091 gui=none
+hi Error guibg=bg guifg=#f07070 gui=none
+hi Identifier guibg=bg guifg=#dabfa5 gui=none
+hi Ignore guibg=bg guifg=bg gui=none
+hi lCursor guibg=#c0aa94 guifg=bg gui=none
+hi MatchParen guibg=#008b8b gui=none
+hi PreProc guibg=bg guifg=#c2aed0 gui=none
+hi Special guibg=bg guifg=#d4b064 gui=none
+hi Statement guibg=bg guifg=#e0af91 gui=bold
+hi Todo guibg=#aed0ae guifg=bg gui=none
+hi Type guibg=bg guifg=#dabfa5 gui=bold
+hi Underlined guibg=bg guifg=#d4b064 gui=underline
+hi htmlBold ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+hi htmlItalic ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=italic
+hi htmlUnderline ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline
+hi htmlBoldItalic ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,italic
+hi htmlBoldUnderline ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline
+hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline,italic
+hi htmlUnderlineItalic ctermbg=0 ctermfg=15 guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline,italic
diff --git a/colors/fruit.vim b/colors/fruit.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 624b90f..0000000
--- a/colors/fruit.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-"  Maintainer: Tiza
-" Last Change: 2002/08/28 Wed 00:28.
-"     version: 1.3
-" This color scheme uses a light background.
-set background=light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name = "fruit"
-hi Normal       guifg=#404040 guibg=#f8f8f8
-" Search
-hi IncSearch    gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#404040 guibg=#40ffff
-hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=#404040 guibg=#ffff60
-" Messages
-hi ErrorMsg     gui=NONE guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#ffe4e4
-hi WarningMsg   gui=NONE guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#ffe4e4
-hi ModeMsg      gui=NONE guifg=#ff4080 guibg=NONE
-hi MoreMsg      gui=NONE guifg=#009070 guibg=NONE
-hi Question     gui=NONE guifg=#f030d0 guibg=NONE
-" Split area
-hi StatusLine   gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#404040
-hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=#a4a4a4 guibg=#404040
-hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#404040
-hi WildMenu     gui=BOLD guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#ff4080
-" Diff
-hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=#e04040 guibg=#ffd8d8
-hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=#408040 guibg=#d0f0d0
-hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=#4848ff guibg=#ffd0ff
-hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=#4848ff guibg=#ffd0ff
-" Cursor
-hi Cursor       gui=NONE guifg=#0000ff guibg=#00e0ff
-hi lCursor      gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#8000ff
-hi CursorIM     gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=#8000ff
-" Fold
-hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#20605c guibg=#b8e8dc
-hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#40a098 guibg=#f0f0f0
-" Other
-hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=#0070b8 guibg=NONE
-hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#acacac guibg=NONE
-hi NonText      gui=BOLD guifg=#00a0c0 guibg=#ececec
-hi SpecialKey   gui=NONE guifg=#4040ff guibg=NONE
-hi Title        gui=NONE guifg=#0050a0 guibg=#c0e8ff
-hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=#484848 guibg=#e0e0e0
-" hi VisualNOS    gui=NONE guifg=#484848 guibg=#e0e0e0
-" Syntax group
-hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=#ff4080 guibg=NONE
-hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=#8016ff guibg=NONE
-hi Error        gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#ff4080
-hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=#008888 guibg=NONE
-hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=#f8f8f8 guibg=NONE
-hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=#e06800 guibg=NONE
-hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=#4a9400 guibg=NONE
-hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=#f030d0 guibg=NONE
-hi Todo         gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#ff0070 guibg=#ffe0f4
-hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=#0070e6 guibg=NONE
-hi Underlined   gui=UNDERLINE guifg=fg guibg=NONE
diff --git a/colors/fruity.vim b/colors/fruity.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c9a7df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/fruity.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+" Fruity Color Scheme
+" ===================
+" Author:   Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher at active-4.com>
+" Version:  0.2
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let colors_name = "fruity"
+" Default Colors
+hi Normal       guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#111111
+hi NonText      guifg=#444444   guibg=#000000
+hi Cursor       guibg=#aaaaaa
+hi lCursor      guibg=#aaaaaa
+" Search
+hi Search       guifg=#800000   guibg=#ffae00
+hi IncSearch    guifg=#800000   guibg=#ffae00
+" Window Elements
+hi StatusLine   guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#8090a0   gui=bold
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=#506070   guibg=#a0b0c0
+hi VertSplit    guifg=#a0b0c0   guibg=#a0b0c0
+hi Folded       guifg=#111111   guibg=#8090a0
+hi IncSearch    guifg=#708090   guibg=#f0e68c
+hi Pmenu        guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#cb2f27
+hi SignColumn   guibg=#111111
+hi CursorLine   guibg=#181818
+hi LineNr       guifg=#aaaaaa   guibg=#222222
+" Specials
+hi Todo         guifg=#e50808   guibg=#520000   gui=bold
+hi Title        guifg=#ffffff                   gui=bold
+hi Special      guifg=#fd8900
+" Syntax Elements
+hi String       guifg=#0086d2
+hi Constant     guifg=#0086d2
+hi Number       guifg=#0086f7                   gui=bold
+hi Statement    guifg=#fb660a                   gui=bold
+hi Function     guifg=#ff0086                   gui=bold
+hi PreProc      guifg=#ff0007                   gui=bold
+hi Comment      guifg=#00d2ff   guibg=#0f140f   gui=italic
+hi Type         guifg=#cdcaa9                   gui=bold
+hi Error        guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#ab0000
+hi Identifier   guifg=#ff0086                   gui=bold
+hi Label        guifg=#ff0086
+" Python Highlighting for python.vim
+hi pythonCoding guifg=#ff0086
+hi pythonRun    guifg=#ff0086
+hi pythonBuiltinObj     guifg=#2b6ba2           gui=bold
+hi pythonBuiltinFunc    guifg=#2b6ba2           gui=bold
+hi pythonException      guifg=#ee0000           gui=bold
+hi pythonExClass        guifg=#66cd66           gui=bold
+hi pythonSpaceError     guibg=#270000
+hi pythonDocTest    guifg=#2f5f49
+hi pythonDocTest2   guifg=#3b916a
+hi pythonFunction   guifg=#ee0000               gui=bold
+hi pythonClass      guifg=#ff0086               gui=bold
+" JavaScript Highlighting
+hi javaScript                   guifg=#ffffff
+hi javaScriptRegexpString       guifg=#aa6600
+hi javaScriptDocComment         guifg=#aaaaaa
+hi javaScriptCssStyles          guifg=#dd7700
+hi javaScriptDomElemFuncs       guifg=#66cd66
+hi javaScriptHtmlElemFuncs      guifg=#dd7700
+hi javaScriptLabel              guifg=#00bdec   gui=italic
+hi javaScriptPrototype          guifg=#00bdec
+hi javaScriptConditional        guifg=#ff0007   gui=bold
+hi javaScriptRepeat             guifg=#ff0007   gui=bold
+hi javaScriptFunction           guifg=#ff0086   gui=bold
+" CSS Highlighting
+hi cssIdentifier            guifg=#66cd66       gui=bold
+hi cssBraces                guifg=#00bdec       gui=bold
+" Ruby Highlighting
+hi rubyFunction     guifg=#0066bb               gui=bold
+hi rubyClass        guifg=#ff0086               gui=bold
+hi rubyModule       guifg=#ff0086               gui=bold,underline
+hi rubyKeyword      guifg=#008800               gui=bold
+hi rubySymbol       guifg=#aa6600
+hi rubyIndentifier              guifg=#008aff
+hi rubyGlobalVariable           guifg=#dd7700
+hi rubyConstant                 guifg=#5894d2   gui=bold
+hi rubyBlockParameter           guifg=#66cd66
+hi rubyPredefinedIdentifier     guifg=#555555   gui=bold
+hi rubyString           guifg=#0086d2
+hi rubyStringDelimiter  guifg=#dd7700
+hi rubySpaceError       guibg=#270000
+hi rubyDocumentation    guifg=#aaaaaa
+hi rubyData             guifg=#555555
+" XML Highlighting
+hi xmlTag           guifg=#00bdec
+hi xmlTagName       guifg=#00bdec
+hi xmlEndTag        guifg=#00bdec
+hi xmlNamespace     guifg=#00bdec                   gui=underline
+hi xmlAttribPunct   guifg=#cccaa9                   gui=bold
+hi xmlEqual         guifg=#cccaa9                   gui=bold
+hi xmlCdata         guifg=#bf0945                   gui=bold
+hi xmlCdataCdata        guifg=#ac1446   guibg=#23010c   gui=none
+hi xmlCdataStart        guifg=#bf0945                   gui=bold
+hi xmlCdataEnd          guifg=#bf0945                   gui=bold
+" HTML Highlighting
+hi htmlTag          guifg=#00bdec               gui=bold
+hi htmlEndTag       guifg=#00bdec               gui=bold
+hi htmlSpecialTagName   guifg=#66cd66
+hi htmlTagName      guifg=#66cd66
+hi htmlTagN         guifg=#66cd66
+hi htmlEvent        guifg=#ffffff
+" Django Highlighting
+hi djangoTagBlock   guifg=#ff0007   guibg=#200000   gui=bold
+hi djangoVarBlock   guifg=#ff0007   guibg=#200000
+hi djangoArgument   guifg=#0086d2   guibg=#200000
+hi djangoStatement  guifg=#fb660a   guibg=#200000   gui=bold
+hi djangoComment    guifg=#008800   guibg=#002300   gui=italic
+hi djangoFilter     guifg=#ff0086   guibg=#200000   gui=italic
+" Jinja Highlighting
+hi jinjaTagBlock    guifg=#ff0007   guibg=#200000   gui=bold
+hi jinjaVarBlock    guifg=#ff0007   guibg=#200000
+hi jinjaString      guifg=#0086d2   guibg=#200000
+hi jinjaNumber      guifg=#bf0945   guibg=#200000   gui=bold
+hi jinjaStatement   guifg=#fb660a   guibg=#200000   gui=bold
+hi jinjaComment     guifg=#008800   guibg=#002300   gui=italic
+hi jinjaFilter      guifg=#ff0086   guibg=#200000
+hi jinjaRaw         guifg=#aaaaaa   guibg=#200000
+hi jinjaOperator    guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#200000
+hi jinjaVariable    guifg=#92cd35   guibg=#200000
+hi jinjaAttribute   guifg=#dd7700   guibg=#200000
+hi jinjaSpecial     guifg=#008ffd   guibg=#200000
+" ERuby Highlighting (for my eruby.vim)
+hi erubyRubyDelim   guifg=#2c8a16                   gui=bold
+hi erubyComment     guifg=#4d9b3a                   gui=italic
diff --git a/colors/golden.vim b/colors/golden.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c7c1e6..0000000
--- a/colors/golden.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-" vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
-" Vim color file
-" Creator: Ryan Phillips <ryan at trolocsis.com>
-" Credits: This color scheme originated from the idea of 
-"          Jeffrey Bakker, the creator of webcpp (http://webcpp.sourceforge.net/).
-"     URL: http://www.trolocsis.com/vim/golden.vim
-hi clear
-set background=dark
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "golden"
-hi Normal         ctermfg=yellow guifg=#ddbb00  guibg=black
-hi Scrollbar      ctermfg=Yellow guifg=#ddbb00  guibg=black
-hi Menu           ctermfg=darkyellow guifg=#ffddaa  guibg=black
-hi SpecialKey     ctermfg=yellow term=bold  cterm=bold  guifg=#ffddaa 
-hi NonText        ctermfg=LightBlue term=bold  cterm=bold  gui=bold guifg=#DBCA98
-hi Directory      ctermfg=DarkYellow term=bold  cterm=bold  guifg=#ffddaa
-hi ErrorMsg       term=standout  cterm=bold  ctermfg=White  ctermbg=Red  guifg=White  guibg=Red
-hi Search         term=reverse  ctermfg=white  ctermbg=red  guifg=white  guibg=Red
-hi MoreMsg        term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=Yellow gui=bold  guifg=#ddbb00
-hi ModeMsg        term=bold  ctermfg=DarkYellow cterm=bold  gui=bold  guifg=Black   guibg=#ddbb00
-hi LineNr         term=underline ctermfg=Brown cterm=bold guifg=#978345
-hi Question       term=standout  cterm=bold  ctermfg=Brown  gui=bold  guifg=#ffddaa
-hi StatusLine     term=bold,reverse  cterm=bold ctermfg=Black ctermbg=DarkGrey gui=bold guifg=#978345 guibg=#2E2E2E
-hi StatusLineNC   term=reverse  ctermfg=white ctermbg=black guifg=grey guibg=#3E3E3E
-hi Title          term=bold  cterm=bold  ctermfg=brown  gui=bold    guifg=#DBCA98
-hi Visual         term=reverse  cterm=reverse  gui=reverse
-hi WarningMsg     term=standout  cterm=bold  ctermfg=darkblue  guifg=Red
-hi Cursor         guifg=bg  guibg=#FF5E06 ctermbg=Brown
-hi Comment        term=bold  cterm=bold ctermfg=brown  guifg=#978345
-hi Constant       term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=red  guifg=Red
-hi Special        term=bold  cterm=bold ctermfg=red guifg=Orange
-hi Identifier     term=underline ctermfg=lightgray  guifg=#DBCA98
-hi Statement      term=bold  cterm=bold ctermfg=lightgreen  gui=bold  guifg=#ffff60
-hi PreProc        term=underline  ctermfg=brown guifg=#ffddaa
-hi Type           term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=lightgreen  gui=bold  guifg=#FFE13F
-hi Error          term=reverse  ctermfg=darkcyan  ctermbg=black  guifg=Red  guibg=Black
-hi Todo           term=standout  ctermfg=black  ctermbg=yellow  guifg=#FFE13F  guibg=#2E2E2E
-hi VertSplit      guifg=#2E2E2E guibg=#978345 ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkgrey
-hi Folded         guifg=orange  guibg=#2E2E2E ctermfg=yellow
-hi link IncSearch       Visual
-hi link String          Constant
-hi link Character       Constant
-hi link Number          Constant
-hi link Boolean         Constant
-hi link Float           Number
-hi link Function        Identifier
-hi link Conditional     Statement
-hi link Repeat          Statement
-hi link Label           Statement
-hi link Operator        Statement
-hi link Keyword         Statement
-hi link Exception       Statement
-hi link Include         PreProc
-hi link Define          PreProc
-hi link Macro           PreProc
-hi link PreCondit       PreProc
-hi link StorageClass    Type
-hi link Structure       Type
-hi link Typedef         Type
-hi link Tag             Special
-hi link SpecialChar     Special
-hi link Delimiter       Special
-hi link SpecialComment  Special
-hi link Debug           Special
diff --git a/colors/nuvola.vim b/colors/habilight.vim
similarity index 68%
rename from colors/nuvola.vim
rename to colors/habilight.vim
index 9106ad7..45d9133 100644
--- a/colors/nuvola.vim
+++ b/colors/habilight.vim
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
-" local syntax file - set colors on a per-machine basis:
-" vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
 " Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Dr. J. Pfefferl <johann.pfefferl at agfa.com>
-" Source:   $Source: /MISC/projects/cvsroot/user/pfefferl/vim/colors/nuvola.vim,v $
-" Id:   $Id: nuvola.vim,v 1.14 2003/08/11 14:03:28 pfefferl Exp $
-" Last Change:  $Date: 2003/08/11 14:03:28 $
+" A version of nuvola.vim colorscheme, original by Dr. J. Pfefferl
+" I changed some colors and added some highlights for C and Vim 7
+" vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
+" Maintainer:  Christian Habermann
+" Email:       christian( at )habermann-net( point )de
+" Version:     1.2
+" History:     1.2: nicer colors for paren matching
+"              1.1: Vim 7 support added (completion, spell checker, paren, tabs)
+"              1.0: initial version
 " Intro {{{1
 set background=light
 hi clear
 if exists("syntax_on")
   syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "nuvola"
+let g:colors_name = "habiLight"
 " Normal {{{1
 hi Normal ctermfg=black ctermbg=NONE guifg=black guibg=#F9F5F9
@@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ hi Visual term=reverse ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=black gui=NONE guifg=Black guibg=#
 hi VisualNOS term=reverse ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=black gui=UNDERLINE guifg=Black guibg=#BDDFFF
 " Syntax group {{{1
-hi Comment term=BOLD ctermfg=darkgray guifg=#3F6B5B
+hi Comment term=BOLD ctermfg=darkgray guifg=darkcyan
 hi Constant term=UNDERLINE ctermfg=red guifg=#B91F49
 hi Error term=REVERSE ctermfg=15 ctermbg=9 guibg=Red guifg=White
 hi Identifier term=UNDERLINE ctermfg=Blue guifg=Blue
@@ -78,7 +82,7 @@ hi! link Float      Number
 hi! link Function   Identifier
 hi! link Conditional    Statement
 hi! link Repeat Statement
-hi! link Label      Statemengreen
+hi! link Label      Statement
 hi! link Operator   Statement
 hi! link Keyword    Statement
 hi! link Exception  Statement
@@ -104,4 +108,31 @@ hi htmlItalic               gui=ITALIC
 hi htmlUnderline            gui=UNDERLINE
 hi htmlUnderlineItalic      gui=UNDERLINE,ITALIC
+" Tabs {{{1
+highlight TabLine     term=underline cterm=underline ctermfg=0 ctermbg=7 gui=underline guibg=LightGrey
+highlight TabLineFill term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
+highlight TabLineSel  term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
+" Spell Checker {{{1
+if v:version >= 700
+    highlight SpellBad    term=reverse   ctermbg=12 gui=undercurl guisp=Red
+    highlight SpellCap    term=reverse   ctermbg=9  gui=undercurl guisp=Blue
+    highlight SpellRare   term=reverse   ctermbg=13 gui=undercurl guisp=Magenta
+    highlight SpellLocale term=underline ctermbg=11 gui=undercurl guisp=DarkCyan
+" Completion {{{1
+highlight Pmenu      ctermbg=13  guifg=Black   guibg=#BDDFFF
+highlight PmenuSel   ctermbg=7   guifg=Black   guibg=Orange
+highlight PmenuSbar  ctermbg=7   guifg=#CCCCCC guibg=#CCCCCC
+highlight PmenuThumb cterm=reverse  gui=reverse guifg=Black   guibg=#AAAAAA
+" Misc {{{1
+highlight KDE              guifg=magenta gui=NONE
+highlight mySpecialSymbols guifg=magenta gui=NONE 
+highlight MatchParen  term=reverse ctermbg=11 gui=bold guibg=#B5EEB5 guifg=black
 " vim600:foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/colors/hhazure.vim b/colors/hhazure.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dfed35..0000000
--- a/colors/hhazure.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file {{{1
-"  Maintainer: hira at users.sourceforge.jp
-" Last Change: 2003/11/29 (Sat) 13:28:25.
-"     Version: 1.2
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-" Happy Hacking color scheme {{{1
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name       = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
-let html_my_rendering = 1
-" frame & title & message (theme) {{{1
-hi VertSplit               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#051525
-hi StatusLine              gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#051525
-hi StatusLineNC            gui=underline   guifg=#2c3c45 guibg=#051525
-hi LineNr                  gui=underline   guifg=#54657d guibg=#051525
-hi Folded                  gui=none        guifg=#54657d guibg=bg
-hi FoldColumn              gui=none        guifg=#54657d guibg=bg
-" title
-hi Title                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#34455d 
-" message
-hi MoreMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#329858
-hi Question                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#329858
-hi Normal                  gui=none        guifg=#7990a4 guibg=#152535
-hi NonText                 gui=underline   guifg=#1d2d30
-hi NonText                                 guibg=#1d2d30
-" cursor {{{1
-hi WildMenu                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99ccb5
-hi Cursor                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99ccb5
-hi IncSearch               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99ccb5
-hi CursorIM                gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#006188
-hi Search                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#33669a
-hi Visual                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#667888
-" message {{{1
-hi ErrorMsg                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#8cdd66
-hi WarningMsg              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#66cc6a
-hi ModeMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#339599   
-" inner {{{1
-hi Ignore                  gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=bg   
-hi Todo                    gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#66cc6a
-hi Error                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#884422
-hi Special                 gui=none        guifg=#66bbb6 guibg=bg   
-hi SpecialKey              gui=none        guifg=#6695cc guibg=bg   
-hi Identifier              gui=none        guifg=#69be97 guibg=bg   
-hi Constant                gui=none        guifg=#22887b guibg=bg   
-hi Statement               gui=none        guifg=#74aa66 guibg=bg   
-hi Comment                 gui=none        guifg=#006188 guibg=bg   
-hi Underlined              gui=underline   guifg=#826699 guibg=bg   
-hi Directory               gui=none        guifg=#447760 guibg=bg   
-hi PreProc                 gui=none        guifg=#557767 guibg=bg   
-hi Type                    gui=none        guifg=#429999 guibg=bg   
-" diff {{{1
-hi DiffText                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99ffd0
-hi DiffChange              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#55aa83
-hi DiffDelete              gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=#22a5aa
-hi DiffAdd                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#2ccc22
-" html {{{1
-hi htmlLink                gui=underline   guifg=#6696aa guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBold                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#74aa66     
-hi htmlBoldUnderline       gui=underline   guifg=#74aa66 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlItalic              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#44ccc0
-hi htmlUnderlineItalic     gui=underline   guifg=#44ccc0 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBoldItalic          gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#33aa40
-hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic gui=underline   guifg=#33aa40 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlUnderline           gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=bg   
-" vim:set nowrap foldmethod=marker expandtab:
diff --git a/colors/hhorange.vim b/colors/hhorange.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a1de49d..0000000
--- a/colors/hhorange.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file {{{1
-"  Maintainer: hira at users.sourceforge.jp
-" Last Change: 2003/11/29 (Sat) 13:28:25.
-"     Version: 1.2
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-" Happy Hacking color scheme {{{1
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name       = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
-let html_my_rendering = 1
-" frame & title & message (theme) {{{1
-hi LineNr                  gui=underline   guifg=#756664 guibg=#1c1200
-hi Folded                  gui=none        guifg=#756664 guibg=bg
-hi FoldColumn              gui=none        guifg=#756664 guibg=bg
-" title
-hi Title                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#553614 
-" message
-hi MoreMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#983235
-hi Question                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#983235
-hi NonText                 gui=underline   guifg=#2c2210 guibg=#2c2210
-hi VertSplit               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#1c1200
-hi StatusLine              gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#1c1200
-hi StatusLineNC            gui=underline   guifg=#3c2e2c guibg=#1c1200
-" cursor {{{1
-hi WildMenu                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc9069
-hi Cursor                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc9069
-hi IncSearch               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc9069
-hi CursorIM                gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#887900
-hi Search                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#994113
-hi Visual                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#886b46
-" message {{{1
-hi ErrorMsg                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#dd66bb
-hi WarningMsg              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc668b
-hi ModeMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#997433   
-" inner {{{1
-hi Normal                  gui=none        guifg=#9b8f78 guibg=#332412
-hi Ignore                  gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=bg   
-hi Todo                    gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc668b
-hi Error                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#413399
-hi Special                 gui=none        guifg=#bb9466 guibg=bg   
-hi SpecialKey              gui=none        guifg=#becc66 guibg=bg   
-hi Identifier              gui=none        guifg=#be7569 guibg=bg   
-hi Constant                gui=none        guifg=#885222 guibg=bg   
-hi Statement               gui=none        guifg=#aa668f guibg=bg   
-hi Comment                 gui=none        guifg=#887900 guibg=bg   
-hi Underlined              gui=underline   guifg=#66996d guibg=bg   
-hi Directory               gui=none        guifg=#774b44 guibg=bg   
-hi PreProc                 gui=none        guifg=#775a55 guibg=bg   
-hi Type                    gui=none        guifg=#bb7b22 guibg=bg   
-" diff {{{1
-hi DiffText                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#ffa799
-hi DiffChange              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#aa6155
-hi DiffDelete              gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=#aa7922
-hi DiffAdd                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc2270
-" html {{{1
-hi htmlLink                gui=underline   guifg=#aaa366 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBold                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#aa668f     
-hi htmlBoldUnderline       gui=underline   guifg=#aa668f guibg=bg   
-hi htmlItalic              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc8a44
-hi htmlUnderlineItalic     gui=underline   guifg=#cc8a44 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBoldItalic          gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#aa3355
-hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic gui=underline   guifg=#aa3355 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlUnderline           gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=bg   
-" vim:set nowrap foldmethod=marker expandtab:
diff --git a/colors/hhpink.vim b/colors/hhpink.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index cffe418..0000000
--- a/colors/hhpink.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file {{{1
-"  Maintainer: hira at users.sourceforge.jp
-" Last Change: 2003/11/29 (Sat) 13:28:25.
-"     Version: 1.2
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-" Happy Hacking color scheme {{{1
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name       = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
-let html_my_rendering = 1
-" frame & title & message (theme) {{{1
-hi Folded                  gui=none        guifg=#855060 guibg=bg
-hi FoldColumn              gui=none        guifg=#855060 guibg=bg
-hi LineNr                  gui=underline   guifg=#855060 guibg=#200510
-hi VertSplit               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#200510
-hi StatusLine              gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#200510
-hi StatusLineNC            gui=underline   guifg=#3c2c31 guibg=#200510
-hi NonText                 gui=underline   guifg=#3c2530
-hi NonText                                 guibg=#3c2530
-" title
-hi Title                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#653040 
-" message
-hi MoreMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#983266
-hi Question                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#983266
-" cursor {{{1
-hi WildMenu                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc7990
-hi Cursor                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc7990
-hi IncSearch               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc7990
-hi CursorIM                gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#884830
-hi Search                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#993356
-hi Visual                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#885672
-" message {{{1
-hi ErrorMsg                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#c666dd
-hi WarningMsg              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc66bc
-hi ModeMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#994333   
-" inner {{{1
-hi Normal                  gui=none        guifg=#bb7899 guibg=#40202a
-hi Ignore                  gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=bg   
-hi Todo                    gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc568c
-hi Error                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#335699
-hi Special                 gui=none        guifg=#bb6b66 guibg=bg   
-hi SpecialKey              gui=none        guifg=#cca966 guibg=bg   
-hi Identifier              gui=none        guifg=#be6986 guibg=bg   
-hi Constant                gui=none        guifg=#882223 guibg=bg   
-hi Statement               gui=none        guifg=#a466aa guibg=bg   
-hi Comment                 gui=none        guifg=#884830 guibg=bg   
-hi Underlined              gui=underline   guifg=#779966 guibg=bg   
-hi Directory               gui=none        guifg=#774455 guibg=bg   
-hi PreProc                 gui=none        guifg=#775561 guibg=bg   
-hi Type                    gui=none        guifg=#aa3222 guibg=bg   
-" diff {{{1
-hi DiffText                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#ff99bc
-hi DiffChange              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#aa5572
-hi DiffDelete              gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=#aa3822
-hi DiffAdd                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc22c2
-" html {{{1
-hi htmlLink                gui=underline   guifg=#aa8266 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBold                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#a466aa     
-hi htmlBoldUnderline       gui=underline   guifg=#a466aa guibg=bg   
-hi htmlItalic              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc4944
-hi htmlUnderlineItalic     gui=underline   guifg=#cc4944 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBoldItalic          gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#aa338e
-hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic gui=underline   guifg=#aa338e guibg=bg   
-hi htmlUnderline           gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=bg   
-" vim:set nowrap foldmethod=marker expandtab:
diff --git a/colors/hhspring.vim b/colors/hhspring.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index cee4174..0000000
--- a/colors/hhspring.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file {{{1
-"  Maintainer: hira at users.sourceforge.jp
-" Last Change: 2003/11/29 (Sat) 13:28:25.
-"     Version: 1.2
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-" Happy Hacking color scheme {{{1
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name       = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
-let html_my_rendering = 1
-" frame & title & message (theme) {{{1
-hi LineNr                  gui=underline   guifg=#757164 guibg=#1c1910
-hi Folded                  gui=none        guifg=#757164 guibg=bg
-hi FoldColumn              gui=none        guifg=#757164 guibg=bg
-" title
-hi Title                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#555144 
-" message
-hi MoreMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#986c32
-hi Question                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#986c32
-hi NonText                 gui=underline   guifg=#2c2920 guibg=#2c2920
-hi VertSplit               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#1c1910
-hi StatusLine              gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#1c1910
-hi StatusLineNC            gui=underline   guifg=#3c382c guibg=#1c1910
-" cursor {{{1
-hi WildMenu                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#ccbf99
-hi Cursor                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#ccbf99
-hi IncSearch               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#ccbf99
-hi CursorIM                gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#458800
-hi Search                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#997e33
-hi Visual                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#887f66
-" message {{{1
-hi ErrorMsg                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#dd6674
-hi WarningMsg              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc7e66
-hi ModeMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#819933   
-" inner {{{1
-hi Normal                  gui=none        guifg=#bbae88 guibg=#332f22
-hi Ignore                  gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=bg   
-hi Todo                    gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc7e66
-hi Error                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#7e3399
-hi Special                 gui=none        guifg=#afbb66 guibg=bg   
-hi SpecialKey              gui=none        guifg=#81cc66 guibg=bg   
-hi Identifier              gui=none        guifg=#bea869 guibg=bg   
-hi Constant                gui=none        guifg=#818822 guibg=bg   
-hi Statement               gui=none        guifg=#aa6667 guibg=bg   
-hi Comment                 gui=none        guifg=#458800 guibg=bg   
-hi Underlined              gui=underline   guifg=#66998c guibg=bg   
-hi Directory               gui=none        guifg=#776a44 guibg=bg   
-hi PreProc                 gui=none        guifg=#776e55 guibg=bg   
-hi Type                    gui=none        guifg=#9fbb22 guibg=bg   
-" diff {{{1
-hi DiffText                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#ffe499
-hi DiffChange              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#aa9455
-hi DiffDelete              gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=#89aa22
-hi DiffAdd                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#cc3a22
-" html {{{1
-hi htmlLink                gui=underline   guifg=#89aa66 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBold                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#aa6667     
-hi htmlBoldUnderline       gui=underline   guifg=#aa6667 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlItalic              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#bccc44
-hi htmlUnderlineItalic     gui=underline   guifg=#bccc44 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBoldItalic          gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#aa5833
-hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic gui=underline   guifg=#aa5833 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlUnderline           gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=bg   
-" vim:set nowrap foldmethod=marker expandtab:
diff --git a/colors/hhteal.vim b/colors/hhteal.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 79dbb3c..0000000
--- a/colors/hhteal.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file {{{1
-"  Maintainer: hira at users.sourceforge.jp
-" Last Change: 2003/11/29 (Sat) 13:28:25.
-"     Version: 1.2
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-" Happy Hacking color scheme {{{1
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name       = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
-let html_my_rendering = 1
-" frame & title & message (theme) {{{1
-hi LineNr                  gui=underline   guifg=#647564 guibg=#101c10
-hi Folded                  gui=none        guifg=#647564 guibg=bg
-hi FoldColumn              gui=none        guifg=#647564 guibg=bg
-" title
-hi Title                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#445544 
-" message
-hi MoreMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#439832
-hi Question                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#439832
-hi NonText                 gui=underline   guifg=#202c20 guibg=#202c20
-hi VertSplit               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#101c10
-hi StatusLine              gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#101c10
-hi StatusLineNC            gui=underline   guifg=#2c3c2c guibg=#101c10
-" cursor {{{1
-hi WildMenu                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99cc99
-hi Cursor                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99cc99
-hi IncSearch               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99cc99
-hi CursorIM                gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#008866
-hi Search                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#339933
-hi Visual                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#668866
-" message {{{1
-hi ErrorMsg                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#ccdd66
-hi WarningMsg              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99cc66
-hi ModeMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#339966   
-" inner {{{1
-hi Normal                  gui=none        guifg=#88bb88 guibg=#223322
-hi Ignore                  gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=bg   
-hi Todo                    gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99cc66
-hi Error                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#993333
-hi Special                 gui=none        guifg=#66bb88 guibg=bg   
-hi SpecialKey              gui=none        guifg=#66cccc guibg=bg   
-hi Identifier              gui=none        guifg=#69be69 guibg=bg   
-hi Constant                gui=none        guifg=#228844 guibg=bg   
-hi Statement               gui=none        guifg=#99aa66 guibg=bg   
-hi Comment                 gui=none        guifg=#008866 guibg=bg   
-hi Underlined              gui=underline   guifg=#666699 guibg=bg   
-hi Directory               gui=none        guifg=#447744 guibg=bg   
-hi PreProc                 gui=none        guifg=#557755 guibg=bg   
-hi Type                    gui=none        guifg=#22bb66 guibg=bg   
-" diff {{{1
-hi DiffText                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99ff99
-hi DiffChange              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#55aa55
-hi DiffDelete              gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=#22aa66
-hi DiffAdd                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#88cc22
-" html {{{1
-hi htmlLink                gui=underline   guifg=#66aa99 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBold                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#99aa66     
-hi htmlBoldUnderline       gui=underline   guifg=#99aa66 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlItalic              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#44cc77
-hi htmlUnderlineItalic     gui=underline   guifg=#44cc77 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBoldItalic          gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#66aa33
-hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic gui=underline   guifg=#66aa33 guibg=bg   
-hi htmlUnderline           gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=bg   
-" vim:set nowrap foldmethod=marker expandtab:
diff --git a/colors/hhviolet.vim b/colors/hhviolet.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b8fbf62..0000000
--- a/colors/hhviolet.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file {{{1
-"  Maintainer: hira at users.sourceforge.jp
-" Last Change: 2003/11/29 (Sat) 13:28:25.
-"     Version: 1.2
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-" Happy Hacking color scheme {{{1
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name       = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
-let html_my_rendering = 1
-" frame & title & message (theme) {{{1
-hi LineNr                  gui=underline   guifg=#686475 guibg=#13101c
-hi Folded                  gui=none        guifg=#686475 guibg=bg
-hi FoldColumn              gui=none        guifg=#686475 guibg=bg
-" title
-hi Title                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#484455 
-" message
-hi MoreMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#373298
-hi Question                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#373298
-hi NonText                 gui=underline   guifg=#23202c guibg=#23202c
-hi VertSplit               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#13101c
-hi StatusLine              gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#13101c
-hi StatusLineNC            gui=underline   guifg=#302c3c guibg=#13101c
-" cursor {{{1
-hi WildMenu                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#a499cc
-hi Cursor                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#a499cc
-hi IncSearch               gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#a499cc
-hi CursorIM                gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#662088
-hi Search                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#493399
-hi Visual                  gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#6d6688
-" message {{{1
-hi ErrorMsg                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#66b2dd
-hi WarningMsg              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#6683cc
-hi ModeMsg                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#7c3399   
-" inner {{{1
-hi Normal                  gui=none        guifg=#9388bb guibg=#262233
-hi Ignore                  gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=bg   
-hi Todo                    gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#6683cc
-hi Error                   gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=#335544
-hi Special                 gui=none        guifg=#9b66bb guibg=bg   
-hi SpecialKey              gui=none        guifg=#cc66b6 guibg=bg   
-hi Identifier              gui=none        guifg=#7c69be guibg=bg   
-hi Constant                gui=none        guifg=#774499 guibg=bg   
-hi Statement               gui=none        guifg=#668aaa guibg=bg   
-hi Comment                 gui=none        guifg=#662088 guibg=bg   
-hi Underlined              gui=underline   guifg=#997166 guibg=bg   
-hi Directory               gui=none        guifg=#4f4477 guibg=bg   
-hi PreProc                 gui=none        guifg=#5c5577 guibg=bg   
-hi Type                    gui=none        guifg=#7733cc guibg=bg   
-" diff {{{1
-hi DiffText                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#af99ff
-hi DiffChange              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#6855aa
-hi DiffDelete              gui=none        guifg=bg      guibg=#8422aa
-hi DiffAdd                 gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#2263cc
-" html {{{1
-hi htmlLink                gui=underline   guifg=#a866aa guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBold                gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#668aaa     
-hi htmlBoldUnderline       gui=underline   guifg=#668aaa guibg=bg   
-hi htmlItalic              gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#9544cc
-hi htmlUnderlineItalic     gui=underline   guifg=#9544cc guibg=bg   
-hi htmlBoldItalic          gui=underline   guifg=bg      guibg=#334caa
-hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic gui=underline   guifg=#334caa guibg=bg   
-hi htmlUnderline           gui=underline   guifg=fg      guibg=bg   
-" vim:set nowrap foldmethod=marker expandtab:
diff --git a/colors/impact.vim b/colors/impact.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..507ff3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/impact.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:   Shirk <shirk at gmx.net>
+" Last Change:  19 September 2005 - 0.2
+" URL: trinity.gentoofreaks.org
+" cool help screens
+" :he group-name
+" :he highlight-groups
+" :he cterm-colors
+set background=dark     "or light
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="impact"
+if exists("g:impact_transbg")
+        hi Normal       ctermfg=LightGray ctermbg=none
+        hi NonText      ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=none
+        hi Statement    ctermfg=Blue      ctermbg=none
+        hi Comment      ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=none cterm=bold term=bold
+        hi Constant     ctermfg=DarkCyan  ctermbg=none
+        hi Identifier   ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=none
+        hi Type         ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=none
+        hi Folded       ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=none cterm=underline term=none
+        hi Special      ctermfg=Blue      ctermbg=none
+        hi PreProc      ctermfg=LightGray ctermbg=none cterm=bold term=bold
+        hi Scrollbar    ctermfg=Blue      ctermbg=none
+        hi Cursor       ctermfg=white     ctermbg=none
+        hi ErrorMsg     ctermfg=Red       ctermbg=none cterm=bold term=bold
+        hi WarningMsg   ctermfg=Yellow    ctermbg=none
+        hi VertSplit    ctermfg=White     ctermbg=none
+        hi Directory    ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=DarkBlue
+        hi Visual       ctermfg=White     ctermbg=DarkGray cterm=underline term=none
+        hi Title        ctermfg=White     ctermbg=DarkBlue
+        hi StatusLine   term=bold cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black
+        hi StatusLineNC term=bold cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=Gray  ctermbg=Black
+        hi LineNr       term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=White ctermbg=DarkGray
+        hi Normal       ctermfg=LightGray ctermbg=Black
+        hi NonText      ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=Black
+        hi Statement    ctermfg=Blue      ctermbg=Black
+        hi Comment      ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=Black cterm=bold term=bold
+        hi Constant     ctermfg=DarkCyan  ctermbg=Black
+        hi Identifier   ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=Black
+        hi Type         ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=Black
+        hi Folded       ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=Black cterm=underline term=none
+        hi Special      ctermfg=Blue      ctermbg=Black
+        hi PreProc      ctermfg=LightGray ctermbg=Black cterm=bold term=bold
+        hi Scrollbar    ctermfg=Blue      ctermbg=Black
+        hi Cursor       ctermfg=white     ctermbg=Black
+        hi ErrorMsg     ctermfg=Red       ctermbg=Black cterm=bold term=bold
+        hi WarningMsg   ctermfg=Yellow    ctermbg=Black
+        hi VertSplit    ctermfg=White     ctermbg=Black
+        hi Directory    ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=DarkBlue
+        hi Visual       ctermfg=White     ctermbg=DarkGray cterm=underline term=none
+        hi Title        ctermfg=White     ctermbg=DarkBlue
+        hi StatusLine   term=bold cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black
+        hi StatusLineNC term=bold cterm=bold,underline ctermfg=Gray  ctermbg=Black
+        hi LineNr       term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=White ctermbg=DarkGray
diff --git a/colors/inkpot.vim b/colors/inkpot.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a062248..0000000
--- a/colors/inkpot.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Name:       inkpot.vim
-" Maintainer: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaran.mccreesh at blueyonder.co.uk>
-" This should work in the GUI, rxvt-unicode (88 colour mode) and xterm (256
-" colour mode). It won't work in 8/16 colour terminals.
-" To use a black background, :let g:inkpot_black_background = 1
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name = "inkpot"
-" map a urxvt cube number to an xterm-256 cube number
-fun! <SID>M(a)
-    return strpart("0135", a:a, 1) + 0
-" map a urxvt colour to an xterm-256 colour
-fun! <SID>X(a)
-    if &t_Co == 88
-        return a:a
-    else
-        if a:a == 8
-            return 237
-        elseif a:a < 16
-            return a:a
-        elseif a:a > 79
-            return 232 + (3 * (a:a - 80))
-        else
-            let l:b = a:a - 16
-            let l:x = l:b % 4
-            let l:y = (l:b / 4) % 4
-            let l:z = (l:b / 16)
-            return 16 + <SID>M(l:x) + (6 * <SID>M(l:y)) + (36 * <SID>M(l:z))
-        endif
-    endif
-if ! exists("g:inkpot_black_background")
-    let g:inkpot_black_background = 0
-if has("gui_running")
-    if ! g:inkpot_black_background
-        hi Normal         gui=NONE   guifg=#cfbfad   guibg=#1e1e27
-    else
-        hi Normal         gui=NONE   guifg=#cfbfad   guibg=#000000
-    endif
-    hi IncSearch      gui=BOLD   guifg=#303030   guibg=#cd8b60
-    hi Search         gui=NONE   guifg=#303030   guibg=#cd8b60
-    hi ErrorMsg       gui=BOLD   guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#ce4e4e
-    hi WarningMsg     gui=BOLD   guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#ce8e4e
-    hi ModeMsg        gui=BOLD   guifg=#7e7eae   guibg=NONE
-    hi MoreMsg        gui=BOLD   guifg=#7e7eae   guibg=NONE
-    hi Question       gui=BOLD   guifg=#ffcd00   guibg=NONE
-    hi StatusLine     gui=BOLD   guifg=#b9b9b9   guibg=#3e3e5e
-    hi User1          gui=BOLD   guifg=#00ff8b   guibg=#3e3e5e
-    hi User2          gui=BOLD   guifg=#7070a0   guibg=#3e3e5e
-    hi StatusLineNC   gui=NONE   guifg=#b9b9b9   guibg=#3e3e5e
-    hi VertSplit      gui=NONE   guifg=#b9b9b9   guibg=#3e3e5e
-    hi WildMenu       gui=BOLD   guifg=#eeeeee   guibg=#6e6eaf
-    hi MBENormal                 guifg=#cfbfad   guibg=#2e2e3f
-    hi MBEChanged                guifg=#eeeeee   guibg=#2e2e3f
-    hi MBEVisibleNormal          guifg=#cfcfcd   guibg=#4e4e8f
-    hi MBEVisibleChanged         guifg=#eeeeee   guibg=#4e4e8f
-    hi DiffText       gui=NONE   guifg=#ffffcd   guibg=#4a2a4a
-    hi DiffChange     gui=NONE   guifg=#ffffcd   guibg=#306b8f
-    hi DiffDelete     gui=NONE   guifg=#ffffcd   guibg=#6d3030
-    hi DiffAdd        gui=NONE   guifg=#ffffcd   guibg=#306d30
-    hi Cursor         gui=NONE   guifg=#404040   guibg=#8b8bff
-    hi lCursor        gui=NONE   guifg=#404040   guibg=#8fff8b
-    hi CursorIM       gui=NONE   guifg=#404040   guibg=#8b8bff
-    hi Folded         gui=NONE   guifg=#cfcfcd   guibg=#4b208f
-    hi FoldColumn     gui=NONE   guifg=#8b8bcd   guibg=#2e2e2e
-    hi Directory      gui=NONE   guifg=#00ff8b   guibg=NONE
-    hi LineNr         gui=NONE   guifg=#8b8bcd   guibg=#2e2e2e
-    hi NonText        gui=BOLD   guifg=#8b8bcd   guibg=NONE
-    hi SpecialKey     gui=BOLD   guifg=#ab60ed   guibg=NONE
-    hi Title          gui=BOLD   guifg=#af4f4b   guibg=NONE
-    hi Visual         gui=NONE   guifg=#eeeeee   guibg=#4e4e8f
-    hi Comment        gui=NONE   guifg=#cd8b00   guibg=NONE
-    hi Constant       gui=NONE   guifg=#ffcd8b   guibg=NONE
-    hi String         gui=NONE   guifg=#ffcd8b   guibg=#404040
-    hi Error          gui=NONE   guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#6e2e2e
-    hi Identifier     gui=NONE   guifg=#ff8bff   guibg=NONE
-    hi Ignore         gui=NONE
-    hi Number         gui=NONE   guifg=#f0ad6d   guibg=NONE
-    hi PreProc        gui=NONE   guifg=#409090   guibg=NONE
-    hi Special        gui=NONE   guifg=#c080d0   guibg=NONE
-    hi SpecialChar    gui=NONE   guifg=#c080d0   guibg=#404040
-    hi Statement      gui=NONE   guifg=#808bed   guibg=NONE
-    hi Todo           gui=BOLD   guifg=#303030   guibg=#d0a060
-    hi Type           gui=NONE   guifg=#ff8bff   guibg=NONE
-    hi Underlined     gui=BOLD   guifg=#df9f2d   guibg=NONE
-    hi TaglistTagName gui=BOLD   guifg=#808bed   guibg=NONE
-    hi perlSpecialMatch   gui=NONE guifg=#c080d0   guibg=#404040
-    hi perlSpecialString  gui=NONE guifg=#c080d0   guibg=#404040
-    hi cSpecialCharacter  gui=NONE guifg=#c080d0   guibg=#404040
-    hi cFormat            gui=NONE guifg=#c080d0   guibg=#404040
-    hi doxygenBrief                 gui=NONE guifg=#fdab60   guibg=NONE
-    hi doxygenParam                 gui=NONE guifg=#fdd090   guibg=NONE
-    hi doxygenPrev                  gui=NONE guifg=#fdd090   guibg=NONE
-    hi doxygenSmallSpecial          gui=NONE guifg=#fdd090   guibg=NONE
-    hi doxygenSpecial               gui=NONE guifg=#fdd090   guibg=NONE
-    hi doxygenComment               gui=NONE guifg=#ad7b20   guibg=NONE
-    hi doxygenSpecial               gui=NONE guifg=#fdab60   guibg=NONE
-    hi doxygenSpecialMultilineDesc  gui=NONE guifg=#ad600b   guibg=NONE
-    hi doxygenSpecialOnelineDesc    gui=NONE guifg=#ad600b   guibg=NONE
-    if v:version >= 700
-        hi Pmenu          gui=NONE   guifg=#eeeeee   guibg=#4e4e8f
-        hi PmenuSel       gui=BOLD   guifg=#eeeeee   guibg=#2e2e3f
-        hi PmenuSbar      gui=BOLD   guifg=#eeeeee   guibg=#6e6eaf
-        hi PmenuThumb     gui=BOLD   guifg=#eeeeee   guibg=#6e6eaf
-        hi SpellBad     gui=undercurl guisp=#cc6666
-        hi SpellRare    gui=undercurl guisp=#cc66cc
-        hi SpellLocal   gui=undercurl guisp=#cccc66
-        hi SpellCap     gui=undercurl guisp=#66cccc
-        hi MatchParen   gui=NONE      guifg=#404040   guibg=#8fff8b
-    endif
-    if ! g:inkpot_black_background
-        exec "hi Normal         cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(79) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(80)
-    else
-        exec "hi Normal         cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(79) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(16)
-    endif
-    exec "hi IncSearch      cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(80) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(73)
-    exec "hi Search         cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(80) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(73)
-    exec "hi ErrorMsg       cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(16) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(48)
-    exec "hi WarningMsg     cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(16) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(68)
-    exec "hi ModeMsg        cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(38) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi MoreMsg        cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(38) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi Question       cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(52) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi StatusLine     cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(85) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(81)
-    exec "hi User1          cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(28) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(81)
-    exec "hi User2          cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(39) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(81)
-    exec "hi StatusLineNC   cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(84) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(81)
-    exec "hi VertSplit      cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(84) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(81)
-    exec "hi WildMenu       cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(87) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(38)
-    exec "hi MBENormal                   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(85) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(81)
-    exec "hi MBEChanged                  ctermfg=" . <SID>X(87) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(81)
-    exec "hi MBEVisibleNormal            ctermfg=" . <SID>X(85) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(82)
-    exec "hi MBEVisibleChanged           ctermfg=" . <SID>X(87) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(82)
-    exec "hi DiffText       cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(79) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(34)
-    exec "hi DiffChange     cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(79) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(17)
-    exec "hi DiffDelete     cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(79) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(32)
-    exec "hi DiffAdd        cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(79) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(20)
-    exec "hi Folded         cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(79) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(35)
-    exec "hi FoldColumn     cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(39) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(80)
-    exec "hi Directory      cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(28) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi LineNr         cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(39) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(80)
-    exec "hi NonText        cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(39) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi SpecialKey     cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(55) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi Title          cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(48) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi Visual         cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(79) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(38)
-    exec "hi Comment        cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(52) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi Constant       cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(73) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi String         cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(73) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(81)
-    exec "hi Error          cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(79) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(32)
-    exec "hi Identifier     cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(53) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi Ignore         cterm=NONE"
-    exec "hi Number         cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(69) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi PreProc        cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(25) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi Special        cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(55) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi SpecialChar    cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(55) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(81)
-    exec "hi Statement      cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(27) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi Todo           cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(16) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(57)
-    exec "hi Type           cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(71) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi Underlined     cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(77) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    exec "hi TaglistTagName cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(39) . " ctermbg=" . "NONE"
-    if v:version >= 700
-        exec "hi Pmenu          cterm=NONE   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(87) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(82)
-        exec "hi PmenuSel       cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(87) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(38)
-        exec "hi PmenuSbar      cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(87) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(39)
-        exec "hi PmenuThumb     cterm=BOLD   ctermfg=" . <SID>X(87) . " ctermbg=" . <SID>X(39)
-        exec "hi SpellBad       cterm=NONE ctermbg=" . <SID>X(32)
-        exec "hi SpellRare      cterm=NONE ctermbg=" . <SID>X(33)
-        exec "hi SpellLocal     cterm=NONE ctermbg=" . <SID>X(36)
-        exec "hi SpellCap       cterm=NONE ctermbg=" . <SID>X(21)
-        exec "hi MatchParen     cterm=NONE ctermbg=" . <SID>X(14) . "ctermfg=" . <SID>X(25)
-    endif
-" vim: set et :
diff --git a/colors/ironman.vim b/colors/ironman.vim
index b34d89c..c5fcf25 100644
--- a/colors/ironman.vim
+++ b/colors/ironman.vim
@@ -92,19 +92,19 @@ hi Function                  gui=BOLD guifg=#3E0F70
 hi! link String Constant
 hi! link SpecialComment Comment
-hi! link Character  Constant
-hi! link Boolean    Constant
-hi! link Float      Number
-hi! link Label      Statement
-hi! link Include    PreProc
+hi! link Character      Constant
+hi! link Boolean        Constant
+hi! link Float          Number
+hi! link Label          Statement
+hi! link Include        PreProc
 hi! link Define PreProc
-hi! link Macro      PreProc
-hi! link PreCondit  PreProc
+hi! link Macro          PreProc
+hi! link PreCondit      PreProc
 hi! link StorageClass   Type
-hi! link Structure  Type
-hi! link Typedef    Type
+hi! link Structure      Type
+hi! link Typedef        Type
 hi! link SpecialChar    Special
-hi! link Debug      Special
+hi! link Debug          Special
 hi htmlLink                  gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#0000ff guibg=NONE
diff --git a/colors/jellybeans.vim b/colors/jellybeans.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfd76b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/jellybeans.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+" Vim color file
+"  "    __       _ _       _                             "
+"  "    \ \  ___| | |_   _| |__   ___  __ _ _ __  ___    "
+"  "     \ \/ _ \ | | | | |  _ \ / _ \/ _  |  _ \/ __|   "
+"  "  /\_/ /  __/ | | |_| | |_| |  __/ |_| | | | \__ \   "
+"  "  \___/ \___|_|_|\__  |____/ \___|\____|_| |_|___/   "
+"  "                 \___/                               "
+"         "A colorful, dark color scheme for Vim."
+" File:         jellybeans.vim
+" Maintainer:   NanoTech <http://nanotech.nanotechcorp.net/>
+" Version:      1.2
+" Last Change:  May 26th, 2009
+" Contributors: Daniel Herbert <http://pocket-ninja.com>,
+"               Henry So, Jr. <henryso at panix.com>,
+"               David Liang <bmdavll at gmail dot com>
+" Copyright (c) 2009 NanoTech
+" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+" in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+" to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+" copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+" all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+        syntax reset
+let colors_name = "jellybeans"
+if has("gui_running") || &t_Co == 88 || &t_Co == 256
+        let s:low_color = 0
+        let s:low_color = 1
+" Color approximation functions by Henry So, Jr. and David Liang {{{
+" Added to jellybeans.vim by Daniel Herbert
+" returns an approximate grey index for the given grey level
+fun! s:grey_number(x)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+                if a:x < 23
+                        return 0
+                elseif a:x < 69
+                        return 1
+                elseif a:x < 103
+                        return 2
+                elseif a:x < 127
+                        return 3
+                elseif a:x < 150
+                        return 4
+                elseif a:x < 173
+                        return 5
+                elseif a:x < 196
+                        return 6
+                elseif a:x < 219
+                        return 7
+                elseif a:x < 243
+                        return 8
+                else
+                        return 9
+                endif
+        else
+                if a:x < 14
+                        return 0
+                else
+                        let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10
+                        let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10
+                        if l:m < 5
+                                return l:n
+                        else
+                                return l:n + 1
+                        endif
+                endif
+        endif
+" returns the actual grey level represented by the grey index
+fun! s:grey_level(n)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+                if a:n == 0
+                        return 0
+                elseif a:n == 1
+                        return 46
+                elseif a:n == 2
+                        return 92
+                elseif a:n == 3
+                        return 115
+                elseif a:n == 4
+                        return 139
+                elseif a:n == 5
+                        return 162
+                elseif a:n == 6
+                        return 185
+                elseif a:n == 7
+                        return 208
+                elseif a:n == 8
+                        return 231
+                else
+                        return 255
+                endif
+        else
+                if a:n == 0
+                        return 0
+                else
+                        return 8 + (a:n * 10)
+                endif
+        endif
+" returns the palette index for the given grey index
+fun! s:grey_color(n)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+                if a:n == 0
+                        return 16
+                elseif a:n == 9
+                        return 79
+                else
+                        return 79 + a:n
+                endif
+        else
+                if a:n == 0
+                        return 16
+                elseif a:n == 25
+                        return 231
+                else
+                        return 231 + a:n
+                endif
+        endif
+" returns an approximate color index for the given color level
+fun! s:rgb_number(x)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+                if a:x < 69
+                        return 0
+                elseif a:x < 172
+                        return 1
+                elseif a:x < 230
+                        return 2
+                else
+                        return 3
+                endif
+        else
+                if a:x < 75
+                        return 0
+                else
+                        let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40
+                        let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40
+                        if l:m < 20
+                                return l:n
+                        else
+                                return l:n + 1
+                        endif
+                endif
+        endif
+" returns the actual color level for the given color index
+fun! s:rgb_level(n)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+                if a:n == 0
+                        return 0
+                elseif a:n == 1
+                        return 139
+                elseif a:n == 2
+                        return 205
+                else
+                        return 255
+                endif
+        else
+                if a:n == 0
+                        return 0
+                else
+                        return 55 + (a:n * 40)
+                endif
+        endif
+" returns the palette index for the given R/G/B color indices
+fun! s:rgb_color(x, y, z)
+        if &t_Co == 88
+                return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z
+        else
+                return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z
+        endif
+" returns the palette index to approximate the given R/G/B color levels
+fun! s:color(r, g, b)
+        " get the closest grey
+        let l:gx = s:grey_number(a:r)
+        let l:gy = s:grey_number(a:g)
+        let l:gz = s:grey_number(a:b)
+        " get the closest color
+        let l:x = s:rgb_number(a:r)
+        let l:y = s:rgb_number(a:g)
+        let l:z = s:rgb_number(a:b)
+        if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz
+                " there are two possibilities
+                let l:dgr = s:grey_level(l:gx) - a:r
+                let l:dgg = s:grey_level(l:gy) - a:g
+                let l:dgb = s:grey_level(l:gz) - a:b
+                let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb)
+                let l:dr = s:rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r
+                let l:dg = s:rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g
+                let l:db = s:rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b
+                let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db)
+                if l:dgrey < l:drgb
+                        " use the grey
+                        return s:grey_color(l:gx)
+                else
+                        " use the color
+                        return s:rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
+                endif
+        else
+                " only one possibility
+                return s:rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
+        endif
+" returns the palette index to approximate the 'rrggbb' hex string
+fun! s:rgb(rgb)
+        let l:r = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 0, 2)) + 0
+        let l:g = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 2, 2)) + 0
+        let l:b = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 4, 2)) + 0
+        return s:color(l:r, l:g, l:b)
+" sets the highlighting for the given group
+fun! s:X(group, fg, bg, attr, lcfg, lcbg)
+        if s:low_color
+                let l:fge = empty(a:lcfg)
+                let l:bge = empty(a:lcbg)
+                if !l:fge && !l:bge
+                        exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=".a:lcfg." ctermbg=".a:lcbg
+                elseif !l:fge && l:bge
+                        exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=".a:lcfg." ctermbg=NONE"
+                elseif l:fge && !l:bge
+                        exec "hi ".a:group." ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=".a:lcbg
+                endif
+        else
+                let l:fge = empty(a:fg)
+                let l:bge = empty(a:bg)
+                if !l:fge && !l:bge
+                        exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." guibg=#".a:bg." ctermfg=".s:rgb(a:fg)." ctermbg=".s:rgb(a:bg)
+                elseif !l:fge && l:bge
+                        exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." guibg=NONE ctermfg=".s:rgb(a:fg)
+                elseif l:fge && !l:bge
+                        exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=NONE guibg=#".a:bg." ctermbg=".s:rgb(a:bg)
+                endif
+        endif
+        if a:attr == ""
+                exec "hi ".a:group." gui=none cterm=none"
+        else
+                if a:attr == 'italic'
+                        exec "hi ".a:group." gui=".a:attr." cterm=none"
+                else
+                        exec "hi ".a:group." gui=".a:attr." cterm=".a:attr
+                endif
+        endif
+" }}}
+if version >= 700
+  call s:X("CursorLine","","1c1c1c","","","")
+  call s:X("CursorColumn","","1c1c1c","","","")
+  call s:X("MatchParen","ffffff","80a090","bold","","")
+  call s:X("TabLine","000000","b0b8c0","italic","","Black")
+  call s:X("TabLineFill","9098a0","","","","")
+  call s:X("TabLineSel","000000","f0f0f0","italic,bold","","")
+  " Auto-completion
+  call s:X("Pmenu","ffffff","000000","","","")
+  call s:X("PmenuSel","101010","eeeeee","","","")
+call s:X("Visual","","404040","","","")
+call s:X("Cursor","","b0d0f0","","","")
+call s:X("Normal","e8e8d3","151515","","White","")
+call s:X("LineNr","605958","151515","none","Black","")
+call s:X("Comment","888888","","italic","Grey","")
+call s:X("Todo","808080","","bold","","")
+call s:X("StatusLine","f0f0f0","101010","italic","","")
+call s:X("StatusLineNC","a0a0a0","181818","italic","","")
+call s:X("VertSplit","181818","181818","italic","","")
+call s:X("Folded","a0a8b0","384048","italic","black","")
+call s:X("FoldColumn","a0a8b0","384048","","","")
+call s:X("SignColumn","a0a8b0","384048","","","")
+call s:X("Title","70b950","","bold","","")
+call s:X("Constant","cf6a4c","","","Red","")
+call s:X("Special","799d6a","","","Green","")
+call s:X("Delimiter","668799","","","Grey","")
+call s:X("String","99ad6a","","","Green","")
+call s:X("StringDelimiter","556633","","","DarkGreen","")
+call s:X("Identifier","c6b6ee","","","LightCyan","")
+call s:X("Structure","8fbfdc","","","LightCyan","")
+call s:X("Function","fad07a","","","Yellow","")
+call s:X("Statement","8197bf","","","DarkBlue","")
+call s:X("PreProc","8fbfdc","","","LightBlue","")
+hi link Operator Normal
+call s:X("Type","ffb964","","","Yellow","")
+call s:X("NonText","808080","151515","","","")
+call s:X("SpecialKey","808080","343434","","","")
+call s:X("Search","f0a0c0","302028","underline","Magenta","")
+call s:X("Directory","dad085","","","","")
+call s:X("ErrorMsg","","902020","","","")
+hi link Error ErrorMsg
+" Diff
+hi link diffRemoved Constant
+hi link diffAdded String
+" VimDiff
+call s:X("DiffAdd","","032218","","Black","DarkGreen")
+call s:X("DiffChange","","100920","","Black","DarkMagenta")
+call s:X("DiffDelete","220000","220000","","DarkRed","DarkRed")
+call s:X("DiffText","","000940","","","DarkRed")
+" PHP
+hi link phpFunctions Function
+call s:X("StorageClass","c59f6f","","","Red","")
+hi link phpSuperglobal Identifier
+hi link phpQuoteSingle StringDelimiter
+hi link phpQuoteDouble StringDelimiter
+hi link phpBoolean Constant
+hi link phpNull Constant
+hi link phpArrayPair Operator
+" Ruby
+hi link rubySharpBang Comment
+call s:X("rubyClass","447799","","","DarkBlue","")
+call s:X("rubyIdentifier","c6b6fe","","","","")
+call s:X("rubyInstanceVariable","c6b6fe","","","Cyan","")
+call s:X("rubySymbol","7697d6","","","Blue","")
+hi link rubyGlobalVariable rubyInstanceVariable
+hi link rubyModule rubyClass
+call s:X("rubyControl","7597c6","","","","")
+hi link rubyString String
+hi link rubyStringDelimiter StringDelimiter
+hi link rubyInterpolationDelimiter Identifier
+call s:X("rubyRegexpDelimiter","540063","","","Magenta","")
+call s:X("rubyRegexp","dd0093","","","DarkMagenta","")
+call s:X("rubyRegexpSpecial","a40073","","","Magenta","")
+call s:X("rubyPredefinedIdentifier","de5577","","","Red","")
+" JavaScript
+hi link javaScriptValue Constant
+hi link javaScriptRegexpString rubyRegexp
+" Tag list
+hi link TagListFileName Directory
+" delete functions {{{
+delf s:X
+delf s:rgb
+delf s:color
+delf s:rgb_color
+delf s:rgb_level
+delf s:rgb_number
+delf s:grey_color
+delf s:grey_level
+delf s:grey_number
+" }}}
diff --git a/colors/leo.vim b/colors/leo.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f11cbea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/leo.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:           Lorenzo Leonini <vim-theme[a]leonini[.]net>
+" Last Change:  2009 Feb 23
+" URL:                                  http://www.leonini.net
+" Description:
+" A contrasted theme for long programming sessions.
+" Specially for 256-colors term (xterm, Eterm, konsole, gnome-terminal, ...)
+" Very good with Ruby, C, Lua, PHP, HTML, shell...
+" (but no using language specific settings)
+" Note:
+" If your term report 8 colors (but is 256 capable), put 'set t_Co=256'
+" in your .vimrc
+" Tips:
+" :verbose hi StatusLine
+" Color numbers (0-255) see:
+"               http://www.calmar.ws/vim/256-xterm-24bit-rgb-color-chart.html
+"       :so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim
+" 0.81 => 0.82
+" menu backgrounf lighter
+" LineNr
+" gui comments in italic
+" 0.8 => 0.81
+" invisible char
+" line number
+" status bar
+" add MatchParen
+" add Underlined
+" 0.6 => 0.8
+" GUI fixed, color < 16 fixed
+" comments from 247 => 249
+" main color 255 => 254
+" boolean and numbers more visible
+" 0.5 => 0.6
+" Synchro with GUI
+" 0.3 => 0.5
+" Ligther vertical separation
+" Better diff
+" Better pmenu
+" Uniformisation between status bar, tabs and pmenu
+" Added spell hl
+" Change search highlight (I don't use it...)
+" Folding done
+" All in 256 code
+if !has("gui_running")
+        if &t_Co != 256
+                echomsg "err: Please use a 256-colors terminal (so that t_Co=256 could be set)."
+                echomsg ""
+                finish
+        end
+let g:colors_name = "leo256"
+set background=dark
+if v:version > 580
+        highlight clear
+        if exists("syntax_on")
+                syntax reset
+        endif
+" Normal should come first
+hi Normal                               cterm=none              ctermfg=255             ctermbg=16 guibg=#000000 guifg=#ffffff
+hi CursorLine           cterm=none              ctermbg=16              guibg=#101010
+hi DiffAdd                      cterm=none              ctermbg=235             guibg=#262626
+hi DiffChange           cterm=none              ctermbg=235             guibg=#262626
+hi DiffDelete           cterm=none              ctermfg=238             ctermbg=244             guibg=#808080   guifg=#444444
+hi DiffText                     cterm=bold              ctermfg=255             ctermbg=196             guifg=#ffffff
+hi Directory            cterm=none              ctermfg=196
+hi ErrorMsg                     cterm=none              ctermfg=255             ctermbg=160             guifg=#ffffff
+hi FoldColumn           cterm=none              ctermfg=110             ctermbg=16              guibg=#000000
+hi SignColumn           cterm=none              ctermbg=16              guibg=#000000
+hi Folded                               cterm=none              ctermfg=16              ctermbg=110             guifg=#000000   guibg=#87afd7
+hi IncSearch            cterm=reverse
+hi LineNr                               cterm=none              ctermfg=228             ctermbg=16              guifg=#ffff87   guibg=#000000
+hi ModeMsg                      cterm=bold
+hi MoreMsg                      cterm=none              ctermfg=40
+hi NonText                      cterm=none              ctermfg=27
+hi Question                     cterm=none              ctermfg=40
+hi Search                               cterm=none              ctermfg=16              ctermbg=248             guifg=#000000   guibg=#a8a8a8
+hi SpecialKey           cterm=none              ctermfg=245             ctermbg=233             guifg=#8a8a8a   guibg=#121212
+hi StatusLine           cterm=bold              ctermfg=255             ctermbg=19              guifg=#0000ff   guibg=#ffffff
+hi StatusLineNC cterm=none              ctermfg=252             ctermbg=17              guibg=#d0d0d0 guifg=#00005f
+hi Title                                cterm=none              ctermfg=33
+hi VertSplit            cterm=none              ctermfg=254             ctermbg=16              guibg=#EEEEEE guifg=#000000
+hi Visual                               cterm=reverse   ctermbg=none
+hi VisualNOS            cterm=underline,bold
+hi WarningMsg           cterm=none              ctermfg=255             guifg=#ffffff
+hi WildMenu                     cterm=none              ctermfg=16              ctermbg=11
+if v:version >= 700
+        " light
+        "hi Pmenu                               cterm=none      ctermfg=16              ctermbg=252
+        "hi PmenuSel                    cterm=none      ctermfg=255             ctermbg=21
+        "hi PmenuSbar           cterm=none      ctermfg=240             ctermbg=240
+  "hi PmenuThumb                cterm=none      ctermfg=255             ctermbg=255
+        "dark
+        hi Pmenu                                cterm=none              ctermfg=255             ctermbg=237             guibg=#262626           guifg=#ffffff
+        hi PmenuSel                     cterm=none              ctermfg=255             ctermbg=21              guibg=#0000ff           guifg=#ffffff
+        hi PmenuSbar            cterm=none              ctermfg=240             ctermbg=240             guibg=#444444
+  hi PmenuThumb         cterm=none              ctermfg=255             ctermbg=255             guifg=#ffffff
+        hi SpellBad                     cterm=none    ctermfg=16                ctermbg=196
+        hi SpellCap                     cterm=none    ctermfg=16                ctermbg=196
+        hi SpellLocal           cterm=none    ctermfg=16                ctermbg=196
+        hi SpellRare            cterm=none    ctermfg=16                ctermbg=196
+        " No need for GUI colors :)
+        hi TabLine                      cterm=none      ctermfg=252             ctermbg=17
+        hi TabLineSel           cterm=none      ctermfg=255             ctermbg=21
+        hi TabLineFill  cterm=none      ctermfg=17              ctermbg=17
+        hi MatchParen           cterm=none      ctermfg=16              ctermbg=226             guibg=#ffff00   guifg=#000000
+" syntax highlighting
+hi Boolean                      cterm=none              ctermfg=171             guifg=#d75fff
+hi Character            cterm=none              ctermfg=184
+hi Comment                      cterm=none              ctermfg=248             gui=italic              guifg=#a8a8a8
+hi Constant                     cterm=none              ctermfg=226             guifg=#ffff00
+hi Conditional  cterm=none              ctermfg=154             guifg=#afff00
+hi Define                               cterm=bold              ctermfg=27              gui=bold                        guifg=#005fff
+hi Delimiter            cterm=none              ctermfg=196             guifg=#ff0000
+hi Exception            cterm=bold              ctermfg=226             gui=bold                        guifg=#ffff00
+hi Error                                cterm=none              ctermfg=255             ctermbg=9                       guifg=#ffffff
+hi Keyword                      cterm=none              ctermfg=159             guifg=#afffff
+hi Function                     cterm=none              ctermfg=196             guifg=#ff0000
+hi Identifier           cterm=none              ctermfg=33              guifg=#0087ff
+hi Number                               cterm=none              ctermfg=209             guifg=#ff875f
+hi Operator                     cterm=none              ctermfg=226             guifg=#ffff00
+hi PreProc                      cterm=none              ctermfg=202             guifg=#ff5f00
+hi Special                      cterm=none              ctermfg=206             ctermbg=234             guifg=#ff5fd7 guibg=#1c1c1c
+hi Statement            cterm=none              ctermfg=40              gui=none                        guifg=#00d700
+hi String                               cterm=none              ctermfg=224             ctermbg=234             guifg=#ffd7d7   guibg=#1c1c1c
+hi Todo                                 cterm=none              ctermfg=16              ctermbg=226             guifg=#000000 guibg=#ffff00
+hi Type                                 cterm=none              ctermfg=75              gui=none                        guifg=#5fafff
+hi Underlined           cterm=underline ctermfg=39      gui=underline   guifg=#00afff
+hi Repeat               cterm=none              ctermfg=142             guifg=#afaf00
diff --git a/colors/less.vim b/colors/less.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index c874913..0000000
--- a/colors/less.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-" vim color file
-" Maintainer:  Brian Nelson <nelsonbc at gmail.com>
-" Last Change: $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2003/12/15 17:25:08 $
-" Less is More - A minimal color scheme. 
-" Disigned to work equally well on 8 or 16 colors, terminal or gui. 
-hi clear
-set background=dark
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "less"
-hi Normal         term=none ctermfg=7 ctermbg=0 gui=none guifg=LightGray guibg=black
-hi Directory      term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=blue guifg=Blue
-hi Search         term=reverse ctermfg=white  ctermbg=blue guifg=white guibg=Blue
-hi MoreMsg        term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=darkgreen gui=bold guifg=DarkGreen
-hi ModeMsg        term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold guifg=White guibg=Blue
-hi LineNr         term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=darkcyan guifg=DarkCyan
-hi Question       term=standout cterm=bold ctermfg=darkgreen gui=bold guifg=DarkGreen
-hi Comment        term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=0 gui=none guifg=DarkGray
-hi Constant       term=bold cterm=none ctermfg=7 gui=none guifg=LightGray
-hi Special        term=bold cterm=none ctermfg=3 gui=none guifg=Orange
-hi Identifier     term=none cterm=none ctermfg=7 gui=none guifg=LightGray
-hi PreProc        term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=7 gui=bold guifg=White
-hi Error          term=reverse cterm=bold ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1 gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=Red
-hi Todo           term=standout cterm=none ctermfg=0 ctermbg=7 guifg=Black guibg=White
-hi String         term=none cterm=none ctermfg=3 gui=none guifg=LightYellow
-hi Function       term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=3 gui=none guifg=Yellow
-hi Statement      term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=7 gui=bold guifg=White
-hi Include        term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=4 gui=none guifg=LightBlue
-hi StorageClass   term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=5 gui=none guifg=LightMagenta
-hi Type           term=none cterm=none ctermfg=7 gui=none guifg=LightGray
-hi Defined        term=bold cterm=bold ctermfg=6 gui=none guifg=LightCyan
-hi link Character       String
-hi link Number          Constant
-hi link Boolean         Constant
-hi link Float           Number
-hi link Conditional     Statement
-hi link Repeat          Statement
-hi link Label           Statement
-hi link Operator        Statement
-hi link Keyword         Statement
-hi link Exception       Statement
-hi link Macro           Include
-hi link PreCondit       PreProc
-hi link Structure       Type
-hi link Typedef         Type
-hi link Tag             Special
-hi link SpecialChar     Special
-hi link Delimiter       Special
-hi link SpecialComment  Special
-hi link Debug           Special
diff --git a/colors/lilac.vim b/colors/lilac.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index ef825fa..0000000
--- a/colors/lilac.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-" GUI-only vim color file
-" Author:      Christian MICHON
-" Version:     1.0
-" Last Change: 10 Oct 2002
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "lilac"
-hi Boolean        guifg=#00f080 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Character      guifg=#00f080 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Comment        guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#503040 gui=underline
-hi Conditional    guifg=#60d0d0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Constant       guifg=#00f080 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Cursor         guifg=#000000 guibg=#f0f000 gui=none
-hi Debug          guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Define         guifg=#f0f000 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Delimiter      guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi DiffAdd        guifg=#f0f000 guibg=#805070 gui=bold
-hi DiffChange     guifg=#f0f0f0 guibg=#805070 gui=none
-hi DiffDelete     guifg=#503040 guibg=#805070 gui=none
-hi DiffText       guifg=#000000 guibg=#f0f000 gui=bold
-hi Directory      guifg=#f0f000 guibg=#503040 gui=underline
-hi Error          guifg=#000000 guibg=#b0d0f0 gui=bold
-hi ErrorMsg       guifg=#000000 guibg=#b0d0f0 gui=bold
-hi Exception      guifg=#60d0d0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Float          guifg=#00f080 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi FoldColumn     guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=#805070 gui=bold
-hi Folded         guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=#805070 gui=bold
-hi Function       guifg=#f0a070 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Identifier     guifg=#f0a070 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Ignore         guifg=#503040 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Include        guifg=#f0f000 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi IncSearch      guifg=#000000 guibg=#b0d0f0 gui=bold
-hi Keyword        guifg=#60d0d0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Label          guifg=#60d0d0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi lCursor        guifg=#f0f0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi LineNr         guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#805070 gui=bold
-hi Macro          guifg=#f0f000 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi ModeMsg        guifg=#f0f0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi MoreMsg        guifg=#f070a0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi NonText        guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Normal         guifg=#f0f0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Number         guifg=#00f080 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Operator       guifg=#60d0d0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi PreCondit      guifg=#f0f000 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi PreProc        guifg=#f0f000 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Question       guifg=#f070a0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Repeat         guifg=#60d0d0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Search         guifg=#000000 guibg=#b0d0f0 gui=bold
-hi Special        guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi SpecialChar    guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi SpecialComment guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi SpecialKey     guifg=#f0f000 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Statement      guifg=#60d0d0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi StatusLine     guifg=#000000 guibg=#f0f0f0 gui=bold
-hi StatusLineNC   guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#805070 gui=bold
-hi StorageClass   guifg=#f070a0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi String         guifg=#00f080 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Structure      guifg=#f070a0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Tag            guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=none
-hi Title          guifg=#00f080 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Todo           guifg=#f0f000 guibg=#0000f0 gui=none
-hi Type           guifg=#f070a0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Typedef        guifg=#f070a0 guibg=#503040 gui=bold
-hi Underlined     guifg=#b0d0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=underline
-hi VertSplit      guifg=#000000 guibg=#b0d0f0 gui=bold
-hi Visual         guifg=#000000 guibg=#b0d0f0 gui=underline
-hi VisualNOS      guifg=#f0f0f0 guibg=#503040 gui=underline
-hi WarningMsg     guifg=#000000 guibg=#b0d0f0 gui=bold
-hi WildMenu       guifg=#f0f0f0 guibg=#0000f0 gui=none
diff --git a/colors/lucius.vim b/colors/lucius.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c60fad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/lucius.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:   Jonathan Filip <jfilip1024 at gmail.com>
+" Last Modified: Wed Apr 01, 2009  10:03AM
+" Version: 2.5
+" GUI / 256 color terminal
+" I started out trying to combine my favorite parts of other schemes and ended
+" up with this (oceandeep, moria, peaksea, wombat, zenburn).
+" This file also tries to have descriptive comments for each higlighting group
+" so it is easy to understand what each part does.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="lucius"
+" blue: 3eb8e5
+" green: 92d400
+" Base color
+" ----------
+hi Normal           guifg=#e4e4e4           guibg=#242424
+hi Normal           ctermfg=254             ctermbg=235
+" Comment Group
+" -------------
+" any comment
+hi Comment          guifg=#808080                                   gui=none
+hi Comment          ctermfg=243                                     cterm=none
+" Constant Group
+" --------------
+" any constant
+hi Constant         guifg=#50d6de                                   gui=none
+hi Constant         ctermfg=80                                      cterm=none
+" strings
+hi String           guifg=#8ad6f2                                   gui=none
+hi String           ctermfg=117                                     cterm=none
+" character constant
+hi Character        guifg=#8ad6f2                                   gui=none
+hi Character        ctermfg=117                                     cterm=none
+" numbers decimal/hex
+hi Number           guifg=#50d6de                                   gui=none
+hi Number           ctermfg=80                                      cterm=none
+" true, false
+hi Boolean          guifg=#50d6de                                   gui=none
+hi Boolean          ctermfg=80                                      cterm=none
+" float
+hi Float            guifg=#50d6de                                   gui=none
+hi Float            ctermfg=80                                      cterm=none
+" Identifier Group
+" ----------------
+" any variable name
+hi Identifier       guifg=#fcb666                                   gui=none
+hi Identifier       ctermfg=215                                     cterm=none
+" function, method, class
+hi Function         guifg=#fcb666                                   gui=none
+hi Function         ctermfg=215                                     cterm=none
+" Statement Group
+" ---------------
+" any statement
+hi Statement        guifg=#bae682                                   gui=none
+hi Statement        ctermfg=150                                     cterm=none
+" if, then, else
+hi Conditional      guifg=#bae682                                   gui=none
+hi Conditional      ctermfg=150                                     cterm=none
+" try, catch, throw, raise
+hi Exception        guifg=#bae682                                   gui=none
+hi Exception        ctermfg=150                                     cterm=none
+" for, while, do
+hi Repeat           guifg=#bae682                                   gui=none
+hi Repeat           ctermfg=150                                     cterm=none
+" case, default
+hi Label            guifg=#bae682                                   gui=none
+hi Label            ctermfg=150                                     cterm=none
+" sizeof, +, *
+hi Operator         guifg=#bae682                                   gui=none
+hi Operator         ctermfg=150                                     cterm=none
+" any other keyword
+hi Keyword          guifg=#bae682                                   gui=none
+hi Keyword          ctermfg=150                                     cterm=none
+" Preprocessor Group
+" ------------------
+" generic preprocessor
+hi PreProc          guifg=#efefaf                                   gui=none
+hi PreProc          ctermfg=229                                     cterm=none
+" #include
+hi Include          guifg=#efefaf                                   gui=none
+hi Include          ctermfg=229                                     cterm=none
+" #define
+hi Define           guifg=#efefaf                                   gui=none
+hi Define           ctermfg=229                                     cterm=none
+" same as define
+hi Macro            guifg=#efefaf                                   gui=none
+hi Macro            ctermfg=229                                     cterm=none
+" #if, #else, #endif
+hi PreCondit        guifg=#efefaf                                   gui=none
+hi PreCondit        ctermfg=229                                     cterm=none
+" Type Group
+" ----------
+" int, long, char
+hi Type             guifg=#93e690                                   gui=none
+hi Type             ctermfg=114                                     cterm=none
+" static, register, volative
+hi StorageClass     guifg=#93e690                                   gui=none
+hi StorageClass     ctermfg=114                                     cterm=none
+" struct, union, enum
+hi Structure        guifg=#93e690                                   gui=none
+hi Structure        ctermfg=114                                     cterm=none
+" typedef
+hi Typedef          guifg=#93e690                                   gui=none
+hi Typedef          ctermfg=114                                     cterm=none
+" Special Group
+" -------------
+" any special symbol
+hi Special          guifg=#cfafcf                                   gui=none
+hi Special          ctermfg=182                                     cterm=none
+" special character in a constant
+hi SpecialChar      guifg=#cfafcf                                   gui=none
+hi SpecialChar      ctermfg=182                                     cterm=none
+" things you can CTRL-]
+hi Tag              guifg=#cfafcf                                   gui=none
+hi Tag              ctermfg=182                                     cterm=none
+" character that needs attention
+hi Delimiter        guifg=#cfafcf                                   gui=none
+hi Delimiter        ctermfg=182                                     cterm=none
+" special things inside a comment
+hi SpecialComment   guifg=#cfafcf                                   gui=none
+hi SpecialComment   ctermfg=182                                     cterm=none
+" debugging statements
+hi Debug            guifg=#cfafcf           guibg=NONE              gui=none
+hi Debug            ctermfg=182             ctermbg=NONE            cterm=none
+" Underlined Group
+" ----------------
+" text that stands out, html links
+hi Underlined       guifg=fg                                        gui=underline
+hi Underlined       ctermfg=fg                                      cterm=underline
+" Ignore Group
+" ------------
+" left blank, hidden
+hi Ignore           guifg=bg
+hi Ignore           ctermfg=bg
+" Error Group
+" -----------
+" any erroneous construct
+hi Error            guifg=#dd4040           guibg=NONE              gui=none
+hi Error            ctermfg=160             ctermbg=NONE            cterm=none
+" Todo Group
+" ----------
+" todo, fixme, note, xxx
+hi Todo             guifg=#deee33           guibg=NONE              gui=underline
+hi Todo             ctermfg=190             ctermbg=NONE            cterm=underline
+" Spelling
+" --------
+" word not recognized
+hi SpellBad         guisp=#ee0000                                   gui=undercurl
+hi SpellBad                                 ctermbg=9               cterm=undercurl
+" word not capitalized
+hi SpellCap         guisp=#eeee00                                   gui=undercurl
+hi SpellCap                                 ctermbg=12              cterm=undercurl
+" rare word
+hi SpellRare        guisp=#ffa500                                   gui=undercurl
+hi SpellRare                                ctermbg=13              cterm=undercurl
+" wrong spelling for selected region
+hi SpellLocal       guisp=#ffa500                                   gui=undercurl
+hi SpellLocal                               ctermbg=14              cterm=undercurl
+" Cursor
+" ------
+" character under the cursor
+hi Cursor           guifg=bg                guibg=#8ac6f2
+hi Cursor           ctermfg=bg              ctermbg=117
+" like cursor, but used when in IME mode
+hi CursorIM         guifg=bg                guibg=#96cdcd
+hi CursorIM         ctermfg=bg              ctermbg=116
+" cursor column
+hi CursorColumn                             guibg=#3d3d4d
+hi CursorColumn     cterm=NONE              ctermbg=236
+" cursor line/row
+hi CursorLine                               guibg=#3d3d4d
+hi CursorLine       cterm=NONE              ctermbg=236             
+" Misc
+" ----
+" directory names and other special names in listings
+hi Directory        guifg=#95e494                                   gui=none
+hi Directory        ctermfg=114                                     cterm=none
+" error messages on the command line
+hi ErrorMsg         guifg=#ee0000           guibg=NONE              gui=none
+hi ErrorMsg         ctermfg=196             ctermbg=NONE            cterm=none
+" column separating vertically split windows
+hi VertSplit        guifg=#777777           guibg=#444444           gui=none
+hi VertSplit        ctermfg=244             ctermbg=238             cterm=none
+" columns where signs are displayed (used in IDEs)
+hi SignColumn       guifg=#9fafaf           guibg=#181818           gui=none
+hi SignColumn       ctermfg=145             ctermbg=233             cterm=none
+" line numbers
+hi LineNr           guifg=#857b6f           guibg=#444444
+hi LineNr           ctermfg=101             ctermbg=238
+" match parenthesis, brackets
+hi MatchParen       guifg=#00ff00           guibg=NONE              gui=none
+hi MatchParen       ctermfg=46              ctermbg=NONE            cterm=none
+" text showing what mode you are in
+hi MoreMsg          guifg=#2e8b57                                   gui=none
+hi MoreMsg          ctermfg=29                                      cterm=none
+" the '~' and '@' and showbreak, '>' double wide char doesn't fit on line
+hi ModeMsg          guifg=#90ee90           guibg=NONE              gui=none
+hi ModeMsg          ctermfg=120             ctermbg=NONE            cterm=none
+" the 'more' prompt when output takes more than one line
+hi NonText          guifg=#444444                                   gui=none
+hi NonText          ctermfg=238                                     cterm=none
+" the hit-enter prompt (show more output) and yes/no questions
+hi Question         guifg=fg                                        gui=none
+hi Question         ctermfg=fg                                      cterm=none
+" meta and special keys used with map, unprintable characters
+hi SpecialKey       guifg=#505050
+hi SpecialKey       ctermfg=238
+" titles for output from :set all, :autocmd, etc
+hi Title            guifg=#3eb8e5                                   gui=none
+hi Title            ctermfg=38                                      cterm=none
+"hi Title            guifg=#5ec8e5                                   gui=none
+" warning messages
+hi WarningMsg       guifg=#e5786d                                   gui=none
+hi WarningMsg       ctermfg=173                                     cterm=none
+" current match in the wildmenu completion
+hi WildMenu         guifg=#000000           guibg=#cae682
+hi WildMenu         ctermfg=16              ctermbg=186             
+" Diff
+" ----
+" added line
+hi DiffAdd          guifg=fg                guibg=#008b8b
+hi DiffAdd          ctermfg=fg              ctermbg=30
+" changed line
+hi DiffChange       guifg=fg                guibg=#008b00
+hi DiffChange       ctermfg=fg              ctermbg=28
+" deleted line
+hi DiffDelete       guifg=fg                guibg=#000000
+hi DiffDelete       ctermfg=fg              ctermbg=16
+" changed text within line
+hi DiffText         guifg=fg
+hi DiffText         ctermfg=fg
+" Folds
+" -----
+" line used for closed folds
+hi Folded           guifg=#a0a8b0           guibg=#404040           gui=none
+hi Folded           ctermfg=145             ctermbg=238             cterm=none
+" column on side used to indicated open and closed folds
+hi FoldColumn       guifg=#b0d0e0           guibg=#305060           gui=none
+hi FoldColumn       ctermfg=152             ctermbg=23              cterm=none
+" Search
+" ------
+" highlight incremental search text; also highlight text replaced with :s///c
+hi IncSearch        guifg=#66ffff                                   gui=reverse
+hi IncSearch        ctermfg=87                                      cterm=reverse
+" hlsearch (last search pattern), also used for quickfix
+hi Search                                    guibg=#ffaa33          gui=none
+hi Search                                    ctermbg=214            cterm=none
+" Popup Menu
+" ----------
+" normal item in popup
+hi Pmenu            guifg=#f6f3e8           guibg=#444444           gui=none
+hi Pmenu            ctermfg=254             ctermbg=238             cterm=none
+" selected item in popup
+hi PmenuSel         guifg=#000000           guibg=#cae682           gui=none
+hi PmenuSel         ctermfg=16              ctermbg=186             cterm=none
+" scrollbar in popup
+hi PMenuSbar                                guibg=#607b8b           gui=none
+hi PMenuSbar                                ctermbg=66              cterm=none
+" thumb of the scrollbar in the popup
+hi PMenuThumb                               guibg=#aaaaaa           gui=none
+hi PMenuThumb                               ctermbg=247             cterm=none
+" Status Line
+" -----------
+" status line for current window
+hi StatusLine       guifg=#e0e0e0           guibg=#444444           gui=none
+hi StatusLine       ctermfg=254             ctermbg=238             cterm=none
+" status line for non-current windows
+hi StatusLineNC     guifg=#777777           guibg=#444444           gui=none
+hi StatusLineNC     ctermfg=244             ctermbg=238             cterm=none
+" Tab Lines
+" ---------
+" tab pages line, not active tab page label
+hi TabLine          guifg=#b6bf98           guibg=#181818           gui=none
+hi TabLine          ctermfg=244             ctermbg=233             cterm=none
+" tab pages line, where there are no labels
+hi TabLineFill      guifg=#cfcfaf           guibg=#181818           gui=none
+hi TabLineFill      ctermfg=187             ctermbg=233             cterm=none
+" tab pages line, active tab page label
+hi TabLineSel       guifg=#efefef           guibg=#1c1c1b           gui=none
+hi TabLineSel       ctermfg=254             ctermbg=233             cterm=none
+" Visual
+" ------
+" visual mode selection
+hi Visual           guifg=NONE              guibg=#445566
+hi Visual           ctermfg=NONE            ctermbg=60
+" visual mode selection when vim is 'not owning the selection' (x11 only)
+hi VisualNOS        guifg=fg                                        gui=underline
+hi VisualNOS        ctermfg=fg                                      cterm=underline
diff --git a/colors/manxome.vim b/colors/manxome.vim
index 9751f19..2049acb 100644
--- a/colors/manxome.vim
+++ b/colors/manxome.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 """ local syntax file - set colors on a per-machine basis:
 """ Vim color file
-""" Title:          Manxome Foes Color Scheme
-""" Maintainer:     Ricardo SIGNES <rjbs-vim at lists.manxome.org>
-""" This Version:   R2v2 [2003-07-16]
+""" Title:                      Manxome Foes Color Scheme
+""" Maintainer:         Ricardo SIGNES <rjbs-vim at lists.manxome.org>
+""" This Version:       R2v2 [2003-07-16]
 """ suggested vim editing options: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
 ""  clear and re-initialize global variables
@@ -14,34 +14,34 @@ endif
 let g:colors_name = "manxome"
 ""  set highlight groups
-""      you'll notice that the ctermbg is often 'none'; this is so that when
-""      console vim runs in a terminal, transparency (if any) is not broken
+""              you'll notice that the ctermbg is often 'none'; this is so that when
+""              console vim runs in a terminal, transparency (if any) is not broken
-highlight Title         ctermfg=3   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#ffff00   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Directory     ctermfg=4   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#0000ff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight StatusLine    ctermfg=7   ctermbg=4       cterm=bold  guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#0000ff   gui=none
-highlight StatusLineNC  ctermfg=0   ctermbg=4       cterm=bold  guifg=#000000   guibg=#0000ff   gui=none
-highlight Normal        ctermfg=7   ctermbg=none    cterm=none  guifg=#cccccc   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Search        ctermfg=7   ctermbg=4       cterm=bold  guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#0000ff   gui=none
-highlight Visual        ctermfg=7   ctermbg=6       cterm=bold  guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#00aaaa   gui=none
+highlight Title                 ctermfg=3       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guifg=#ffff00   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Directory     ctermfg=4       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guifg=#0000ff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight StatusLine    ctermfg=7       ctermbg=4               cterm=bold      guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#0000ff   gui=none
+highlight StatusLineNC  ctermfg=0       ctermbg=4               cterm=bold      guifg=#000000   guibg=#0000ff   gui=none
+highlight Normal                ctermfg=7       ctermbg=none    cterm=none      guifg=#cccccc   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Search                ctermfg=7       ctermbg=4               cterm=bold      guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#0000ff   gui=none
+highlight Visual                ctermfg=7       ctermbg=6               cterm=bold      guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#00aaaa   gui=none
 ""  set major preferred groups
-highlight Comment       ctermfg=2   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#00ff00   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Constant      ctermfg=6   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#00ffff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Identifier    ctermfg=4   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#0000ee   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Statement     ctermfg=6   ctermbg=none    cterm=none  guifg=#00aaaa   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight PreProc       ctermfg=7   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Type          ctermfg=6   ctermbg=none    cterm=none  guifg=#00aaaa   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Special       ctermfg=7   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Underlined    ctermfg=2   ctermbg=none    cterm=none  guifg=#00aa00   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Ignore        ctermfg=0   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#aaaaaa   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Error         ctermfg=1   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guibg=#ff0000   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight Todo          ctermfg=3   ctermbg=none    cterm=none  guifg=#aaaa00   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Comment               ctermfg=2       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guifg=#00ff00   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Constant              ctermfg=6       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guifg=#00ffff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Identifier    ctermfg=4       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guifg=#0000ee   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Statement     ctermfg=6       ctermbg=none    cterm=none      guifg=#00aaaa   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight PreProc               ctermfg=7       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Type                  ctermfg=6       ctermbg=none    cterm=none      guifg=#00aaaa   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Special               ctermfg=7       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Underlined    ctermfg=2       ctermbg=none    cterm=none      guifg=#00aa00   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Ignore                ctermfg=0       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#aaaaaa       guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Error                 ctermfg=1       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guibg=#ff0000   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight Todo                  ctermfg=3       ctermbg=none    cterm=none      guifg=#aaaa00   guibg=#000000   gui=none
 "  set syntax-specific groups
-"   I'd like to avoid using these, but the default settings for these two are
-"   just no good.  Seeing italic text in Vim is just plain wrong.
+"       I'd like to avoid using these, but the default settings for these two are
+"       just no good.  Seeing italic text in Vim is just plain wrong.
-highlight htmlBold      ctermfg=7   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
-highlight htmlItalic    ctermfg=5   ctermbg=none    cterm=bold  guifg=#ff00ff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight htmlBold              ctermfg=7       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guifg=#ffffff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+highlight htmlItalic    ctermfg=5       ctermbg=none    cterm=bold      guifg=#ff00ff   guibg=#000000   gui=none
diff --git a/colors/marklar.vim b/colors/marklar.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21e434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/marklar.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Filename:      marklar.vim
+" Last Modified: Nov, 30 2006 (13:01)
+" Version:       0.5
+" Maintainer:    SM Smithfield (m_smithfield AT yahoo DOT com)
+" Copyright:     2006 SM Smithfield
+"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
+" Description:   Vim colorscheme file.
+" Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
+"                then load it with :colorscheme marklar
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+hi clear
+set background=dark
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "marklar"
+if !exists("s:main")
+    " OPTIONS:
+    let s:bold_opt = 0
+    let s:ignore_opt = 1
+    function! s:main()
+        if version >= 700
+            call s:apply_opts()
+        endif
+        if s:bold_opt
+            let s:bold = 'bold'
+        else
+            let s:bold = 'NONE'
+        endif
+        if s:ignore_opt
+            " completely invisible
+            let s:ignore = 'bg'
+        else
+            " nearly invisible
+            let s:ignore = '#467C5C'
+        endif
+        execute "hi Constant         guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=NONE                 ctermfg=7 cterm=NONE"
+        execute "hi Identifier       guifg=#38FF56 guibg=NONE gui=".s:bold."  ctermfg=8 cterm=bold"
+        execute "hi Statement        guifg=#FFFF00 guibg=NONE gui=".s:bold."  ctermfg=3 cterm=bold"
+        execute "hi Special          guifg=#25B9F8 guibg=bg   gui=".s:bold."  ctermfg=2 cterm=underline"
+        execute "hi PreProc          guifg=#FF80FF guibg=bg   gui=NONE        ctermfg=2"
+        execute "hi Type             guifg=#00FFFF guibg=NONE gui=".s:bold."  ctermfg=6 cterm=bold"
+        execute "hi Ignore           guifg=".s:ignore." guibg=NONE               ctermfg=0"
+        hi Comment          guifg=#00BBBB guibg=NONE               ctermfg=6 cterm=none
+        hi Cursor           guifg=NONE    guibg=#FF0000
+        hi DiffAdd          guifg=NONE    guibg=#136769            ctermfg=4 ctermbg=7 cterm=NONE
+        hi DiffDelete       guifg=NONE    guibg=#50694A            ctermfg=1 ctermbg=7 cterm=NONE
+        hi DiffChange       guifg=fg      guibg=#00463c gui=NONE   ctermfg=4 ctermbg=2 cterm=NONE
+        hi DiffText         guifg=#7CFC94 guibg=#00463c gui=bold   ctermfg=4 ctermbg=3 cterm=NONE
+        hi Directory        guifg=#25B9F8 guibg=NONE               ctermfg=2
+        hi Error            guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000000            ctermfg=7 ctermbg=0 cterm=bold
+        hi ErrorMsg         guifg=#8eff2e guibg=#204d40
+        hi FoldColumn       guifg=#00BBBB guibg=#204d40
+        hi Folded           guifg=#44DDDD guibg=#204d40            ctermfg=0 ctermbg=8 cterm=bold
+        hi IncSearch        guibg=#52891f gui=bold
+        hi LineNr           guifg=#38ff56 guibg=#204d40
+        hi ModeMsg          guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#0000FF            ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4 cterm=bold
+        hi MoreMsg          guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#00A261            ctermfg=7 ctermbg=2 cterm=bold
+        hi NonText          guifg=#00bbbb guibg=#204d40
+        hi Normal           guifg=#71C293 guibg=#06544a
+        hi Question         guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#00A261
+        hi Search           guifg=NONE    guibg=#0f374c            ctermfg=3 ctermbg=0 cterm=bold
+        hi SignColumn       guifg=#00BBBB guibg=#204d40
+        hi SpecialKey       guifg=#00FFFF guibg=#266955
+        hi StatusLine       guifg=#245748 guibg=#71C293 gui=NONE   cterm=reverse
+        hi StatusLineNC     guifg=#245748 guibg=#689C7C gui=NONE
+        hi Title            guifg=#7CFC94 guibg=NONE gui=bold      ctermfg=2 cterm=bold
+        hi Todo             guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#884400            ctermfg=6 ctermbg=4 cterm=NONE
+        hi Underlined       guifg=#df820c guibg=NONE gui=underline ctermfg=8 cterm=underline
+        hi Visual           guibg=#0B7260 gui=NONE
+        hi WarningMsg       guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#FF0000            ctermfg=7 ctermbg=1 cterm=bold
+        hi WildMenu         guifg=#20012e guibg=#00a675 gui=bold   ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE cterm=bold
+        "
+        if version >= 700
+            hi SpellBad     guisp=#FF0000
+            hi SpellCap     guisp=#0000FF
+            hi SpellRare    guisp=#ff4046
+            hi SpellLocal   guisp=#000000                          ctermbg=0
+            hi Pmenu        guifg=#00ffff guibg=#000000            ctermbg=0 ctermfg=6
+            hi PmenuSel     guifg=#ffff00 guibg=#000000 gui=bold   cterm=bold ctermfg=3
+            hi PmenuSbar    guibg=#204d40                          ctermbg=6
+            hi PmenuThumb   guifg=#38ff56                          ctermfg=3
+            hi CursorColumn guibg=#096354
+            hi CursorLine   guibg=#096354
+            hi Tabline      guifg=bg      guibg=fg gui=NONE        cterm=reverse,bold ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE
+            hi TablineSel   guifg=#20012e guibg=#00a675 gui=bold
+            hi TablineFill  guifg=#689C7C
+            hi MatchParen   guifg=#38ff56 guibg=#0000ff gui=bold   ctermbg=4
+        endif
+        "
+        hi Tag              guifg=#7CFC94 guibg=NONE gui=bold      ctermfg=2 cterm=bold
+        hi link Bold Tag
+        "
+        hi pythonPreCondit                                         ctermfg=2 cterm=NONE
+        execute "hi tkWidget         guifg=#ffa0a0 guibg=bg gui=".s:bold." ctermfg=7 cterm=bold"
+    endfunction
+    if version >= 700
+        let s:opts = {'bold': 0, 'ignore': 1}
+        " preserves vim<7 compat, while letting me reuses some code
+        function! s:apply_opts()
+            let s:bold_opt = s:opts['bold']
+            let s:ignore_opt = s:opts['ignore']
+        endfunction
+        function! s:print_opts(...)
+            let d = a:000
+            if len(a:000) == 0
+                let d = keys(s:opts)
+            endif
+            for k in d
+                echo k.': '.s:opts[k]
+            endfor
+        endfunction
+        function! s:Marklar(...)
+            let args = a:000
+            if len(args) == 0
+                call s:print_opts()
+            else
+                while len(args)>0
+                    " take first arg
+                    let k = args[0]
+                    let args = args[1:]
+                    " is it a key?
+                    if k =~ '\a\+!'
+                        " does it bang?
+                        let k = strpart(k,0,strlen(k)-1)
+                        let s:opts[k] = !s:opts[k]
+                        call s:main()
+                    elseif k =~ '\a\+?'
+                        " does it quiz?
+                        let k = strpart(k,0,strlen(k)-1)
+                        call s:print_opts(k)
+                    elseif len(args)
+                        " is there another arg?
+                        " take it
+                        let v = args[0]
+                        let args = args[1:]
+                        " is it legal value?
+                        if v == 0 || v == 1
+                            " assign val->key
+                            let s:opts[k] = v
+                            call s:main()
+                        else
+                            echoerr "(".v.") Bad value. Expected 0 or 1."
+                        endif
+                    else
+                    endif
+                endwhile
+            endif
+        endfunction
+        command! -nargs=*  Marklar  :call s:Marklar(<f-args>)
+    endif
+call s:main()
diff --git a/colors/martin_krischik.vim b/colors/martin_krischik.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0975ba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/martin_krischik.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+"  Description: My personal colors
+"          $Id: martin_krischik.vim 458 2006-11-18 09:42:10Z krischik $
+"    Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
+"   Maintainer:	Martin Krischik
+"      $Author: krischik $
+"        $Date: 2006-11-18 10:42:10 +0100 (Sa, 18 Nov 2006) $
+"      Version: 3.2
+"    $Revision: 458 $
+"     $HeadURL: https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gnuada/trunk/tools/vim/colors/martin_krischik.vim $
+"	  Note:	Tried and Tested for 'builtin_gui', 'xterm' (KDE Konsole)
+"		'vt320'" (OpenVMS) and 'linux' (Linux Console).
+"      History: 16.05.2006 MK Check that all vim 7.0 colors are set
+"		16.05.2006 MK Split GUI from terminal.
+"		24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
+"		24.07.2006 MK Omni-Completion Colors.
+"               15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
+"	 Usage: copy to colors directory
+" First remove all existing highlighting.
+set background=light
+highlight clear
+if exists ("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let colors_name = "martin_krischik"
+if version < 700
+   " Section: works only with vim 7.0 use default otherwise {{{1
+   "
+   colorscheme default
+   "
+   " }}}1
+   finish
+elseif (&term == "builtin_gui")
+    " Section: Set GUI colors. {{{1
+    "
+    " Subsection: User-Interface Colors {{{2
+    "
+    " Group: Normal Text Colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Normal		gui=none		guifg=black	    guibg=white
+    highlight Search							    guibg=Yellow
+    highlight SpecialKey				guifg=Blue
+    highlight Title		gui=bold		guifg=Magenta
+    highlight LineNr					guifg=Brown	    guibg=grey80
+    highlight NonText		gui=bold		guifg=Blue	    guibg=grey80
+    highlight MatchParen						    guibg=Cyan
+    highlight IncSearch		gui=reverse
+    "
+    " Group: Messages {{{3
+    "
+    highlight WarningMsg				guifg=Red
+    highlight ErrorMsg					guifg=White	    guibg=Red
+    highlight ModeMsg		gui=bold
+    highlight MoreMsg		gui=bold		guifg=SeaGreen
+    highlight Question		gui=bold		guifg=SeaGreen
+    "
+    " Group: Spell Checker {{{3
+    "
+    highlight SpellBad		gui=undercurl							guisp=Red
+    highlight SpellCap		gui=undercurl							guisp=Blue
+    highlight SpellLocal	gui=undercurl							guisp=DarkCyan
+    highlight SpellRare		gui=undercurl							guisp=Magenta
+    "
+    " Group: Status line {{{3
+    "
+    highlight StatusLine	gui=bold,reverse	guifg=LightBlue2    guibg=black
+    highlight StatusLineNC	gui=reverse		guifg=grey75	    guibg=black
+    highlight VertSplit		gui=reverse		guifg=LightBlue3    guibg=black
+    "
+    " Group: Visual selektio {{{3n
+    "
+    highlight Visual		gui=reverse		guifg=firebrick     guibg=white
+    highlight VisualNOS		gui=reverse		guifg=firebrick     guibg=black
+    "
+    " Group: tab pages line {{{3
+    "
+    highlight TabLine		gui=reverse		guifg=grey75	    guibg=black
+    highlight TabLineFill	gui=reverse
+    highlight TabLineSel	gui=bold,reverse	guifg=LightBlue2    guibg=black
+    "
+    " Group: Competion (omni and otherwise) menu colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Pmenu							    guibg=Grey
+    highlight PmenuSel					guifg=White	    guibg=firebrick
+    highlight PmenuSbar					guibg=LightGrey	    guibg=DarkGrey
+    highlight PmenuThumb	gui=reverse
+    highlight WildMenu					guifg=White	    guibg=firebrick
+    "
+    " Group: Diff colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight DiffAdd							    guibg=LightBlue
+    highlight DiffChange						    guibg=LightMagenta
+    highlight DiffDelete	gui=bold		guifg=Blue	    guibg=LightCyan
+    highlight DiffText		gui=bold				    guibg=Red
+    "
+    " Group: Fold colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight FoldColumn				guifg=DarkBlue	    guibg=Grey
+    highlight Folded					guifg=DarkBlue	    guibg=LightGrey
+    "
+    " Group: Other Syntax Highlight Colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Directory		guifg=Blue
+    highlight SignColumn	guifg=DarkBlue	    guibg=Grey
+    "
+    " Group: Motif and Athena widget colors. {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Menu		guifg=Black	    guibg=LightGrey
+    highlight Scrollbar		guifg=LightGrey	    guibg=DarkGrey
+    highlight Tooltip		guifg=Black	    guibg=LightGrey
+    " Subsection: Syntax Colors  {{{2
+    "
+    " Group: Comment colors syntax-group
+    "
+    highlight Comment					guifg=grey30
+    "
+    " Group: Constant colors group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Boolean					guifg=DarkOrchid3   guibg=grey95
+    highlight Character					guifg=RoyalBlue3    guibg=grey95
+    highlight Constant					guifg=MediumOrchid3 guibg=grey95
+    highlight Float					guifg=MediumOrchid4 guibg=grey95
+    highlight Number					guifg=DarkOrchid4   guibg=grey95
+    highlight String					guifg=RoyalBlue4    guibg=grey95
+    "
+    " Group: Identifier colors group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Function					guifg=SteelBlue
+    highlight Identifier				guifg=DarkCyan
+    "
+    " Group: Statement colors group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Conditional	gui=bold		guifg=DodgerBlue4
+    highlight Exception		gui=none		guifg=SlateBlue4
+    highlight Keyword		gui=bold		guifg=RoyalBlue4
+    highlight Label		gui=none		guifg=SlateBlue3
+    highlight Operator		gui=none		guifg=RoyalBlue3
+    highlight Repeat		gui=bold		guifg=DodgerBlue3
+    highlight Statement		gui=none		guifg=RoyalBlue4
+    "
+    " Group: Preprocessor colors group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Define					guifg=brown4	    guibg=snow
+    highlight Include					guifg=firebrick3    guibg=snow
+    highlight Macro					guifg=brown3	    guibg=snow
+    highlight PreCondit					guifg=red	    guibg=snow
+    highlight PreProc					guifg=firebrick4    guibg=snow
+    "
+    " Group: type group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight StorageClass	gui=none		guifg=SeaGreen3
+    highlight Structure		gui=none		guifg=DarkSlateGray4
+    highlight Type		gui=none		guifg=SeaGreen4
+    highlight Typedef		gui=none		guifg=DarkSeaGreen4
+    "
+    " Group: special symbol group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Special					guifg=SlateBlue     guibg=GhostWhite
+    highlight SpecialChar				guifg=DeepPink	    guibg=GhostWhite
+    highlight Tag					guifg=DarkSlateBlue guibg=GhostWhite
+    highlight Delimiter					guifg=DarkOrchid    guibg=GhostWhite
+    highlight SpecialComment				guifg=VioletRed     guibg=GhostWhite
+    highlight Debug					guifg=maroon	    guibg=GhostWhite
+    "
+    " Group: text that stands out {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Underlined	gui=underline		guifg=SlateBlue
+    "
+    " Group: left blank, hidden {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Ignore					guifg=bg
+    "
+    " Group: any erroneous construct {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Error		gui=undercurl		guifg=Red	    guibg=MistyRose
+    "
+    " Group: anything that needs extra attention {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Todo					guifg=Blue	    guibg=Yellow
+    " Subsection: Cursor Colors {{{2
+    "
+    " Group: Mouse Cursor {{{3
+    "
+    highlight cCursor	     guifg=bg	 guibg=DarkRed
+    highlight Cursor	     guifg=bg	 guibg=DarkGreen
+    highlight CursorColumn		 guibg=FloralWhite
+    highlight CursorIM	     guifg=bg	 guibg=DarkGrey
+    highlight CursorLine		 guibg=cornsilk
+    highlight lCursor	     guifg=bg	 guibg=DarkMagenta
+    highlight oCursor	     guifg=bg	 guibg=DarkCyan
+    highlight vCursor	     guifg=bg	 guibg=DarkYellow
+    "
+    " Group: Text Cursor {{{3
+    "
+    set guicursor=n:block-lCursor,
+		 \i:ver25-Cursor,
+		 \r:hor25-Cursor,
+		 \v:block-vCursor,
+		\ve:ver35-vCursor,
+		 \o:hor50-oCursor-blinkwait75-blinkoff50-blinkon75,
+		 \c:block-cCursor,
+		\ci:ver20-cCursor,
+		\cr:hor20-cCursor,
+		\sm:block-Cursor-blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175
+   syntax enable
+   " }}}1
+   finish
+elseif	(&term == "xterm")  ||
+      \ (&term == "vt320")  ||
+      \ (&term == "linux")
+    " Section: Only set colors for terminals we actualy know of {{{1
+    "
+    if &term=="vt320"
+	set t_Co=8
+    else
+	set t_Co=16
+    endif
+    " Subsection: User Interface Colors {{{2
+    "
+    " Group: Normal Text Colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Normal		term=none	    cterm=none		    ctermfg=Black	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Search		term=reverse							ctermbg=DarkYellow
+    highlight SpecialKey	term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Title		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight LineNr		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkRed	ctermbg=DarkGray
+    highlight NonText		term=bold				    ctermfg=LightBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight MatchParen	term=reverse				    ctermbg=DarkYellow
+    highlight IncSearch		term=reverse	    cterm=reverse
+    "
+    " Group: Messages {{{3
+    "
+    highlight WarningMsg	term=standout				    ctermfg=DarkRed	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight ErrorMsg		term=standout				    ctermfg=White	ctermbg=DarkRed
+    highlight ModeMsg		term=bold	    cterm=bold					ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight MoreMsg		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkGreen	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Question		term=standout				    ctermfg=DarkGreen	ctermbg=LightGray
+    "
+    " Group: Spell Checker {{{3
+    "
+    highlight SpellBad		term=reverse							ctermbg=LightRed
+    highlight SpellCap		term=reverse							ctermbg=LightBlue
+    highlight SpellLocal	term=underline							ctermbg=LightCyan
+    highlight SpellRare		term=reverse							ctermbg=LightMagenta
+    "
+    " Group: Status line {{{3
+    "
+    highlight StatusLine	term=bold,reverse   cterm=bold,reverse
+    highlight StatusLineNC	term=reverse	    cterm=reverse
+    highlight VertSplit		term=reverse	    cterm=reverse
+    "
+    " Group: Visual selektion {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Visual		term=reverse	    cterm=reverse	    ctermfg=DarkRed	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight VisualNOS		term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline
+    "
+    " Group: tab pages line {{{3
+    "
+    highlight TabLine		term=reverse	    cterm=reverse
+    highlight TabLineFill	term=reverse	    cterm=reverse
+    highlight TabLineSel	term=bold,reverse   cterm=bold,reverse
+    "
+    " Group: Menu colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Pmenu										ctermbg=Grey
+    highlight PmenuSel							    ctermfg=White	ctermbg=Red
+    highlight PmenuSbar							    ctermfg=LightGrey	ctermbg=DarkGray
+    highlight PmenuThumb			    cterm=reverse
+    highlight WildMenu		term=standout				    ctermfg=White	ctermbg=Red
+    "
+    " Group: Diff colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight DiffAdd		term=bold							ctermbg=LightBlue
+    highlight DiffChange	term=bold							ctermbg=LightMagenta
+    highlight DiffDelete	term=bold				    ctermfg=LightBlue	ctermbg=LightCyan
+    highlight DiffText		term=reverse	    cterm=bold					ctermbg=LightRed
+    "
+    " Group: Fold colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight FoldColumn	term=standout				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=DarkGray
+    highlight Folded		term=standout				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=DarkGray
+    "
+    " Group: Other Syntax Highlight Colors {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Directory		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight SignColumn	term=standout				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=DarkGray
+    " Subsection: Syntax Colors {{{2
+    "
+    " Group: Comment colors syntax-group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Comment		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkGray	ctermbg=LightGray
+    "
+    " Group: Constant colors group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Boolean		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkRed	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Character		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkRed	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Constant		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkRed	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Float		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkRed	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Number		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkRed	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight String		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkRed	ctermbg=LightGray
+    "
+    " Group: Identifier colors group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Function		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkCyan	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Identifier	term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkCyan	ctermbg=LightGray
+    "
+    " Group: Statement colors group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Conditional	term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Exception		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Keyword		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Label		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Operator		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Repeat		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Statement		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkBlue	ctermbg=LightGray
+    "
+    " Group: Preprocessor colors group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Define		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Include		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Macro		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight PreCondit		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight PreProc		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    "
+    " Group: type group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight StorageClass	term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkGreen	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Structure		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkGreen	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Type		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkGreen	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Typedef		term=underline				    ctermfg=DarkGreen	ctermbg=LightGray
+    "
+    " Group: special symbol group {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Special		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight SpecialChar	term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Tag		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Delimiter		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight SpecialComment	term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight Debug		term=bold				    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    "
+    " Group: text that stands out {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Underlined	term=underline	    cterm=underline	    ctermfg=DarkMagenta	ctermbg=LightGray
+    "
+    " Group: left blank, hidden {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Ignore							    ctermfg=White	ctermbg=grey
+    "
+    " Group: any erroneous construct {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Error		term=reverse				    ctermfg=White	ctermbg=LightRed
+    "
+    " Group: anything that needs extra attention {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Todo		term=standout				    ctermfg=Black	ctermbg=Yellow
+    " Subsection: Cursor Colors {{{2
+    "
+    " Group: Mouse Cursor {{{3
+    "
+    highlight Cursor				    ctermfg=bg		    ctermbg=DarkGreen
+    highlight CursorColumn	term=reverse				    ctermbg=LightGray
+    highlight CursorIM				    ctermfg=bg		    ctermbg=DarkGrey
+    highlight CursorLine	term=reverse				    ctermbg=LightGray
+    syntax enable
+   " }}}1
+    finish
+   " Section: terminal is completely unknown - fallback to system default {{{1
+   "
+   set t_Co=8
+   " }}}1
+   finish
+"   Copyright (C) 2006  Martin Krischik
+"   Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
+" vim: nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
+" vim: filetype=vim foldmethod=marker textwidth=0
diff --git a/colors/matrix.vim b/colors/matrix.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 75a0950..0000000
--- a/colors/matrix.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-" vim:set ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
-" matrix.vim - MATRIX like colorscheme.
-" Maintainer:   MURAOKA Taro <koron at tka.att.ne.jp>
-" Last Change:  10-Jun-2003.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = 'matrix'
-" the character under the cursor
-hi Cursor       guifg=#226622 guibg=#55ff55
-hi lCursor      guifg=#226622 guibg=#55ff55
-" like Cursor, but used when in IME mode |CursorIM|
-hi CursorIM     guifg=#226622 guibg=#55ff55
-" directory names (and other special names in listings)
-hi Directory    guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#000000
-" diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
-hi DiffAdd      guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#226622 gui=none
-" diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
-hi DiffChange   guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#226622 gui=none
-" diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
-hi DiffDelete   guifg=#113311 guibg=#113311 gui=none
-" diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt|
-hi DiffText     guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#339933 gui=bold
-" error messages on the command line
-hi ErrorMsg     guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#339933
-" the column separating vertically split windows
-hi VertSplit    guifg=#339933 guibg=#339933
-" line used for closed folds
-hi Folded       guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#113311
-" 'foldcolumn'
-hi FoldColumn   guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#226622
-" 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with
-hi IncSearch    guifg=#226622 guibg=#55ff55 gui=none
-" line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number'
-hi LineNr       guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#000000
-" 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --")
-hi ModeMsg      guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#000000
-" |more-prompt|
-hi MoreMsg      guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#000000
-" '~' and '@' at the end of the window, characters from
-hi NonText      guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#113311
-" normal text
-hi Normal       guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#000000
-" |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
-hi Question     guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#000000
-" Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch').
-hi Search       guifg=#113311 guibg=#44cc44 gui=none
-" Meta and special keys listed with ":map", also for text used
-hi SpecialKey   guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#000000
-" status line of current window
-hi StatusLine   guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#339933 gui=none
-" status lines of not-current windows
-hi StatusLineNC guifg=#113311 guibg=#339933 gui=none
-" titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
-hi Title        guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#113311 gui=bold
-" Visual mode selection
-hi Visual       guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#339933 gui=none
-" Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
-hi VisualNOS    guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#000000
-" warning messages
-hi WarningMsg   guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#000000
-" current match in 'wildmenu' completion
-hi WildMenu     guifg=#226622 guibg=#55ff55
-hi Comment      guifg=#226622 guibg=#000000
-hi Constant     guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#226622
-hi Special      guifg=#44cc44 guibg=#226622
-hi Identifier   guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#000000
-hi Statement    guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
-hi PreProc      guifg=#339933 guibg=#000000
-hi Type         guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
-hi Underlined   guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#000000 gui=underline
-hi Error        guifg=#55ff55 guibg=#339933
-hi Todo         guifg=#113311 guibg=#44cc44 gui=none
diff --git a/colors/metacosm.vim b/colors/metacosm.vim
index f6d561a..642a326 100644
--- a/colors/metacosm.vim
+++ b/colors/metacosm.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer: Robert Melton ( vim at metacosm dot dhs dot org )
-" Last Change: 2006 April 21st
+" Maintainer: Robert Melton ( iam -at- robertmelton -dot- com)
+" Last Change: 2009 June 4th
 " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 " This color scheme uses a dark grey background.
@@ -16,13 +13,11 @@
 set background=dark
 hi clear
 if exists("syntax_on")
-	syntax reset
+    syntax reset
 let colors_name = "metacosm"
 " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 " Primary (hyper/selected/colored background)
 " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -35,7 +30,7 @@ hi Visual guibg=yellow guifg=black
 hi VisualNOS guibg=yellow guifg=black gui=underline
 " Borders
-hi StatusLine guibg=black guifg=#80a0ff
+hi StatusLine guibg=black guifg=white
 hi StatusLineNC guibg=black guifg=grey45
 hi VertSplit guibg=black guifg=grey45
@@ -56,8 +51,6 @@ hi Todo  guibg=black guifg=cyan
 hi Error guibg=red guifg=white
 hi WildMenu guibg=cyan guifg=black
 " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 " Primary (active/code/text/grey background)
 " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -65,12 +58,12 @@ hi WildMenu guibg=cyan guifg=black
 hi Normal guibg=black guifg=white
 " Constants
-hi Constant guibg=black guifg=#ffa0a0
-hi String guibg=black guifg=#ffa0a0
-hi Character guibg=black guifg=#ffa0a0
-hi Number guibg=black guifg=#ffa0a0
-hi Boolean guibg=black guifg=#ffa0a0
-hi Float guibg=black guifg=#ffa0a0
+hi Constant guibg=grey15 guifg=#ffa0a0
+hi String guibg=grey15 guifg=#ffa0a0
+hi Character guibg=grey15 guifg=#ffa0a0
+hi Number guibg=grey15 guifg=#ffa0a0
+hi Boolean guibg=grey15 guifg=#ffa0a0
+hi Float guibg=grey15 guifg=#ffa0a0
 " Identifier
 hi Identifier guibg=black guifg=#40ffff
@@ -108,8 +101,6 @@ hi Debug guibg=black guifg=orange
 " Misc
 hi Underlined guibg=black guifg=#ffff60 gui=underline
 " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 " Secondary (inactive/black background)
 " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -120,7 +111,7 @@ hi SpecialComment guibg=black guifg=#80a0ff gui=underline
 " Messages
 hi ModeMsg guibg=black guifg=white gui=bold
 hi MoreMsg guibg=black guifg=seagreen gui=bold
-hi WarningMsg guibg=black guifg=blue gui=bold
+hi WarningMsg guibg=black guifg=pink gui=bold
 hi ErrorMsg guibg=black guifg=red gui=bold
 " Folding
@@ -135,13 +126,16 @@ hi SpecialKey guibg=black guifg=grey45
 hi SignColumn guibg=black guifg=grey45
 hi Directory guibg=black guifg=cyan
 " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 " Vim 7.x only
 " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 hi MatchParen guibg=purple guifg=yellow
-hi CursorLine guibg=grey15 
-hi CursorColumn guibg=grey15
+hi CursorLine guibg=grey5 
+hi CursorColumn guibg=grey5
 hi Pmenu guibg=grey20 guifg=white
-hi PmenuSel guibg=lightblue guifg=black
+hi PmenuSel guibg=green guifg=black
+" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" For Plugins
+" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+hi MyTagListFileName guibg=black guifg=yellow
diff --git a/colors/midnight.vim b/colors/midnight.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 643b988..0000000
--- a/colors/midnight.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Michael Brailsford <brailsmt at yahoo.com>
-" Date:        $Date: 2002/11/25 20:25:54 $ 
-" Version:     $Revision: 1.1 $
-" Inspiration: This colorscheme was inspired by midnight.vim.  It is a darker
-"              version of it.  With some colors tweaked.
-" Thanks:      Thanks go to Hans Fugal for creating the colorscheme template.
-"                Without it I would have been lost creating the original midnight.vim
-"              Thanks to Mark Lodato for providing vim7 updates.
-" Note:        If you do not like the dark look of the colorscheme, you can
-"              easily lighten things up with the following line:
-"              :%s/\(\w\)3/\12/g
-"              It is easily pasteable into the command line.  you can also
-"              change "\12" to "\11", "\1" or "\14" (if you want things even
-"              darker).  If you do use the "\14" replacement, then it looks
-"              like your monitor in a fog bank.  :)
-" your pick:
-set background=dark  
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="midnight2"
-hi Normal guifg=slategray3 guibg=#000029 ctermfg=14
-"Toggle semicolon matching at the end of lines
-nmap <silent> <leader>; :call ToggleSemicolonHighlighting()<cr>
-function! ToggleSemicolonHighlighting()
-   if exists("b:semicolon")
-      unlet b:semicolon
-      hi semicolon guifg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE
-   else
-      syn match semicolon #;$#
-      hi semicolon guifg=red3 gui=bold ctermfg=1
-      let b:semicolon = 1
-   endif
-hi Cursor guibg=fg guifg=bg ctermfg=0 ctermbg=11
-"hi CursorIM   
-hi Directory gui=bold
-hi DiffAdd guibg=slategray4 ctermbg=0
-hi DiffChange guibg=steelblue3 guifg=bg gui=NONE
-hi DiffDelete guibg=slategray4 guifg=slategray3
-hi DiffText guibg=steelblue4 gui=bold
-hi ErrorMsg guibg=red3 ctermfg=1
-"hi VertSplit  
-hi Folded guibg=#00001a guifg=yellow3 ctermbg=4 ctermfg=11 gui=NONE
-hi FoldColumn guibg=steelblue3 ctermbg=14 guifg=navyblue ctermfg=11 gui=bold
-"hi SignColumn
-"hi IncSearch  
-hi LineNr guifg=yellow3 ctermfg=3
-hi MatchParen guibg=navyblue gui=italic
-hi ModeMsg guifg=yellow3 gui=bold ctermfg=3
-"hi MoreMsg(   )
-"hi NonText    
-hi Pmenu guibg=steelblue3 guifg=bg ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4 cterm=bold
-hi PmenuSel guibg=fg guifg=bg gui=bold ctermfg=4 ctermbg=7 cterm=bold
-hi link PmenuSbar Pmenu
-"hi PmenuThumb
-"hi Question   
-hi Search guibg=yellow3 guifg=bg
-"hi SpecialKey 
-"hi SpellBad
-"hi SpellCap
-"hi SpellLocal
-"hi SpellRare
-hi StatusLine guifg=steelblue3
-hi StatusLineNC guifg=steelblue4
-"hi TabLine
-"hi TabLineFill
-"hi TabLineSel
-"hi Title      
-hi Visual guifg=bg guibg=fg
-"hi VisualNOS  
-"hi WarningMsg 
-"hi WildMenu   
-"hi Menu    
-"hi Scrollbar  
-"hi Tooltip    
-" syntax highlighting groups
-hi Comment guifg=chartreuse3 ctermfg=10
-hi Constant guifg=plum3 gui=bold ctermfg=13
-hi String guifg=indianred3 ctermfg=5
-hi Character guifg=mediumpurple3 ctermfg=5
-hi Number guifg=turquoise3 ctermfg=5
-"hi Identifier 
-hi Statement guifg=khaki3 gui=bold ctermfg=15 cterm=underline
-hi PreProc guifg=firebrick3 gui=italic ctermfg=9
-hi Type  guifg=gold3 gui=bold ctermfg=3
-hi Special guifg=orange ctermfg=208
-hi Underlined ctermfg=white cterm=underline
-"hi Ignore     
-"hi Error      
-hi Todo guifg=yellow3 guibg=blue3 gui=bold ctermfg=3 
diff --git a/colors/midnight2.vim b/colors/midnight2.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 643b988..0000000
--- a/colors/midnight2.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Michael Brailsford <brailsmt at yahoo.com>
-" Date:        $Date: 2002/11/25 20:25:54 $ 
-" Version:     $Revision: 1.1 $
-" Inspiration: This colorscheme was inspired by midnight.vim.  It is a darker
-"              version of it.  With some colors tweaked.
-" Thanks:      Thanks go to Hans Fugal for creating the colorscheme template.
-"                Without it I would have been lost creating the original midnight.vim
-"              Thanks to Mark Lodato for providing vim7 updates.
-" Note:        If you do not like the dark look of the colorscheme, you can
-"              easily lighten things up with the following line:
-"              :%s/\(\w\)3/\12/g
-"              It is easily pasteable into the command line.  you can also
-"              change "\12" to "\11", "\1" or "\14" (if you want things even
-"              darker).  If you do use the "\14" replacement, then it looks
-"              like your monitor in a fog bank.  :)
-" your pick:
-set background=dark  
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="midnight2"
-hi Normal guifg=slategray3 guibg=#000029 ctermfg=14
-"Toggle semicolon matching at the end of lines
-nmap <silent> <leader>; :call ToggleSemicolonHighlighting()<cr>
-function! ToggleSemicolonHighlighting()
-   if exists("b:semicolon")
-      unlet b:semicolon
-      hi semicolon guifg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE
-   else
-      syn match semicolon #;$#
-      hi semicolon guifg=red3 gui=bold ctermfg=1
-      let b:semicolon = 1
-   endif
-hi Cursor guibg=fg guifg=bg ctermfg=0 ctermbg=11
-"hi CursorIM   
-hi Directory gui=bold
-hi DiffAdd guibg=slategray4 ctermbg=0
-hi DiffChange guibg=steelblue3 guifg=bg gui=NONE
-hi DiffDelete guibg=slategray4 guifg=slategray3
-hi DiffText guibg=steelblue4 gui=bold
-hi ErrorMsg guibg=red3 ctermfg=1
-"hi VertSplit  
-hi Folded guibg=#00001a guifg=yellow3 ctermbg=4 ctermfg=11 gui=NONE
-hi FoldColumn guibg=steelblue3 ctermbg=14 guifg=navyblue ctermfg=11 gui=bold
-"hi SignColumn
-"hi IncSearch  
-hi LineNr guifg=yellow3 ctermfg=3
-hi MatchParen guibg=navyblue gui=italic
-hi ModeMsg guifg=yellow3 gui=bold ctermfg=3
-"hi MoreMsg(   )
-"hi NonText    
-hi Pmenu guibg=steelblue3 guifg=bg ctermfg=7 ctermbg=4 cterm=bold
-hi PmenuSel guibg=fg guifg=bg gui=bold ctermfg=4 ctermbg=7 cterm=bold
-hi link PmenuSbar Pmenu
-"hi PmenuThumb
-"hi Question   
-hi Search guibg=yellow3 guifg=bg
-"hi SpecialKey 
-"hi SpellBad
-"hi SpellCap
-"hi SpellLocal
-"hi SpellRare
-hi StatusLine guifg=steelblue3
-hi StatusLineNC guifg=steelblue4
-"hi TabLine
-"hi TabLineFill
-"hi TabLineSel
-"hi Title      
-hi Visual guifg=bg guibg=fg
-"hi VisualNOS  
-"hi WarningMsg 
-"hi WildMenu   
-"hi Menu    
-"hi Scrollbar  
-"hi Tooltip    
-" syntax highlighting groups
-hi Comment guifg=chartreuse3 ctermfg=10
-hi Constant guifg=plum3 gui=bold ctermfg=13
-hi String guifg=indianred3 ctermfg=5
-hi Character guifg=mediumpurple3 ctermfg=5
-hi Number guifg=turquoise3 ctermfg=5
-"hi Identifier 
-hi Statement guifg=khaki3 gui=bold ctermfg=15 cterm=underline
-hi PreProc guifg=firebrick3 gui=italic ctermfg=9
-hi Type  guifg=gold3 gui=bold ctermfg=3
-hi Special guifg=orange ctermfg=208
-hi Underlined ctermfg=white cterm=underline
-"hi Ignore     
-"hi Error      
-hi Todo guifg=yellow3 guibg=blue3 gui=bold ctermfg=3 
diff --git a/colors/moria.vim b/colors/moria.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6562cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/moria.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+if exists("g:moria_style")
+    let s:moria_style = g:moria_style
+    let s:moria_style = &background
+if exists("g:moria_monochrome")
+    let s:moria_monochrome = g:moria_monochrome
+    let s:moria_monochrome = 0
+if exists("g:moria_fontface")
+    let s:moria_fontface = g:moria_fontface
+    let s:moria_fontface = "plain"
+execute "command! -nargs=1 Colo let g:moria_style = \"<args>\" | colo moria"
+if s:moria_style == "black" || s:moria_style == "dark"
+    set background=dark
+elseif s:moria_style == "light" || s:moria_style == "white"
+    set background=light
+    let s:moria_style = &background 
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let colors_name = "moria"
+if &background == "dark"
+    if s:moria_style == "dark"
+        hi Normal ctermbg=Black ctermfg=LightGray guibg=#202020 guifg=#d0d0d0 gui=none
+        hi CursorColumn ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=White guibg=#404040 gui=none
+        hi CursorLine ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=White guibg=#404040 gui=none
+    elseif s:moria_style == "black"
+        hi Normal ctermbg=Black ctermfg=LightGray guibg=#000000 guifg=#d0d0d0 gui=none
+        hi CursorColumn ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=White guibg=#3a3a3a gui=none
+        hi CursorLine ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=White guibg=#3a3a3a gui=none
+    endif
+    if s:moria_monochrome == 1
+        hi FoldColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#a0a0a0 gui=none
+        hi LineNr guifg=#a0a0a0 gui=none
+        hi MoreMsg guibg=bg guifg=#b6b6b6 gui=bold
+        hi NonText ctermfg=DarkGray guibg=bg guifg=#a0a0a0 gui=bold
+        hi Pmenu guibg=#909090 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+        hi PmenuSbar guibg=#707070 guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi PmenuThumb guibg=#d0d0d0 guifg=bg gui=none
+        hi SignColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#a0a0a0 gui=none
+        hi StatusLine ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#4c4c4c guifg=fg gui=bold
+        hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#404040 guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi TabLine guibg=#6e6e6e guifg=fg gui=underline
+        hi TabLineFill guibg=#6e6e6e guifg=fg gui=underline
+        hi VertSplit ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#404040 guifg=fg gui=none
+        if s:moria_fontface == "mixed"
+            hi Folded guibg=#4e4e4e guifg=#c0c0c0 gui=bold
+        else
+            hi Folded guibg=#4e4e4e guifg=#c0c0c0 gui=none
+        endif            
+    else
+        hi FoldColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#8fa5d1 gui=none
+        hi LineNr guifg=#8fa5d1 gui=none
+        hi MoreMsg guibg=bg guifg=#97abd5 gui=bold
+        hi NonText ctermfg=DarkGray guibg=bg guifg=#8fa5d1 gui=bold
+        hi Pmenu guibg=#6381be guifg=#000000 gui=none
+        hi PmenuSbar guibg=#41609e guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi PmenuThumb guibg=#bdcae3 guifg=bg gui=none
+        hi SignColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#8fa5d1 gui=none
+        hi StatusLine ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#334b7d guifg=fg gui=bold
+        hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#25365a guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi TabLine guibg=#41609e guifg=fg gui=underline
+        hi TabLineFill guibg=#41609e guifg=fg gui=underline
+        hi VertSplit ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#25365a guifg=fg gui=none
+        if s:moria_fontface == "mixed"
+            hi Folded guibg=#4e4e4e guifg=#bdcae3 gui=bold
+        else
+            hi Folded guibg=#4e4e4e guifg=#bdcae3 gui=none
+        endif            
+    endif
+    hi Cursor guibg=#ffa500 guifg=bg gui=none
+    hi DiffAdd guibg=#008b00 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi DiffChange guibg=#00008b guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi DiffDelete guibg=#8b0000 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi DiffText guibg=#0000cd guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi Directory guibg=bg guifg=#1e90ff gui=none
+    hi ErrorMsg guibg=#ee2c2c guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
+    hi IncSearch guibg=#e0cd78 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi ModeMsg guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi PmenuSel guibg=#e0e000 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi Question guibg=bg guifg=#e8b87e gui=bold
+    hi Search guibg=#90e090 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi SpecialKey guibg=bg guifg=#e8b87e gui=none
+    if has("spell")
+        hi SpellBad guisp=#ee2c2c gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellCap guisp=#2c2cee gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellLocal guisp=#2ceeee gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellRare guisp=#ee2cee gui=undercurl
+    endif
+    hi TabLineSel guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi Title ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guifg=fg gui=bold
+    if version >= 700
+        hi Visual ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#606060 gui=none
+    else
+        hi Visual ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#606060 guifg=fg gui=none
+    endif
+    hi VisualNOS ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=#a0a0a0 gui=bold,underline
+    hi WarningMsg guibg=bg guifg=#ee2c2c gui=bold
+    hi WildMenu guibg=#e0e000 guifg=#000000 gui=bold
+    hi Comment guibg=bg guifg=#d0d0a0 gui=none
+    hi Constant guibg=bg guifg=#87df71 gui=none
+    hi Error guibg=bg guifg=#ee2c2c gui=none
+    hi Identifier guibg=bg guifg=#7ee0ce gui=none
+    hi Ignore guibg=bg guifg=bg gui=none
+    hi lCursor guibg=#00e700 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi MatchParen guibg=#008b8b gui=none
+    hi PreProc guibg=bg guifg=#d7a0d7 gui=none
+    hi Special guibg=bg guifg=#e8b87e gui=none
+    hi Todo guibg=#e0e000 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi Underlined ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=#00a0ff gui=underline    
+    if s:moria_fontface == "mixed"
+        hi Statement guibg=bg guifg=#7ec0ee gui=bold
+        hi Type guibg=bg guifg=#f09479 gui=bold
+    else
+        hi Statement guibg=bg guifg=#7ec0ee gui=none
+        hi Type guibg=bg guifg=#f09479 gui=none
+    endif
+    hi htmlBold ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi htmlBoldItalic ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,italic
+    hi htmlBoldUnderline ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline
+    hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline,italic
+    hi htmlItalic ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=italic
+    hi htmlUnderline ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline
+    hi htmlUnderlineItalic ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline,italic
+elseif &background == "light"
+    if s:moria_style == "light"
+        hi Normal ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=#f0f0f0 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+        hi CursorColumn ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#d8d8d8 gui=none
+        hi CursorLine ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#d8d8d8 gui=none
+    elseif s:moria_style == "white"
+        hi Normal ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=#ffffff guifg=#000000 gui=none
+        hi CursorColumn ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#dfdfdf gui=none
+        hi CursorLine ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#dfdfdf gui=none
+    endif
+    if s:moria_monochrome == 1
+        hi FoldColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#7a7a7a gui=none
+        hi Folded guibg=#cfcfcf guifg=#404040 gui=bold
+        hi LineNr guifg=#7a7a7a gui=none
+        hi MoreMsg guibg=bg guifg=#505050 gui=bold
+        hi NonText ctermfg=DarkGray guibg=bg guifg=#7a7a7a gui=bold
+        hi Pmenu guibg=#9a9a9a guifg=#000000 gui=none
+        hi PmenuSbar guibg=#808080 guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi PmenuThumb guibg=#c0c0c0 guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi SignColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#7a7a7a gui=none
+        hi StatusLine ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=#a0a0a0 guifg=fg gui=bold
+        hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#b0b0b0 guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi TabLine guibg=#cdcdcd guifg=fg gui=underline
+        hi TabLineFill guibg=#cdcdcd guifg=fg gui=underline
+        hi VertSplit ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#b0b0b0 guifg=fg gui=none
+    else
+        hi FoldColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#375288 gui=none
+        hi Folded guibg=#cfcfcf guifg=#25365a gui=bold
+        hi LineNr guifg=#375288 gui=none
+        hi MoreMsg guibg=bg guifg=#2f4471 gui=bold
+        hi NonText ctermfg=DarkGray guibg=bg guifg=#375288 gui=bold
+        hi Pmenu guibg=#708bc5 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+        hi PmenuSbar guibg=#4a6db5 guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi PmenuThumb guibg=#a6b7db guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi SignColumn ctermbg=bg guibg=bg guifg=#375288 gui=none
+        hi StatusLine ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White guibg=#8fa5d1 guifg=fg gui=bold
+        hi StatusLineNC ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#a6b7db guifg=fg gui=none
+        hi TabLine guibg=#b8c6e2 guifg=fg gui=underline
+        hi TabLineFill guibg=#b8c6e2 guifg=fg gui=underline
+        hi VertSplit ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#a6b7db guifg=fg gui=none
+    endif
+    hi Cursor guibg=#883400 guifg=bg gui=none
+    hi DiffAdd guibg=#008b00 guifg=#ffffff gui=none
+    hi DiffChange guibg=#00008b guifg=#ffffff gui=none
+    hi DiffDelete guibg=#8b0000 guifg=#ffffff gui=none
+    hi DiffText guibg=#0000cd guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
+    hi Directory guibg=bg guifg=#0000f0 gui=none
+    hi ErrorMsg guibg=#ee2c2c guifg=#ffffff gui=bold
+    hi IncSearch guibg=#ffcd78 gui=none
+    hi ModeMsg ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi PmenuSel guibg=#ffff00 guifg=#000000 gui=none
+    hi Question guibg=bg guifg=#813f11 gui=bold
+    hi Search guibg=#a0f0a0 gui=none
+    hi SpecialKey guibg=bg guifg=#912f11 gui=none
+    if has("spell")
+        hi SpellBad guisp=#ee2c2c gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellCap guisp=#2c2cee gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellLocal guisp=#008b8b gui=undercurl
+        hi SpellRare guisp=#ee2cee gui=undercurl
+    endif
+    hi TabLineSel guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi Title guifg=fg gui=bold
+    if version >= 700
+        hi Visual ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#c4c4c4 gui=none
+    else
+        hi Visual ctermbg=LightGray ctermfg=Black guibg=#c4c4c4 guifg=fg gui=none
+    endif    
+    hi VisualNOS ctermbg=DarkGray ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=#a0a0a0 gui=bold,underline
+    hi WarningMsg guibg=bg guifg=#ee2c2c gui=bold
+    hi WildMenu guibg=#ffff00 guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi Comment guibg=bg guifg=#786000 gui=none
+    hi Constant guibg=bg guifg=#077807 gui=none
+    hi Error guibg=bg guifg=#ee2c2c gui=none
+    hi Identifier guibg=bg guifg=#007080 gui=none
+    hi Ignore guibg=bg guifg=bg gui=none
+    hi lCursor guibg=#008000 guifg=#ffffff gui=none
+    hi MatchParen guibg=#00ffff gui=none
+    hi PreProc guibg=bg guifg=#800090 gui=none
+    hi Special guibg=bg guifg=#912f11 gui=none
+    hi Statement guibg=bg guifg=#1f3f81 gui=bold
+    hi Todo guibg=#ffff00 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi Type guibg=bg guifg=#912f11 gui=bold
+    hi Underlined ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=#0000cd gui=underline
+    hi htmlBold ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold
+    hi htmlBoldItalic ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,italic
+    hi htmlBoldUnderline ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline
+    hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=bold,underline,italic
+    hi htmlItalic ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=italic
+    hi htmlUnderline ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline
+    hi htmlUnderlineItalic ctermbg=White ctermfg=Black guibg=bg guifg=fg gui=underline,italic
+hi! default link bbcodeBold htmlBold
+hi! default link bbcodeBoldItalic htmlBoldItalic
+hi! default link bbcodeBoldItalicUnderline htmlBoldUnderlineItalic
+hi! default link bbcodeBoldUnderline htmlBoldUnderline
+hi! default link bbcodeItalic htmlItalic
+hi! default link bbcodeItalicUnderline htmlUnderlineItalic
+hi! default link bbcodeUnderline htmlUnderline
diff --git a/colors/motus.vim b/colors/motus.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53abd5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/motus.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Dark (grey on black) color scheme based on on a popular torte config.
+" Maintainer: Sergei Matusevich <motus at motus.kiev.ua>
+" ICQ: 31114346 Yahoo: motus2
+" http://motus.kiev.ua/motus2/Files/motus.vim
+" Last Change: 3 November 2005
+" Orinal torte screme maintainer: Thorsten Maerz <info at netztorte.de>
+" Licence: Public Domain
+" INSTALLATION: copy this file to ~/.vim/colors/ directory
+" and add "colorscheme motus" to your ~/.vimrc file
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+"colorscheme default
+let g:colors_name = "motus"
+" hardcoded colors :
+" GUI Comment : #80a0ff = Light blue
+" GUI
+highlight Normal     guifg=Grey80       guibg=Black
+highlight Search     guifg=Grey guibg=DarkBlue
+highlight Visual     guifg=Black guibg=DarkGrey gui=NONE
+" highlight Cursor     guifg=Black      guibg=Green     gui=bold
+highlight Special    guifg=Orange
+highlight Comment    guifg=#80a0ff
+highlight Statement  guifg=Yellow                       gui=NONE
+highlight Type                                          gui=NONE
+highlight VertSplit    gui=bold guifg=Grey25    guibg=Black
+highlight StatusLine   gui=bold guifg=White     guibg=Grey25
+highlight StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=LightGrey guibg=Grey25
+highlight FoldColumn     gui=bold guifg=White guibg=Black
+" Console
+highlight Normal     ctermfg=LightGrey  ctermbg=Black
+highlight Search     ctermfg=Grey       ctermbg=DarkBlue        cterm=NONE
+highlight Visual                                        cterm=reverse
+" highlight Cursor     ctermfg=Black    ctermbg=Green   cterm=bold
+highlight Special    ctermfg=Brown
+highlight Comment    ctermfg=Blue
+highlight Statement  ctermfg=Yellow                     cterm=NONE
+highlight Type                                          cterm=NONE
+highlight VertSplit    ctermfg=DarkGrey   ctermbg=Black cterm=bold
+highlight StatusLine   ctermfg=White  ctermbg=Grey cterm=bold
+highlight StatusLineNC ctermfg=Black  ctermbg=Grey cterm=NONE
+highlight FoldColumn    ctermbg=Black           ctermfg=White cterm=bold
+" only for vim 5
+if has("unix")
+  if v:version<600
+    highlight Normal  ctermfg=Grey      ctermbg=Black   cterm=NONE      guifg=Grey80      guibg=Black   gui=NONE
+    highlight Search  ctermfg=Black     ctermbg=Red     cterm=bold      guifg=Black       guibg=Red     gui=bold
+    highlight Visual  ctermfg=Black     ctermbg=yellow  cterm=bold      guifg=Grey25                    gui=bold
+    highlight Special ctermfg=LightBlue                 cterm=NONE      guifg=LightBlue                 gui=NONE
+    highlight Comment ctermfg=Cyan                      cterm=NONE      guifg=LightBlue                 gui=NONE
+  endif
diff --git a/colors/navajo.vim b/colors/navajo.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index e7eebe7..0000000
--- a/colors/navajo.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer: R. Edward Ralston <eralston at techsan.org>
-" Last Change: 2002-01-24 09:56:48
-" URI: http://eralston.tripod.com/navajo.png
-" This color scheme uses a "navajo-white" background
-set background=light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "navajo"
-" looks good on Linux
-"hi Normal ctermfg=Black guifg=Black guibg=#b39674
-"hi Normal ctermfg=Black guifg=Black guibg=NavajoWhite3
-" slightly brighter for w32
-hi Normal ctermfg=Black guifg=Black guibg=#ba9c80
-hi SpecialKey term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=Blue
-hi NonText term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue cterm=bold gui=bold guifg=#808080
-hi Directory term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=Blue
-hi ErrorMsg term=standout ctermfg=Gray ctermbg=DarkRed cterm=bold gui=bold guifg=White guibg=Red
-hi IncSearch term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse
-hi Search term=reverse ctermbg=Black ctermfg=White cterm=reverse guibg=White
-hi MoreMsg term=bold ctermfg=DarkGreen gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
-hi ModeMsg term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
-hi LineNr term=underline ctermfg=DarkCyan ctermbg=Gray guibg=#808080 gui=bold guifg=black
-hi Question term=standout ctermfg=DarkGreen gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
-hi StatusLine term=bold,reverse cterm=bold,reverse gui=bold guifg=White guibg=Black
-hi StatusLineNC term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=bold guifg=LightRed guibg=#707070
-hi VertSplit term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=bold guifg=White guibg=#707070
-hi Title term=bold ctermfg=DarkMagenta gui=bold guifg=DarkMagenta
-hi Visual term=reverse cterm=reverse gui=reverse guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=black
-hi VisualNOS term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline gui=reverse guifg=Grey guibg=white
-hi WarningMsg term=standout ctermfg=DarkRed gui=bold guifg=Red
-hi WildMenu term=standout ctermfg=Black ctermbg=DarkYellow guifg=Black guibg=Yellow
-hi Folded term=standout ctermfg=DarkBlue ctermbg=Gray guifg=Black guibg=NONE guifg=#907050
-hi FoldColumn term=standout ctermfg=DarkBlue ctermbg=Gray guifg=DarkBlue guibg=#c0c0c0
-hi DiffAdd term=bold ctermbg=DarkBlue guibg=White
-hi DiffChange term=bold ctermbg=DarkMagenta guibg=#edb5cd
-hi DiffDelete term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue ctermbg=6 cterm=bold gui=bold guifg=LightBlue guibg=#f6e8d0
-hi DiffText term=reverse ctermbg=DarkRed cterm=bold gui=bold guibg=#ff8060
-hi Cursor gui=reverse guifg=#404010 guibg=white
-hi lCursor guifg=bg guibg=fg
-hi Match term=bold,reverse ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Blue cterm=bold,reverse gui=bold,reverse guifg=yellow guibg=blue
-" Colors for syntax highlighting
-hi Comment term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=#181880
-hi Constant term=underline ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=#c00058
-hi Special term=bold ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=#404010
-hi Identifier term=underline ctermfg=DarkCyan cterm=NONE guifg=#106060
-hi Statement term=bold ctermfg=DarkRed cterm=bold gui=bold guifg=Brown
-hi PreProc term=underline ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=DarkMagenta
-hi Type term=underline ctermfg=DarkGreen gui=bold guifg=SeaGreen
-hi Ignore ctermfg=Gray cterm=bold guifg=bg
-hi Error term=reverse ctermfg=Gray ctermbg=DarkRed cterm=bold gui=bold guifg=White guibg=Red
-hi Todo term=standout ctermfg=DarkBlue ctermbg=Yellow guifg=Blue guibg=Yellow
-" vim:set list et:
diff --git a/colors/navajo-night.vim b/colors/navajo_night.vim
similarity index 100%
rename from colors/navajo-night.vim
rename to colors/navajo_night.vim
diff --git a/colors/neon.vim b/colors/neon.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index d0ba309..0000000
--- a/colors/neon.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-"  Maintainer: Tiza
-" Last Change: 2002/10/25 Fri 16:23.
-"     version: 1.2
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name = "neon"
-hi Normal       guifg=#f0f0f0 guibg=#303030
-" Search
-hi IncSearch    gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#80ffff guibg=#0060c0
-hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffa8 guibg=#808000
-" hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=#b0ffb0 guibg=#008000
-" Messages
-hi ErrorMsg     gui=BOLD guifg=#ffa0ff guibg=NONE
-hi WarningMsg   gui=BOLD guifg=#ffa0ff guibg=NONE
-hi ModeMsg      gui=BOLD guifg=#a0d0ff guibg=NONE
-hi MoreMsg      gui=BOLD guifg=#70ffc0 guibg=#8040ff
-hi Question     gui=BOLD guifg=#e8e800 guibg=NONE
-" Split area
-hi StatusLine   gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#c4c4c4
-hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=#707070 guibg=#c4c4c4
-hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=#707070 guibg=#c4c4c4
-hi WildMenu     gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#ff80c0
-" Diff
-hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=#ff78f0 guibg=#a02860
-hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=#e03870 guibg=#601830
-hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=#a0d0ff guibg=#0020a0
-hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=#a0d0ff guibg=#0020a0
-" Cursor
-hi Cursor       gui=NONE guifg=#70ffc0 guibg=#8040ff
-hi lCursor      gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8800ff
-hi CursorIM     gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8800ff
-" Fold
-hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#40f0f0 guibg=#006090
-hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#40c0ff guibg=#404040
-" Other
-hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=#c8c8ff guibg=NONE
-hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#707070 guibg=NONE
-hi NonText      gui=BOLD guifg=#d84070 guibg=#383838
-hi SpecialKey   gui=BOLD guifg=#8888ff guibg=NONE
-hi Title        gui=BOLD guifg=fg      guibg=NONE
-hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=#b0ffb0 guibg=#008000
-hi VisualNOS    gui=NONE guifg=#ffe8c8 guibg=#c06800
-" Syntax group
-hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=NONE
-hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=#92d4ff guibg=NONE
-hi Error        gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#8000ff
-hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=#40f8f8 guibg=NONE
-hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=bg      guibg=NONE
-hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=#ffa8ff guibg=NONE
-hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=#ffc890 guibg=NONE
-hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=#dcdc78 guibg=NONE
-hi Todo         gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE guifg=#ff80d0 guibg=NONE
-hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=#60f0a8 guibg=NONE
-hi Underlined   gui=UNDERLINE guifg=fg guibg=NONE
diff --git a/colors/neverness.vim b/colors/neverness.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8ea5a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/neverness.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+" NEVERNESS colour scheme
+" Author:      Yann GOLANSKI
+" Version:     1.1
+" Last Change: 22 May 2006
+" url http://web.njit.edu/~kevin/rgb.txt.html
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = 'neverness'
+" Comments: grey
+hi Comment        ctermfg=DarkCyan ctermbg=black  guifg=#848484 guibg=#000000 gui=none 
+" Constants: SkyBlue
+hi Boolean        ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=black  guifg=#87ceeb guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Character      ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=black  guifg=#87ceeb guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Constant       ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=black  guifg=#87ceeb guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Float          ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=black  guifg=#87ceeb guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Number         ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=black  guifg=#87ceeb guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi String         ctermfg=Cyan      ctermbg=black  guifg=#87ceeb guibg=#000000 gui=none
+" Identifier: SteelBlue1
+hi Identifier     ctermfg=LightCyan ctermbg=black  guifg=#63b8ff guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Function       ctermfg=LightCyan ctermbg=black  guifg=#63b8ff guibg=#000000 gui=none
+" Statement: SteelBlue
+hi Conditional    ctermfg=DarkBlue  ctermbg=black  guifg=#4682b4 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Exception      ctermfg=DarkBlue  ctermbg=black  guifg=#4682b4 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Keyword        ctermfg=DarkBlue  ctermbg=black  guifg=#4682b4 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Label          ctermfg=DarkBlue  ctermbg=black  guifg=#4682b4 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Operator       ctermfg=DarkBlue  ctermbg=black  guifg=#4682b4 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Repeat         ctermfg=DarkBlue  ctermbg=black  guifg=#4682b4 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Statement      ctermfg=DarkBlue  ctermbg=black  guifg=#4682b4 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+" PreProc: DarkOrchid1
+hi PreProc        ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=black  guifg=#bf3eff guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Include        ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=black  guifg=#bf3eff guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Define         ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=black  guifg=#bf3eff guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Macro          ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=black  guifg=#bf3eff guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi PreCondit      ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=black  guifg=#bf3eff guibg=#000000 gui=none
+" Type: orchid2
+hi Type           ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=black  guifg=#ee7ae9 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi StorageClass   ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=black  guifg=#ee7ae9 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Structure      ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=black  guifg=#ee7ae9 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Typedef        ctermfg=DarkGreen ctermbg=black  guifg=#ee7ae9 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+" Special: cyan2
+hi Special        ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=black  guifg=#00eeee guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi SpecialChar    ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=black  guifg=#00eeee guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Tag            ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=black  guifg=#00eeee guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi SpecialComment ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=black  guifg=#00eeee guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Delimiter      ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=black  guifg=#00eeee guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi Debug          ctermfg=DarkGray  ctermbg=black  guifg=#00eeee guibg=#000000 gui=none
+" Underline: NavajoWhite2
+hi Underlined     ctermfg=LightGray ctermbg=black  guifg=#eecfa1 guibg=#000000 gui=none
+" Ignore: black
+hi Ignore         ctermfg=LightGray ctermbg=black  guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000 gui=none
+" Error: red
+hi Error          ctermfg=LightGray ctermbg=black  guifg=#ff0000 guibg=#232323 gui=bold
+" To do: SlateGray3
+hi Todo           ctermfg=LightMagenta ctermbg=black  guifg=#9fb6cd guibg=#232323 gui=none
+" Spelling...
+hi SpellBad    ctermfg=DarkRed    ctermbg=black
+hi SpellCap    ctermfg=DarkBlue   ctermbg=black
+hi SpellRare   ctermfg=DarkYellow ctermbg=black
+hi SpellLocal  ctermfg=DarkGreen  ctermbg=black
+" "set cursorline"  and "set cursorcolumn" options.
+hi lCursor        guifg=#43705a guibg=#e6fff3 gui=none
+hi CursorColumn   guibg=#222222 gui=none
+hi CursorLine     guibg=#222222 gui=none
+" Line number.
+"hi LineNr         ctermfg=DarkMagenta ctermbg=black  guifg=#4682b4 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi LineNr         ctermfg=DarkMagenta ctermbg=black  guifg=#213d54 guibg=#000000 gui=none
+" Normal colour: just white thank you.
+hi Normal         guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000 gui=none
+" Others:  These are "highlight-groups" and "highlight-default" in help section.
+hi Cursor         guifg=#43705a guibg=#e6fff3 gui=none
+hi DiffAdd        guifg=#e6fff3 guibg=#43705a gui=bold
+hi DiffChange     guifg=#e6fff3 guibg=#43705a gui=none
+hi DiffDelete     guifg=#e6fff3 guibg=#43705a gui=none
+hi DiffText       guifg=#000000 guibg=#e6fff3 gui=bold
+hi Directory      guifg=#e6fff3 guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi ErrorMsg       guifg=#e6fff3 guibg=#61a181 gui=bold
+hi FoldColumn     guifg=#9bcfb5 guibg=#43705a gui=bold
+hi Folded         guifg=#9bcfb5 guibg=#43705a gui=bold
+hi IncSearch      guifg=#1d3026 guibg=#61a181 gui=bold
+hi ModeMsg        guifg=#4EEE94 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi MoreMsg        guifg=#4EEE94 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi NonText        guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Question       guifg=#9bcfb5 guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi Search         guifg=#1d3026 guibg=#61a181 gui=bold
+hi SpecialKey     guifg=#9bcfb5 guibg=#000000 gui=none
+"hi StatusLine     guifg=#e6fff3 guibg=#61a181 gui=bold
+"hi StatusLineNC   guifg=#1d3026 guibg=#61a181 gui=bold
+hi StatusLine     guifg=#4EEE94 guibg=#333333 gui=none
+hi StatusLineNC   guifg=#4EEE94 guibg=#222222 gui=none
+hi Title          guifg=#e6fff3 guibg=#1d3026 gui=bold
+hi VertSplit      guifg=#61a181 guibg=#61a181 gui=none
+hi Visual         guifg=#e6fff3 guibg=#61a181 gui=none
+hi VisualNOS      guifg=#9bcfb5 guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi WarningMsg     guifg=#BF3EFF guibg=#000000 gui=bold
+hi WildMenu       guifg=#43705a guibg=#e6fff3 gui=none
diff --git a/colors/night.vim b/colors/night.vim
index ffa3024..8fb7f56 100644
--- a/colors/night.vim
+++ b/colors/night.vim
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
 " Vim color file
 "  Maintainer: Tiza
-" Last Change: 2002/03/08 Fri 21:39.
-"     version: 2.0
+" Last Change: 2002/10/13 Sun 16:59.
+"     version: 2.2
 " This color scheme uses a dark background.
-" GUI only
 set background=dark
 hi clear
@@ -27,10 +26,10 @@ hi MoreMsg      gui=BOLD guifg=#00ffdd guibg=NONE
 hi Question     gui=BOLD guifg=#d0d050 guibg=NONE
 " Split area
-hi StatusLine   gui=NONE guifg=#101018 guibg=#c8c8d8
+hi StatusLine   gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#c8c8d8
 hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=#606080 guibg=#c8c8d8
 hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=#606080 guibg=#c8c8d8
-hi WildMenu     gui=NONE guifg=#101018 guibg=#ffffff
+hi WildMenu     gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#e0e078
 " Diff
 hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#40a060
@@ -44,36 +43,28 @@ hi lCursor      gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#e000b0
 hi CursorIM     gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#e000b0
 " Fold
-hi Folded       gui=BOLD guifg=#e8e8ff guibg=#7070c0
-hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#a0a0b0 guibg=#404050
+hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#9060c0
+hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#c0a0ff guibg=#404052
 " Other
 hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=#00ffff guibg=NONE
-hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#808098 guibg=NONE
+hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#787894 guibg=NONE
 hi NonText      gui=BOLD guifg=#8040ff guibg=#383848
 hi SpecialKey   gui=BOLD guifg=#60a0ff guibg=NONE
 hi Title        gui=BOLD guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=#9000a0
-hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#d09050
+hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#c08040
+" hi VisualNOS  gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#c08040
 " Syntax group
-hi Comment      gui=BOLD guifg=#f080ff guibg=NONE
+hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=#e0e070 guibg=NONE
 hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=#4830a0
 hi Error        gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#f00080
-hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=#90d0ff guibg=NONE
+hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=#ffa0ff guibg=NONE
 hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=#303040 guibg=NONE
+hi Number       gui=BOLD guifg=#b8b8c8 guibg=NONE
 hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=#40ffa0 guibg=NONE
 hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=#40f8f8 guibg=#4830a0
-hi Statement    gui=BOLD guifg=#00ccbb guibg=NONE
-hi Todo         gui=BOLD guifg=#ffe0c8 guibg=#c07038
-hi Type         gui=BOLD guifg=#bb99ff guibg=NONE
+hi Statement    gui=BOLD guifg=#00d8f8 guibg=NONE
+hi Todo         gui=BOLD guifg=#00ffe0 guibg=#0080a0
+hi Type         gui=BOLD guifg=#bbaaff guibg=NONE
 hi Underlined   gui=UNDERLINE,BOLD guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=NONE
-hi htmlLink                 gui=UNDERLINE,BOLD
-hi htmlBold                 gui=BOLD
-hi htmlBoldItalic           gui=BOLD,ITALIC
-hi htmlBoldUnderline        gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE
-hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic  gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE,ITALIC
-hi htmlItalic               gui=ITALIC
-hi htmlUnderline            gui=UNDERLINE
-hi htmlUnderlineItalic      gui=UNDERLINE,ITALIC
diff --git a/colors/nightwish.vim b/colors/nightwish.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b97597..0000000
--- a/colors/nightwish.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-" local syntax file - set colors on a per-machine basis:
-" vim: tw=0 ts=4 sw=4
-" Vim color file, derived from colorscheme 'murphy'
-" Maintainer:   Michael Muhler <muhler AT web.de>
-" Version:      1.0
-" URL:          http://home.arcor.de/muhler
-" Last Change:  2003 Apr 15
-"help see colortest.vim
-hi clear
-set background=dark
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "nightwish"
-hi Comment      term=bold      ctermfg=LightRed   guifg=Orange
-hi Constant     term=underline ctermfg=LightGreen guifg=White   gui=NONE
-hi Directory    term=bold      ctermfg=LightCyan  guifg=Cyan
-hi Error        term=reverse   ctermbg=Red    ctermfg=White guibg=Red  guifg=White
-hi ErrorMsg     term=standout  ctermbg=DarkRed    ctermfg=White guibg=Red guifg=White
-hi Identifier   term=underline ctermfg=LightCyan  guifg=#00ffff
-hi Ignore                      ctermfg=black      guifg=bg
-hi IncSearch    term=reverse   cterm=reverse      gui=reverse
-hi LineNr       term=underline ctermfg=Yellow                   guifg=Yellow
-hi ModeMsg      term=bold      cterm=bold         gui=bold
-hi MoreMsg      term=bold      ctermfg=LightGreen gui=bold      guifg=SeaGreen
-hi NonText      term=bold      ctermfg=Blue       gui=bold      guifg=Blue
-hi PreProc      term=underline ctermfg=LightBlue  guifg=Wheat
-hi Question     term=standout  ctermfg=LightGreen gui=bold      guifg=Cyan
-hi Search       term=reverse                      guifg=white   guibg=Blue
-hi Special      term=bold      ctermfg=LightRed   guifg=magenta
-hi SpecialKey   term=bold      ctermfg=LightBlue  guifg=Cyan
-hi Statement    term=bold      ctermfg=Yellow     guifg=#ffff00 gui=NONE
-hi StatusLine   term=reverse,bold cterm=reverse   gui=NONE      guifg=White guibg=darkblue
-hi StatusLineNC term=reverse   cterm=reverse      gui=NONE      guifg=white guibg=#333333
-hi Title        term=bold      ctermfg=LightMagenta gui=bold    guifg=Pink
-hi Todo         term=standout  ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Black guifg=Blue guibg=Yellow
-hi Type                        ctermfg=LightGreen guifg=grey    gui=none
-hi Visual       term=reverse   cterm=reverse      gui=NONE      guifg=white guibg=darkgreen
-hi WarningMsg   term=standout  ctermfg=LightRed   guifg=Red
-hi Normal       ctermbg=Black  ctermfg=lightgreen guibg=Black   guifg=#a0a0ff
-hi Cursor                                         guifg=bg  guibg=Green
-hi String       term=underline cterm=bold ctermfg=magenta       guifg=#ffa0a0
-hi Repeat       term=underline ctermfg=Magenta    guifg=Red
-hi Delimiter    term=standout  ctermfg=Blue       guifg=#00ff88
-hi Label        term=standout  ctermfg=DarkYellow   guifg=DarkYellow
-hi Keyword      term=standout  ctermfg=Green        guifg=Green
-hi Operator     term=standout  ctermfg=Yellow    guifg=#ff5555
-hi Exception    term=standout  ctermfg=Magenta   guifg=#ff0dd5
-hi Tag          term=standout  ctermfg=Green     guifg=#55ff0d
-" missing items in murphy
-hi Scrollbar  guifg=darkcyan guibg=cyan
-hi Menu       guifg=black    guibg=cyan
-hi link Conditional     Repeat
diff --git a/colors/northland.vim b/colors/northland.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb2fd36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/northland.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+" Vim color file - northland
+" Maintainer:   Luka Djigas <ldigas at gmail.com>
+" URL:          http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2200
+" Version:      0.2
+" Last Change:  24.11.2008. 19:13
+" =====
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name="northland"
+" ===== :he highlight-groups
+hi Normal             gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=#001020       guisp=NONE
+hi StatusLine         gui=NONE       guifg=Black         guibg=DarkRed
+hi StatusLineNC       gui=NONE       guifg=Black         guibg=DarkGray
+ hi VertSplit          gui=NONE       guifg=Black         guibg=DarkGray
+hi Cursor             gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=PaleTurquoise3
+ hi CursorIM           gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=PaleTurquoise3
+hi CursorLine                                            guibg=#003853
+ hi CursorColumn                                          guibg=#003853
+hi ErrorMsg           gui=NONE       guifg=Yellow        guibg=NONE
+ hi WarningMsg         gui=NONE       guifg=Yellow        guibg=NONE
+ hi MoreMsg            gui=NONE       guifg=Yellow        guibg=NONE
+ hi Question           gui=NONE       guifg=Yellow        guibg=NONE
+hi ModeMsg            gui=bold       guifg=White         guibg=DarkRed
+"hi Directory          gui=NONE       guifg=DarkGreen     guibg=NONE
+"hi Directory gui=bold guifg=#0475B9    "---lighter blue
+hi Directory gui=bold guifg=#035587     "---darker blue
+hi Search             gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=DarkRed
+ hi IncSearch          gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=DarkRed
+hi NonText            gui=NONE       guifg=DarkRed       guibg=NONE
+hi SpecialKey         gui=NONE       guifg=#999999       guibg=NONE
+hi Pmenu              gui=NONE       guifg=Black         guibg=DarkRed
+hi PmenuSel           gui=NONE       guifg=#507080       guibg=Black
+hi PmenuSbar                                             guibg=#003853
+hi PmenuThumb         gui=NONE                           guibg=Black
+hi WildMenu           gui=NONE       guifg=#507080       guibg=Black
+hi MatchParen         gui=bold       guifg=DarkRed       guibg=NONE
+hi LineNr             gui=bold       guifg=#507080       guibg=Black
+hi Visual             gui=NONE       guifg=NONE          guibg=DarkRed
+hi VisualNOS          gui=underline  guifg=NONE          guibg=DarkRed
+hi DiffAdd            gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=DarkGreen
+hi DiffChange         gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=DarkGray
+hi DiffDelete         gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=DarkRed
+hi DiffText           gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=NONE
+hi Folded             gui=bold       guifg=DarkGreen     guibg=Black
+hi FoldColumn         gui=NONE       guifg=#507080       guibg=Black
+hi SignColumn         gui=bold       guifg=DarkRed       guibg=Black
+hi SpellBad           gui=undercurl                                          guisp=Red
+hi SpellCap           gui=undercurl                                          guisp=White
+hi SpellLocal         gui=undercurl                                          guisp=Orange
+ hi SpellRare          gui=undercurl                                          guisp=Orange
+hi TabLine            gui=NONE       guifg=#507080       guibg=Black
+hi TabLineSel         gui=bold       guifg=Black         guibg=#507080
+hi TabLineFill        gui=NONE       guifg=White         guibg=Black
+hi Title              gui=bold       guifg=#507080       guibg=NONE
+"hi Menu
+"hi Scrollbar
+"hi Tooltip
+"hi User1 ... User9
+" ===== :he group-name
+hi Comment gui=italic guifg=DarkGray
+"*Comment       any comment
+"hi Constant gui=none guifg=#0475B9     "---lighter blue
+hi Constant gui=none guifg=#035587      "---darker blue
+"*Constant      any constant
+" String        a string constant: "this is a string"
+" Character     a character constant: 'c', '\n'
+" Number        a number constant: 234, 0xff
+" Boolean       a boolean constant: TRUE, false
+" Float         a floating point constant: 2.3e10
+"hi Identifier gui=bold,italic guifg=#FB000A    "---lighter
+hi Identifier gui=bold,italic guifg=#BC0007     "---darker
+"*Identifier    any variable name
+" Function      function name (also: methods for classes)
+"hi Statement gui=bold guifg=#FF9500            "---lighter
+hi Statement gui=bold guifg=#BF6F00             "---darker
+"*Statement     any statement
+" Conditional   if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
+" Repeat        for, do, while, etc.
+" Label         case, default, etc.
+" Operator      "sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
+" Keyword       any other keyword
+" Exception     try, catch, throw
+"hi PreProc gui=bold,italic guifg=#640A9B       "---
+"hi PreProc gui=bold,italic guifg=#576D02       "---
+hi PreProc gui=bold,italic guifg=#AD6141
+"*PreProc       generic Preprocessor
+" Include       preprocessor #include
+" Define        preprocessor #define
+" Macro         same as Define
+" PreCondit     preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
+"hi Type gui=none guifg=#14AE00 "---lighter
+hi Type gui=none guifg=#0F8200  "---darker
+"*Type          int, long, char, etc.
+" StorageClass  static, register, volatile, etc.
+" Structure     struct, union, enum, etc.
+" Typedef       A typedef
+"hi! link Special Constant
+hi! link Special Type
+"*Special       any special symbol
+" SpecialChar   special character in a constant
+" Tag           you can use CTRL-] on this
+" Delimiter     character that needs attention
+" SpecialComment special things inside a comment
+" Debug         debugging statements
+hi clear Underlined
+"*Underlined    text that stands out, HTML links
+hi! link Ignore Constant
+"*Ignore        left blank, hidden
+hi Error gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=Yellow
+"*Error         any erroneous construct
+hi! link Todo LineNr
+"*Todo          anything that needs extra attention; mostly the
+"               keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
+" ===== fortran
+hi fortranUnitHeader gui=bold guifg=Purple
+hi fortranType gui=none guifg=#0F8200
+hi! link fortranTypeR fortranType
+hi! link fortranStructure fortranType
+hi! link fortranOperator Normal         "///
+hi! link fortranNumber Normal           "///
+hi fortranLabelNumber guifg=DarkRed
+"hi fortranTodo guifg=Black guibg=#507080
+"hi fortranContinueMark guifg=White guibg=DarkRed
diff --git a/colors/oceanblack.vim b/colors/oceanblack.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index e6e6be3..0000000
--- a/colors/oceanblack.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer: Chris Vertonghen <chris at vertonghen.org>
-" Last Change: 2003-03-25
-" Version: 0.1
-" based on Tom Regner's oceanblue.vim
-""" Init
-set background=dark
-highlight clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "oceanblack"
-""""""""\ Colors \""""""""
-"""" GUI Colors
-highlight Cursor        gui=None guibg=PaleTurquoise3 guifg=White
-highlight CursorIM gui=bold guifg=white guibg=PaleTurquoise3
-highlight Directory     guifg=LightSeaGreen guibg=bg
-highlight DiffAdd gui=None guifg=fg guibg=DarkCyan
-highlight DiffChange gui=None guifg=fg guibg=Green4
-highlight DiffDelete gui=None guifg=fg guibg=black
-highlight DiffText gui=bold guifg=fg guibg=bg
-highlight ErrorMsg      guifg=LightYellow  guibg=FireBrick
-" previously 'FillColumn':
-"highlight FillColumn    gui=NONE guifg=black guibg=grey60
-highlight VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=black guibg=grey60
-highlight Folded        gui=bold guibg=#305060 guifg=#b0d0e0
-highlight FoldColumn        gui=None guibg=#305060 guifg=#b0d0e0
-highlight IncSearch gui=reverse guifg=fg guibg=bg
-"highlight LineNr        guibg=grey6 guifg=LightSkyBlue3
-highlight LineNr        guibg=grey6 guifg=#777777
-highlight ModeMsg       guibg=DarkGreen guifg=LightGreen
-highlight MoreMsg       gui=bold  guifg=SeaGreen4 guibg=bg
-if version < 600
-    " same as SpecialKey
-    highlight NonText       guibg=#123A4A guifg=#3D5D6D
-    " Bottom fill (use e.g. same as LineNr)
-    highlight NonText       gui=None guibg=#000000 guifg=LightSkyBlue
-highlight Normal        gui=None guibg=#000000 guifg=honeydew2
-highlight Question      gui=bold  guifg=SeaGreen2 guibg=bg
-highlight Search        gui=NONE guibg=LightSkyBlue4 guifg=NONE
-highlight SpecialKey    guibg=#103040 guifg=#324262
-highlight StatusLine    gui=bold guibg=grey88 guifg=black
-highlight StatusLineNC  gui=NONE guibg=grey60 guifg=grey10
-highlight Title         gui=bold  guifg=MediumOrchid1 guibg=bg
-highlight Visual        gui=reverse guibg=WHITE guifg=SeaGreen
-highlight VisualNOS     gui=bold,underline guifg=fg guibg=bg
-highlight WarningMsg    gui=bold guifg=FireBrick1 guibg=bg
-highlight WildMenu      gui=bold guibg=Chartreuse guifg=Black
-"""" Syntax Colors
-"highlight Comment       gui=reverse guifg=#507080
-"highlight Comment       gui=None guifg=#507080
-highlight Comment       gui=None guifg=#7C7268
-highlight Constant      guifg=cyan3 guibg=bg
-"hi String gui=None guifg=turquoise2 guibg=bg
-hi String gui=None guifg=#80a0ff guibg=bg
-    "hi Character gui=None guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
-    "highlight Number gui=None guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
-    highlight Number gui=None guifg=Cyan guibg=black
-    highlight Boolean gui=bold guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
-    "hi Float gui=None guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
-highlight Identifier    guifg=LightSkyBlue3
-hi Function gui=None guifg=DarkSeaGreen3 guibg=bg
-highlight Statement     gui=NONE guifg=LightGreen
-    highlight Conditional gui=None guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
-    highlight Repeat gui=None guifg=SeaGreen2 guibg=bg
-    "hi Label gui=None guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
-    highlight Operator gui=None guifg=Chartreuse guibg=bg
-    highlight Keyword gui=None guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
-    highlight Exception gui=None guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
-highlight PreProc       guifg=SkyBlue1
-hi Include gui=None guifg=LightSteelBlue3 guibg=bg
-hi Define gui=None guifg=LightSteelBlue2 guibg=bg
-hi Macro gui=None guifg=LightSkyBlue3 guibg=bg
-hi PreCondit gui=None guifg=LightSkyBlue2 guibg=bg
-highlight Type          gui=NONE guifg=LightBlue
-hi StorageClass gui=None guifg=LightBlue guibg=bg
-hi Structure gui=None guifg=LightBlue guibg=bg
-hi Typedef gui=None guifg=LightBlue guibg=bg
-"highlight Special       gui=bold guifg=aquamarine3
-highlight Special       guifg=#999999
-    "hi SpecialChar gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bg
-    "hi Tag gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bg
-    "hi Delimiter gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bg
-    "hi SpecialComment gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bg
-    "hi Debug gui=bold guifg=White guibg=bg
-highlight Underlined gui=underline guifg=honeydew4 guibg=bg
-highlight Ignore    guifg=#204050
-highlight Error      guifg=LightYellow  guibg=FireBrick
-highlight Todo          guifg=Cyan guibg=#507080
diff --git a/colors/oceandeep.vim b/colors/oceandeep.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 08923d0..0000000
--- a/colors/oceandeep.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer: Tom Regner <vim at tomsdiner.org>
-" Last Change:
-" 2007-10-16 change by Alexei Alexandrov
-" - highlight CursorColumn
-" 2007-08-20 change by Diederick Niehorster
-" - highlight CursorLine
-" 2007-02-05
-" - included changes from Keffin Barnaby
-"   (vim>=7.0 PMenu and Spellchecking)
-" 2006-09-06
-" - changed String to DarkCyan, Macro to DarkRed
-" 2006-09-05
-" - more console-colors
-" - added console-colors, clean-up
-" Version: 1.2.5
-" URL: http://vim.sourceforge.net/script.php?script_id=368
-""" Init
-set background=dark
-highlight clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "oceandeep"
-"""" GUI 
-highlight Cursor        gui=None guibg=PaleTurquoise3 guifg=White
-highlight CursorIM      gui=bold guifg=white guibg=PaleTurquoise3
-highlight CursorLine    gui=None guibg=#003853
-highlight CursorColumn  gui=None guibg=#003853
-highlight Directory     guifg=LightSeaGreen guibg=bg
-highlight DiffAdd       gui=None guifg=fg guibg=DarkCyan
-highlight DiffChange    gui=None guifg=fg guibg=Green4
-highlight DiffDelete    gui=None guifg=fg guibg=black
-highlight DiffText      gui=bold guifg=fg guibg=bg
-highlight ErrorMsg      guifg=LightYellow  guibg=FireBrick
-highlight VertSplit     gui=NONE guifg=black guibg=grey60
-highlight Folded        gui=bold guibg=#305060 guifg=#b0d0e0
-highlight FoldColumn    gui=bold guibg=#305060 guifg=#b0d0e0
-highlight IncSearch     gui=reverse guifg=fg guibg=bg
-highlight LineNr        gui=bold guibg=grey6 guifg=LightSkyBlue3
-highlight ModeMsg       guibg=DarkGreen guifg=LightGreen
-highlight MoreMsg       gui=bold  guifg=SeaGreen4 guibg=bg
-if version < 600
-    " same as SpecialKey
-    highlight NonText   guibg=#123A4A guifg=#3D5D6D
-    " Bottom fill (use e.g. same as LineNr)
-    highlight NonText   gui=None guibg=#103040 guifg=LightSkyBlue
-highlight Normal        gui=None guibg=#103040 guifg=honeydew2
-highlight Question      gui=bold  guifg=SeaGreen2 guibg=bg
-highlight Search        gui=NONE guibg=LightSkyBlue4 guifg=NONE
-highlight SpecialKey    guibg=#103040 guifg=#324262
-highlight StatusLine    gui=bold guibg=grey88 guifg=black
-highlight StatusLineNC  gui=NONE guibg=grey60 guifg=grey10
-highlight Title         gui=bold  guifg=MediumOrchid1 guibg=bg
-highlight Visual        gui=reverse guibg=WHITE guifg=SeaGreen
-highlight VisualNOS     gui=bold,underline guifg=fg guibg=bg
-highlight WarningMsg    gui=bold guifg=FireBrick1 guibg=bg
-highlight WildMenu      gui=bold guibg=Chartreuse guifg=Black
-highlight Comment       gui=None guifg=#507080
-highlight Constant      guifg=cyan3 guibg=bg
-highlight String        gui=None guifg=turquoise2 guibg=bg
-highlight Number        gui=None guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
-highlight Boolean       gui=bold guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
-highlight Identifier    guifg=LightSkyBlue3
-highlight Function      gui=None guifg=DarkSeaGreen3 guibg=bg
-highlight Statement     gui=NONE guifg=LightGreen
-highlight Conditional   gui=None guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
-highlight Repeat        gui=None guifg=SeaGreen2 guibg=bg
-highlight Operator      gui=None guifg=Chartreuse guibg=bg
-highlight Keyword       gui=bold guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
-highlight Exception     gui=bold guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
-highlight PreProc       guifg=SkyBlue1
-highlight Include       gui=None guifg=LightSteelBlue3 guibg=bg
-highlight Define        gui=None guifg=LightSteelBlue2 guibg=bg
-highlight Macro         gui=None guifg=LightSkyBlue3 guibg=bg
-highlight PreCondit     gui=None guifg=LightSkyBlue2 guibg=bg
-highlight Type          gui=NONE guifg=LightBlue
-highlight StorageClass  gui=None guifg=LightBlue guibg=bg
-highlight Structure     gui=None guifg=LightBlue guibg=bg
-highlight Typedef       gui=None guifg=LightBlue guibg=bg
-highlight Special       gui=bold guifg=aquamarine3
-highlight Underlined    gui=underline guifg=honeydew4 guibg=bg
-highlight Ignore        guifg=#204050
-highlight Error         guifg=LightYellow  guibg=FireBrick
-highlight Todo          guifg=Cyan guibg=#507080
-if v:version >= 700
-    highlight PMenu      gui=bold guibg=LightSkyBlue4 guifg=honeydew2
-    highlight PMenuSel   gui=bold guibg=DarkGreen guifg=honeydew2
-    highlight PMenuSbar  gui=bold guibg=LightSkyBlue4
-    highlight PMenuThumb gui=bold guibg=DarkGreen
-    highlight SpellBad   gui=undercurl guisp=Red
-    highlight SpellRare  gui=undercurl guisp=Orange
-    highlight SpellLocal gui=undercurl guisp=Orange
-    highlight SpellCap   gui=undercurl guisp=Yellow
-""" Console
-if v:version >= 700
-    highlight PMenu      cterm=bold ctermbg=DarkGreen ctermfg=Gray
-    highlight PMenuSel   cterm=bold ctermbg=Yellow ctermfg=Gray
-    highlight PMenuSbar  cterm=bold ctermbg=DarkGreen
-    highlight PMenuThumb cterm=bold ctermbg=Yellow
-    highlight SpellBad   ctermbg=Red
-    highlight SpellRare  ctermbg=Red
-    highlight SpellLocal ctermbg=Red
-    highlight SpellCap   ctermbg=Yellow
-highlight Normal        ctermfg=Gray ctermbg=None
-highlight Search        ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Red cterm=NONE
-highlight Visual        cterm=reverse
-highlight Cursor        ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Green cterm=bold
-highlight Special       ctermfg=Brown
-highlight Comment       ctermfg=DarkGray
-highlight StatusLine    ctermfg=Blue ctermbg=White
-highlight Statement     ctermfg=Yellow cterm=NONE
-highlight Type          cterm=NONE
-highlight Macro         ctermfg=DarkRed
-highlight Identifier    ctermfg=DarkYellow
-highlight Structure     ctermfg=DarkGreen
-highlight String        ctermfg=DarkCyan
-" vim: sw=4 ts=4 et
diff --git a/colors/oceanlight.vim b/colors/oceanlight.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 08fb22e..0000000
--- a/colors/oceanlight.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer: Håkan Wikström <hakan at wikstrom.st>
-" Last Change: 2005-01-06
-" Version: 0.1
-" URL: 
-" Originally based on oceandeep by Tom Regner (Vim script #368)
-""" Init
-set background=light
-highlight clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "oceanlight"
-""""""""\ Colors \""""""""
-"""" GUI Colors
-highlight Cursor        gui=None guibg=PaleTurquoise3 guifg=White
-highlight CursorIM gui=none guifg=white guibg=PaleTurquoise3
-highlight Directory     guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
-highlight DiffAdd gui=None guifg=SteelBlue guibg=LightGray
-highlight DiffChange gui=None guifg=fg guibg=CadetBlue
-highlight DiffDelete gui=None guifg=LightGray guibg=SteelBlue
-highlight DiffText gui=none guifg=fg guibg=bg
-highlight ErrorMsg      guifg=FireBrick  guibg=bg
-highlight VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=black guibg=grey60
-highlight Folded        gui=none guibg=LightSteelBlue guifg=SteelBlue
-highlight FoldColumn        gui=none guibg=LightSteelBLue guifg=SteelBlue
-highlight IncSearch gui=reverse guifg=fg guibg=bg
-highlight LineNr        gui=none guibg=#d3d3d3 guifg=#5daf83
-highlight ModeMsg       guibg=CadetBlue guifg=LightGrey
-highlight MoreMsg       gui=none  guifg=CadetBlue guibg=bg
-if version < 600
-    " same as SpecialKey
-    highlight NonText       guibg=#d3d3d3 guifg=#3D5D6D
-    " Bottom fill (use e.g. same as LineNr)
-    highlight NonText       gui=None guibg=#d3d3d3 guifg=#5daf83
-highlight Normal        gui=None guibg=#f5f5f5 guifg=DimGray
-highlight Question      gui=none  guifg=SeaGreen2 guibg=bg
-highlight Search        gui=NONE guibg=SlateGray2 guifg=NONE
-highlight SpecialKey    guibg=LightGray guifg=CadetBlue
-highlight StatusLine    gui=none guibg=SlateGrey guifg=LightGrey
-highlight StatusLineNC  gui=NONE guibg=LightGrey guifg=SlateGrey
-highlight Title         gui=none  guifg=MediumOrchid1 guibg=bg
-highlight Visual        gui=reverse guibg=slategray4 guifg=SlateGray2
-highlight VisualNOS     gui=none,underline guifg=fg guibg=bg
-highlight WarningMsg    gui=none guifg=FireBrick1 guibg=bg
-highlight WildMenu      gui=none guibg=Chartreuse guifg=Black
-"""" Syntax Colors
-"highlight Comment       gui=reverse guifg=#507080
-highlight Comment       gui=None guifg=LightSteelBlue
-highlight Constant      guifg=#483d8b guibg=bg
-hi String gui=None guifg=MediumAquamarine guibg=bg
-    "hi Character gui=None guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
-    highlight Number gui=None guifg=MediumSeaGreen guibg=bg
-    highlight Boolean gui=none guifg=DarkSeaGreen guibg=bg
-    "hi Float gui=None guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
-highlight Identifier    guifg=CornflowerBlue
-hi Function gui=None guifg=DarkSeaGreen guibg=bg
-highlight Statement     gui=NONE guifg=SeaGreen
-    highlight Conditional gui=None guifg=#5daf83 guibg=bg
-    highlight Repeat gui=None guifg=#5daf83 guibg=bg
-    "hi Label gui=None guifg=seagreen guibg=bg
-    highlight Operator gui=None guifg=LightSlateBlue guibg=bg
-    highlight Keyword gui=none guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
-    highlight Exception gui=none guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
-highlight PreProc       guifg=SkyBlue1
-hi Include gui=None guifg=SteelBlue guibg=bg
-hi Define gui=None guifg=LightSteelBlue2 guibg=bg
-hi Macro gui=None guifg=LightSkyBlue3 guibg=bg
-hi PreCondit gui=None guifg=LightSkyBlue2 guibg=bg
-highlight Type          gui=NONE guifg=SteelBlue
-hi StorageClass gui=None guifg=SteelBlue guibg=bg
-hi Structure gui=None guifg=SteelBlue guibg=bg
-hi Typedef gui=None guifg=SteelBlue guibg=bg
-highlight Special       gui=none guifg=aquamarine3
-    "hi SpecialChar gui=none guifg=White guibg=bg
-    "hi Tag gui=none guifg=White guibg=bg
-    "hi Delimiter gui=none guifg=White guibg=bg
-    "hi SpecialComment gui=none guifg=White guibg=bg
-    "hi Debug gui=none guifg=White guibg=bg
-highlight Underlined gui=underline guifg=honeydew4 guibg=bg
-highlight Ignore    guifg=#204050
-highlight Error      guifg=FireBrick gui=Bold  guibg=bg
-highlight Todo          guifg=LightSkyBlue guibg=SlateGray
diff --git a/colors/olive.vim b/colors/olive.vim
index 02de085..8935c52 100644
--- a/colors/olive.vim
+++ b/colors/olive.vim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 " Vim color file
 " Maintainer:   Charles <cherry_avium at yahoo.com>
 " Last Change:  11 June 2004
-" URL:      http://
+" URL:          http://
 " cool help screens
 " :he group-name
@@ -16,104 +16,104 @@ endif
 let g:colors_name="olive"
-hi Normal       guifg=#D9D9C3       guibg=#333300
-hi Cursor       guifg=black     guibg=white
-hi CursorIM     guifg=black     guibg=green
-hi Directory        guifg=gold              gui=underline
-"hi DiffAdd     
+hi Normal               guifg=#D9D9C3       guibg=#333300
+hi Cursor               guifg=black         guibg=white
+hi CursorIM             guifg=black         guibg=green
+hi Directory            guifg=gold                              gui=underline
+"hi DiffAdd             
 "hi DiffChange  
 "hi DiffDelete  
 "hi DiffText    
-hi ErrorMsg                 guibg=indianred
-"hi VertSplit       guifg=gold
-hi Folded       guifg=khaki     guibg=darkolivegreen    gui=underline
-hi FoldColumn       guifg=khaki     guibg=darkolivegreen    gui=none
-hi IncSearch        guifg=black     guibg=khaki
-hi LineNr       guifg=gray80
-hi ModeMsg      guifg=greenyellow           gui=bold
-hi MoreMsg      guifg=greenyellow           gui=bold
-"hi NonText     guibg=black
-hi Question     guifg=yellowgreen           gui=NONE    
-hi Search       guifg=black     guibg=khaki         gui=NONE
-hi SpecialKey       guifg=black     guibg=darkkhaki
-hi StatusLine       guifg=palegoldenrod guibg=#808000   gui=none
-hi StatusLineNC     guifg=gray      guibg=darkolivegreen    gui=none
-hi Title        guifg=gold              gui=bold        
-hi Visual       guifg=black     guibg=darkkhaki gui=NONE
+hi ErrorMsg                                 guibg=indianred
+"hi VertSplit           guifg=gold
+hi Folded               guifg=khaki         guibg=darkolivegreen    gui=underline
+hi FoldColumn           guifg=khaki         guibg=darkolivegreen    gui=none
+hi IncSearch            guifg=black         guibg=khaki
+hi LineNr               guifg=gray80
+hi ModeMsg              guifg=greenyellow                       gui=bold
+hi MoreMsg              guifg=greenyellow                       gui=bold
+"hi NonText             guibg=black
+hi Question             guifg=yellowgreen                       gui=NONE        
+hi Search               guifg=black         guibg=khaki         gui=NONE
+hi SpecialKey           guifg=black         guibg=darkkhaki
+hi StatusLine           guifg=palegoldenrod guibg=#808000       gui=none
+hi StatusLineNC         guifg=gray          guibg=darkolivegreen    gui=none
+hi Title                guifg=gold                              gui=bold                
+hi Visual               guifg=black         guibg=darkkhaki     gui=NONE
 "hi VisualNOS   
-hi WarningMsg       guifg=palevioletred
+hi WarningMsg           guifg=palevioletred
 "hi WildMenu    
-"hi Menu        
+"hi Menu                
 "hi Scrollbar
-"hi Tooltip     
+"hi Tooltip             
 " ============================================================
 " syntax highlighting groups
 " ============================================================
-hi Comment      guifg=darkkhaki     guibg=#4C4C00   gui=underline 
+hi Comment              guifg=darkkhaki     guibg=#4C4C00       gui=underline 
-hi Constant     guifg=navajowhite
-hi String       guifg=greenyellow
+hi Constant             guifg=navajowhite
+hi String               guifg=greenyellow
 "hi Character
 "hi Number
 "hi Boolean
 "hi Float
-hi Identifier       guifg=lightsteelblue    
-" hi Function                   guibg=gray60
+hi Identifier           guifg=lightsteelblue    
+" hi Function                               guibg=gray60
-hi Statement        guifg=darkseagreen          gui=bold
+hi Statement            guifg=darkseagreen                      gui=bold
 "hi Conditional
 "hi Repeat
 "hi Label
-hi Operator     guifg=gold
+hi Operator             guifg=gold
 "hi Keyword
 "hi Exception
-hi PreProc      guifg=sandybrown            gui=bold
+hi PreProc              guifg=sandybrown                        gui=bold
 "hi Include
 "hi Define
 "hi Macro
 "hi PreCondit
-hi Type         guifg=goldenrod
+hi Type                 guifg=goldenrod
 "hi StorageClass
 "hi Structure
 "hi Typedef
-hi Special      guifg=navajowhite           gui=underline
+hi Special              guifg=navajowhite                       gui=underline
 "hi SpecialChar
 "hi Tag
 "hi Delimiter
 "hi SpecialComment
 "hi Debug
-hi Underlined                           gui=underline
+hi Underlined                                                   gui=underline
-hi Ignore       guifg=black
+hi Ignore               guifg=black
-hi Error        guifg=white
+hi Error                guifg=white
-hi Todo         guifg=black     guibg=gold      gui=NONE
+hi Todo                 guifg=black         guibg=gold          gui=NONE
 " =================================================================
 " Language specific color
 " =================================================================
 " C / C++
-hi cIncluded        guifg=yellowgreen
+hi cIncluded            guifg=yellowgreen
-hi Title        guifg=palegoldenrod 
+hi Title                guifg=palegoldenrod 
 " VIM
-hi VimError     guifg=red               gui=bold
-hi VimOption        guifg=gold
+hi VimError             guifg=red                               gui=bold
+hi VimOption            guifg=gold
 " TeX / LaTeX
-hi texSection       guifg=greenyellow
+hi texSection           guifg=greenyellow
 " tex between { and }
-hi texMatcher       guifg=yellowgreen           gui=none
-hi texMath                          gui=none
+hi texMatcher           guifg=yellowgreen                       gui=none
+hi texMath                                                      gui=none
diff --git a/colors/papayawhip.vim b/colors/papayawhip.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f8725a..0000000
--- a/colors/papayawhip.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Gerald S. Williams
-" Last Change:  2003 Apr 17
-" A nice light background (you guessed it, PapayaWhip) that's relatively easy
-" on the eyes yet very usable. Not nearly as "puffy" as peachpuff.
-" Only values that differ from defaults are specified.
-set background=light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "PapayaWhip"
-hi Normal guifg=#3f1f1f guibg=PapayaWhip ctermbg=Gray ctermfg=Black
-hi NonText guibg=Moccasin guifg=Brown ctermfg=Brown
-hi LineNr guibg=Moccasin
-hi DiffDelete guibg=LightRed guifg=Black ctermbg=DarkRed ctermfg=White
-hi DiffAdd guibg=LightGreen ctermbg=DarkGreen ctermfg=White
-hi DiffChange guibg=LightCyan3 ctermbg=DarkCyan ctermfg=White
-hi DiffText gui=NONE guibg=Gray80 ctermbg=DarkCyan ctermfg=Yellow
-hi Comment guifg=MediumBlue
-hi Constant guifg=DeepPink
-hi PreProc guifg=DarkMagenta
-hi StatusLine guibg=White guifg=#5f3705 cterm=bold ctermbg=Brown ctermfg=White
-hi StatusLineNC gui=None guibg=Gray
-hi VertSplit gui=None guibg=Gray
-hi Identifier guifg=#005f5f
-hi Statement ctermfg=DarkRed
diff --git a/colors/peaksea.vim b/colors/peaksea.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b454ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/peaksea.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+" Vim color file --- psc (peak sea color) "Lite version"
+" Maintainer:   Pan, Shi Zhu <Go to the following URL for my email>
+" URL:          http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=760
+" Last Change:  31 Oct 2008
+" Version:      3.3
+"       Comments and e-mails are welcomed, thanks.
+"       The peaksea color is simply a colorscheme with the default settings of
+"       the original ps_color. Lite version means there's no custom settings
+"       and fancy features such as integration with reloaded.vim 
+"       The full version of ps_color.vim will be maintained until Vim 8.
+"       By then there will be only the lite version: peaksea.vim
+" Note: Please set the background option in your .vimrc and/or .gvimrc
+"       It is much better *not* to set 'background' option inside
+"       a colorscheme file.  because ":set background" inside a colorscheme
+"       may cause colorscheme be sourced twice or in the worst case result an
+"       infinite loop.
+" Color Scheme Overview: 
+"       :ru syntax/hitest.vim
+" Relevant Help: 
+"       :h highlight-groups
+"       :h psc-cterm-color-table
+" Colors Order:
+"       #rrggbb
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
+" I don't want to abuse folding, but here folding is used to avoid confusion. 
+if &background=='light' 
+  " for background=light {{{2
+  hi Normal             guifg=#000000   guibg=#e0e0e0   gui=NONE
+  hi Search             guifg=NONE      guibg=#f8f8f8   gui=NONE
+  hi Visual             guifg=NONE      guibg=#a6caf0   gui=NONE
+  hi Cursor             guifg=#f0f0f0   guibg=#008000   gui=NONE
+  " The idea of CursorIM is pretty good, however, the feature is still buggy
+  " in the current version (Vim 7.0).
+  " The following line will be kept commented until the bug fixed.
+  "
+  " hi CursorIM         guifg=#f0f0f0   guibg=#800080
+  hi Special            guifg=#907000   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Comment            guifg=#606000   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Number             guifg=#907000   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Constant           guifg=#007068   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi StatusLine         guifg=fg        guibg=#a6caf0   gui=NONE
+  hi LineNr             guifg=#686868   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Question           guifg=fg        guibg=#d0d090   gui=NONE
+  hi PreProc            guifg=#009030   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Statement          guifg=#2060a8   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Type               guifg=#0850a0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Todo               guifg=#800000   guibg=#e0e090   gui=NONE
+  hi Error              guifg=#c03000   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Identifier         guifg=#a030a0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi ModeMsg            guifg=fg        guibg=#b0b0e0   gui=NONE
+  hi VisualNOS          guifg=fg        guibg=#b0b0e0   gui=NONE
+  hi SpecialKey         guifg=#1050a0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi NonText            guifg=#002090   guibg=#d0d0d0   gui=NONE
+  hi Directory          guifg=#a030a0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi ErrorMsg           guifg=fg        guibg=#f0b090   gui=NONE
+  hi MoreMsg            guifg=#489000   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Title              guifg=#a030a0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi WarningMsg         guifg=#b02000   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi WildMenu           guifg=fg        guibg=#d0d090   gui=NONE
+  hi Folded             guifg=NONE      guibg=#b0e0b0   gui=NONE
+  hi FoldColumn         guifg=fg        guibg=#90e090   gui=NONE
+  hi DiffAdd            guifg=NONE      guibg=#b0b0e0   gui=NONE
+  hi DiffChange         guifg=NONE      guibg=#e0b0e0   gui=NONE
+  hi DiffDelete         guifg=#002090   guibg=#d0d0d0   gui=NONE
+  hi DiffText           guifg=NONE      guibg=#c0e080   gui=NONE
+  hi SignColumn         guifg=fg        guibg=#90e090   gui=NONE
+  hi IncSearch          guifg=#f0f0f0   guibg=#806060   gui=NONE
+  hi StatusLineNC       guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0   gui=NONE
+  hi VertSplit          guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0   gui=NONE
+  hi Underlined         guifg=#6a5acd   guibg=NONE      gui=underline
+  hi Ignore             guifg=bg        guibg=NONE
+  if v:version >= 700
+    if has('spell')
+      hi SpellBad       guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#c03000
+      hi SpellCap       guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#2060a8
+      hi SpellRare      guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#a030a0
+      hi SpellLocal     guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#007068
+    endif
+    hi Pmenu            guifg=fg        guibg=#e0b0e0
+    hi PmenuSel         guifg=#f0f0f0   guibg=#806060   gui=NONE
+    hi PmenuSbar        guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0   gui=NONE
+    hi PmenuThumb       guifg=fg        guibg=#c0e080   gui=NONE
+    hi TabLine          guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0   gui=NONE
+    hi TabLineFill      guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0   gui=NONE
+    hi TabLineSel       guifg=fg        guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+    hi CursorColumn     guifg=NONE      guibg=#f0b090
+    hi CursorLine       guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      gui=underline
+    hi MatchParen       guifg=NONE      guibg=#c0e080
+  endif
+  " Vim 7 added stuffs
+  if v:version >= 700
+    hi Ignore           gui=NONE
+    " the gui=undercurl guisp could only support in Vim 7
+    if has('spell')
+      hi SpellBad       gui=undercurl
+      hi SpellCap       gui=undercurl
+      hi SpellRare      gui=undercurl
+      hi SpellLocal     gui=undercurl
+    endif
+    hi TabLine          gui=underline
+    hi TabLineFill      gui=underline
+    hi CursorLine       gui=underline
+  endif
+  " For reversed stuffs, clear the reversed prop and set the bold prop again
+  hi IncSearch          gui=bold
+  hi StatusLine         gui=bold
+  hi StatusLineNC       gui=bold
+  hi VertSplit          gui=bold
+  hi Visual             gui=bold
+  " Enable the bold property
+  hi Question           gui=bold
+  hi DiffText           gui=bold
+  hi Statement          gui=bold
+  hi Type               gui=bold
+  hi MoreMsg            gui=bold
+  hi ModeMsg            gui=bold
+  hi NonText            gui=bold
+  hi Title              gui=bold
+  hi DiffDelete         gui=bold
+  hi TabLineSel         gui=bold
+  " gui define for background=light end here
+  if &t_Co==256
+    " 256color light terminal support here
+    hi Normal           ctermfg=16      ctermbg=254     cterm=NONE
+    " Comment/Uncomment the following line to disable/enable transparency
+    "hi Normal          ctermfg=16      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Search           ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=231     cterm=NONE
+    hi Visual           ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=153     cterm=NONE
+    hi Cursor           ctermfg=255     ctermbg=28      cterm=NONE
+    " hi CursorIM       ctermfg=255     ctermbg=90
+    hi Special          ctermfg=94      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Comment          ctermfg=58      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Number           ctermfg=94      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Constant         ctermfg=23      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi StatusLine       ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=153     cterm=NONE
+    hi LineNr           ctermfg=242     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Question         ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=186     cterm=NONE
+    hi PreProc          ctermfg=29      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Statement        ctermfg=25      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Type             ctermfg=25      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Todo             ctermfg=88      ctermbg=186     cterm=NONE
+    hi Error            ctermfg=130     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Identifier       ctermfg=133     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi ModeMsg          ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=146     cterm=NONE
+    hi VisualNOS        ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=146     cterm=NONE
+    hi SpecialKey       ctermfg=25      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi NonText          ctermfg=18      ctermbg=252     cterm=NONE
+    " Comment/Uncomment the following line to disable/enable transparency
+    "hi NonText         ctermfg=18      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Directory        ctermfg=133     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi ErrorMsg         ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=216     cterm=NONE
+    hi MoreMsg          ctermfg=64      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Title            ctermfg=133     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi WarningMsg       ctermfg=124     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi WildMenu         ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=186     cterm=NONE
+    hi Folded           ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=151     cterm=NONE
+    hi FoldColumn       ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=114     cterm=NONE
+    hi DiffAdd          ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=146     cterm=NONE
+    hi DiffChange       ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=182     cterm=NONE
+    hi DiffDelete       ctermfg=18      ctermbg=252     cterm=NONE
+    hi DiffText         ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=150     cterm=NONE
+    hi SignColumn       ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=114     cterm=NONE
+    hi IncSearch        ctermfg=255     ctermbg=95      cterm=NONE
+    hi StatusLineNC     ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=250     cterm=NONE
+    hi VertSplit        ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=250     cterm=NONE
+    hi Underlined       ctermfg=62      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=underline
+    hi Ignore           ctermfg=bg      ctermbg=NONE
+    if v:version >= 700
+      if has('spell')
+        if 0
+          " ctermsp is not supported in Vim7, we ignore it.
+          hi SpellBad   cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=130
+          hi SpellCap   cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=25
+          hi SpellRare  cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=133
+          hi SpellLocal cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=23
+        else
+          hi SpellBad   cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=NONE
+          hi SpellCap   cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=NONE
+          hi SpellRare  cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=NONE
+          hi SpellLocal cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=NONE
+        endif
+      endif
+      hi Pmenu          ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=182
+      hi PmenuSel       ctermfg=255     ctermbg=95      cterm=NONE
+      hi PmenuSbar      ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=250     cterm=NONE
+      hi PmenuThumb     ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=150     cterm=NONE
+      hi TabLine        ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=250     cterm=NONE
+      hi TabLineFill    ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=250     cterm=NONE
+      hi TabLineSel     ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+      hi CursorColumn   ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=216
+      hi CursorLine     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=NONE    cterm=underline
+      hi MatchParen     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=150
+    endif
+    hi TabLine          cterm=underline
+    hi TabLineFill      cterm=underline
+    hi CursorLine       cterm=underline
+    " For reversed stuffs, clear the reversed prop and set the bold prop again
+    hi IncSearch        cterm=bold
+    hi StatusLine       cterm=bold
+    hi StatusLineNC     cterm=bold
+    hi VertSplit        cterm=bold
+    hi Visual           cterm=bold
+    hi NonText          cterm=bold
+    hi Question         cterm=bold
+    hi Title            cterm=bold
+    hi DiffDelete       cterm=bold
+    hi DiffText         cterm=bold
+    hi Statement        cterm=bold
+    hi Type             cterm=bold
+    hi MoreMsg          cterm=bold
+    hi ModeMsg          cterm=bold
+    hi TabLineSel       cterm=bold
+    hi lCursor          ctermfg=bg      ctermbg=fg      cterm=NONE
+  endif " t_Co==256
+  " }}}2
+elseif &background=='dark' 
+  " for background=dark {{{2
+  hi Normal             guifg=#d0d0d0   guibg=#202020   gui=NONE
+  hi Comment            guifg=#d0d090   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Constant           guifg=#80c0e0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Number             guifg=#e0c060   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Identifier         guifg=#f0c0f0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Statement          guifg=#c0d8f8   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi PreProc            guifg=#60f080   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Type               guifg=#b0d0f0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Special            guifg=#e0c060   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Error              guifg=#f08060   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Todo               guifg=#800000   guibg=#d0d090   gui=NONE
+  hi Search             guifg=NONE      guibg=#800000   gui=NONE
+  hi Visual             guifg=#000000   guibg=#a6caf0   gui=NONE
+  hi Cursor             guifg=#000000   guibg=#00f000   gui=NONE
+  " hi CursorIM         guifg=#000000   guibg=#f000f0   gui=NONE
+  hi StatusLine         guifg=#000000   guibg=#a6caf0   gui=NONE
+  hi LineNr             guifg=#b0b0b0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Question           guifg=#000000   guibg=#d0d090   gui=NONE
+  hi ModeMsg            guifg=fg        guibg=#000080   gui=NONE
+  hi VisualNOS          guifg=fg        guibg=#000080   gui=NONE
+  hi SpecialKey         guifg=#b0d0f0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi NonText            guifg=#6080f0   guibg=#101010   gui=NONE
+  hi Directory          guifg=#80c0e0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi ErrorMsg           guifg=#d0d090   guibg=#800000   gui=NONE
+  hi MoreMsg            guifg=#c0e080   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi Title              guifg=#f0c0f0   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi WarningMsg         guifg=#f08060   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+  hi WildMenu           guifg=#000000   guibg=#d0d090   gui=NONE
+  hi Folded             guifg=NONE      guibg=#004000   gui=NONE
+  hi FoldColumn         guifg=#e0e0e0   guibg=#008000   gui=NONE
+  hi DiffAdd            guifg=NONE      guibg=#000080   gui=NONE
+  hi DiffChange         guifg=NONE      guibg=#800080   gui=NONE
+  hi DiffDelete         guifg=#6080f0   guibg=#202020   gui=NONE
+  hi DiffText           guifg=#000000   guibg=#c0e080   gui=NONE
+  hi SignColumn         guifg=#e0e0e0   guibg=#008000   gui=NONE
+  hi IncSearch          guifg=#000000   guibg=#d0d0d0   gui=NONE
+  hi StatusLineNC       guifg=#000000   guibg=#c0c0c0   gui=NONE
+  hi VertSplit          guifg=#000000   guibg=#c0c0c0   gui=NONE
+  hi Underlined         guifg=#80a0ff   guibg=NONE      gui=underline 
+  hi Ignore             guifg=#000000   guibg=NONE
+  if v:version >= 700
+    if has('spell')
+    " the guisp= could only support in Vim 7
+      hi SpellBad       guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#f08060
+      hi SpellCap       guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#6080f0
+      hi SpellRare      guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#f0c0f0
+      hi SpellLocal     guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#c0d8f8
+    endif
+    hi Pmenu            guifg=fg        guibg=#800080
+    hi PmenuSel         guifg=#000000   guibg=#d0d0d0   gui=NONE
+    hi PmenuSbar        guifg=fg        guibg=#000080   gui=NONE
+    hi PmenuThumb       guifg=fg        guibg=#008000   gui=NONE
+    hi TabLine          guifg=fg        guibg=#008000   gui=NONE
+    hi TabLineFill      guifg=fg        guibg=#008000   gui=NONE
+    hi TabLineSel       guifg=fg        guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+    hi CursorColumn     guifg=NONE      guibg=#800000   gui=NONE
+    hi CursorLine       guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      gui=underline
+    hi MatchParen       guifg=NONE      guibg=#800080
+  endif
+  " Vim 7 added stuffs
+  if v:version >= 700
+    hi Ignore   gui=NONE  
+    " the gui=undercurl could only support in Vim 7
+    if has('spell')
+      hi SpellBad       gui=undercurl  
+      hi SpellCap       gui=undercurl  
+      hi SpellRare      gui=undercurl  
+      hi SpellLocal     gui=undercurl 
+    endif
+    hi TabLine          gui=underline  
+    hi TabLineFill      gui=underline  
+    hi Underlined       gui=underline  
+    hi CursorLine       gui=underline 
+  endif
+  " gui define for background=dark end here
+  if &t_Co==8 || &t_Co==16
+    " for 8-color and 16-color term
+    hi Normal           ctermfg=LightGrey   ctermbg=Black
+    hi Special          ctermfg=Yellow      ctermbg=bg
+    hi Comment          ctermfg=DarkYellow  ctermbg=bg
+    hi Constant         ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=bg
+    hi Number           ctermfg=Yellow      ctermbg=bg
+    hi LineNr           ctermfg=DarkGrey    ctermbg=bg
+    hi PreProc          ctermfg=Green       ctermbg=bg
+    hi Statement        ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=bg
+    hi Type             ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=bg
+    hi Error            ctermfg=Red         ctermbg=bg
+    hi Identifier       ctermfg=Magenta     ctermbg=bg
+    hi SpecialKey       ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=bg
+    hi NonText          ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=bg
+    hi Directory        ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=bg
+    hi MoreMsg          ctermfg=Green       ctermbg=bg
+    hi Title            ctermfg=Magenta     ctermbg=bg
+    hi WarningMsg       ctermfg=Red         ctermbg=bg
+    hi DiffDelete       ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=bg
+    hi Search           ctermfg=NONE        ctermbg=DarkRed
+    hi Visual           ctermfg=Black       ctermbg=DarkCyan
+    hi Cursor           ctermfg=Black       ctermbg=Green
+    hi StatusLine       ctermfg=Black       ctermbg=DarkCyan
+    hi Question         ctermfg=Black       ctermbg=DarkYellow
+    hi Todo             ctermfg=DarkRed     ctermbg=DarkYellow
+    hi Folded           ctermfg=White       ctermbg=DarkGreen
+    hi ModeMsg          ctermfg=Grey        ctermbg=DarkBlue
+    hi VisualNOS        ctermfg=Grey        ctermbg=DarkBlue
+    hi ErrorMsg         ctermfg=DarkYellow  ctermbg=DarkRed
+    hi WildMenu         ctermfg=Black       ctermbg=DarkYellow
+    hi FoldColumn       ctermfg=White       ctermbg=DarkGreen
+    hi SignColumn       ctermfg=White       ctermbg=DarkGreen
+    hi DiffText         ctermfg=Black       ctermbg=DarkYellow
+    if v:version >= 700
+      if has('spell')
+        hi SpellBad     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkRed
+        hi SpellCap     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkBlue
+        hi SpellRare    ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkMagenta
+        hi SpellLocal   ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkGreen
+      endif
+      hi Pmenu          ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkMagenta
+      hi PmenuSel       ctermfg=Black   ctermbg=fg
+      hi PmenuSbar      ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkBlue
+      hi PmenuThumb     ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkGreen
+      hi TabLine        ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkGreen       cterm=underline
+      hi TabLineFill    ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkGreen       cterm=underline
+      hi CursorColumn   ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkRed
+      hi TabLineSel     ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=bg
+      hi CursorLine     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=bg              cterm=underline
+      hi MatchParen     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkMagenta
+    endif
+    if &t_Co==8
+      " 8 colour terminal support, this assumes 16 colour is available through
+      " setting the 'bold' attribute, will get bright foreground colour.
+      " However, the bright background color is not available for 8-color terms.
+      "
+      " You can manually set t_Co=16 in your .vimrc to see if your terminal
+      " supports 16 colours, 
+      hi DiffText       cterm=none  
+      hi Visual         cterm=none  
+      hi Cursor         cterm=none  
+      hi Comment        cterm=none  
+      hi Todo           cterm=none  
+      hi StatusLine     cterm=none  
+      hi Question       cterm=none  
+      hi DiffChange     cterm=none  
+      hi ModeMsg        cterm=none  
+      hi VisualNOS      cterm=none  
+      hi ErrorMsg       cterm=none  
+      hi WildMenu       cterm=none  
+      hi DiffAdd        cterm=none  
+      hi Folded         cterm=none  
+      hi DiffDelete     cterm=none  
+      hi Normal         cterm=none  
+      hi PmenuThumb     cterm=none 
+      hi Search         cterm=bold  
+      hi Special        cterm=bold  
+      hi Constant       cterm=bold  
+      hi Number         cterm=bold  
+      hi LineNr         cterm=bold  
+      hi PreProc        cterm=bold  
+      hi Statement      cterm=bold  
+      hi Type           cterm=bold  
+      hi Error          cterm=bold  
+      hi Identifier     cterm=bold  
+      hi SpecialKey     cterm=bold  
+      hi NonText        cterm=bold  
+      hi MoreMsg        cterm=bold  
+      hi Title          cterm=bold  
+      hi WarningMsg     cterm=bold  
+      hi FoldColumn     cterm=bold  
+      hi SignColumn     cterm=bold  
+      hi Directory      cterm=bold  
+      hi DiffDelete     cterm=bold 
+    else
+      " Background > 7 is only available with 16 or more colors
+      hi WarningMsg     cterm=none  
+      hi Search         cterm=none  
+      hi Visual         cterm=none  
+      hi Cursor         cterm=none  
+      hi Special        cterm=none  
+      hi Comment        cterm=none  
+      hi Constant       cterm=none  
+      hi Number         cterm=none  
+      hi LineNr         cterm=none  
+      hi PreProc        cterm=none  
+      hi Todo           cterm=none  
+      hi Error          cterm=none  
+      hi Identifier     cterm=none  
+      hi Folded         cterm=none  
+      hi SpecialKey     cterm=none  
+      hi Directory      cterm=none  
+      hi ErrorMsg       cterm=none  
+      hi Normal         cterm=none  
+      hi PmenuThumb     cterm=none 
+      hi WildMenu       cterm=none  
+      hi FoldColumn     cterm=none  
+      hi SignColumn     cterm=none  
+      hi DiffAdd        cterm=none  
+      hi DiffChange     cterm=none  
+      hi Question       cterm=none  
+      hi StatusLine     cterm=none  
+      hi DiffText       cterm=none 
+      hi IncSearch      cterm=reverse  
+      hi StatusLineNC   cterm=reverse  
+      hi VertSplit      cterm=reverse 
+      " Well, well, bold font with color 0-7 is not possible.
+      " So, the Question, StatusLine, DiffText cannot act as expected.
+      hi Statement      cterm=none  
+      hi Type           cterm=none  
+      hi MoreMsg        cterm=none  
+      hi ModeMsg        cterm=none  
+      hi NonText        cterm=none  
+      hi Title          cterm=none  
+      hi VisualNOS      cterm=none  
+      hi DiffDelete     cterm=none  
+      hi TabLineSel     cterm=none 
+    endif
+  elseif &t_Co==256
+    " 256color dark terminal support here
+    hi Normal           ctermfg=252     ctermbg=234     cterm=NONE
+    " Comment/Uncomment the following line to disable/enable transparency
+    "hi Normal          ctermfg=252     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Comment          ctermfg=186     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Constant         ctermfg=110     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Number           ctermfg=179     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Identifier       ctermfg=219     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Statement        ctermfg=153     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi PreProc          ctermfg=84      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Type             ctermfg=153     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Special          ctermfg=179     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Error            ctermfg=209     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Todo             ctermfg=88      ctermbg=186     cterm=NONE
+    hi Search           ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=88      cterm=NONE
+    hi Visual           ctermfg=16      ctermbg=153     cterm=NONE
+    hi Cursor           ctermfg=16      ctermbg=46      cterm=NONE
+    " hi CursorIM       ctermfg=16      ctermbg=201     cterm=NONE
+    hi StatusLine       ctermfg=16      ctermbg=153     cterm=NONE
+    hi LineNr           ctermfg=249     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Question         ctermfg=16      ctermbg=186     cterm=NONE
+    hi ModeMsg          ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=18      cterm=NONE
+    hi VisualNOS        ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=18      cterm=NONE
+    hi SpecialKey       ctermfg=153     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi NonText          ctermfg=69      ctermbg=233     cterm=NONE
+    " Comment/Uncomment the following line to disable/enable transparency
+    "hi NonText         ctermfg=69      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Directory        ctermfg=110     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi ErrorMsg         ctermfg=186     ctermbg=88      cterm=NONE
+    hi MoreMsg          ctermfg=150     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi Title            ctermfg=219     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi WarningMsg       ctermfg=209     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+    hi WildMenu         ctermfg=16      ctermbg=186     cterm=NONE
+    hi Folded           ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=22      cterm=NONE
+    hi FoldColumn       ctermfg=254     ctermbg=28      cterm=NONE
+    hi DiffAdd          ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=18      cterm=NONE
+    hi DiffChange       ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=90      cterm=NONE
+    hi DiffDelete       ctermfg=69      ctermbg=234     cterm=NONE
+    hi DiffText         ctermfg=16      ctermbg=150     cterm=NONE
+    hi SignColumn       ctermfg=254     ctermbg=28      cterm=NONE
+    hi IncSearch        ctermfg=16      ctermbg=252     cterm=NONE
+    hi StatusLineNC     ctermfg=16      ctermbg=250     cterm=NONE
+    hi VertSplit        ctermfg=16      ctermbg=250     cterm=NONE
+    hi Underlined       ctermfg=111     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=underline 
+    hi Ignore           ctermfg=16      ctermbg=NONE
+    if v:version >= 700
+      if has('spell')
+        " the ctermsp= is not supported in Vim 7 we simply ignored
+        if 0
+          hi SpellBad   cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=209
+          hi SpellCap   cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=69
+          hi SpellRare  cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=219
+          hi SpellLocal cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=153
+        else
+          hi SpellBad   cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=NONE
+          hi SpellCap   cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=NONE
+          hi SpellRare  cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=NONE
+          hi SpellLocal cterm=undercurl ctermbg=NONE    ctermfg=NONE
+        endif
+      endif
+      hi Pmenu          ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=90
+      hi PmenuSel       ctermfg=16      ctermbg=252     cterm=NONE
+      hi PmenuSbar      ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=18      cterm=NONE
+      hi PmenuThumb     ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=28      cterm=NONE
+      hi TabLine        ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=28      cterm=NONE
+      hi TabLineFill    ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=28      cterm=NONE
+      hi TabLineSel     ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+      hi CursorColumn   ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=88      cterm=NONE
+      hi CursorLine     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=NONE    cterm=underline
+      hi MatchParen     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=90
+      hi TabLine        cterm=underline  
+      hi TabLineFill    cterm=underline  
+      hi Underlined     cterm=underline  
+      hi CursorLine     cterm=underline 
+    endif
+  endif " t_Co
+  " }}}2
+" Links:
+hi link         String          Constant
+" Character must be different from strings because in many languages
+" (especially C, C++) a 'char' variable is scalar while 'string' is pointer,
+" mistaken a 'char' for a 'string' will cause disaster!
+hi link         Character       Number
+hi link         SpecialChar     LineNr
+hi link         Tag             Identifier
+hi link         cCppOut         LineNr
+" The following are not standard hi links, 
+" these are used by DrChip
+hi link         Warning         MoreMsg
+hi link         Notice          Constant
+" these are used by Calendar
+hi link         CalToday        PreProc
+" these are used by TagList
+hi link         MyTagListTagName        IncSearch
+hi link         MyTagListTagScope       Constant
+" vim:et:nosta:sw=2:ts=8:
+" vim600:fdm=marker:fdl=1:
diff --git a/colors/print_bw.vim b/colors/print_bw.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a4f5e1..0000000
--- a/colors/print_bw.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Mike Williams <mrw at eandem.co.uk>
-" Last Change:  2nd June 2003
-" Version:  1.1
-" Remove all existing highlighting.
-set background=light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "print_bw"
-highlight Normal        cterm=NONE ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=NONE guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight NonText       ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight LineNr        cterm=italic ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic guifg=black guibg=white 
-" Syntax highlighting scheme
-highlight Comment       cterm=italic ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Constant      ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight String        ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Character     ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Number        ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-" Boolean defaults to Constant
-highlight Float         ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Identifier    ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Function      ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Statement     ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Conditional   ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Repeat        ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Label         ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-highlight Operator      ctermfg=black ctermbg=white guifg=black guibg=white
-" Keyword defaults to Statement
-" Exception defaults to Statement
-highlight PreProc       cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=bold guifg=black guibg=white
-" Include defaults to PreProc
-" Define defaults to PreProc
-" Macro defaults to PreProc
-" PreCondit defaults to PreProc
-highlight Type          cterm=bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=bold guifg=black guibg=white
-" StorageClass defaults to Type
-" Structure defaults to Type
-" Typedef defaults to Type
-highlight Special       cterm=italic ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic guifg=black guibg=white
-" SpecialChar defaults to Special
-" Tag defaults to Special
-" Delimiter defaults to Special
-highlight SpecialComment cterm=italic ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic guifg=black guibg=white
-" Debug defaults to Special
-highlight Todo          cterm=italic,bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=white gui=italic,bold guifg=black guibg=white
-" Ideally, the bg color would be white but VIM cannot print white on black!
-highlight Error         cterm=bold,reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey gui=bold,reverse guifg=black guibg=grey
-" vim:et:ff=unix:tw=0:ts=4:sw=4
-" EOF print_bw.vim
diff --git a/colors/ps_color.vim b/colors/ps_color.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index df8c39a..0000000
--- a/colors/ps_color.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,538 +0,0 @@
-" Vim colour file --- PSC
-" Maintainer:   Pan, Shi Zhu <Go to the following URL for my email>
-" URL:          http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=760
-" Last Change:  23 Oct 2006
-" Version:      3.00
-"       Please prepend [VIM] in the title when writing e-mail to me, or it will
-"       be automatically treated as spam and removed. 
-"       See the help document for all details, the help document will be
-"       installed after the script has been sourced once, do not open the
-"       script when you source it for the first time.
-" Initializations: {{{1
-" without user_commands, all these are not possible
-if !has("user_commands")
-  finish
-" Init the option to the default value if not defined by user.
-function! s:init_option(var, value)
-  if !exists("g:psc_".a:var)
-    execute "let s:".a:var." = ".a:value
-  else
-    let s:{a:var} = g:psc_{a:var}
-  endif
-command! -nargs=+ InitOpt call s:init_option(<f-args>)
-" give highlight setting to multiple highlight groups, maximum 20
-function! s:multi_hi(setting, ...)
-  let l:idx = a:0
-  while l:idx > 0
-    let l:hlgroup = a:{l:idx}
-    execute "highlight ".l:hlgroup." ".a:setting
-    let l:idx = l:idx - 1
-  endwhile
-command! -nargs=+ MultiHi call s:multi_hi(<f-args>)
-InitOpt style 'cool'
-InitOpt cterm_transparent 0
-InitOpt inversed_todo 0
-InitOpt use_default_for_cterm 0
-InitOpt statement_different_from_type 0
-if !has("gui_running")
-  call s:init_option("cterm_style", "'".s:style."'")
-  if s:use_default_for_cterm==1 | let s:cterm_style = 'default'
-  elseif s:use_default_for_cterm==2 | let s:cterm_style = 'defdark'
-  endif
-InitOpt other_style 0
-" WJMc had changed a version of this, however, it will messed up some features
-" when the psc_style being other values than 'warm' and 'cool'. The psc_style
-" is designed to accept any colorscheme name, such as 'desert'.  The following
-" code follows the basic principle of WJMc's code.
-if &background=='light'
-  if has("gui_running")
-    if s:style=='warm' || s:style=='default'
-      " nothing to do
-    elseif s:style=='cool'
-      let s:style = 'warm'
-    elseif s:style=='defdark'
-      let s:style = 'default'
-    else 
-      let s:other_style = 1
-    endif
-  else
-    if s:cterm_style=='cool' || s:cterm_style=='defdark' || s:cterm_style=='warm'
-      let s:cterm_style='default'
-    elseif s:cterm_style=='default'
-      " nothing to do
-    else 
-      let s:other_style = 1
-    endif
-  endif
-elseif &background=='dark'
-  if s:style=='warm' 
-    let s:style = 'cool'
-  elseif s:style=='default'
-    let s:style = 'defdark'
-  elseif s:style=='cool' || s:style=='defdark'
-    " nothing to do
-  else 
-    let s:other_style = 1
-  endif
-  let s:cterm_style = s:style
-  echo "unrecognized background=" &background ", ps_color halt.\n"
-  finish
-" This should be after the style mangling
-if s:style == 'warm'
-  InitOpt fontface 'mixed'
-  InitOpt fontface 'plain'
-" === Traditional Color Scheme script starts here. ===
-highlight clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let s:color_name = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
-if s:other_style==0 
-  let g:colors_name = s:color_name
-  " Go from console version to gui, the color scheme should be sourced again
-  execute "autocmd TermChanged * if g:colors_name == '".s:color_name."' | "
-        \."colo ".s:color_name." | endif"
-  execute "runtime colors/".s:style.".vim"
-" Command to go different schemes easier.
-" This is a multi-purpose command, might be a poor design.
-" WJMc had a change for this, but the 'reloaded' style and other colorscheme
-" cannot be launched that way.
-execute "command! -nargs=1 Colo if '".s:color_name."'!=\"<args>\" |".
-        \'let g:psc_style = "<args>"| endif |'.
-        \'if g:psc_style=="warm" | set background=light | endif |'.
-        \'if g:psc_style=="cool" | set background=dark | endif |'.
-        \'colo '.s:color_name
-" Give control to 'reloaded' scheme if possible
-if s:style == 'reloaded'
-  finish
-" }}}1
-" Relevant Help: 
-" :h highlight-groups
-" :h psc-cterm-color-table
-" :ru syntax/hitest.vim
-" Hard coded Colors Comment:
-" #aabbcc = Red aa, Green bb, Blue cc
-" we must use hard-coded colours to get more 'tender' colours
-" GUI:
-" I don't want to abuse folding, but here folding is used to avoid confusion. 
-if s:style=='warm' 
-  " Warm style for gui here {{{2
-  highlight Normal              guifg=#000000   guibg=#e0e0e0
-  highlight Search              guifg=NONE      guibg=#f8f8f8
-  highlight Visual              guifg=NONE      guibg=#a6caf0
-  highlight Cursor              guifg=#f0f0f0   guibg=#008000
-  " The idea of CursorIM is pretty good, however, the feature is still buggy
-  " in the current version (Vim 7.0). 
-  " The following line will be kept commented until the bug fixed.
-  "
-  " highlight CursorIM          guifg=#f0f0f0   guibg=#800080
-  highlight Special             guifg=#907000   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Comment             guifg=#606000   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Number              guifg=#907000   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Constant            guifg=#007068   guibg=NONE
-  highlight StatusLine          guifg=fg        guibg=#a6caf0
-  highlight LineNr              guifg=#686868   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Question            guifg=fg        guibg=#d0d090
-  highlight PreProc             guifg=#009030   guibg=NONE
-  if s:statement_different_from_type==1
-    highlight Statement         guifg=#4020a0   guibg=NONE
-  else
-    highlight Statement         guifg=#2060a8   guibg=NONE
-  endif
-  highlight Type                guifg=#0850a0   guibg=NONE
-  if s:inversed_todo==1
-    highlight Todo              guifg=#e0e090   guibg=#000080
-  else
-    highlight Todo              guifg=#800000   guibg=#e0e090
-  endif
-  highlight Error               guifg=#c03000   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Identifier          guifg=#a030a0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight ModeMsg             guifg=fg        guibg=#b0b0e0
-  highlight VisualNOS           guifg=fg        guibg=#b0b0e0
-  highlight SpecialKey          guifg=#1050a0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight NonText             guifg=#002090   guibg=#d0d0d0
-  highlight Directory           guifg=#a030a0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight ErrorMsg            guifg=fg        guibg=#f0b090
-  highlight MoreMsg             guifg=#489000   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Title               guifg=#a030a0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight WarningMsg          guifg=#b02000   guibg=NONE
-  highlight WildMenu            guifg=fg        guibg=#d0d090
-  highlight Folded              guifg=NONE      guibg=#b0e0b0
-  highlight FoldColumn          guifg=fg        guibg=#90e090
-  highlight DiffAdd             guifg=NONE      guibg=#b0b0e0
-  highlight DiffChange          guifg=NONE      guibg=#e0b0e0
-  highlight DiffDelete          guifg=#002090   guibg=#d0d0d0
-  highlight DiffText            guifg=NONE      guibg=#c0e080
-  highlight SignColumn          guifg=fg        guibg=#90e090
-  highlight IncSearch           guifg=#f0f0f0   guibg=#806060
-  highlight StatusLineNC        guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0
-  highlight VertSplit           guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0
-  highlight Underlined          guifg=#6a5acd   guibg=NONE      gui=underline
-  highlight Ignore              guifg=bg        guibg=NONE
-  if v:version >= 700
-    if has('spell')
-      highlight SpellBad        guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#c03000
-      highlight SpellCap        guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#2060a8
-      highlight SpellRare       guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#a030a0
-      highlight SpellLocal      guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#007068
-    endif
-    highlight Pmenu             guifg=fg        guibg=#e0b0e0
-    highlight PmenuSel          guifg=#f0f0f0   guibg=#806060
-    highlight PmenuSbar         guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0
-    highlight PmenuThumb        guifg=fg        guibg=#c0e080
-    highlight TabLine           guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0   gui=underline
-    highlight TabLineFill       guifg=fg        guibg=#c0c0c0   gui=underline
-    highlight TabLineSel        guifg=fg        guibg=NONE
-    highlight CursorColumn      guifg=NONE      guibg=#f0b090
-    highlight CursorLine        guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      gui=underline
-    highlight MatchParen        guifg=NONE      guibg=#c0e080
-  endif
-  " }}}2
-elseif s:style=='cool' 
-  " Cool style for gui here {{{2
-  highlight Normal              guifg=#d0d0d0   guibg=#202020
-  highlight Comment             guifg=#d0d090   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Constant            guifg=#80c0e0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Number              guifg=#e0c060   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Identifier          guifg=#f0c0f0   guibg=NONE
-  if s:statement_different_from_type==1
-    highlight Statement         guifg=#98a8f0   guibg=NONE
-  else
-    highlight Statement         guifg=#c0d8f8   guibg=NONE
-  endif
-  highlight PreProc             guifg=#60f080   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Type                guifg=#b0d0f0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Special             guifg=#e0c060   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Error               guifg=#f08060   guibg=NONE
-  if s:inversed_todo==1
-    highlight Todo              guifg=#d0d090   guibg=#000080
-  else
-    highlight Todo              guifg=#800000   guibg=#d0d090
-  endif
-  highlight Search              guifg=NONE      guibg=#800000
-  highlight Visual              guifg=#000000   guibg=#a6caf0
-  highlight Cursor              guifg=#000000   guibg=#00f000
-  " highlight CursorIM          guifg=#000000   guibg=#f000f0
-  highlight StatusLine          guifg=#000000   guibg=#a6caf0
-  highlight LineNr              guifg=#b0b0b0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Question            guifg=#000000   guibg=#d0d090
-  highlight ModeMsg             guifg=fg        guibg=#000080
-  highlight VisualNOS           guifg=fg        guibg=#000080
-  highlight SpecialKey          guifg=#b0d0f0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight NonText             guifg=#6080f0   guibg=#101010
-  highlight Directory           guifg=#80c0e0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight ErrorMsg            guifg=#d0d090   guibg=#800000
-  highlight MoreMsg             guifg=#c0e080   guibg=NONE
-  highlight Title               guifg=#f0c0f0   guibg=NONE
-  highlight WarningMsg          guifg=#f08060   guibg=NONE
-  highlight WildMenu            guifg=#000000   guibg=#d0d090
-  highlight Folded              guifg=NONE      guibg=#004000
-  highlight FoldColumn          guifg=#e0e0e0   guibg=#008000
-  highlight DiffAdd             guifg=NONE      guibg=#000080
-  highlight DiffChange          guifg=NONE      guibg=#800080
-  highlight DiffDelete          guifg=#6080f0   guibg=#202020
-  highlight DiffText            guifg=#000000   guibg=#c0e080
-  highlight SignColumn          guifg=#e0e0e0   guibg=#008000
-  highlight IncSearch           guifg=#000000   guibg=#d0d0d0
-  highlight StatusLineNC        guifg=#000000   guibg=#c0c0c0
-  highlight VertSplit           guifg=#000000   guibg=#c0c0c0
-  highlight Underlined          guifg=#80a0ff   guibg=NONE      gui=underline 
-  highlight Ignore              guifg=#000000   guibg=NONE
-  if v:version >= 700
-    if has('spell')
-      highlight SpellBad        guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#f08060
-      highlight SpellCap        guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#6080f0
-      highlight SpellRare       guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#f0c0f0
-      highlight SpellLocal      guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      guisp=#c0d8f8
-    endif
-    highlight Pmenu             guifg=fg        guibg=#800080
-    highlight PmenuSel          guifg=#000000   guibg=#d0d0d0
-    highlight PmenuSbar         guifg=fg        guibg=#000080
-    highlight PmenuThumb        guifg=fg        guibg=#008000
-    highlight TabLine           guifg=fg        guibg=#008000   gui=underline
-    highlight TabLineFill       guifg=fg        guibg=#008000   gui=underline
-    highlight TabLineSel        guifg=fg        guibg=NONE
-    highlight CursorColumn      guifg=NONE      guibg=#800000
-    highlight CursorLine        guifg=NONE      guibg=NONE      gui=underline
-    highlight MatchParen        guifg=NONE      guibg=#800080
-  endif
-  " }}}2
-elseif s:style=='defdark'
-  highlight Normal              guifg=#f0f0f0   guibg=#000000
-" Take NT gui for example, If you want to use a console font such as
-" Lucida_Console with font size larger than 14, the font looks already thick,
-" and the bold font for that will be too thick, you may not want it be bold.
-" The following code does this.
-" All of the bold font may be disabled, since continuously switching between
-" bold and plain font hurts consistency and will inevitably fatigue your eye!
-" Maximum 20 parameters for vim script function
-MultiHi gui=NONE ModeMsg Search Cursor Special Comment Constant Number LineNr Question PreProc Statement Type Todo Error Identifier Normal
-MultiHi gui=NONE VisualNOS SpecialKey NonText Directory ErrorMsg MoreMsg Title WarningMsg WildMenu Folded FoldColumn DiffAdd DiffChange DiffDelete DiffText SignColumn
-" Vim 7 added stuffs
-if v:version >= 700
-  MultiHi gui=NONE Ignore PmenuSel PmenuSel PmenuSbar PmenuThumb TabLine TabLineFill TabLineSel
-  " the gui=undercurl guisp could only support in Vim 7
-  if has('spell')
-    MultiHi gui=undercurl SpellBad SpellCap SpellRare SpellLocal
-  endif
-  if s:style=="cool" || s:style=="warm"
-    MultiHi gui=underline TabLine TabLineFill Underlined CursorLine
-  else
-    MultiHi gui=underline TabLine Underlined
-  endif
-" For reversed stuffs
-MultiHi gui=NONE IncSearch StatusLine StatusLineNC VertSplit Visual
-if s:style=="cool" || s:style=="warm"
-  if s:fontface=="mixed"
-    MultiHi gui=bold IncSearch StatusLine StatusLineNC VertSplit Visual
-  endif
-  if s:fontface=="mixed"
-    hi StatusLine gui=bold,reverse
-  else
-    hi StatusLine gui=reverse
-  endif
-  MultiHi gui=reverse IncSearch StatusLineNC VertSplit Visual
-" Enable the bold style
-if s:fontface=="mixed"
-  MultiHi gui=bold Question DiffText Statement Type MoreMsg ModeMsg NonText Title VisualNOS DiffDelete TabLineSel
-" Color Term:
-" It's not quite possible to support 'cool' and 'warm' simultaneously, since
-" we cannot expect a terminal to have more than 16 color names. 
-" I assume Vim will never go to cterm mode when has("gui_running") returns 1,
-" Please enlighten me if I am wrong.
-if !has('gui_running')
-  " cterm settings {{{1
-  if s:cterm_style=='cool'
-    if s:cterm_transparent
-      highlight Normal          ctermfg=LightGrey   ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Special         ctermfg=Yellow      ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Comment         ctermfg=DarkYellow  ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Constant        ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Number          ctermfg=Yellow      ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight LineNr          ctermfg=DarkGrey    ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight PreProc         ctermfg=Green       ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Statement       ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Type            ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Error           ctermfg=Red         ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Identifier      ctermfg=Magenta     ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight SpecialKey      ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight NonText         ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Directory       ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight MoreMsg         ctermfg=Green       ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight Title           ctermfg=Magenta     ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight WarningMsg      ctermfg=Red         ctermbg=NONE
-      highlight DiffDelete      ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=NONE
-    else
-      highlight Normal          ctermfg=LightGrey   ctermbg=Black
-      highlight Special         ctermfg=Yellow      ctermbg=bg
-      highlight Comment         ctermfg=DarkYellow  ctermbg=bg
-      highlight Constant        ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=bg
-      highlight Number          ctermfg=Yellow      ctermbg=bg
-      highlight LineNr          ctermfg=DarkGrey    ctermbg=bg
-      highlight PreProc         ctermfg=Green       ctermbg=bg
-      highlight Statement       ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=bg
-      highlight Type            ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=bg
-      highlight Error           ctermfg=Red         ctermbg=bg
-      highlight Identifier      ctermfg=Magenta     ctermbg=bg
-      highlight SpecialKey      ctermfg=Cyan        ctermbg=bg
-      highlight NonText         ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=bg
-      highlight Directory       ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=bg
-      highlight MoreMsg         ctermfg=Green       ctermbg=bg
-      highlight Title           ctermfg=Magenta     ctermbg=bg
-      highlight WarningMsg      ctermfg=Red         ctermbg=bg
-      highlight DiffDelete      ctermfg=Blue        ctermbg=bg
-    endif
-    highlight Search     ctermfg=NONE       ctermbg=DarkRed
-    highlight Visual     ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=DarkCyan
-    highlight Cursor     ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=Green
-    highlight StatusLine ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=DarkCyan
-    highlight Question   ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=DarkYellow
-    if s:inversed_todo==0
-        highlight Todo   ctermfg=DarkRed    ctermbg=DarkYellow
-    else
-        highlight Todo   ctermfg=DarkYellow ctermbg=DarkBlue
-    endif
-    highlight Folded     ctermfg=White      ctermbg=DarkGreen
-    highlight ModeMsg    ctermfg=Grey       ctermbg=DarkBlue
-    highlight VisualNOS  ctermfg=Grey       ctermbg=DarkBlue
-    highlight ErrorMsg   ctermfg=DarkYellow ctermbg=DarkRed
-    highlight WildMenu   ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=DarkYellow
-    highlight FoldColumn ctermfg=White      ctermbg=DarkGreen
-    highlight SignColumn ctermfg=White      ctermbg=DarkGreen
-    highlight DiffText   ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=DarkYellow
-    if v:version >= 700
-      if has('spell')
-        highlight SpellBad      ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkRed
-        highlight SpellCap      ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkBlue
-        highlight SpellRare     ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkMagenta
-        highlight SpellLocal    ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkGreen
-      endif
-      highlight Pmenu           ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkMagenta
-      highlight PmenuSel        ctermfg=Black   ctermbg=fg
-      highlight PmenuSbar       ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkBlue
-      highlight PmenuThumb      ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkGreen
-      highlight TabLine         ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkGreen       cterm=underline
-      highlight TabLineFill     ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=DarkGreen       cterm=underline
-      highlight CursorColumn    ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkRed
-      if s:cterm_transparent
-        highlight TabLineSel    ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=NONE
-        highlight CursorLine    ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=NONE    cterm=underline
-      else
-        highlight TabLineSel    ctermfg=fg      ctermbg=bg
-        highlight CursorLine    ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=bg      cterm=underline
-      endif
-      highlight MatchParen      ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=DarkMagenta
-    endif
-    if &t_Co==8
-      " 8 colour terminal support, this assumes 16 colour is available through
-      " setting the 'bold' attribute, will get bright foreground colour.
-      " However, the bright background color is not available for 8-color terms.
-      "
-      " You can manually set t_Co=16 in your .vimrc to see if your terminal
-      " supports 16 colours, 
-      MultiHi cterm=none DiffText Visual Cursor Comment Todo StatusLine Question DiffChange ModeMsg VisualNOS ErrorMsg WildMenu DiffAdd Folded DiffDelete Normal PmenuThumb
-      MultiHi cterm=bold Search Special Constant Number LineNr PreProc Statement Type Error Identifier SpecialKey NonText MoreMsg Title WarningMsg FoldColumn SignColumn Directory DiffDelete
-    else
-      " Background > 7 is only available with 16 or more colors
-      " Only use the s:fontface option when there is 16-colour(or more)
-      " terminal support
-      MultiHi cterm=none WarningMsg Search Visual Cursor Special Comment Constant Number LineNr PreProc Todo Error Identifier Folded SpecialKey Directory ErrorMsg Normal PmenuThumb
-      MultiHi cterm=none WildMenu FoldColumn SignColumn DiffAdd DiffChange Question StatusLine DiffText
-      MultiHi cterm=reverse IncSearch StatusLineNC VertSplit
-      " Well, well, bold font with color 0-7 is not possible.
-      " So, the Question, StatusLine, DiffText cannot act as expected.
-      call s:multi_hi("cterm=".((s:fontface=="plain") ? "none" : "bold"), "Statement", "Type", "MoreMsg", "ModeMsg", "NonText", "Title", "VisualNOS", "DiffDelete", "TabLineSel")
-    endif
-  elseif s:cterm_style=='defdark'
-    highlight Normal     ctermfg=LightGrey  ctermbg=NONE
-  endif
-  " }}}1
-" Term:
-" For console with only 4 colours (term, not cterm), we'll use the default.
-" ...
-" The default colorscheme is good enough for terms with no more than 4 colours
-" Links:
-if (s:style=='cool') || (s:style == 'warm')
-  highlight link                String          Constant
-  " Character must be different from strings because in many languages
-  " (especially C, C++) a 'char' variable is scalar while 'string' is pointer,
-  " mistaken a 'char' for a 'string' will cause disaster!
-  highlight link                Character       Number
-  highlight link                SpecialChar     LineNr
-  highlight link                Tag             Identifier
-  " The following are not standard hi links, 
-  " these are used by DrChip
-  highlight link                Warning         MoreMsg
-  highlight link                Notice          Constant
-  " these are used by Calendar
-  highlight link                CalToday        PreProc
-  " these are used by TagList
-  highlight link                MyTagListTagName        IncSearch
-  highlight link                MyTagListTagScope       Constant
-" Clean:
-" these clean stuffs are proved to have problem, so I removed them.
-delcommand InitOpt
-delcommand MultiHi
-" delfunction init_option
-" delfunction multi_hi
-" vim:et:nosta:sw=2:ts=8:
-" vim600:fdm=marker:fdl=1:
diff --git a/colors/pyte.vim b/colors/pyte.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8471af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/pyte.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+set background=light
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let colors_name = "pyte"
+if version >= 700
+    hi CursorLine guibg=#f6f6f6
+    hi CursorColumn guibg=#eaeaea
+    hi MatchParen guifg=white guibg=#80a090 gui=bold
+    "Tabpages
+    hi TabLine guifg=black guibg=#b0b8c0 gui=italic
+    hi TabLineFill guifg=#9098a0
+    hi TabLineSel guifg=black guibg=#f0f0f0 gui=italic,bold
+    "P-Menu (auto-completion)
+    hi Pmenu guifg=white guibg=#808080
+    "PmenuSel
+    "PmenuSbar
+    "PmenuThumb
+" Html-Titles
+hi Title      guifg=#202020 gui=bold
+hi Underlined  guifg=#202020 gui=underline
+hi Cursor    guifg=black   guibg=#b0b4b8
+hi lCursor   guifg=black   guibg=white
+hi LineNr    guifg=#ffffff guibg=#c0d0e0
+hi Normal    guifg=#202020   guibg=#f0f0f0
+hi StatusLine guifg=white guibg=#8090a0 gui=bold,italic
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=#506070 guibg=#a0b0c0 gui=italic
+hi VertSplit guifg=#a0b0c0 guibg=#a0b0c0 gui=NONE
+hi Folded    guifg=#708090 guibg=#c0d0e0
+hi NonText   guifg=#c0c0c0 guibg=#e0e0e0
+" Kommentare
+hi Comment   guifg=#a0b0c0               gui=italic
+" Konstanten
+hi Constant  guifg=#a07040
+hi String    guifg=#4070a0 
+hi Number    guifg=#40a070
+hi Float     guifg=#70a040
+"hi Statement guifg=#0070e0 gui=NONE
+" Python: def and so on, html: tag-names
+hi Statement  guifg=#007020 gui=bold
+" HTML: arguments
+hi Type       guifg=#e5a00d gui=italic
+" Python: Standard exceptions, True&False
+hi Structure  guifg=#007020 gui=italic
+hi Function   guifg=#06287e gui=italic
+hi Identifier guifg=#5b3674 gui=italic
+hi Repeat      guifg=#7fbf58 gui=bold
+hi Conditional guifg=#4c8f2f gui=bold
+" Cheetah: #-Symbol, function-names
+hi PreProc    guifg=#1060a0 gui=NONE
+" Cheetah: def, for and so on, Python: Decorators
+hi Define      guifg=#1060a0 gui=bold
+hi Error      guifg=red guibg=white gui=bold,underline
+hi Todo       guifg=#a0b0c0 guibg=NONE gui=italic,bold,underline
+" Python: %(...)s - constructs, encoding
+hi Special    guifg=#70a0d0 gui=italic
+hi Operator   guifg=#408010
+" color of <TAB>s etc...  
+hi SpecialKey guifg=#d8a080 guibg=#e8e8e8 gui=italic  
+" Diff
+hi DiffChange guifg=NONE guibg=#e0e0e0 gui=italic,bold
+hi DiffText guifg=NONE guibg=#f0c8c8 gui=italic,bold
+hi DiffAdd guifg=NONE guibg=#c0e0d0 gui=italic,bold
+hi DiffDelete guifg=NONE guibg=#f0e0b0 gui=italic,bold
diff --git a/colors/railscasts.vim b/colors/railscasts.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54545f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/railscasts.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+" Vim color scheme
+" Name:         railscasts.vim
+" Maintainer:   Nick Moffitt <nick at zork.net>
+" Last Change:  01 Mar 2008
+" License:      WTFPL <http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/>
+" Version:      2.1
+" This theme is based on Josh O'Rourke's Vim clone of the railscast
+" textmate theme.  The key thing I have done here is supply 256-color
+" terminal equivalents for as many of the colors as possible, and fixed
+" up some of the funny behaviors for editing e-mails and such.
+" To use for gvim:
+" 1: install this file as ~/.vim/colors/railscasts.vim
+" 2: put "colorscheme railscasts" in your .gvimrc
+" If you are using Ubuntu, you can get the benefit of this in your
+" terminals using ordinary vim by taking the following steps:
+" 1: sudo apt-get install ncurses-term
+" 2: put the following in your .vimrc
+"     if $COLORTERM == 'gnome-terminal'
+"         set term=gnome-256color
+"         colorscheme railscasts
+"     else
+"         colorscheme default
+"     endif
+" 3: if you wish to use this with screen, add the following to your .screenrc:
+"     attrcolor b ".I"
+"     termcapinfo xterm 'Co#256:AB=\E[48;5;%dm:AF=\E[38;5;%dm'
+"     defbce "on"
+"     term screen-256color-bce
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "railscasts"
+hi link htmlTag                     xmlTag
+hi link htmlTagName                 xmlTagName
+hi link htmlEndTag                  xmlEndTag
+highlight Normal                    guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#111111 
+highlight Cursor                    guifg=#000000 ctermfg=0 guibg=#FFFFFF ctermbg=15    
+highlight CursorLine                guibg=#000000 ctermbg=233 cterm=NONE
+highlight Comment                   guifg=#BC9458 ctermfg=180 gui=italic
+highlight Constant                  guifg=#6D9CBE ctermfg=73
+highlight Define                    guifg=#CC7833 ctermfg=173
+highlight Error                     guifg=#FFC66D ctermfg=221 guibg=#990000 ctermbg=88
+highlight Function                  guifg=#FFC66D ctermfg=221 gui=NONE cterm=NONE
+highlight Identifier                guifg=#6D9CBE ctermfg=73 gui=NONE cterm=NONE
+highlight Include                   guifg=#CC7833 ctermfg=173 gui=NONE cterm=NONE
+highlight PreCondit                 guifg=#CC7833 ctermfg=173 gui=NONE cterm=NONE
+highlight Keyword                   guifg=#CC7833 ctermfg=173 cterm=NONE
+highlight LineNr                    guifg=#2B2B2B ctermfg=159 guibg=#C0C0FF
+highlight Number                    guifg=#A5C261 ctermfg=107
+highlight PreProc                   guifg=#E6E1DC ctermfg=103
+highlight Search                    guifg=NONE ctermfg=NONE guibg=#2b2b2b ctermbg=235 gui=italic cterm=underline
+highlight Statement                 guifg=#CC7833 ctermfg=173 gui=NONE cterm=NONE
+highlight String                    guifg=#A5C261 ctermfg=107
+highlight Title                     guifg=#FFFFFF ctermfg=15
+highlight Type                      guifg=#DA4939 ctermfg=167 gui=NONE cterm=NONE
+highlight Visual                    guibg=#5A647E ctermbg=60
+highlight DiffAdd                   guifg=#E6E1DC ctermfg=7 guibg=#519F50 ctermbg=71
+highlight DiffDelete                guifg=#E6E1DC ctermfg=7 guibg=#660000 ctermbg=52
+highlight Special                   guifg=#DA4939 ctermfg=167 
+highlight pythonBuiltin             guifg=#6D9CBE ctermfg=73 gui=NONE cterm=NONE
+highlight rubyBlockParameter        guifg=#FFFFFF ctermfg=15
+highlight rubyClass                 guifg=#FFFFFF ctermfg=15
+highlight rubyConstant              guifg=#DA4939 ctermfg=167
+highlight rubyInstanceVariable      guifg=#D0D0FF ctermfg=189
+highlight rubyInterpolation         guifg=#519F50 ctermfg=107
+highlight rubyLocalVariableOrMethod guifg=#D0D0FF ctermfg=189
+highlight rubyPredefinedConstant    guifg=#DA4939 ctermfg=167
+highlight rubyPseudoVariable        guifg=#FFC66D ctermfg=221
+highlight rubyStringDelimiter       guifg=#A5C261 ctermfg=143
+highlight xmlTag                    guifg=#E8BF6A ctermfg=179
+highlight xmlTagName                guifg=#E8BF6A ctermfg=179
+highlight xmlEndTag                 guifg=#E8BF6A ctermfg=179
+highlight mailSubject               guifg=#A5C261 ctermfg=107
+highlight mailHeaderKey             guifg=#FFC66D ctermfg=221
+highlight mailEmail                 guifg=#A5C261 ctermfg=107 gui=italic cterm=underline
+highlight SpellBad                  guifg=#D70000 ctermfg=160 ctermbg=NONE cterm=underline
+highlight SpellRare                 guifg=#D75F87 ctermfg=168 guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE gui=underline cterm=underline
+highlight SpellCap                  guifg=#D0D0FF ctermfg=189 guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE gui=underline cterm=underline
+highlight MatchParen                guifg=#FFFFFF ctermfg=15 guibg=#005f5f ctermbg=23
diff --git a/colors/railscasts2.vim b/colors/railscasts2.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..138e876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/railscasts2.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+" Vim color scheme
+" Name:        railscast.vim
+" Maintainer:  Josh O'Rourke <jorourke23 at gmail.com> 
+" License:     public domain
+" A GUI Only port of the RailsCasts TextMate theme [1] to Vim.
+" Some parts of this theme were borrowed from the well-documented Lucius theme [2].
+" [1] http://railscasts.com/about 
+" [2] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2536
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "railscasts"
+" Colors
+" Brown        #BC9458
+" Dark Blue    #6D9CBE
+" Dark Green   #519F50
+" Dark Orange  #CC7833
+" Light Blue   #D0D0FF
+" Light Green  #A5C261
+" Tan          #FFC66D
+hi Normal                    guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#2B2B2B
+hi Cursor                    guibg=#FFFFFF
+hi CursorLine                guibg=#333435
+hi LineNr                    guifg=#888888 guibg=#DEDEDE
+hi Search                    guibg=#5A647E
+hi Visual                    guibg=#5A647E
+" Folds
+" -----
+" line used for closed folds
+hi Folded                    guifg=#F6F3E8 guibg=#444444 gui=NONE
+" Misc
+" ----
+" directory names and other special names in listings
+hi Directory                 guifg=#A5C261 gui=NONE
+" Popup Menu
+" ----------
+" normal item in popup
+hi Pmenu                     guifg=#F6F3E8 guibg=#444444 gui=NONE
+" selected item in popup
+hi PmenuSel                  guifg=#000000 guibg=#A5C261 gui=NONE
+" scrollbar in popup
+hi PMenuSbar                 guibg=#5A647E gui=NONE
+" thumb of the scrollbar in the popup
+hi PMenuThumb                guibg=#AAAAAA gui=NONE
+hi Comment                   guifg=#BC9458 gui=italic
+hi Todo                      guifg=#BC9458 guibg=NONE gui=italic
+"nil, self, symbols, etc
+hi Constant                  guifg=#6D9CBE
+"rubyClass, rubyModule, rubyDefine
+"def, end, include, etc
+hi Define                    guifg=#CC7833
+hi Delimiter                 guifg=#519F50
+"rubyError, rubyInvalidVariable
+hi Error                     guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#990000
+hi Function                  guifg=#FFC66D gui=NONE
+"@var, @@var, $var, etc
+hi Identifier                guifg=#D0D0FF gui=NONE
+"include, autoload, extend, load, require
+hi Include                   guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
+"rubyKeyword, rubyKeywordAsMethod
+"alias, undef, super, yield, callcc, caller, lambda, proc
+hi Keyword                   guifg=#CC7833
+" same as define
+hi Macro                     guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
+hi Number                    guifg=#A5C261
+" #if, #else, #endif
+hi PreCondit                 guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
+" generic preprocessor
+hi PreProc                   guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
+"rubyControl, rubyAccess, rubyEval
+"case, begin, do, for, if unless, while, until else, etc.
+hi Statement                 guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
+hi String                    guifg=#A5C261
+hi Title                     guifg=#FFFFFF
+hi Type                      guifg=#DA4939 gui=NONE
+hi DiffAdd                   guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#144212
+hi DiffDelete                guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#660000
+hi link htmlTag              xmlTag
+hi link htmlTagName          xmlTagName
+hi link htmlEndTag           xmlEndTag
+hi xmlTag                    guifg=#E8BF6A
+hi xmlTagName                guifg=#E8BF6A
+hi xmlEndTag                 guifg=#E8BF6A
diff --git a/colors/rdark.vim b/colors/rdark.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be54587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/rdark.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintaner: Radu Dineiu <radu.dineiu at gmail.com>
+" URL: http://ld.yi.org/vim/rdark/
+" Last Change: 2007 Jun 23
+" Version: 0.6
+" Features:
+"   - let rdark_current_line = 1 if you want to highlight the current line
+" Changelog:
+"   0.5 - fixed the Pmenu colors
+"   0.6 - added SignColumn colors
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+        syntax reset
+let colors_name = "rdark"
+" Current Line
+if exists('rdark_current_line') && rdark_current_line == 1
+        set cursorline
+        hi CursorLine guibg=#191f21
+" Default Colors
+hi Normal guifg=#babdb6 guibg=#1e2426
+hi NonText guifg=#2c3032 guibg=#2c3032 gui=none
+hi Cursor guibg=#babdb6
+hi ICursor guibg=#babdb6
+" Search
+hi Search guifg=#2e3436 guibg=#fcaf3e
+hi IncSearch guibg=#2e3436 guifg=#fcaf3e
+" Window Elements
+hi StatusLine guifg=#2e3436 guibg=#babdb6 gui=none
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=#2e3436 guibg=#888a85 gui=none
+hi VertSplit guifg=#555753 guibg=#888a85 gui=none
+hi Visual guibg=#000000
+hi MoreMsg guifg=#729fcf
+hi Question guifg=#8ae234 gui=none
+hi WildMenu guifg=#eeeeec guibg=#0e1416
+hi LineNr guifg=#3f4b4d guibg=#000000
+hi SignColumn guibg=#1e2426
+" Pmenu
+hi Pmenu guibg=#2e3436 guifg=#eeeeec
+hi PmenuSel guibg=#ffffff guifg=#1e2426
+hi PmenuSbar guibg=#555753
+hi PmenuThumb guifg=#ffffff
+" Diff
+hi DiffDelete guifg=#2e3436 guibg=#0e1416
+hi DiffAdd guibg=#1f2b2d
+hi DiffChange guibg=#2e3436
+hi DiffText guibg=#000000 gui=none
+" Folds
+hi Folded guifg=#d3d7cf guibg=#204a87
+hi FoldColumn guifg=#3465a4 guibg=#000000
+" Specials
+hi Title guifg=#fcaf3e
+hi Todo guifg=#fcaf3e guibg=bg
+hi SpecialKey guifg=#ef2929
+" Tabs
+hi TabLine guibg=#0a1012 guifg=#888a85
+hi TabLineFill guifg=#0a1012
+hi TabLineSel guibg=#555753 guifg=#eeeeec gui=none
+" Matches
+hi MatchParen guifg=#2e3436 guibg=#fcaf3e
+" Tree
+hi Directory guifg=#ffffff
+" Syntax
+hi Comment guifg=#656763
+hi Constant guifg=#8ae234
+hi Number guifg=#8ae234
+hi Statement guifg=#729fcf gui=none
+hi Identifier guifg=#ffffff
+hi PreProc guifg=#fcaf3e
+hi Function guifg=#fcaf3e
+hi Type guifg=#e3e7df gui=none
+hi Keyword guifg=#eeeeec
+hi Special guifg=#888a85
+hi Error guifg=#eeeeec guibg=#cc0000
+" PHP
+hi phpRegionDelimiter guifg=#ad7fa8
+hi phpPropertySelector guifg=#888a85
+hi phpPropertySelectorInString guifg=#888a85
+hi phpOperator guifg=#888a85
+hi phpArrayPair guifg=#888a85
+hi phpAssignByRef guifg=#888a85
+hi phpRelation guifg=#888a85
+hi phpMemberSelector guifg=#888a85
+hi phpUnknownSelector guifg=#888a85
+hi phpVarSelector guifg=#babdb6
+hi phpSemicolon guifg=#888a85 gui=none
+hi phpFunctions guifg=#d3d7cf
+hi phpParent guifg=#888a85
+" JavaScript
+hi javaScriptBraces guifg=#888a85
+hi javaScriptOperator guifg=#888a85
+hi htmlTag guifg=#888a85
+hi htmlEndTag guifg=#888a85
+hi htmlTagName guifg=#babdb6
+hi htmlSpecialTagName guifg=#babdb6
+hi htmlArg guifg=#d3d7cf
+hi htmlTitle guifg=#8ae234 gui=none
+hi link htmlH1 htmlTitle
+hi link htmlH2 htmlH1
+hi link htmlH3 htmlH1
+hi link htmlH4 htmlH1
+hi link htmlH5 htmlH1
+hi link htmlH6 htmlH1
+" XML
+hi link xmlTag htmlTag
+hi link xmlEndTag htmlEndTag
+hi link xmlAttrib htmlArg
+" CSS
+hi cssSelectorOp guifg=#eeeeec
+hi link cssSelectorOp2 cssSelectorOp
+hi cssUIProp guifg=#d3d7cf
+hi link cssPagingProp cssUIProp
+hi link cssGeneratedContentProp cssUIProp
+hi link cssRenderProp cssUIProp
+hi link cssBoxProp cssUIProp
+hi link cssTextProp cssUIProp
+hi link cssColorProp cssUIProp
+hi link cssFontProp cssUIProp
+hi cssPseudoClassId guifg=#eeeeec
+hi cssBraces guifg=#888a85
+hi cssIdentifier guifg=#fcaf3e
+hi cssTagName guifg=#fcaf3e
+hi link cssInclude Function
+hi link cssCommonAttr Constant
+hi link cssUIAttr Constant
+hi link cssTableAttr Constant
+hi link cssPagingAttr Constant
+hi link cssGeneratedContentAttr Constant
+hi link cssAuralAttr Constant
+hi link cssRenderAttr Constant
+hi link cssBoxAttr Constant
+hi link cssTextAttr Constant
+hi link cssColorAttr Constant
+hi link cssFontAttr Constant
diff --git a/colors/relaxedgreen.vim b/colors/relaxedgreen.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d2bf14..0000000
--- a/colors/relaxedgreen.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Filename:      relaxedgreen.vim
-" Last Modified: 13 Feb 2007 09:57:24 PM by Dave V
-" Maintainer:    Dave Vehrs (dvehrs at gmail.com)
-" Copyright:     2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 Dave Vehrs
-"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
-"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
-"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
-"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
-" Description:   Vim colorscheme file.
-" Install:       Place this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors) or 
-"                in the shared colors directory (/usr/shared/vim/vim<version>/colors/),
-"                then load it with :colorscheme relaxedgreen
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-  syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "relaxedgreen"
-highlight Cursor        term=reverse      ctermfg=green ctermbg=blue                      guifg=#000000 guibg=#559955
-highlight CursorIM      term=reverse      ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkgreen                 guifg=#000000 guibg=#336633
-highlight CursorColumn  term=none         ctermbg=darkred                                 guibg=#663333
-highlight CursorLine    term=none         ctermbg=darkblue                                guibg=#333366
-highlight Comment       term=italic       ctermfg=darkcyan ctermbg=black                  guifg=#00a594
-highlight Constant      term=underline    ctermfg=blue                                    guifg=#0099dd
-highlight Debug         term=bold         ctermfg=red ctermbg=black                       guifg=#dc0000 guibg=#000000
-highlight DiffAdd       term=reverse      ctermfg=black ctermbg=cyan                      guifg=#000000 guibg=#007200
-highlight DiffChange    term=underline    cterm=reverse ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=black   guifg=#000000 guibg=#006700
-highlight DiffDelete    term=standout     ctermfg=black ctermbg=cyan                      guifg=#000000 guibg=#007200
-highlight DiffText      term=bold         ctermfg=green ctermbg=black                     guifg=#00ac00 guibg=#000000
-highlight Directory     term=underline    ctermfg=green ctermbg=black                     guifg=#336633 guibg=#000000
-highlight Error         term=reverse,bold ctermfg=black ctermbg=red                       guifg=#000000 guibg=#dc0000
-highlight ErrorMsg      term=reverse,bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=red                       guifg=#ffffff guibg=#dc0000
-highlight Folded                          ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=black                 guifg=#20de20 guibg=#000000
-highlight FoldColumn                      ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=black                 guifg=#20de20 guibg=#000000
-highlight Function      term=standout     ctermfg=darkgreen                               guifg=#22bb22
-highlight Identifier    term=underline    ctermfg=darkcyan                                gui=underline guifg=#008800
-highlight Ignore                          ctermfg=lightgreen                              guifg=#33bb33
-highlight IncSearch     term=reverse      ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkgreen                 guifg=#000000 guibg=#336633
-highlight LineNr        term=bold         ctermfg=green                                   guifg=#00ff00
-highlight MatchParen    term=bold         ctermbg=green                                   guifg=#009900
-highlight ModeMsg       term=bold         cterm=bold                                      gui=bold
-highlight MoreMsg       term=bold         cterm=bold                                      gui=bold
-highlight NonText                         ctermfg=brown                                   guifg=#b26818
-highlight Normal                          ctermfg=gray ctermbg=black                      guifg=#aaaaaa guibg=#000000
-highlight Pmenu         term=reverse      ctermfg=black ctermbg=green                     guifg=#000000 guibg=#337733 
-highlight PmenuSel      term=bold         ctermfg=black  ctermbg=gray                     guifg=#000000 guibg=#999999 
-highlight PmenuSbar     term=reverse      ctermfg=black ctermbg=green                     guifg=#000000 guibg=#337733 
-highlight PmenuThumb    term=reverse      ctermfg=gray ctermbg=black                      guifg=#999999 guibg=#000000 
-highlight PreProc       term=standout     ctermfg=darkgreen                               guifg=#22bb22
-highlight Question      term=standout     ctermfg=red                                     guifg=#ff0000
-highlight Search        term=reverse      ctermfg=black ctermbg=darkgreen                 guifg=#000000 guibg=#228822
-highlight SignColumn                      ctermfg=darkgreen                               guifg=#20de20 guibg=#000000
-highlight Special       term=bold         ctermfg=green                                   guifg=#00ff00
-highlight SpecialKey    term=bold         ctermfg=green                                   guifg=#00ff00
-highlight SpellBad      term=reverse      cterm=underline ctermfg=red ctermbg=black       gui=undercurl guisp=#ff0000
-highlight SpellCap      term=reverse      cterm=underline ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=black    gui=undercurl guisp=#00ffff
-highlight SpellLocal    term=reverse      cterm=underline ctermfg=blue ctermbg=black      gui=undercurl guisp=#0000ff
-highlight SpellRare     term=reverse      cterm=underline ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=black gui=undercurl guisp=#00ff00
-highlight Statement     term=standout     ctermfg=darkred                                 guifg=#ac0000
-highlight StatusLine    term=reverse      ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=black                 gui=none guibg=#228822 guifg=#000000
-highlight StatusLineNC  term=reverse      ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=blue                  gui=none guibg=#336633 guifg=#000000
-highlight TabLine       term=reverse      cterm=reverse ctermfg=black ctermbg=green       guibg=#222222 guifg=#228822
-highlight TabLineFill   term=reverse      cterm=reverse ctermfg=green ctermbg=black       guibg=#222222 guifg=#226622
-highlight TabLineSel                      ctermfg=black ctermbg=green                     guibg=#228822 guifg=#222222
-highlight Title         term=reverse      ctermfg=black ctermbg=green                     guifg=#000000 guibg=#00ff00
-highlight Todo          term=reverse      cterm=reverse ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=black   guibg=#336633 guifg=#000000
-highlight Type          term=standout     ctermfg=green                                   guifg=#559955
-highlight Visual        term=reverse      cterm=reverse ctermfg=darkgreen                 guifg=#000000 guibg=#336633
-highlight VisualNOS     term=reverse,bold cterm=reverse ctermbg=darkgreen                 guifg=#000000 guibg=#228822
-highlight VertSplit     term=reverse      ctermfg=darkgreen                               guifg=#336633
-highlight User1         term=standout     cterm=bold ctermbg=darkgreen ctermfg=red        gui=bold guibg=#228822 guifg=#FF0000
-highlight WarningMsg    term=reverse      ctermfg=black ctermbg=yellow                    guifg=#000000 guibg=#007a7a
-highlight WildMenu      term=reverse      ctermfg=blue ctermbg=darkgreen                  guifg=#000099 guibg=#00ac00   
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Common groups that link to other highlight definitions.
-highlight link Character      Constant
-highlight link Number         Constant
-highlight link Boolean        Constant
-highlight link String         Constant
-highlight link Operator       LineNr
-highlight link Float          Number
-highlight link Define         PreProc
-highlight link Include        PreProc
-highlight link Macro          PreProc
-highlight link PreCondit      PreProc
-highlight link Repeat         Question
-highlight link Conditional    Repeat
-highlight link Delimiter      Special
-highlight link SpecialChar    Special
-highlight link SpecialComment Special
-highlight link Tag            Special
-highlight link Exception     Statement
-highlight link Keyword       Statement
-highlight link Label         Statement
-highlight link StorageClass  Type
-highlight link Structure     Type
-highlight link Typedef       Type
-" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" vim:tw=132:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/colors/robinhood.vim b/colors/robinhood.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index ab1d14d..0000000
--- a/colors/robinhood.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer: Datila Carvalho <datila at hotmail.com>
-" Last Change: May, 19, 2005
-" Version: 0.2
-" This is a VIM's version of the emacs color theme
-" _Robin Hood_ created by Alex Schroede.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name = "robinhood"
-""" Colors
-" GUI colors
-hi Cursor               guifg=fg guibg=gray
-hi CursorIM             guifg=NONE guibg=gray
-"hi Directory
-"hi DiffAdd
-"hi DiffChange
-"hi DiffDelete
-"hi DiffText
-hi ErrorMsg             gui=bold guifg=white guibg=Red
-"hi VertSplit
-"hi Folded
-"hi FoldColumn
-"hi IncSearch
-hi LineNr               gui=bold guifg=yellowgreen guibg=#203010
-"hi ModeMsg
-"hi MoreMsg
-"hi NonText
-hi Normal               guibg=#304020 guifg=wheat
-"hi Question
-hi Search               gui=bold guifg=black guibg=gray
-"hi SpecialKey
-hi StatusLine           guifg=darkolivegreen guibg=wheat
-hi StatusLineNC         guifg=olivedrab guibg=wheat
-"hi Title
-hi Visual               guifg=darkslategrey guibg=fg
-hi VisualNOS            gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=fg
-hi WarningMsg           guifg=White guibg=Tomato
-"hi WildMenu
-hi User2                guifg=yellowgreen guibg=#091900 gui=bold
-" If using Motif/Athena
-hi Menu                 guibg=#304020 guifg=wheat
-hi Scrollbar            guibg=bg
-" Colors for syntax highlighting
-hi Comment              guifg=lightblue
-hi Constant             gui=bold guifg=lightcyan
-    hi String           guifg=lightsalmon
-    hi Character        guifg=lightsalmon
-    hi Number           gui=bold guifg=lightcyan
-    hi Boolean          gui=bold guifg=lightcyan
-    hi Float            gui=bold guifg=lightcyan
-hi Identifier           gui=bold guifg=palegreen
-    hi Function         guifg=yellowgreen
-hi Statement            gui=bold guifg=salmon
-    hi Conditional      gui=bold guifg=salmon
-    hi Repeat           gui=bold guifg=salmon
-    hi Label            guifg=salmon
-    hi Operator         guifg=salmon
-    "hi Keyword
-    "hi Exception
-hi PreProc              guifg=palegreen
-    hi Include          gui=bold guifg=palegreen
-    hi Define           guifg=palegreen
-    hi Macro            guifg=aquamarine
-    hi PreCondit        guifg=palegreen
-hi Type                 gui=bold guifg=yellowgreen
-    hi StorageClass     gui=bold guifg=aquamarine
-    hi Structure        gui=bold guifg=aquamarine
-    hi Typedef          gui=bold guifg=aquamarine
-"hi Special
-    ""Underline Character
-    "hi SpecialChar      gui=underline
-    "hi Tag              gui=bold,underline
-    ""Statement
-    "hi Delimiter        gui=bold
-    ""Bold comment (in Java at least)
-    "hi SpecialComment   gui=bold
-    "hi Debug            gui=bold
-hi Underlined           gui=underline
-hi Ignore               guifg=bg
-hi Error                gui=bold guifg=White guibg=Red
-"hi Todo
diff --git a/colors/rootwater.vim b/colors/rootwater.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb4f1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/rootwater.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+" Name: rootwater.vim
+" Maintainer:   Kojo Sugita
+" Last Change:  2008-11-22
+" Revision: 1.2
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = 'rootwater'
+" Default colors
+hi Normal       guifg=#babdb6   guibg=#151b1d
+hi NonText      guifg=#4f5b5d   guibg=#232729   gui=none
+hi SpecialKey   guifg=#4f5b5d   guibg=#2c3032   gui=none
+hi Cursor       guifg=#3a553a   guibg=#77dd88
+hi CursorLine   guibg=#303035
+hi lCursor      guifg=#3a553a   guibg=#77dd88
+hi CursorIM     guifg=#3a553a   guibg=#77dd88
+" Directory
+hi Directory    guifg=white gui=bold
+" Diff
+hi DiffAdd      guifg=#77dd88   guibg=#3a553a   gui=none
+hi DiffChange   guifg=#77dd88   guibg=#3a553a   gui=none
+hi DiffDelete   guifg=#223322   guibg=#223322   gui=none
+hi DiffText     guifg=#77dd88   guibg=#448844   gui=bold
+hi ErrorMsg     guifg=red       guibg=black
+hi VertSplit    guifg=black     guibg=#88ee99
+" Folds
+hi Folded       guifg=#55af66   guibg=black
+hi FoldColumn   guifg=#557755   guibg=#102010
+" Search
+hi Search       guifg=#223322   guibg=#55af66   gui=none
+hi IncSearch    guifg=#3a553a   guibg=#77dd88   gui=none
+" hi LineNr     guifg=#446644 guibg=black gui=none
+hi LineNr       guifg=#607075   guibg=black     gui=none
+hi ModeMsg      guifg=#55af66   guibg=black
+hi MoreMsg      guifg=#55af66   guibg=black
+hi Question     guifg=#55af66   guibg=black
+"\n, \0, %d, %s, etc...
+hi Special      guifg=pink                      gui=none
+" status line
+hi StatusLine   guifg=#88ee99   guibg=black     gui=none
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=#446644   guibg=black     gui=none
+hi Title        guifg=#88ee99   guibg=#000000   gui=none
+hi Visual       guifg=#77dd88   guibg=#448844   gui=none
+hi VisualNOS    guifg=#55af66   guibg=black
+hi WarningMsg   guifg=#77dd88   guibg=black
+hi WildMenu     guifg=#3a553a   guibg=#77dd88
+hi Number       guifg=#77dd88
+hi Char         guifg=#77dd88
+hi String       guifg=#77dd88
+hi Boolean      guifg=#77dd88
+hi Comment      guifg=#656565
+hi Constant     guifg=#88ee99                   gui=none
+hi Identifier   guifg=white
+hi Statement    guifg=#8fffff                   gui=none
+" Procedure name
+hi Function     guifg=#ffaa33
+" Define, def
+hi PreProc      guifg=lightred                  gui=none
+hi Type         guifg=white                     gui=none
+hi Underlined   guifg=gray                      gui=underline
+hi Error        guifg=red                       guibg=black
+hi Todo         guifg=pink      guibg=black     gui=none
+hi SignColumn   guibg=#151b1d
+" Matches
+hi MatchParen   guifg=#000000   guibg=#ffaa33
+" Pmenu
+if version >= 700
+  hi Pmenu      guibg=#202530
+  hi PmenuSel   guifg=#88ee99   guibg=black
+  hi PmenuSbar  guibg=#202530
+  hi TabLine      guifg=#446644 guibg=black     gui=None
+  hi TabLineFill  guibg=#232729 guibg=#232729   gui=None
+  hi TabLineSel   guifg=#88ee99 guibg=black     gui=None
+" vim:set ts=8 sts=2 sw=2 tw=0:
diff --git a/colors/sea.vim b/colors/sea.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c79c47..0000000
--- a/colors/sea.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-"  Maintainer: Tiza
-" Last Change: 2002/10/30 Wed 00:01.
-"     version: 1.0
-" This color scheme uses a dark background.
-set background=dark
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-   syntax reset
-let colors_name = "sea"
-hi Normal       guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=#343478
-" Search
-hi IncSearch    gui=UNDERLINE,BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#c030ff
-hi Search       gui=BOLD guifg=#f0e0ff guibg=#b020ff
-" Messages
-hi ErrorMsg     gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#f000a0
-hi WarningMsg   gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#f000a0
-hi ModeMsg      gui=BOLD guifg=#00e0ff guibg=NONE
-hi MoreMsg      gui=BOLD guifg=#00ffff guibg=#6060ff
-hi Question     gui=BOLD guifg=#00f0d0 guibg=NONE
-" Split area
-hi StatusLine   gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#d0d0e0
-hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=#606080 guibg=#d0d0e0
-hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=#606080 guibg=#d0d0e0
-hi WildMenu     gui=NONE guifg=#000000 guibg=#ff90ff
-" Diff
-hi DiffText     gui=UNDERLINE guifg=#ffff00 guibg=#000000
-hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#000000
-hi DiffDelete   gui=NONE guifg=#60ff60 guibg=#000000
-hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=#60ff60 guibg=#000000
-" Cursor
-hi Cursor       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#d86020
-hi lCursor      gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#e000b0
-hi CursorIM     gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#e000b0
-" Fold
-hi Folded       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#0080a0
-hi FoldColumn   gui=NONE guifg=#9090ff guibg=#3c3c88
-" Other
-hi Directory    gui=NONE guifg=#00ffff guibg=NONE
-hi LineNr       gui=NONE guifg=#7070e8 guibg=NONE
-hi NonText      gui=BOLD guifg=#8080ff guibg=#2c2c78
-hi SpecialKey   gui=BOLD guifg=#60c0ff guibg=NONE
-hi Title        gui=BOLD guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=NONE
-hi Visual       gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#6060ff
-" hi VisualNOS  gui=NONE guifg=#ffffff guibg=#6060ff
-" Syntax group
-hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=#b0b0c8 guibg=NONE
-hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=#60ffff guibg=NONE
-hi Error        gui=BOLD guifg=#ffffff guibg=#f000a0
-hi Identifier   gui=NONE guifg=#c0c0ff guibg=NONE
-hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=#303080 guibg=NONE
-hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=#ffb0ff guibg=NONE
-hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=#ffd858 guibg=NONE
-hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=#f0f060 guibg=NONE
-hi Todo         gui=BOLD,UNDERLINE guifg=#ff70e0 guibg=NONE
-hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=#40ff80 guibg=NONE
-hi Underlined   gui=UNDERLINE,BOLD guifg=#f0f0f8 guibg=NONE
diff --git a/colors/settlemyer.vim b/colors/settlemyer.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..675d3c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/settlemyer.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer: Max Lynch <lynch3 at wisc.edu>
+" URL:  http://muffinpeddler.com
+" Version: 0.1
+" :he group-name
+" :he highlight-groups
+" :he cterm-colors
+set background=dark
+if version > 580
+    " no guarantees for version 5.8 and below, but this makes it stop
+    " complaining
+    hi clear
+    if exists("syntax_on")
+        syntax reset
+    endif
+let g:colors_name="settlemyer"
+hi Normal guibg=gray25 guifg=gray85
+hi Cursor guibg=red3 guifg=bg
+" Syntax Highlighting
+hi Comment guifg=LightPink
+hi Constant guifg=SpringGreen
+" hi Identifier gui=bold guifg=SkyBlue
+" hi Function guifg=Wheat3
+" hi Type guifg=orange1
+hi Keyword guifg=SkyBlue
+hi PreProc guifg=SkyBlue
+hi Statement guifg=SkyBlue
+hi Type gui=bold guifg=SkyBlue
+hi NonText guifg=DarkGray
+hi Tags guifg=orange1
+hi link Character               Constant
+hi link Number                  Constant
+hi link Float                   Constant
+hi link Function                Statement
+hi link Conditional             Statement
+hi link Repeat                  Statement
+hi link Label                   Statement
+hi link Operator                Statement
+hi link Keyword                 Statement
+hi link Include                 PreProc
+hi link Define                  PreProc
+hi link Macro                   PreProc
+hi link PreCondit               PreProc
+hi link StorageClass    Type
+hi link Structure               Type
+hi link Typedef                 Type
+hi link Tag                             Tags
diff --git a/colors/sienna.vim b/colors/sienna.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d6cd30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/sienna.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+" Vim colour scheme
+" Maintainer:   Georg Dahn
+" Last Change:  26 April 2006
+" Version:      1.6
+" This color scheme has both light and dark styles with harmonic colors
+" easy to distinguish. Terminals are not supported, therefore you should
+" only try it if you use the GUI version of Vim.
+" You can choose the style by adding one of the following lines to your
+" vimrc or gvimrc file before sourcing the color scheme:
+" let g:sienna_style = 'dark'
+" let g:sienna_style = 'light'
+" If none of above lines is given, the light style is choosen.
+" You can switch between these styles by using the :Colo command, like
+" :Colo dark or :Colo light (many thanks to Pan Shizhu).
+if exists("g:sienna_style")
+    let s:sienna_style = g:sienna_style
+    let s:sienna_style = 'light'
+execute "command! -nargs=1 Colo let g:sienna_style = \"<args>\" | colo sienna"
+if s:sienna_style == 'dark'
+    set background=dark
+elseif s:sienna_style == 'light'
+    set background=light
+    finish
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = 'sienna'
+if s:sienna_style == 'dark'
+    hi Normal gui=none guifg=Grey85 guibg=Grey15
+    hi Cursor guifg=Black guibg=Grey85
+    hi LineNr gui=none guifg=Grey65
+    hi NonText gui=bold guifg=Grey65 guibg=Grey20
+    hi SpecialKey gui=none guifg=SkyBlue2
+    hi Title gui=bold guifg=Grey85
+    hi Visual gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=LightSalmon1
+    hi FoldColumn gui=none guifg=Black guibg=Wheat3
+    hi Folded gui=none guifg=White guibg=Wheat4
+    hi StatusLine gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=Grey85
+    hi StatusLineNC gui=none guifg=White guibg=DimGray
+    hi VertSplit gui=none guifg=White guibg=DimGray
+    hi Wildmenu gui=bold guifg=White guibg=Black
+    hi Pmenu guibg=Grey55 guifg=Black gui=none
+    hi PmenuSbar guibg=Grey40 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi PmenuSel guibg=Yellow2 guifg=Black gui=none
+    hi PmenuThumb guibg=Grey80 guifg=bg gui=none    
+    hi IncSearch gui=none guifg=Grey15 guibg=Grey85
+    hi Search gui=none guifg=Black guibg=Yellow2
+    hi MoreMsg gui=bold guifg=PaleGreen2
+    hi Question gui=bold guifg=PaleGreen2
+    hi WarningMsg gui=bold guifg=Red
+    hi Comment gui=italic guifg=SkyBlue3
+    hi Error gui=none guifg=White guibg=Red2
+    hi Identifier gui=none guifg=LightSalmon2
+    hi Special gui=none guifg=SkyBlue2
+    hi PreProc gui=none guifg=SkyBlue3
+    hi Todo gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=Yellow2
+    hi Type gui=bold guifg=SkyBlue2
+    hi Underlined gui=underline guifg=DodgerBlue
+    hi Boolean gui=bold guifg=PaleGreen2
+    hi Constant gui=none guifg=PaleGreen2
+    hi Number gui=bold guifg=PaleGreen2
+    hi String gui=none guifg=PaleGreen2
+    hi Label gui=bold,underline guifg=LightSalmon2
+    hi Statement gui=bold guifg=LightSalmon2
+    hi htmlBold gui=bold
+    hi htmlItalic gui=italic
+    hi htmlUnderline gui=underline
+    hi htmlBoldItalic gui=bold,italic
+    hi htmlBoldUnderline gui=bold,underline
+    hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic gui=bold,underline,italic
+    hi htmlUnderlineItalic gui=underline,italic
+elseif s:sienna_style == 'light'
+    hi Normal gui=none guifg=Black guibg=White
+    hi Cursor guifg=White guibg=Black
+    hi LineNr gui=none guifg=DarkGray
+    hi NonText gui=bold guifg=DarkGray guibg=Grey95
+    hi SpecialKey gui=none guifg=RoyalBlue4
+    hi Title gui=bold guifg=Black
+    hi Visual gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=Sienna1
+    hi FoldColumn gui=none guifg=Black guibg=Wheat2
+    hi Folded gui=none guifg=Black guibg=Wheat1
+    hi StatusLine gui=bold guifg=White guibg=Black
+    hi StatusLineNC gui=none guifg=White guibg=DimGray
+    hi VertSplit gui=none guifg=White guibg=DimGray
+    hi Wildmenu gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=White
+    hi Pmenu guibg=Grey65 guifg=Black gui=none
+    hi PmenuSbar guibg=Grey50 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi PmenuSel guibg=Yellow guifg=Black gui=none
+    hi PmenuThumb guibg=Grey75 guifg=fg gui=none
+    hi IncSearch gui=none guifg=White guibg=Black
+    hi Search gui=none guifg=Black guibg=Yellow
+    hi MoreMsg gui=bold guifg=ForestGreen
+    hi Question gui=bold guifg=ForestGreen
+    hi WarningMsg gui=bold guifg=Red
+    hi Comment gui=italic guifg=RoyalBlue3
+    hi Error gui=none guifg=White guibg=Red
+    hi Identifier gui=none guifg=Sienna4
+    hi Special gui=none guifg=RoyalBlue4
+    hi PreProc gui=none guifg=RoyalBlue3
+    hi Todo gui=bold guifg=Black guibg=Yellow
+    hi Type gui=bold guifg=RoyalBlue4
+    hi Underlined gui=underline guifg=Blue
+    hi Boolean gui=bold guifg=ForestGreen
+    hi Constant gui=none guifg=ForestGreen
+    hi Number gui=bold guifg=ForestGreen
+    hi String gui=none guifg=ForestGreen
+    hi Label gui=bold,underline guifg=Sienna4
+    hi Statement gui=bold guifg=Sienna4
+    hi htmlBold gui=bold
+    hi htmlItalic gui=italic
+    hi htmlUnderline gui=underline
+    hi htmlBoldItalic gui=bold,italic
+    hi htmlBoldUnderline gui=bold,underline
+    hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic gui=bold,underline,italic
+    hi htmlUnderlineItalic gui=underline,italic
diff --git a/colors/simpleandfriendly.vim b/colors/simpleandfriendly.vim
index ce6cc60..54f835f 100644
--- a/colors/simpleandfriendly.vim
+++ b/colors/simpleandfriendly.vim
@@ -22,35 +22,35 @@ let g:colors_name = "simpleandfriendly"
 "Set nice colors #DC6210
 "Cursor is Cyan when ":lmap" mappings are active
 hi lCursor guibg=Cyan guifg=NONE
-hi LineNr    guifg=white  guibg=#acbbff
+hi LineNr        guifg=white  guibg=#acbbff
 "Text below the last line is darker grey
-hi NonText  guibg=grey80
+hi NonText      guibg=grey80
 "Normal text is black background is grey
-hi Normal   guifg=black     guibg=grey89  ctermfg=Black  ctermbg=LightGrey 
-hi Comment  guifg=Orange    guibg=grey94    ctermfg=DarkCyan    term=bold
+hi Normal       guifg=black             guibg=grey89  ctermfg=Black  ctermbg=LightGrey 
+hi Comment      guifg=Orange    guibg=grey94    ctermfg=DarkCyan        term=bold
 "Constants are not underlined but have a slightly lighter background
-hi Constant guifg=#8080a0   guibg=grey92    gui=NONE  term=underline
-hi String     guifg=#80a0ff     guibg=grey93    gui=NONE  term=underline    
-hi Number     guifg=#80a5ff     guibg=grey91  gui=NONE  ctermfg=Gray  term=none
+hi Constant     guifg=#8080a0   guibg=grey92    gui=NONE  term=underline
+hi String         guifg=#80a0ff         guibg=grey93    gui=NONE  term=underline        
+hi Number         guifg=#80a5ff         guibg=grey91  gui=NONE  ctermfg=Gray  term=none
 "Words like _if_ or _else_  (Grey27)
-hi Statement    guifg=#4A2B99   gui=NONE    ctermfg=Blue
+hi Statement    guifg=#4A2B99   gui=NONE        ctermfg=Blue
-hi Title    guifg=red       ctermfg=red gui=NONE term=BOLD
+hi Title    guifg=red           ctermfg=red gui=NONE term=BOLD
 "color for _NONE_ for instance:
-hi PreProc  term=underline  ctermfg=LightBlue   guifg=#DC6210
+hi PreProc      term=underline  ctermfg=LightBlue       guifg=#DC6210
 "color for _guifg_ for instance: (SlateBlue works here nice too)
-hi Type     guifg=#008080 ctermfg=LightGreen gui=None term=underline    
-hi Function guifg=#61577A   term=bold   
+hi Type         guifg=#008080 ctermfg=LightGreen gui=None term=underline        
+hi Function     guifg=#61577A   term=bold       
 "in lingo the defined functions. (alt: SlateBlue)
 hi Identifier   guifg=Seagreen
 "hi Identifier  term=underline  cterm=bold ctermfg=Cyan guifg=#40ffff
-"hi Repeat  term=underline  ctermfg=White       guifg=white
-"hi Ignore  guifg=bg    ctermfg=black
-hi Error    term=reverse  ctermbg=Red     ctermfg=White guibg=Red guifg=White
-hi Todo     term=standout   ctermbg=Yellow  ctermfg=Black guifg=Blue guibg=Yellow
+"hi Repeat      term=underline  ctermfg=White           guifg=white
+"hi Ignore      guifg=bg        ctermfg=black
+hi Error        term=reverse  ctermbg=Red     ctermfg=White guibg=Red guifg=White
+hi Todo         term=standout   ctermbg=Yellow  ctermfg=Black guifg=Blue guibg=Yellow
 "Special Characters
-hi Special  guibg=grey90    guifg=Slateblue gui=UNDERLINE
+hi Special      guibg=grey90    guifg=Slateblue gui=UNDERLINE
 hi operator guifg=gray25  ctermfg=Black   term=bold   cterm=bold  gui=bold
diff --git a/colors/spring.vim b/colors/spring.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06d79d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/spring.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+" File Name:      spring.vim
+" Abstract:       A color sheme file (only for GVIM), which make the VIM 
+"                 bright with colors. It looks like the flowers are in 
+"                 blossom in Spring.
+" Author:         CHE Wenlong <chewenlong AT buaa.edu.cn>
+" Version:        1.0
+" Last Change:    September 16, 2008
+if !has("gui_running")
+    runtime! colors/default.vim
+    finish
+set background=light
+hi clear
+" Version control
+if version > 580
+    hi clear
+    if exists("syntax_on")
+        syntax reset
+    endif
+let colors_name = "spring"
+" Common
+hi Normal           guifg=#000000   guibg=#cce8cf   gui=NONE
+hi Visual           guibg=#ccffff                   gui=NONE
+hi Cursor           guifg=#f5deb3   guibg=#2f4f4f   gui=NONE
+hi Cursorline       guibg=#ccffff
+hi lCursor          guifg=#000000   guibg=#ffffff   gui=NONE
+hi LineNr           guifg=#1060a0   guibg=#e0e0e0   gui=NONE
+hi Title            guifg=#202020   guibg=NONE      gui=bold
+hi Underlined       guifg=#202020   guibg=NONE      gui=underline
+" Split
+hi StatusLine       guifg=#f5deb3   guibg=#2f4f4f   gui=bold
+hi StatusLineNC     guifg=#f5deb3   guibg=#2f4f4f   gui=NONE
+hi VertSplit        guifg=#2f4f4f   guibg=#2f4f4f   gui=NONE
+" Folder
+hi Folded           guifg=#006699   guibg=#e0e0e0   gui=NONE
+" Syntax
+hi Type             guifg=#009933   guibg=NONE      gui=bold
+hi Define           guifg=#1060a0   guibg=NONE      gui=bold
+hi Comment          guifg=#1e90ff   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+hi Constant         guifg=#a07040   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+hi String           guifg=#a07040   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+hi Number           guifg=#cd0000   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE
+hi Statement        guifg=#fc548f   guibg=NONE      gui=bold
+" Others
+hi PreProc          guifg=#1060a0    guibg=NONE     gui=NONE
+hi Error            guifg=#ff0000    guibg=#ffffff  gui=bold,underline
+hi Todo             guifg=#a0b0c0    guibg=NONE     gui=bold,underline
+hi Special          guifg=#8B038D    guibg=NONE     gui=NONE
+hi SpecialKey       guifg=#d8a080    guibg=#e8e8e8  gui=NONE
+" vim:tabstop=4
diff --git a/colors/synic.vim b/colors/synic.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f47a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/synic.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Filename:      synic.vim
+" Last Modified: May, 14 2007 (10:47)
+" Maintainer:    Adam Olsen (arolsen at gmail.com)
+" Copyright:     2007 Adam Olsen
+"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
+" Description:   Vim colorscheme file.
+" Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
+"                then load it with :colorscheme synic
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------
+""                        SPECIAL NOTE:
+"" I believe this colorscheme is based off of Hans 
+"" Fugal's colorscheme "desert".  
+"" http://hans.fugal.net/vim/colors/desert.html
+"" I might be wrong on this... if it looks like it was based off 
+"" of your colorscheme, let me know so I can give you credits.
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "synic"
+hi Normal       guifg=ivory guibg=Black
+hi TabLineFill  guifg=#272d2f guibg=#272d2f gui=None
+hi TabLine  guifg=MistyRose3 guibg=#272d2f gui=None
+hi TabLineSel   guifg=LightBlue3 guibg=#272d2f gui=None
+hi ErrorMsg     gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
+hi IncSearch    gui=NONE guibg=LightGreen guifg=Black
+hi ModeMsg      gui=NONE guifg=fg guibg=bg
+hi StatusLine   gui=NONE guifg=LightBlue3 guibg=#272d2f
+hi StatusLineNC gui=NONE guifg=MistyRose3 guibg=#272d2f
+hi VertSplit    gui=NONE guifg=LightBlue4 guibg=Black
+hi Visual       gui=reverse guifg=LightBlue4 guibg=Black
+hi VisualNOS    gui=underline guifg=fg guibg=bg
+hi DiffText     gui=NONE guifg=Yellow guibg=LightSkyBlue4
+hi Cursor       guibg=Lavender guifg=Black
+hi lCursor      guibg=Lavender guifg=Black
+hi Directory    guifg=LightGreen guibg=bg
+hi LineNr       guifg=LightBlue3 guibg=bg
+hi MoreMsg      gui=NONE guifg=SeaGreen guibg=bg
+hi NonText      gui=NONE guifg=Cyan4 guibg=Black
+hi Question     gui=NONE guifg=LimeGreen guibg=bg
+hi Search       gui=NONE guifg=SkyBlue4 guibg=Bisque
+hi SpecialKey   guifg=Cyan guibg=bg
+hi Title        gui=NONE guifg=Yellow2 guibg=bg
+hi WarningMsg   guifg=Tomato3 guibg=Black
+hi WildMenu     gui=NONE guifg=Black guibg=SkyBlue4
+hi Folded       guifg=#f4aba2 guibg=bg
+hi FoldColumn   guifg=DarkBlue guibg=Grey
+hi DiffAdd      gui=NONE guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan
+hi DiffChange   gui=NONE guifg=white guibg=LightCyan4
+hi DiffDelete   gui=None guifg=LightBlue guibg=LightCyan
+hi Constant     gui=NONE guifg=MistyRose3 guibg=bg
+hi String       gui=NONE guifg=LightBlue3 guibg=bg
+hi Special      gui=NONE guifg=GoldenRod guibg=bg
+hi Statement    gui=NONE guifg=khaki guibg=bg
+hi Operator     gui=NONE guifg=#8673e8 guibg=bg
+hi Ignore       gui=NONE guifg=bg guibg=bg
+hi ToDo         gui=NONE guifg=DodgerBlue guibg=bg
+hi Error        gui=NONE guifg=Red guibg=Linen
+hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=SlateGrey guibg=bg
+hi Comment      gui=NONE guifg=#62c600 guibg=bg
+hi Identifier   gui=bold guifg=LightBlue4 guibg=bg
+hi PreProc      gui=NONE guifg=#ffa0a0 guibg=bg
+hi Type         gui=NONE guifg=NavajoWhite guibg=bg
+hi Underlined   gui=underline guifg=fg guibg=bg
+" vim: sw=2
diff --git a/colors/tabula.vim b/colors/tabula.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61cd0ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/tabula.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+" ============================================================================
+" Filename:      tabula.vim
+" Last Modified: 2007-02-08
+" Version:       1.3.2
+" Maintainer:    Bernd Pol (bernd.pol AT online DOT de)
+" Copyright:     2006 Bernd Pol
+"                This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
+"                modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as 
+"                published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of 
+"                the License, or (at your option) any later version. 
+" Description:   Vim colorscheme based on marklar.vim by SM Smithfield,
+"                slightly modified for harmonic, yet easily distinguishable
+"                display on GUI and a 256 color xterm as well.
+" Install:       Put this file in the users colors directory (~/.vim/colors)
+"                then load it with :colorscheme tabula
+" =============================================================================
+" Latest Changes:
+" =============================================================================
+" - automize options setting
+" - keep options in some setup file, e.g.:
+"   tabula.rc, sub e.g. "<OPTIONS> ... </OPTIONS>" marks
+" - options set up per directory (autoload option)
+"   such that text files be displayed other than e.g. c sources
+" =============================================================================
+hi clear
+set background=dark
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "tabula"
+"let g:Tabula_setOptions = 0
+"                              Option Settings                             {{{1
+" Use these in your .vimrc file before the ':colorscheme tabula' line
+" Alternatively set the options variable from the command line, e.g.
+"       :let Tabula_LNumUnderline=1
+" and then call
+"       :colorscheme tabula
+" again.
+" Display Statements In Bold:                                              {{{2
+"       Tabula_BoldStatement = 0        statements display not bold
+"       Tabula_BoldStatement = 1        statements display bold
+" Defaults to non-bold display.
+let s:BoldStatement = 0
+if exists("g:Tabula_BoldStatement")
+  let s:BoldStatement = g:Tabula_BoldStatement
+" Set GUI Cursor Color:                                                    {{{2
+"       Tabula_CurColor = 'blue'
+"       Tabula_CurColor = 'red'
+"       Tabula_CurColor = 'yellow'
+"       Tabula_CurColor = 'white'
+" Defaults to 'blue'.
+let s:CurColor = "blue"
+if exists("g:Tabula_CurColor")
+  let s:CurColor = g:Tabula_CurColor
+" Set Color For Preprocessor Statements:                                   {{{2
+"       Tabula_ColorPre = 'blue'        purple-blue
+"       Tabula_ColorPre = 'red'         orange-red
+"       Tabula_ColorPre = 'yellow'      lightgreen-yellow
+" Defaults to 'blue'.
+let s:ColorPre = "blue"
+if exists("g:Tabula_ColorPre")
+  if g:Tabula_ColorPre == "red" || g:Tabula_ColorPre == "yellow"
+    let s:ColorPre = g:Tabula_ColorPre
+  endif
+" Use Dark Error Background:                                               {{{2
+" Sometimes desirable for less distracting error highlighting.
+"       Tabula_DarkError = 0            light red error background
+"       Tabula_DarkError = 1            dark red error background
+" Defaults to light error background.
+let s:DarkError = 0
+if exists("g:Tabula_DarkError")
+  let s:DarkError = g:Tabula_DarkError
+" Use Multiple Colors For Constant Values:                                 {{{2
+"       Tabula_FlatConstants = 0        use different color for each type
+"       Tabula_FlatConstants = 1        use common color for all
+" Defaults to using common colors.
+let s:FlatConstants = 1
+if exists("g:Tabula_FlatConstants")
+  let s:FlatConstants = g:Tabula_FlatConstants
+" How To Display Ignore And NonText Characters:                            {{{2
+"       Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 0      slightly visible
+"                                       (good for Vim documentation editing)
+"       Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 1      invisible on standard background
+" Defaults to invisible display.
+let s:InvisibleIgnore = 1
+if exists("g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore")
+  let s:InvisibleIgnore = g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore
+" Show Line Numbers Underlined:                                            {{{2
+" Sometimes useful to spot a line more easily.
+"       Tabula_LNumUnderline = 0        not underlined
+"       Tabula_LNumUnderline = 1        line numbers are underlined
+" Defaults to not underlined.
+let s:LNumUnderline = 0
+if exists("g:Tabula_LNumUnderline")
+  let s:LNumUnderline = g:Tabula_LNumUnderline
+" Let Search Occurrences Stand Out More Prominently:                       {{{2
+"       Tabula_SearchStandOut = 0       normal dark background display
+"       Tabula_SearchStandOut = 1       prominent underlined display
+"       Tabula_SearchStandOut = 2       even more prominent display
+" Defaults to normal display.
+let s:SearchStandOut=0
+if exists("g:Tabula_SearchStandOut")
+  let s:SearchStandOut = g:Tabula_SearchStandOut
+" How To Display TODOs And Similar:                                        {{{2
+"       Tabula_TodoUnderline = 0        display on a blue background
+"       Tabula_TodoUnderline = 1        display them underlined white
+" Defaults to underlined display.
+let s:TodoUnderline=1
+if exists("g:Tabula_TodoUnderline")
+  let s:TodoUnderline = g:Tabula_TodoUnderline
+"                             Color Definitions                            {{{1
+if version >= 700
+    hi SpellBad         guisp=#FF0000
+    hi SpellCap         guisp=#afaf00
+    hi SpellRare        guisp=#bf4040
+    hi SpellLocal       guisp=#00afaf                                                   ctermbg=0
+    hi Pmenu            guifg=#00ffff   guibg=#000000                   ctermfg=51      ctermbg=0
+    hi PmenuSel         guifg=#ffff00   guibg=#000000   gui=bold        ctermfg=226                     cterm=bold
+    hi PmenuSbar                        guibg=#204d40                                   ctermbg=6
+    hi PmenuThumb       guifg=#38ff56                                   ctermfg=3
+    hi CursorColumn                     guibg=#096354                                   ctermbg=29
+    hi CursorLine                       guibg=#096354                                   ctermbg=29
+    hi Tabline          guifg=bg        guibg=fg        gui=NONE        ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=NONE    cterm=reverse,bold
+    hi TablineSel       guifg=#20012e   guibg=#00a675   gui=bold
+    hi TablineFill      guifg=#689C7C
+    hi MatchParen       guifg=#38ff56   guibg=#0000ff   gui=bold        ctermfg=14      ctermbg=21      cterm=bold
+"hi Comment             guifg=#00C5E7                                   ctermfg=39      
+hi Comment              guifg=#00C5E7                                   ctermfg=51
+" Constant Colors:
+if s:FlatConstants
+  hi Constant           guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+  hi Boolean            guifg=#7EDBD8                                   ctermfg=123
+  hi Character          guifg=#AFD000                                   ctermfg=148
+  hi Float              guifg=#AF87DF                                   ctermfg=141
+  hi Number             guifg=#00A7F7                                   ctermfg=39
+  hi String             guifg=#00DF00                                   ctermfg=46
+" Cursor Colors:
+if s:CurColor == "yellow"
+  hi Cursor             guifg=#000000   guibg=#EFEF00
+elseif s:CurColor == "red"
+  " Note: Input cursor will be invisible on Error Group
+  hi Cursor             guifg=#00007F   guibg=#F70000
+elseif s:CurColor == "blue"
+  hi Cursor             guifg=#00007F   guibg=#00EFEF
+elseif s:CurColor == "white"
+  hi Cursor             guifg=#000000   guibg=#FFFFFF
+hi DiffAdd              guifg=NONE      guibg=#136769                   ctermfg=4       ctermbg=7       cterm=NONE
+hi DiffDelete           guifg=NONE      guibg=#50694A                   ctermfg=1       ctermbg=7       cterm=NONE
+hi DiffChange           guifg=fg        guibg=#00463c   gui=None        ctermfg=4       ctermbg=2       cterm=NONE
+hi DiffText             guifg=#7CFC94   guibg=#00463c   gui=bold        ctermfg=4       ctermbg=3       cterm=NONE
+hi Directory            guifg=#25B9F8   guibg=NONE                                                      ctermfg=2
+" Error Colors:
+if s:DarkError
+"  hi Error             guifg=#FF0000   guibg=#303800   gui=NONE        ctermfg=9       ctermbg=236     cterm=NONE
+  hi Error              guifg=NONE      guibg=#303800   gui=NONE        ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=236     cterm=NONE
+  if s:CurColor == "red"
+    " Note: We need another background in this case to keep the cursor visible.
+    hi Error            guifg=#FF0000   guibg=#FFFF00   gui=bold        ctermfg=11      ctermbg=9       cterm=NONE
+  else
+    hi Error            guifg=#FFFF00   guibg=#FF0000   gui=NONE        ctermfg=11      ctermbg=9       cterm=NONE
+  endif
+hi ErrorMsg             guifg=#FFFFFF   guibg=#FF0000                   ctermfg=7       ctermbg=1
+hi FoldColumn           guifg=#00BBBB   guibg=#4E4E4E                   ctermfg=14      ctermbg=240
+hi Folded               guifg=#44DDDD   guibg=#4E4E4E                   ctermfg=14      ctermbg=240
+hi Identifier           guifg=#FDAE5A                                   ctermfg=215                     cterm=NONE
+" Ignore Variants:
+if s:InvisibleIgnore
+  " completely invisible
+  hi Ignore             guifg=bg        guibg=NONE                      ctermfg=23
+  hi NonText            guifg=bg        guibg=NONE                      ctermfg=23
+  " nearly invisible
+  hi Ignore             guifg=#005FAF   guibg=NONE                      ctermfg=26
+  hi NonText            guifg=#005FAF   guibg=NONE                      ctermfg=26
+" Line Number Variants:
+" Lines can sometimes be more precisely identified if the line numbers are
+" underlined.
+if s:LNumUnderline
+  hi LineNr             guifg=#00FF00   guibg=#005080   gui=underline   ctermfg=84      ctermbg=24      cterm=underline
+  hi LineNr             guifg=#00FF00   guibg=#005080                   ctermfg=84      ctermbg=24
+hi ModeMsg              guifg=#FFFFFF   guibg=#0000FF   gui=NONE        ctermfg=7       ctermbg=4       cterm=NONE
+hi MoreMsg              guifg=#FFFFFF   guibg=#00A261   gui=NONE        ctermfg=7       ctermbg=28      cterm=NONE
+hi Normal               guifg=#71D289   guibg=#004A41                   ctermfg=84      ctermbg=23 
+" Preprocessor Variants:
+if s:ColorPre == "red"
+  hi PreProc            guifg=#FF5F5F   guibg=bg                        ctermfg=203
+elseif s:ColorPre == "yellow"
+  hi PreProc            guifg=#AFFF00   guibg=bg                        ctermfg=154
+elseif s:ColorPre == "blue"
+  hi PreProc            guifg=#918EE4   guibg=bg                        ctermfg=105
+hi Question             guifg=#E5E500   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE        ctermfg=11      ctermbg=NONE    cterm=NONE
+" Search Stand Out Variants:
+if s:SearchStandOut == 0
+  hi IncSearch          guifg=#D0D0D0   guibg=#206828   gui=NONE        ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=22      cterm=NONE
+  hi Search             guifg=NONE      guibg=#212a81                   ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=18
+elseif s:SearchStandOut == 1
+  hi IncSearch          guifg=#D0D0D0   guibg=#206828   gui=underline   ctermfg=252     ctermbg=22      cterm=underline
+  hi Search             guifg=#FDAD5D   guibg=#202880   gui=underline   ctermfg=215     ctermbg=18      cterm=underline
+elseif s:SearchStandOut == 2
+  hi IncSearch          guibg=#D0D0D0   guifg=#206828   gui=underline   ctermbg=252     ctermfg=22      cterm=underline
+  hi Search             guibg=#FDAD5D   guifg=#202880   gui=underline   ctermbg=215     ctermfg=18      cterm=underline
+hi SignColumn           guifg=#00BBBB   guibg=#204d40
+hi Special              guifg=#00E0F2   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE        ctermfg=45
+hi SpecialKey           guifg=#00F4F4   guibg=#266955
+" Statement Variants:
+if s:BoldStatement
+  hi Statement          guifg=#DEDE00                   gui=bold        ctermfg=11                      cterm=bold
+  hi Statement          guifg=#E4E300                   gui=NONE        ctermfg=11
+hi StatusLine           guifg=#000000   guibg=#7DCEAD   gui=NONE                        ctermbg=00      cterm=reverse
+hi StatusLineNC         guifg=#245748   guibg=#689C7C   gui=NONE        ctermfg=72      ctermbg=23      cterm=reverse
+hi Title                guifg=#7CFC94   guibg=NONE      gui=bold        ctermfg=2                       cterm=bold
+" Todo Variants:
+if s:TodoUnderline
+  " Underlined
+  hi Todo               guifg=#AFD7D7   guibg=NONE      gui=underline   ctermfg=159     ctermbg=NONE    cterm=underline
+  " Blue background
+  hi Todo               guifg=#00FFFF   guibg=#0000FF                   ctermfg=51      ctermbg=4
+hi Type                 guifg=#F269E4   guibg=bg        gui=NONE        ctermfg=213
+hi Underlined                                           gui=underline                                   cterm=underline
+hi VertSplit            guifg=#245748   guibg=#689C7C   gui=NONE        ctermfg=72      ctermbg=23      cterm=reverse
+hi Visual                               guibg=#0B7260   gui=NONE
+hi WarningMsg           guifg=#000087   guibg=#FFFF00                   ctermfg=18      ctermbg=11
+hi WildMenu             guifg=#20012e   guibg=#00a675   gui=bold        ctermfg=NONE    ctermbg=NONE    cterm=bold
+hi pythonPreCondit                                                      ctermfg=2                       cterm=NONE
+hi tkWidget             guifg=#D5B11C   guibg=bg        gui=bold        ctermfg=7                       cterm=bold
+hi tclBookends          guifg=#7CFC94   guibg=NONE      gui=bold        ctermfg=2                       cterm=bold
+" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+" Custom HTML Groups:
+" (see ':help html.vim' for more info)
+let html_my_rendering=1
+hi htmlBold             guifg=#87FFD7                   gui=bold        ctermfg=122                     cterm=bold
+hi htmlBoldItalic       guifg=#87D7EF                   gui=bold        ctermfg=117                     cterm=bold
+hi htmlBoldUnderline    guifg=#87FFD7                   gui=bold,underline ctermfg=122                  cterm=bold,underline
+hi htmlBoldUnderlineItalic guifg=#87D7EF                gui=bold,underline ctermfg=117                  cterm=bold,underline
+hi htmlH1               guifg=#00FF00   guibg=NONE      gui=bold,underline ctermfg=2                    cterm=bold,underline
+hi htmlH2               guifg=#00FF00   guibg=NONE      gui=bold        ctermfg=2                       cterm=bold
+hi htmlH3               guifg=#00FF00   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE        ctermfg=2
+hi htmlH4               guifg=#00C700   guibg=NONE      gui=underline   ctermfg=34                      cterm=underline
+hi htmlH5               guifg=#00C700   guibg=NONE      gui=NONE        ctermfg=34
+hi htmlH6               guifg=#00A700   guibg=NONE      gui=underline   ctermfg=28                      cterm=underline
+hi htmlItalic           guifg=#87D7D7                   gui=NONE        ctermfg=116
+hi htmlLink             guifg=#8787D7                   gui=underline   ctermfg=105                     cterm=underline
+hi htmlUnderline                                        gui=underline                                   cterm=underline
+hi htmlUnderlineItalic  guifg=#87D7D7                   gui=underline   ctermfg=116                     cterm=underline
+" VimOutliner Groups:
+" (see http://www.vimoutliner.org)
+" Note: Make sure to add "colorscheme tabula" to the .vimoutlinerrc file.
+" Indent level colors
+hi OL1                  guifg=#02AAFF                                   ctermfg=33
+hi OL2                  guifg=#02CAE9                                   ctermfg=39
+hi OL3                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
+hi OL4                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
+hi OL5                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
+hi OL6                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
+hi OL7                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
+hi OL8                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
+hi OL9                  guifg=#87D7D7                                   ctermfg=44
+" colors for tags
+hi outlTags             guifg=#F269E4                                   ctermfg=213
+" color for body text
+hi BT1                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi BT2                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi BT3                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi BT4                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi BT5                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi BT6                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi BT7                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi BT8                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi BT9                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+" color for pre-formatted text
+hi PT1                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+hi PT2                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+hi PT3                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+hi PT4                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+hi PT5                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+hi PT6                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+hi PT7                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+hi PT8                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+hi PT9                  guifg=#7DDCDB                                   ctermfg=123
+" color for tables 
+hi TA1                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
+hi TA2                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
+hi TA3                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
+hi TA4                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
+hi TA5                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
+hi TA6                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
+hi TA7                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
+hi TA8                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
+hi TA9                  guifg=#918EE4                                   ctermfg=105
+" color for user text (wrapping)
+hi UT1                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84
+hi UT2                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT3                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT4                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT5                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT6                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT7                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT8                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT9                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+" color for user text (non-wrapping)
+hi UT1                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT2                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT3                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT4                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT5                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT6                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT7                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT8                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84 
+hi UT9                  guifg=#71D289                                   ctermfg=84
+" colors for experimental spelling error highlighting
+" this only works for spellfix.vim with will be cease to exist soon
+hi spellErr             guifg=#E4E300                   gui=underline   ctermfg=11                      cterm=underline
+hi BadWord              guifg=#E4E300                   gui=underline   ctermfg=11                      cterm=underline
+"                              Options Processor                           {{{1
+" Main Dialog:                                                             {{{2
+function! Tabula()
+  call inputsave()
+  let thisOption = 1
+  while thisOption >= 1 && thisOption <= 9
+    redraw
+    let thisOption = inputlist([
+          \                  "Select a 'Tabula_' option:",
+          \                  "1. BoldStatement    Display statements in bold",
+          \                  "2. ColorPre         Set Color for preprocessor statements",
+          \                  "3. CurColor         Set GUI cursor color",
+          \                  "4. DarkError        Use dark error background",
+          \                  "5. FlatConstants    Use multiple colors for constant values",
+          \                  "6. InvisibleIgnore  Display of Ignore and NonText characters",
+          \                  "7. LNumUnderline    Show line numbers underlined",
+          \                  "8. SearchStandOut   Display of search occurrences",
+          \                  "9. TodoUnderline    Display of TODOs and similar"
+          \                  ])
+    redraw
+    if thisOption >= 1 && thisOption <= 9
+      call Tabula_{thisOption}()
+      "let g:Tabula_setOptions = 1
+    endif
+  endwhile
+  call inputrestore()
+" Bold Statements:                                                         {{{2
+function! Tabula_1()
+  let curOption = ""
+  if s:BoldStatement == 0
+    let curOption = "not "
+  endif
+  let optionValue = inputlist([
+        \                     "How to display statements (currently ".curOption."bold)?",
+        \                     "1. bold",
+        \                     "2. not bold"
+        \                     ])
+  if optionValue == 1
+    let g:Tabula_BoldStatement = 1
+  elseif optionValue == 2
+    let g:Tabula_BoldStatement = 0
+  endif
+" Color For Preprocessor Statements:                                       {{{2
+function! Tabula_2()
+  let optionValue = inputlist([
+        \                     "How to display preprocessor statements (currently ".s:ColorPre.")?",
+        \                     "1. blue",
+        \                     "2. red",
+        \                     "3. yellow"
+        \                     ])
+  if optionValue == 1
+    let g:Tabula_ColorPre = "blue"
+  elseif optionValue == 2
+    let g:Tabula_ColorPre = "red"
+  elseif optionValue == 3
+    let g:Tabula_ColorPre = "yellow"
+   endif
+" GUI Cursor Color:                                                        {{{2
+function! Tabula_3()
+  let optionValue = inputlist([
+        \                     "Use which cursor color (currently ".s:CurColor.")?",
+        \                     "1. blue",
+        \                     "2. red",
+        \                     "3. yellow",
+        \                     "4. white"
+        \                     ])
+  if optionValue == 1
+    let g:Tabula_CurColor = "blue"
+  elseif optionValue == 2
+    let g:Tabula_CurColor = "red"
+  elseif optionValue == 3
+    let g:Tabula_CurColor = "yellow"
+  elseif optionValue == 4
+    let g:Tabula_CurColor = "white"
+  endif
+" Use Dark Error Background:                                               {{{2
+function! Tabula_4()
+  let curOption = "light "
+  if s:DarkError
+    let curOption = "dark "
+  endif
+  let optionValue = inputlist([
+        \                     "How to display errors in the text (currently ".curOption."background)?",
+        \                     "1. light background",
+        \                     "2. dark background"
+        \                     ])
+  if optionValue == 1
+    let g:Tabula_DarkError = 0
+  elseif optionValue == 2
+    let g:Tabula_DarkError = 1
+  endif
+" Multiple Constant Colors:                                                {{{2
+function! Tabula_5()
+  let curOption = "one color"
+  if s:FlatConstants == 0
+    let curOption = "multiple colors"
+  endif
+  let optionValue = inputlist([
+        \                     "How to display constant values (currently ".curOption.")?",
+        \                     "1. use one common color for all",
+        \                     "2. use different color for each type"
+        \                     ])
+  if optionValue == 1
+    let g:Tabula_FlatConstants = 1
+  elseif optionValue == 2
+    let g:Tabula_FlatConstants = 0
+  endif
+" Ignore And NonText Characters:                                           {{{2
+function! Tabula_6()
+  let curOption = "invisible"
+  if s:InvisibleIgnore == 0
+    let curOption = "slightly visible"
+  endif
+  let optionValue = inputlist([
+        \                     "Show Ignore and NonText characters (currently ".curOption.")?",
+        \                     "1. invisible",
+        \                     "2. slightly visible"
+        \                     ])
+  if optionValue == 1
+    let g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 1
+  elseif optionValue == 2
+    let g:Tabula_InvisibleIgnore = 0
+  endif
+" Underlined Line Numbers:                                                 {{{2
+function! Tabula_7()
+  let curOption = ""
+  if s:LNumUnderline == 0
+    let curOption = "not "
+  endif
+  let optionValue = inputlist([
+        \                     "How to display line numbers(currently ".curOption."underlined)?",
+        \                     "1. underlined",
+        \                     "2. not underlined"
+        \                     ])
+  if optionValue == 1
+    let g:Tabula_LNumUnderline = 1
+  elseif optionValue == 2
+    let g:Tabula_LNumUnderline = 0
+  endif
+" Let Search Occurrences Stand Out More Prominently:                       {{{2
+function! Tabula_8()
+  if s:SearchStandOut == 0
+    let curOption = "normal"
+  elseif s:SearchStandOut == 1
+    let curOption = "prominent"
+  elseif s:SearchStandOut == 2
+    let curOption = "very prominent"
+  endif
+  let optionValue = inputlist([
+        \                     "How to display search occurrences (currently ".curOption.")?",
+        \                     "1. normal",
+        \                     "2. prominent",
+        \                     "3. very prominent"
+        \                     ])
+  if optionValue == 1
+    let g:Tabula_SearchStandOut = 0
+  elseif optionValue == 2
+    let g:Tabula_SearchStandOut = 1
+  elseif optionValue == 3
+    let g:Tabula_SearchStandOut = 2
+  endif
+" TODOs Display:                                                           {{{2
+function! Tabula_9()
+  let curOption = ""
+  if s:TodoUnderline == 0
+    let curOption = "not "
+  endif
+  let optionValue = inputlist([
+        \                     "How to display TODOs and similar (currently ".curOption."underlined)?",
+        \                     "1. underlined",
+        \                     "2. not underlined"
+        \                     ])
+  if optionValue == 1
+    let g:Tabula_TodoUnderline = 1
+  elseif optionValue == 2
+    let g:Tabula_TodoUnderline = 0
+  endif
+" FIXME: This can't work!
+"if g:Tabula_setOptions
+"  :exe "color tabula"
+"  let g:Tabula_setOptions = 0
+" vim:tw=0:fdm=marker:fdl=0:fdc=3:fen
diff --git a/colors/tango.vim b/colors/tango.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdb6c9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/tango.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+" Tango Vim Color Scheme
+" =======================
+" For best results, set up your terminal with a Tango palette.
+" Instructions for GNOME Terminal:
+" http://uwstopia.nl/blog/2006/07/tango-terminal
+" author:   Michele Campeotto <micampe at micampe.it>
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+    syntax reset
+let colors_name = "tango"
+" Default Colors
+hi Normal       guifg=#eeeeec guibg=#000000
+hi NonText      guifg=#555753 guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi NonText      ctermfg=darkgray
+hi Cursor       guibg=#d3d7cf
+hi lCursor      guibg=#d3d7cf
+" Search
+hi Search       guifg=#eeeeec guibg=#c4a000
+hi Search       cterm=none ctermfg=grey ctermbg=blue
+hi IncSearch    guibg=#eeeeec guifg=#729fcf
+hi IncSearch    cterm=none ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=green
+" Window Elements
+hi StatusLine   guifg=#eeeeec guibg=#4e9a06 gui=bold
+hi StatusLine   ctermfg=white ctermbg=green cterm=bold
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=#d3d7df guibg=#4e9a06
+hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=lightgray ctermbg=darkgreen
+hi VertSplit    guifg=#eeeeec guibg=#eeeeec
+hi Folded       guifg=#eeeeec guibg=#75507b
+hi Folded       ctermfg=white ctermbg=magenta
+hi Visual       guifg=#d3d7cf guibg=#4e9a06
+hi Visual       ctermbg=white ctermfg=lightgreen cterm=reverse
+" Specials
+hi Todo         guifg=#8ae234 guibg=#4e9a06 gui=bold
+hi Todo         ctermfg=white ctermbg=green
+hi Title        guifg=#eeeeec gui=bold
+hi Title        ctermfg=white cterm=bold
+" Syntax
+hi Constant     guifg=#c4a000
+hi Constant     ctermfg=darkyellow
+hi Number       guifg=#729fcf
+hi Number       ctermfg=darkblue
+hi Statement    guifg=#4e9a06 gui=bold
+hi Statement    ctermfg=green
+hi Identifier   guifg=#8ae234
+hi Identifier   ctermfg=darkgreen
+hi PreProc      guifg=#cc0000
+hi PreProc      ctermfg=darkred
+hi Comment      guifg=#06989a gui=italic
+hi Comment      ctermfg=cyan cterm=none
+hi Type         guifg=#d3d7cf gui=bold
+hi Type         ctermfg=gray cterm=bold
+hi Special      guifg=#75507b
+hi Special      ctermfg=magenta cterm=none
+hi Error        guifg=#eeeeec guibg=#ef2929
+hi Error        ctermfg=white ctermbg=red
+" Diff
+hi DiffAdd      guifg=fg guibg=#3465a4 gui=none
+hi DiffAdd      ctermfg=gray ctermbg=blue cterm=none
+hi DiffChange   guifg=fg guibg=#555753 gui=none
+hi DiffChange   ctermfg=gray ctermbg=darkgray cterm=none
+hi DiffDelete   guibg=bg
+hi DiffDelete   ctermfg=gray ctermbg=none cterm=none
+hi DiffText     guifg=fg guibg=#c4a000 gui=none
+hi DiffText     ctermfg=gray ctermbg=yellow cterm=none
diff --git a/colors/tango2.vim b/colors/tango2.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..330fe89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/tango2.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+" =============================================================================
+" Name: Tango2
+" Purpose: Another colour scheme using the Tango colour palette
+" Maintainer: Pranesh Srinivasan
+" Last Modified: Saturday 04 October 2008 02:06:26 AM IST
+" =============================================================================
+" Inspired from some Gnome renditions of the Tango colour scheme.
+" =============================================================================
+" Preamble
+" =============================================================================
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax-on")
+syntax reset
+let colors_name = "tango2"
+" =============================================================================
+" Vim >= 7.0 specific colours
+" =============================================================================
+if version >= 700
+" No support for cursor line yet
+" hi CursorLine term=underline cterm=underline guibg=#111133
+" hi CursorColoumn
+" hi MatchParen
+" hi Pmenu
+" hi PmenuSel
+" =============================================================================
+" General colours
+" =============================================================================
+hi Normal guibg=#2E3436 guifg=#eeeeec 
+hi Cursor gui=none guibg=White guifg=Black
+hi Folded guibg=#4D585B guibg=#d2d2d2
+" No fold column support yet 
+" hi FoldColumn guifg=Orange guibg=DarkBlue
+" =============================================================================
+" Syntax highlighting
+" =============================================================================
+hi Comment gui=italic guifg=#6d7e8a ctermfg=Grey
+hi Todo term=bold guifg=#EBC450 
+hi Constant guifg=#8ae234
+hi Type guifg=#8AE234
+hi Function gui=bold guifg=#9BCF8D
+hi Statement guifg=#729FCF
+hi Identifier guifg=#AD7FA8
+hi PreProc guifg=#e9ba6e 
+hi Special term=underline guifg=#5EAFE5
+hi Search guibg=#81ABBD
+" hi QtClass guifg=Orange ctermfg=LightBlue
diff --git a/colors/tolerable.vim b/colors/tolerable.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b97b9a..0000000
--- a/colors/tolerable.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Ian Langworth
-" Last Change:  2004 Dec 24
-" Email:        <langworth.com>
-" Color settings inspired by BBEdit for Mac OS, plus I liked
-" the low-contrast comments from the 'oceandeep' colorscheme
-set background=light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="tolerable"
-hi Cursor       guifg=white guibg=darkgreen
-hi Normal       gui=none guifg=black guibg=white
-hi NonText      gui=none guifg=orange guibg=white
-hi Statement    gui=none guifg=blue
-hi Special      gui=none guifg=red
-hi Constant     gui=none guifg=darkred
-hi Comment      gui=none guifg=#555555
-hi Preproc      gui=none guifg=darkcyan
-hi Type         gui=none guifg=darkmagenta
-hi Identifier   gui=none guifg=darkgreen
-hi Title        gui=none guifg=black
-hi StatusLine   gui=none guibg=#333333 guifg=white
-hi StatusLineNC gui=none guibg=#333333 guifg=white
-hi VertSplit    gui=none guibg=#333333 guifg=white
-hi Visual       gui=none guibg=green guifg=black
-hi Search       gui=none guibg=yellow
-hi Directory    gui=none guifg=darkblue
-hi WarningMsg   gui=none guifg=red 
-hi Error        gui=none guifg=white guibg=red
-hi Todo         gui=none guifg=black guibg=yellow
-hi MoreMsg      gui=none
-hi ModeMsg      gui=none
diff --git a/colors/tomatosoup.vim b/colors/tomatosoup.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index bd1714e..0000000
--- a/colors/tomatosoup.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   Michael Brailsford <brailsmt at yahoo.com>
-" Date:         $Date: 2002/04/11 03:29:51 $ 
-" Version:      $Revision: 1.4 $
-" cool help screens
-" :he group-name
-" :he highlight-groups
-" :he cterm-colors
-" your pick:
-set background=dark 
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="tomatosoup"
-hi Normal guifg=black guibg=tomato1 ctermfg=14
-"Toggle semicolon matching at the end of lines
-nmap <silent> <leader>; :call ToggleSemicolonHighlighting()<cr>
-function! ToggleSemicolonHighlighting()
-    if exists("b:semicolon")
-        unlet b:semicolon
-        hi semicolon guifg=NONE gui=NONE ctermfg=NONE
-    else
-        syn match semicolon #;$#
-        hi semicolon guifg=red gui=bold ctermfg=1
-        let b:semicolon = 1
-    endif
-hi Cursor guifg=bg guibg=fg ctermfg=0 ctermbg=11
-"hi CursorIM    
-hi Directory gui=bold
-hi DiffAdd guifg=yellow guibg=darkgreen ctermbg=0
-"hi DiffChange  
-"hi DiffDelete  
-"hi DiffText    
-hi ErrorMsg guibg=red ctermfg=1
-"hi VertSplit   
-hi Folded guibg=darkred ctermbg=4 guifg=gold ctermfg=11 gui=bold
-hi FoldColumn guibg=darkred ctermbg=14 guifg=gold ctermfg=11 gui=bold
-"hi IncSearch   
-hi LineNr guifg=yellow ctermfg=11
-hi ModeMsg guifg=yellow gui=bold
-"hi MoreMsg     
-"hi NonText     
-"hi Question    
-hi Search guibg=yellow guifg=bg
-"hi SpecialKey  
-hi StatusLine guifg=brown
-hi StatusLineNC guifg=darkred
-"hi Title       
-hi Visual guifg=fg guibg=bg
-"hi VisualNOS   
-"hi WarningMsg  
-"hi WildMenu    
-"hi Menu        
-"hi Scrollbar   
-"hi Tooltip     
-" syntax highlighting groups
-hi Comment guifg=pink ctermfg=10
-hi Constant guifg=lightmagenta gui=bold ctermfg=13
-hi String guifg=grey85 ctermfg=5
-hi Character guifg=violet ctermfg=5
-hi Number guifg=red ctermfg=5
-"hi Identifier  
-hi Statement guifg=khaki1 gui=bold ctermfg=15 cterm=underline
-hi PreProc guifg=white gui=italic ctermfg=9
-hi Type guifg=yellow gui=bold ctermfg=3
-hi Special guifg=red gui=bold
-"hi Underlined  
-"hi Ignore      
-"hi Error       
-hi Todo guifg=yellow guibg=blue gui=bold
diff --git a/colors/torte.vim b/colors/torte.vim
index 06c08aa..2971360 100644
--- a/colors/torte.vim
+++ b/colors/torte.vim
@@ -17,35 +17,35 @@ let g:colors_name = "torte"
 " GUI Comment : #80a0ff = Light blue
 " GUI
-highlight Normal     guifg=Grey80   guibg=Black
-highlight Search     guifg=Black    guibg=Red   gui=bold
-highlight Visual     guifg=Grey25           gui=bold
-highlight Cursor     guifg=Black    guibg=Green gui=bold
+highlight Normal     guifg=Grey80       guibg=Black
+highlight Search     guifg=Black        guibg=Red       gui=bold
+highlight Visual     guifg=Grey25                       gui=bold
+highlight Cursor     guifg=Black        guibg=Green     gui=bold
 highlight Special    guifg=Orange
 highlight Comment    guifg=#80a0ff
-highlight StatusLine guifg=blue     guibg=white
-highlight Statement  guifg=Yellow           gui=NONE
-highlight Type                      gui=NONE
+highlight StatusLine guifg=blue         guibg=white
+highlight Statement  guifg=Yellow                       gui=NONE
+highlight Type                                          gui=NONE
 " Console
 highlight Normal     ctermfg=LightGrey  ctermbg=Black
-highlight Search     ctermfg=Black  ctermbg=Red cterm=NONE
-highlight Visual                    cterm=reverse
-highlight Cursor     ctermfg=Black  ctermbg=Green   cterm=bold
+highlight Search     ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=Red     cterm=NONE
+highlight Visual                                        cterm=reverse
+highlight Cursor     ctermfg=Black      ctermbg=Green   cterm=bold
 highlight Special    ctermfg=Brown
 highlight Comment    ctermfg=Blue
-highlight StatusLine ctermfg=blue   ctermbg=white
-highlight Statement  ctermfg=Yellow         cterm=NONE
-highlight Type                      cterm=NONE
+highlight StatusLine ctermfg=blue       ctermbg=white
+highlight Statement  ctermfg=Yellow                     cterm=NONE
+highlight Type                                          cterm=NONE
 " only for vim 5
 if has("unix")
   if v:version<600
-    highlight Normal  ctermfg=Grey  ctermbg=Black   cterm=NONE  guifg=Grey80      guibg=Black   gui=NONE
-    highlight Search  ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Red cterm=bold  guifg=Black       guibg=Red gui=bold
-    highlight Visual  ctermfg=Black ctermbg=yellow  cterm=bold  guifg=Grey25            gui=bold
-    highlight Special ctermfg=LightBlue         cterm=NONE  guifg=LightBlue         gui=NONE
-    highlight Comment ctermfg=Cyan          cterm=NONE  guifg=LightBlue         gui=NONE
+    highlight Normal  ctermfg=Grey      ctermbg=Black   cterm=NONE      guifg=Grey80      guibg=Black   gui=NONE
+    highlight Search  ctermfg=Black     ctermbg=Red     cterm=bold      guifg=Black       guibg=Red     gui=bold
+    highlight Visual  ctermfg=Black     ctermbg=yellow  cterm=bold      guifg=Grey25                    gui=bold
+    highlight Special ctermfg=LightBlue                 cterm=NONE      guifg=LightBlue                 gui=NONE
+    highlight Comment ctermfg=Cyan                      cterm=NONE      guifg=LightBlue                 gui=NONE
diff --git a/colors/umber-green.vim b/colors/umber-green.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 931c303..0000000
--- a/colors/umber-green.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-" Vim color file
-" Maintainer:   horrorvacui-at-gmx.net
-" Last Change:  today... oh yes, it's 16.9.03
-" URL:      
-" cool help screens
-" :he group-name
-" :he highlight-groups
-" :he cterm-colors
-" your pick:
-set background=dark " or light
-hi clear
-if exists("syntax_on")
-    syntax reset
-let g:colors_name="umber-green"
-"hi Normal
-" OR
-" highlight clear Normal
-" set background&
-" highlight clear
-" if &background == "light"
-"   highlight Error ...
-"   ...
-" else
-"   highlight Error ...
-"   ...
-" endif
-" A good way to see what your colorscheme does is to follow this procedure:
-" :w 
-" :so % 
-" Then to see what the current setting is use the highlight command.  
-" For example,
-"   :hi Cursor
-" gives
-"   Cursor         xxx guifg=bg guibg=fg 
-" Uncomment and complete the commands you want to change from the default.
-hi Cursor   guibg=#ffffff   
-"hi CursorIM    
-"hi Directory   
-"hi DiffAdd     
-"hi DiffChange  
-"hi DiffDelete  
-"hi DiffText    
-"hi ErrorMsg    
-"hi VertSplit   
-"hi Folded      
-"hi FoldColumn  
-"hi IncSearch   
-hi LineNr   guifg=#e2844d guibg=#000000
-"hi ModeMsg     
-"hi MoreMsg     
-"hi NonText     
-"hi Question    
-"hi Search      
-"hi SpecialKey  
-hi StatusLine   guifg=#ffffff
-hi StatusLineNC guifg=#ffffff
-"hi Title       
-"hi Visual      
-"hi VisualNOS   
-"hi WarningMsg  
-"hi WildMenu    
-"hi Menu        
-"hi Scrollbar   
-"hi Tooltip     
-" syntax highlighting groups
-hi Normal guifg=#eeaa11 guibg=#333333
-hi Comment guifg=#ff5555
-hi Constant guifg=#eeaa11
-hi Identifier   guifg=#0000ff
-hi Statement    guifg=#77ee44
-hi PreProc  guifg=#ff0000
-hi Type     guifg=#eecc88
-hi Special  guifg=#ddffcc
-"hi Underlined  
-"hi Ignore      
-"hi Error       
-"hi Todo        
diff --git a/colors/vc.vim b/colors/vc.vim
index 49689d4..372994c 100644
--- a/colors/vc.vim
+++ b/colors/vc.vim
@@ -10,15 +10,15 @@ if exists("syntax_on")
 let g:colors_name="vc"
-hi Comment      gui=NONE        guifg=SeaGreen      guibg=NONE
-hi Constant     gui=NONE        guifg=#004488       guibg=NONE
-"hi Identifier  gui=NONE        guifg=Blue          guibg=NONE
-hi Statement    gui=NONE        guifg=Blue          guibg=NONE
-hi PreProc      gui=NONE        guifg=Blue          guibg=NONE  
-hi Type         gui=NONE        guifg=Blue          guibg=NONE
-hi Special      gui=NONE        guifg=SteelBlue guibg=NONE
+hi Comment              gui=NONE                guifg=SeaGreen          guibg=NONE
+hi Constant             gui=NONE                guifg=#004488           guibg=NONE
+"hi Identifier  gui=NONE                guifg=Blue                      guibg=NONE
+hi Statement    gui=NONE                guifg=Blue                      guibg=NONE
+hi PreProc              gui=NONE                guifg=Blue                      guibg=NONE      
+hi Type                 gui=NONE                guifg=Blue                      guibg=NONE
+hi Special              gui=NONE                guifg=SteelBlue guibg=NONE
 "hi Underlined  
-"hi Ignore      
-"hi Error       
-"hi Todo        
+"hi Ignore              
+"hi Error               
+"hi Todo                
diff --git a/colors/vibrantink.vim b/colors/vibrantink.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46aa23f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/vibrantink.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+" Vim color scheme
+" Name:         vibrantink.vim
+" Maintainer:   Jo Vermeulen <jo.vermeulen at gmail.com> 
+" Last Change:  5 Mar 2009 
+" License:      public domain
+" Version:      1.3
+" This scheme should work in the GUI and in xterm's 256 color mode. It
+" won't work in 8/16 color terminals.
+" I based it on John Lam's initial Vibrant Ink port to Vim [1]. Thanks
+" to a great tutorial [2], I was able to convert it to xterm 256 color
+" mode. And of course, credits go to Justin Palmer for creating the
+" original Vibrant Ink TextMate color scheme [3].
+" [1] http://www.iunknown.com/articles/2006/09/04/vim-can-save-your-hands-too
+" [2] http://frexx.de/xterm-256-notes/
+" [3] http://encytemedia.com/blog/articles/2006/01/03/textmate-vibrant-ink-theme-and-prototype-bundle
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+   syntax reset
+let g:colors_name = "vibrantink"
+if has("gui_running")
+    highlight Normal guifg=White   guibg=Black
+    highlight Cursor guifg=Black   guibg=Yellow
+    highlight Keyword guifg=#FF6600
+    highlight Define guifg=#FF6600
+    highlight Comment guifg=#9933CC
+    highlight Type guifg=White gui=NONE
+    highlight rubySymbol guifg=#339999 gui=NONE
+    highlight Identifier guifg=White gui=NONE
+    highlight rubyStringDelimiter guifg=#66FF00
+    highlight rubyInterpolation guifg=White
+    highlight rubyPseudoVariable guifg=#339999
+    highlight Constant guifg=#FFEE98
+    highlight Function guifg=#FFCC00 gui=NONE
+    highlight Include guifg=#FFCC00 gui=NONE
+    highlight Statement guifg=#FF6600 gui=NONE
+    highlight String guifg=#66FF00
+    highlight Search guibg=White
+    highlight CursorLine guibg=#323300
+    set t_Co=256
+    highlight Normal ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black 
+    highlight Cursor ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Yellow 
+    highlight Keyword ctermfg=202 
+    highlight Define ctermfg=202 
+    highlight Comment ctermfg=98
+    highlight Type ctermfg=White 
+    highlight rubySymbol ctermfg=66 
+    highlight Identifier ctermfg=White 
+    highlight rubyStringDelimiter ctermfg=82 
+    highlight rubyInterpolation ctermfg=White 
+    highlight rubyPseudoVariable ctermfg=66 
+    highlight Constant ctermfg=228 
+    highlight Function ctermfg=220 
+    highlight Include ctermfg=220 
+    highlight Statement ctermfg=202
+    highlight String ctermfg=82 
+    highlight Search ctermbg=White 
+    highlight CursorLine cterm=NONE ctermbg=235
diff --git a/colors/vividchalk.vim b/colors/vividchalk.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44488b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/vividchalk.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+" Vim color scheme
+" Name:         vividchalk.vim
+" Author:       Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM at tpope.info>
+" GetLatestVimScripts: 1891 1 :AutoInstall: vividchalk.vim
+" $Id: vividchalk.vim,v 1.8 2007-07-11 18:50:16 tpope Exp $
+" Based on the Vibrank Ink theme for TextMate
+" Distributable under the same terms as Vim itself (see :help license)
+if has("gui_running")
+    set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+   syntax reset
+let colors_name = "vividchalk"
+" First two functions adapted from inkpot.vim
+" map a urxvt cube number to an xterm-256 cube number
+fun! s:M(a)
+    return strpart("0245", a:a, 1) + 0
+" map a urxvt colour to an xterm-256 colour
+fun! s:X(a)
+    if &t_Co == 88
+        return a:a
+    else
+        if a:a == 8
+            return 237
+        elseif a:a < 16
+            return a:a
+        elseif a:a > 79
+            return 232 + (3 * (a:a - 80))
+        else
+            let l:b = a:a - 16
+            let l:x = l:b % 4
+            let l:y = (l:b / 4) % 4
+            let l:z = (l:b / 16)
+            return 16 + s:M(l:x) + (6 * s:M(l:y)) + (36 * s:M(l:z))
+        endif
+    endif
+function! E2T(a)
+    return s:X(a:a)
+function! s:choose(mediocre,good)
+    if &t_Co != 88 && &t_Co != 256
+        return a:mediocre
+    else
+        return s:X(a:good)
+    endif
+function! s:hifg(group,guifg,first,second,...)
+    if a:0 && &t_Co == 256
+        let ctermfg = a:1
+    else
+        let ctermfg = s:choose(a:first,a:second)
+    endif
+    exe "highlight ".a:group." guifg=".a:guifg." ctermfg=".ctermfg
+function! s:hibg(group,guibg,first,second)
+    let ctermbg = s:choose(a:first,a:second)
+    exe "highlight ".a:group." guibg=".a:guibg." ctermbg=".ctermbg
+hi link railsMethod         PreProc
+hi link rubyDefine          Keyword
+hi link rubySymbol          Constant
+hi link rubyAccess          rubyMethod
+hi link rubyAttribute       rubyMethod
+hi link rubyEval            rubyMethod
+hi link rubyException       rubyMethod
+hi link rubyInclude         rubyMethod
+hi link rubyStringDelimiter rubyString
+hi link rubyRegexp          Regexp
+hi link rubyRegexpDelimiter rubyRegexp
+"hi link rubyConstant        Variable
+"hi link rubyGlobalVariable  Variable
+"hi link rubyClassVariable   Variable
+"hi link rubyInstanceVariable Variable
+hi link javascriptRegexpString  Regexp
+hi link javascriptNumber        Number
+hi link javascriptNull          Constant
+call s:hifg("Normal","#EEEEEE","White",87)
+if &background == "light" || has("gui_running")
+    hi Normal guibg=Black ctermbg=Black
+    hi Normal guibg=Black ctermbg=NONE
+highlight StatusLine    guifg=Black   guibg=#aabbee gui=bold ctermfg=Black ctermbg=White  cterm=bold
+highlight StatusLineNC  guifg=#444444 guibg=#aaaaaa gui=none ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Grey   cterm=none
+"if &t_Co == 256
+    "highlight StatusLine ctermbg=117
+    "highlight StatusLine ctermbg=43
+highlight WildMenu      guifg=Black   guibg=#ffff00 gui=bold ctermfg=Black ctermbg=Yellow cterm=bold
+highlight Cursor        guifg=Black guibg=White ctermfg=Black ctermbg=White
+highlight CursorLine    guibg=#333333 guifg=NONE
+highlight CursorColumn  guibg=#333333 guifg=NONE
+highlight NonText       guifg=#404040 ctermfg=8
+highlight SpecialKey    guifg=#404040 ctermfg=8
+highlight Directory     none
+high link Directory     Identifier
+highlight ErrorMsg      guibg=Red ctermbg=DarkRed guifg=NONE ctermfg=NONE
+highlight Search        guifg=NONE ctermfg=NONE gui=none cterm=none
+call s:hibg("Search"    ,"#555555","Black",81)
+highlight IncSearch     guifg=White guibg=Black ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black
+highlight MoreMsg       guifg=#00AA00 ctermfg=Green
+highlight LineNr        guifg=#DDEEFF ctermfg=White
+call s:hibg("LineNr"    ,"#222222","DarkBlue",80)
+highlight Question      none
+high link Question      MoreMsg
+highlight Title         guifg=Magenta ctermfg=Magenta
+highlight VisualNOS     gui=none cterm=none
+call s:hibg("Visual"    ,"#555577","LightBlue",83)
+call s:hibg("VisualNOS" ,"#444444","DarkBlue",81)
+highlight WarningMsg    guifg=Red ctermfg=Red
+highlight Folded        guibg=#1100aa ctermbg=DarkBlue
+call s:hibg("Folded"    ,"#110077","DarkBlue",17)
+call s:hifg("Folded"    ,"#aaddee","LightCyan",63)
+highlight FoldColumn    none
+high link FoldColumn    Folded
+highlight Pmenu         guifg=White ctermfg=White gui=bold cterm=bold
+highlight PmenuSel      guifg=White ctermfg=White gui=bold cterm=bold
+call s:hibg("Pmenu"     ,"#000099","Blue",18)
+call s:hibg("PmenuSel"  ,"#5555ff","DarkCyan",39)
+highlight PmenuSbar     guibg=Grey ctermbg=Grey
+highlight PmenuThumb    guibg=White ctermbg=White
+highlight TabLine       gui=underline cterm=underline
+call s:hifg("TabLine"   ,"#bbbbbb","LightGrey",85)
+call s:hibg("TabLine"   ,"#333333","DarkGrey",80)
+highlight TabLineSel    guifg=White guibg=Black ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black
+highlight TabLineFill   gui=underline cterm=underline
+call s:hifg("TabLineFill","#bbbbbb","LightGrey",85)
+call s:hibg("TabLineFill","#808080","Grey",83)
+hi Type gui=none
+hi Statement gui=none
+if !has("gui_mac")
+    " Mac GUI degrades italics to ugly underlining.
+    hi Comment gui=italic
+    hi railsUserClass  gui=italic
+    hi railsUserMethod gui=italic
+hi Identifier cterm=none
+" Commented numbers at the end are *old* 256 color values
+"highlight PreProc       guifg=#EDF8F9
+call s:hifg("Comment"        ,"#9933CC","DarkMagenta",34) " 92
+" 26 instead?
+call s:hifg("Constant"       ,"#339999","DarkCyan",21) " 30
+call s:hifg("rubyNumber"     ,"#CCFF33","Yellow",60) " 190
+call s:hifg("String"         ,"#66FF00","LightGreen",44,82) " 82
+call s:hifg("Identifier"     ,"#FFCC00","Yellow",72) " 220
+call s:hifg("Statement"      ,"#FF6600","Brown",68) " 202
+call s:hifg("PreProc"        ,"#AAFFFF","LightCyan",47) " 213
+call s:hifg("railsUserMethod","#AACCFF","LightCyan",27)
+call s:hifg("Type"           ,"#AAAA77","Grey",57) " 101
+call s:hifg("railsUserClass" ,"#AAAAAA","Grey",7) " 101
+call s:hifg("Special"        ,"#33AA00","DarkGreen",24) " 7
+call s:hifg("Regexp"         ,"#44B4CC","DarkCyan",21) " 74
+call s:hifg("rubyMethod"     ,"#DDE93D","Yellow",77) " 191
+"highlight railsMethod   guifg=#EE1122 ctermfg=1
diff --git a/colors/winter.vim b/colors/winter.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4212187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/winter.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+"                                                                              "
+" File_Name__: winter.vim                                                      "
+" Abstract___: A color sheme file (only for GVIM) which uses a light grey      "
+"              background makes the VIM look like the scenes of winter.        "
+" Author_____: CHE Wenlong <chewenlong AT buaa.edu.cn>                         "
+" Version____: 1.3                                                             "
+" Last_Change: February 26, 2009                                               "
+"                                                                              "
+" Preprocess {{{
+if !has("gui_running")
+    runtime! colors/default.vim
+    finish
+set background=light
+hi clear
+if version > 580
+    hi clear
+    if exists("syntax_on")
+        syntax reset
+    endif
+let colors_name = "winter"
+" }}}
+" Common {{{
+hi Normal           guifg=#000000 guibg=#D4D0C8 gui=NONE
+hi Visual           guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#000080 gui=NONE
+hi Cursor           guifg=#D4D0C8 guibg=#FF0000 gui=NONE
+hi LineNr           guifg=#707070 guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi Title            guifg=#202020 guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi Underlined       guifg=#202020 guibg=NONE    gui=UNDERLINE
+" }}}
+" Split {{{
+hi StatusLine       guifg=#E0E0E0 guibg=#707070 gui=NONE
+hi StatusLineNC     guifg=#E0E0E0 guibg=#909090 gui=NONE
+hi VertSplit        guifg=#909090 guibg=#909090 gui=NONE
+" }}}
+" Folder {{{
+hi Folded           guifg=#707070 guibg=#E0E0E0 gui=NONE
+" }}}
+" Syntax {{{
+hi Type             guifg=#0000FF guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi Define           guifg=#0000FF guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi Comment          guifg=#008000 guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi Constant         guifg=#A000A0 guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi String           guifg=#008080 guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi Number           guifg=#FF0000 guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi Statement        guifg=#0000FF guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+" }}}
+" Others {{{
+hi PreProc          guifg=#A000A0 guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi Special          guifg=#A000A0 guibg=NONE    gui=NONE
+hi SpecialKey       guifg=#707070 guibg=#E0E0E0 gui=NONE
+hi Error            guifg=#FF0000 guibg=#FFFFFF gui=UNDERLINE
+hi Todo             guifg=#FF0000 guibg=#FFFF00 gui=UNDERLINE
+" }}}
+"                                                                              "
+" vim:foldmethod=marker:tabstop=4
+"                                                                              "
diff --git a/colors/wombat.vim b/colors/wombat.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92415ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/wombat.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+" Maintainer:   Lars H. Nielsen (dengmao at gmail.com)
+" Last Change:  January 22 2007
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let colors_name = "wombat"
+" Vim >= 7.0 specific colors
+if version >= 700
+  hi CursorLine guibg=#2d2d2d
+  hi CursorColumn guibg=#2d2d2d
+  hi MatchParen guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=#857b6f gui=bold
+  hi Pmenu              guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=#444444
+  hi PmenuSel   guifg=#000000 guibg=#cae682
+" General colors
+hi Cursor               guifg=NONE    guibg=#656565 gui=none
+hi Normal               guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=#242424 gui=none
+hi NonText              guifg=#808080 guibg=#303030 gui=none
+hi LineNr               guifg=#857b6f guibg=#000000 gui=none
+hi StatusLine   guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=#444444 gui=italic
+hi StatusLineNC guifg=#857b6f guibg=#444444 gui=none
+hi VertSplit    guifg=#444444 guibg=#444444 gui=none
+hi Folded               guibg=#384048 guifg=#a0a8b0 gui=none
+hi Title                guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=NONE        gui=bold
+hi Visual               guifg=#f6f3e8 guibg=#444444 gui=none
+hi SpecialKey   guifg=#808080 guibg=#343434 gui=none
+" Syntax highlighting
+hi Comment              guifg=#99968b gui=italic
+hi Todo                 guifg=#8f8f8f gui=italic
+hi Constant     guifg=#e5786d gui=none
+hi String               guifg=#95e454 gui=italic
+hi Identifier   guifg=#cae682 gui=none
+hi Function     guifg=#cae682 gui=none
+hi Type                 guifg=#cae682 gui=none
+hi Statement    guifg=#8ac6f2 gui=none
+hi Keyword              guifg=#8ac6f2 gui=none
+hi PreProc              guifg=#e5786d gui=none
+hi Number               guifg=#e5786d gui=none
+hi Special              guifg=#e7f6da gui=none
diff --git a/colors/wombat256.vim b/colors/wombat256.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73be6db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/wombat256.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Maintainer:   David Liang (bmdavll at gmail dot com)
+" Last Change:  November 28 2008
+" wombat256.vim - a modified version of Wombat by Lars Nielsen that also
+" works on xterms with 88 or 256 colors. The algorithm for approximating the
+" GUI colors with the xterm palette is from desert256.vim by Henry So Jr.
+set background=dark
+if version > 580
+	hi clear
+	if exists("syntax_on")
+		syntax reset
+	endif
+let g:colors_name = "wombat256"
+if !has("gui_running") && &t_Co != 88 && &t_Co != 256
+	finish
+" functions {{{
+" returns an approximate grey index for the given grey level
+fun <SID>grey_number(x)
+	if &t_Co == 88
+		if a:x < 23
+			return 0
+		elseif a:x < 69
+			return 1
+		elseif a:x < 103
+			return 2
+		elseif a:x < 127
+			return 3
+		elseif a:x < 150
+			return 4
+		elseif a:x < 173
+			return 5
+		elseif a:x < 196
+			return 6
+		elseif a:x < 219
+			return 7
+		elseif a:x < 243
+			return 8
+		else
+			return 9
+		endif
+	else
+		if a:x < 14
+			return 0
+		else
+			let l:n = (a:x - 8) / 10
+			let l:m = (a:x - 8) % 10
+			if l:m < 5
+				return l:n
+			else
+				return l:n + 1
+			endif
+		endif
+	endif
+" returns the actual grey level represented by the grey index
+fun <SID>grey_level(n)
+	if &t_Co == 88
+		if a:n == 0
+			return 0
+		elseif a:n == 1
+			return 46
+		elseif a:n == 2
+			return 92
+		elseif a:n == 3
+			return 115
+		elseif a:n == 4
+			return 139
+		elseif a:n == 5
+			return 162
+		elseif a:n == 6
+			return 185
+		elseif a:n == 7
+			return 208
+		elseif a:n == 8
+			return 231
+		else
+			return 255
+		endif
+	else
+		if a:n == 0
+			return 0
+		else
+			return 8 + (a:n * 10)
+		endif
+	endif
+" returns the palette index for the given grey index
+fun <SID>grey_color(n)
+	if &t_Co == 88
+		if a:n == 0
+			return 16
+		elseif a:n == 9
+			return 79
+		else
+			return 79 + a:n
+		endif
+	else
+		if a:n == 0
+			return 16
+		elseif a:n == 25
+			return 231
+		else
+			return 231 + a:n
+		endif
+	endif
+" returns an approximate color index for the given color level
+fun <SID>rgb_number(x)
+	if &t_Co == 88
+		if a:x < 69
+			return 0
+		elseif a:x < 172
+			return 1
+		elseif a:x < 230
+			return 2
+		else
+			return 3
+		endif
+	else
+		if a:x < 75
+			return 0
+		else
+			let l:n = (a:x - 55) / 40
+			let l:m = (a:x - 55) % 40
+			if l:m < 20
+				return l:n
+			else
+				return l:n + 1
+			endif
+		endif
+	endif
+" returns the actual color level for the given color index
+fun <SID>rgb_level(n)
+	if &t_Co == 88
+		if a:n == 0
+			return 0
+		elseif a:n == 1
+			return 139
+		elseif a:n == 2
+			return 205
+		else
+			return 255
+		endif
+	else
+		if a:n == 0
+			return 0
+		else
+			return 55 + (a:n * 40)
+		endif
+	endif
+" returns the palette index for the given R/G/B color indices
+fun <SID>rgb_color(x, y, z)
+	if &t_Co == 88
+		return 16 + (a:x * 16) + (a:y * 4) + a:z
+	else
+		return 16 + (a:x * 36) + (a:y * 6) + a:z
+	endif
+" returns the palette index to approximate the given R/G/B color levels
+fun <SID>color(r, g, b)
+	" get the closest grey
+	let l:gx = <SID>grey_number(a:r)
+	let l:gy = <SID>grey_number(a:g)
+	let l:gz = <SID>grey_number(a:b)
+	" get the closest color
+	let l:x = <SID>rgb_number(a:r)
+	let l:y = <SID>rgb_number(a:g)
+	let l:z = <SID>rgb_number(a:b)
+	if l:gx == l:gy && l:gy == l:gz
+		" there are two possibilities
+		let l:dgr = <SID>grey_level(l:gx) - a:r
+		let l:dgg = <SID>grey_level(l:gy) - a:g
+		let l:dgb = <SID>grey_level(l:gz) - a:b
+		let l:dgrey = (l:dgr * l:dgr) + (l:dgg * l:dgg) + (l:dgb * l:dgb)
+		let l:dr = <SID>rgb_level(l:gx) - a:r
+		let l:dg = <SID>rgb_level(l:gy) - a:g
+		let l:db = <SID>rgb_level(l:gz) - a:b
+		let l:drgb = (l:dr * l:dr) + (l:dg * l:dg) + (l:db * l:db)
+		if l:dgrey < l:drgb
+			" use the grey
+			return <SID>grey_color(l:gx)
+		else
+			" use the color
+			return <SID>rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
+		endif
+	else
+		" only one possibility
+		return <SID>rgb_color(l:x, l:y, l:z)
+	endif
+" returns the palette index to approximate the 'rrggbb' hex string
+fun <SID>rgb(rgb)
+	let l:r = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 0, 2)) + 0
+	let l:g = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 2, 2)) + 0
+	let l:b = ("0x" . strpart(a:rgb, 4, 2)) + 0
+	return <SID>color(l:r, l:g, l:b)
+" sets the highlighting for the given group
+fun <SID>X(group, fg, bg, attr)
+	if a:fg != ""
+		exec "hi ".a:group." guifg=#".a:fg." ctermfg=".<SID>rgb(a:fg)
+	endif
+	if a:bg != ""
+		exec "hi ".a:group." guibg=#".a:bg." ctermbg=".<SID>rgb(a:bg)
+	endif
+	if a:attr != ""
+		if a:attr == 'italic'
+			exec "hi ".a:group." gui=".a:attr." cterm=none"
+		else
+			exec "hi ".a:group." gui=".a:attr." cterm=".a:attr
+		endif
+	endif
+" }}}
+call <SID>X("Normal",		"cccccc",	"242424",	"none")
+call <SID>X("Cursor",		"222222",	"ecee90",	"none")
+call <SID>X("CursorLine",	"",			"32322e",	"none")
+call <SID>X("CursorColumn",	"",			"2d2d2d",	"")
+			"CursorIM
+			"Question
+			"IncSearch
+call <SID>X("Search",		"444444",	"af87d7",	"")
+call <SID>X("MatchParen",	"ecee90",	"857b6f",	"bold")
+call <SID>X("SpecialKey",	"6c6c6c",	"2d2d2d",	"none")
+call <SID>X("Visual",		"ecee90",	"597418",	"none")
+call <SID>X("LineNr",		"857b6f",	"121212",	"none")
+call <SID>X("Folded",		"a0a8b0",	"404048",	"none")
+call <SID>X("Title",		"f6f3e8",	"",			"bold")
+call <SID>X("VertSplit",	"444444",	"444444",	"none")
+call <SID>X("StatusLine",	"f6f3e8",	"444444",	"italic")
+call <SID>X("StatusLineNC",	"857b6f",	"444444",	"none")
+			"Scrollbar
+			"Tooltip
+			"Menu
+			"WildMenu
+call <SID>X("Pmenu",		"f6f3e8",	"444444",	"")
+call <SID>X("PmenuSel",		"121212",	"caeb82",	"")
+call <SID>X("WarningMsg",	"ff0000",	"",			"")
+			"ErrorMsg
+			"ModeMsg
+			"MoreMsg
+			"Directory
+			"DiffAdd
+			"DiffChange
+			"DiffDelete
+			"DiffText
+" syntax highlighting
+call <SID>X("Number",		"e5786d",	"",			"none")
+call <SID>X("Constant",		"e5786d",	"",			"none")
+call <SID>X("String",		"95e454",	"",			"italic")
+call <SID>X("Comment",		"c0bc6c",	"",			"italic")
+call <SID>X("Identifier",	"caeb82",	"",			"none")
+call <SID>X("Keyword",		"87afff",	"",			"none")
+call <SID>X("Statement",	"87afff",	"",			"none")
+call <SID>X("Function",		"caeb82",	"",			"none")
+call <SID>X("PreProc",		"e5786d",	"",			"none")
+call <SID>X("Type",			"caeb82",	"",			"none")
+call <SID>X("Special",		"ffdead",	"",			"none")
+call <SID>X("Todo",			"857b6f",	"",			"italic")
+			"Underlined
+			"Error
+			"Ignore
+hi! link VisualNOS	Visual
+hi! link NonText	LineNr
+hi! link FoldColumn	Folded
+" delete functions {{{
+delf <SID>X
+delf <SID>rgb
+delf <SID>color
+delf <SID>rgb_color
+delf <SID>rgb_level
+delf <SID>rgb_number
+delf <SID>grey_color
+delf <SID>grey_level
+delf <SID>grey_number
+" }}}
+" vim:set ts=4 sw=4 noet fdm=marker:
diff --git a/colors/xemacs.vim b/colors/xemacs.vim
index 65faf1f..fcd8761 100644
--- a/colors/xemacs.vim
+++ b/colors/xemacs.vim
@@ -16,31 +16,31 @@ if exists("syntax_on")
 let g:colors_name="xemacs"
-hi Normal               guibg=#cdcecd guifg=black
-hi Cursor               guibg=red guifg=grey gui=bold
-hi VertSplit        guibg=grey60 guifg=black gui=none
-hi Folded               guibg=royalblue3 guifg=white
-hi FoldColumn       guibg=royalblue4 guifg=white
-hi ModeMsg          guifg=#cdcecd guibg=black
-hi MoreMsg          guifg=#cdcecd guibg=black
-hi NonText          guifg=black guibg=#cdcecd gui=none
-hi Question         guifg=black
-hi Search               guibg=#aceeee
-hi SpecialKey       guifg=navyblue
-hi Special      guifg=navyblue
-hi StatusLine       guibg=#b7b7b7 guifg=black gui=none
+hi Normal                               guibg=#cdcecd guifg=black
+hi Cursor                               guibg=red guifg=grey gui=bold
+hi VertSplit            guibg=grey60 guifg=black gui=none
+hi Folded                               guibg=royalblue3 guifg=white
+hi FoldColumn           guibg=royalblue4 guifg=white
+hi ModeMsg                      guifg=#cdcecd guibg=black
+hi MoreMsg                      guifg=#cdcecd guibg=black
+hi NonText                      guifg=black guibg=#cdcecd gui=none
+hi Question                     guifg=black
+hi Search                               guibg=#aceeee
+hi SpecialKey           guifg=navyblue
+hi Special              guifg=navyblue
+hi StatusLine           guibg=#b7b7b7 guifg=black gui=none
 hi StatusLineNC guibg=#a6b7b7 guifg=black gui=none
-hi Title                guifg=bisque3
-hi Subtitle         guifg=black
-hi Visual               guibg=#a4a5a3 guifg=black gui=none
-hi WarningMsg       guibg=#cdcecd guifg=black gui=bold
-hi Comment          guifg=#00008b
-hi Constant         guifg=#008900
-hi Identifier       guibg=#cdcecd guifg=black
-hi Statement        guifg=royalblue4
-hi PreProc          guifg=#0000cd
-hi Type                 guifg=#4a81b4 gui=NONE
-hi Ignore               guifg=grey29
-hi Todo                 guibg=gold guifg=black
-hi WildMenu         guibg=#b7b7b7 guibg=grey91
-hi Directory        guibg=#cdcecd guifg=navyblue
+hi Title                                guifg=bisque3
+hi Subtitle                     guifg=black
+hi Visual                               guibg=#a4a5a3 guifg=black gui=none
+hi WarningMsg           guibg=#cdcecd guifg=black gui=bold
+hi Comment                      guifg=#00008b
+hi Constant                     guifg=#008900
+hi Identifier           guibg=#cdcecd guifg=black
+hi Statement            guifg=royalblue4
+hi PreProc                      guifg=#0000cd
+hi Type                                 guifg=#4a81b4 gui=NONE
+hi Ignore                               guifg=grey29
+hi Todo                                 guibg=gold guifg=black
+hi WildMenu                     guibg=#b7b7b7 guibg=grey91
+hi Directory            guibg=#cdcecd guifg=navyblue
diff --git a/colors/xoria256.vim b/colors/xoria256.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb7c3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colors/xoria256.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+" Vim color file
+" Name:       xoria256.vim
+" Version:    1.1
+" Maintainer: Dmitriy Y. Zotikov (xio) <xio at ungrund.org>
+" Should work in recent 256 color terminals.  88-color terms like urxvt are
+" unsupported.
+" Don't forget to install 'ncurses-term' and set TERM to xterm-256color or
+" similar value.
+" Color numbers (0-255) see:
+" http://www.calmar.ws/vim/256-xterm-24bit-rgb-color-chart.html
+" Bla-bla ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+if &t_Co != 256 && ! has("gui_running")
+  echomsg ""
+  echomsg "err: please use GUI or a 256-color terminal (so that t_Co=256 could be set)"
+  echomsg ""
+  finish
+set background=dark
+hi clear
+if exists("syntax_on")
+  syntax reset
+let colors_name = "xoria256"
+" The real part ----------------------------------------------------------------
+"" General colors
+hi Normal       ctermfg=252 guifg=#d0d0d0 ctermbg=234 guibg=#1c1c1c cterm=none gui=none
+hi CursorColumn                           ctermbg=238 guibg=#444444
+hi Cursor                                 ctermbg=214 guibg=#ffaf00
+hi CursorLine                             ctermbg=238 guibg=#444444
+hi FoldColumn   ctermfg=248 guifg=#a8a8a8 ctermbg=bg  guibg=bg
+hi Folded       ctermfg=255 guifg=#eeeeee ctermbg=60  guibg=#5f5f87
+hi IncSearch    ctermfg=0   guifg=#000000 ctermbg=223 guibg=#ffdfaf cterm=none gui=none
+hi NonText      ctermfg=248 guifg=#a8a8a8                           cterm=bold gui=bold
+hi Pmenu        ctermfg=0   guifg=#000000 ctermbg=246 guibg=#949494
+hi PmenuSbar                              ctermbg=243 guibg=#767676
+hi PmenuSel     ctermfg=0   guifg=#000000 ctermbg=243 guibg=#767676
+hi PmenuThumb                             ctermbg=252 guibg=#d0d0d0
+hi Search       ctermfg=0   guifg=#000000 ctermbg=149 guibg=#afdf5f
+hi SignColumn   ctermfg=248 guifg=#a8a8a8
+hi SpecialKey   ctermfg=77  guifg=#5fdf5f
+hi StatusLine                             ctermbg=239 guibg=#4e4e4e cterm=bold gui=bold
+hi StatusLineNC                           ctermbg=237 guibg=#3a3a3a cterm=none gui=none
+hi TabLine      ctermfg=fg  guifg=fg      ctermbg=242 guibg=#666666 cterm=underline gui=underline
+hi TabLineFill  ctermfg=fg  guifg=fg      ctermbg=242 guibg=#666666 cterm=underline gui=underline
+hi VertSplit    ctermfg=237 guifg=#3a3a3a ctermbg=237 guibg=#3a3a3a cterm=none gui=none
+hi Visual       ctermfg=24  guifg=#005f87 ctermbg=153 guibg=#afdfff
+hi VIsualNOS    ctermfg=24  guifg=#005f87 ctermbg=153 guibg=#afdfff cterm=none gui=none
+hi WildMenu     ctermfg=0   guifg=#000000 ctermbg=184 guibg=#dfdf00 cterm=bold gui=bold
+"" Syntax highlighting
+hi Comment      ctermfg=244 guifg=#808080
+hi Constant     ctermfg=229 guifg=#ffffaf
+hi Error        ctermfg=15  guifg=#ffffff ctermbg=1   guibg=#800000
+hi ErrorMsg     ctermfg=15  guifg=#ffffff ctermbg=1   guibg=#800000
+hi Identifier   ctermfg=182 guifg=#dfafdf                           cterm=none
+hi Ignore       ctermfg=238 guifg=#444444
+hi LineNr       ctermfg=248 guifg=#a8a8a8
+hi MatchParen   ctermfg=188 guifg=#dfdfdf ctermbg=68  guibg=#5f87df cterm=bold gui=bold
+hi Number       ctermfg=180 guifg=#dfaf87
+hi PreProc      ctermfg=150 guifg=#afdf87
+hi Special      ctermfg=174 guifg=#df8787
+hi Statement    ctermfg=110 guifg=#87afdf                           cterm=none gui=none
+hi Todo         ctermfg=0   guifg=#000000 ctermbg=184 guibg=#dfdf00
+hi Type         ctermfg=146 guifg=#afafdf                           cterm=none gui=none
+hi Underlined   ctermfg=39  guifg=#00afff                           cterm=underline gui=underline
+"" Special
+""" .diff
+hi diffAdded    ctermfg=150 guifg=#afdf87
+hi diffRemoved  ctermfg=174 guifg=#df8787
+""" vimdiff
+hi diffAdd      ctermfg=bg  guifg=bg      ctermbg=151 guibg=#afdfaf
+"hi diffDelete   ctermfg=bg  guifg=bg      ctermbg=186 guibg=#dfdf87 cterm=none gui=none
+hi diffDelete   ctermfg=bg  guifg=bg      ctermbg=246 guibg=#949494 cterm=none gui=none
+hi diffChange   ctermfg=bg  guifg=bg      ctermbg=181 guibg=#dfafaf
+hi diffText     ctermfg=bg  guifg=bg      ctermbg=174 guibg=#df8787 cterm=none gui=none
+" vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 smarttab softtabstop=2:
diff --git a/colors/zenburn.vim b/colors/zenburn.vim
index 62ca48e..a2fa135 100644
--- a/colors/zenburn.vim
+++ b/colors/zenburn.vim
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 " Vim color file
 " Maintainer:   Jani Nurminen <slinky at iki.fi>
-" Last Change:  $Id: zenburn.vim,v 2.3 2008/07/30 17:34:37 slinky Exp $
+" Last Change:  $Id: zenburn.vim,v 2.4 2008/11/18 20:43:18 slinky Exp $
 " URL:          http://slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburnpage/
 " License:      GPL
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 "                 bug fixing
 "  - Charlie - spotted too bright StatusLine in non-high contrast mode
 "  - Pablo Castellazzi - CursorLine fix for 256 color mode
+"  - Tim Smith - force dark background
@@ -46,6 +47,12 @@
 "      let g:zenburn_alternate_Include = 1
+" * Work-around to a Vim bug, it seems to misinterpret ctermfg and 234 and 237
+"   as light values, and sets background to light for some people. If you have
+"   this problem, use:
+"      let g:zenburn_force_dark_Background = 1
 " * To turn the parameter(s) back to defaults, use UNLET:
 "      unlet g:zenburn_alternate_Include
@@ -187,6 +194,16 @@ if &t_Co > 255
     hi WildMenu        ctermbg=236   ctermfg=194     cterm=bold
     hi CursorLine      ctermbg=236   cterm=none
+    " spellchecking, always "bright" background
+    hi SpellLocal ctermfg=14  ctermbg=237
+    hi SpellBad   ctermfg=9   ctermbg=237
+    hi SpellCap   ctermfg=12  ctermbg=237
+    hi SpellRare  ctermfg=13  ctermbg=237
+    " pmenu
+    hi PMenu      ctermfg=248  ctermbg=0
+    hi PMenuSel   ctermfg=223 ctermbg=235
     if exists("g:zenburn_high_Contrast")
         hi Normal ctermfg=188 ctermbg=234
@@ -214,6 +231,14 @@ if &t_Co > 255
+if exists("g:zenburn_force_dark_Background")
+    " Force dark background, because of a bug in VIM:  VIM sets background
+    " automatically during "hi Normal ctermfg=X"; it misinterprets the high
+    " value (234 or 237 above) as a light color, and wrongly sets background to
+    " light.  See ":help highlight" for details.
+    set background=dark
 if exists("g:zenburn_high_Contrast")
     " use new darker background
     hi Normal          guifg=#dcdccc guibg=#1f1f1f
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index b4c9cec..4229254 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ vim-scripts (20090211-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Remove git-commit script.  Vim is shipped with more complete scripts.
     (Closes: #539380)
   * addons upgrades:
-    - supertab, DoxygenToolkit, NERD_commenter
+    - supertab, DoxygenToolkit, NERD_commenter, Color Sampler Pack
   * Add disabledby-doxygentoolkit.diff patch, which enables the commented out
     plugin loaded check.
diff --git a/debian/patches/disabledby-color_sample_pack.diff b/debian/patches/disabledby-color_sample_pack.diff
index 3bb516a..a7a602b 100644
--- a/debian/patches/disabledby-color_sample_pack.diff
+++ b/debian/patches/disabledby-color_sample_pack.diff
@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ Index: vim-scripts/plugin/color_sample_pack.vim
 --- vim-scripts.orig/plugin/color_sample_pack.vim
 +++ vim-scripts/plugin/color_sample_pack.vim
-@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+ " Maintainer: Robert Melton ( iam -at- robertmelton -dot- com)
+ " Last Change: 2009 June 4th
 +if exists("loaded_color_sample_pack")
 +  finish
 +let loaded_color_sample_pack = 1
- " Vim default schemes
+ " default schemes
  amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Blue :colo blue<CR>
  amenu T&hemes.D&efault.DarkBlue :colo darkblue<CR>
diff --git a/debian/vim-scripts.status b/debian/vim-scripts.status
index cbc910b..b0fb40a 100644
--- a/debian/vim-scripts.status
+++ b/debian/vim-scripts.status
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ email:       vim at metacosm.dhs.org
 license:     see colors/*.vim for per color scheme licenses
 extras:	     colors/*.vim
 disabledby:  let loaded_color_sample_pack = 1
-version:     6.0
+version:     7.01
 script_name: macros/closetag.vim
 addon:       closetag
diff --git a/html/index.html b/html/index.html
index 0ff3233..65a55a0 100644
--- a/html/index.html
+++ b/html/index.html
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
    <li><a href="syntax_mkd.vim.html">syntax/mkd.vim.html</a></li>
-  Page generated on Tue, 01 Sep 2009 21:31:01 -0400
+  Page generated on Tue, 01 Sep 2009 21:41:56 -0400
diff --git a/html/plugin_color_sample_pack.vim.html b/html/plugin_color_sample_pack.vim.html
index 853f89c..d785934 100644
--- a/html/plugin_color_sample_pack.vim.html
+++ b/html/plugin_color_sample_pack.vim.html
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
   <link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css" >
-  <title>Color Scheme Sampler Pack - [Nov 2008 Update] 125 Themes(karma 20+), Better Menu! : vim online</title>
+  <title>Color Sampler Pack - [June 2009 Update] Top 100 Themes, Better Menu, Online Demo! : vim online</title>
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
   <meta name="KEYWORDS" content="Vim, Vi IMproved, text editor, home, documentation, tips, scripts, news">
   <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/images/vim_shortcut.ico">
@@ -46,6 +46,19 @@
         <td><small>not logged in (<a href="/login.php">login</a>)</small></td>
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         <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" alt="" border="0" width="1" height="1"></td>
@@ -59,7 +72,7 @@
             <td class="sidebarheader"><a href="/index.php">Home</a></td>
-            <td class="sidebarheader"><a href="/search.php">Search</a></td>
+            <td class="sidebarheader"><a href="/search.php">Advanced search</a></td>
         <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" alt="" border="0" width="1" height="7"></td>
@@ -143,7 +156,7 @@
           <td valign="top">
-<span class="txth1">Color Scheme Sampler Pack : [Nov 2008 Update] 125 Themes(karma 20+), Better Menu!</span> 
+<span class="txth1">Color Sampler Pack : [June 2009 Update] Top 100 Themes, Better Menu, Online Demo!</span> 
@@ -153,8 +166,8 @@
   <td class="lightbg"><b>&nbsp;script karma&nbsp;</b></td>
-    Rating <b>1274/464</b>,
-    Downloaded by 28502  </td>
+    Rating <b>1460/539</b>,
+    Downloaded by 33873  </td>
@@ -167,7 +180,7 @@
 <tr><td>color scheme</td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">description</td></tr>
-<tr><td>This package is simply to help people who want to try out a lot of color schemes.&nbsp;&nbsp;It is all the color schemes on vim.sf.net as of Oct 27th, 2008 that had a script rating of above 20 -- zipped up in a single package.&nbsp;&nbsp;There are 125 of them included.&nbsp;&nbsp;Every single theme was updated to its newest revision, and converted to Unix formatted line endings. 
<br>The menu is no longer dynamically generated, as that caused problems on some platforms, so I included a static menu of all the color-schemes. This makes it very easy to try out the different themes.&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks to Erik Falor for the script that generated the menu.&nbsp;&nbsp;The menu looks like:&nbsp;&nbsp;
<br>... (if it has a *, that means it fits in two categories, and is listed under both)
<br>This package was put together simply to save others time in downloading the color schemes.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you are a scheme author and for some reason do not want your scheme included, please simply add a comment that notes such, and I will remove it.
<br>Many of these schemes are gVim only, and do not support consoles well, but, automagical plugin to allow gVim only themes to work in 88/256 color terminals -&gt; <a target="_blank" href="http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2390">http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2390</A></td></tr>
+<tr><td>This package is simply to help people who want to try out a lot of color schemes.&nbsp;&nbsp;It is the top 100 rated color schemes on vim.sf.net as of June 04th, 2009 that are are not &quot;evil&quot; (binding keys, changing fonts, etc) --&nbsp;&nbsp;zipped up in a single package.&nbsp;&nbsp;Every single theme was updated to its newest revision, and converted to unix formatted line endings. 
<br>Check out a demo of these themes at: <a target="_blank" href="http://www.vi-improved.org/color_sampler_pack/">http://www.vi-improved.org/color_sampler_pack/</A>
<br>The menu has been simplified based on feedback to simply three categories.&nbsp;&nbsp;Dark / Light / Other. 
<br>This package was put together simply to save others time in downloading the color schemes.&nbsp;&nbsp;If you are a scheme author and for some reason do not want your scheme included, please simply drop me a note.&nbsp;&nbsp;iam -at- robertmelton.com
<br>Now, the pack comes with an organized GUI menu, but no tool for console users.&nbsp;&nbsp;I recommend you pick up <a target="_blank" href="http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1488">http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1488</A> which is a colorscheme scroller / chooser and browser.&nbsp;&nbsp;
<br>Many of these schemes are Gvim only, and do not support consoles well... but there is a plugin to allow Gvim only themes to work in 88/256 color terminals -&gt; <a target="_blank" href="http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2390">http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2390</A>.
<br>Love it or Hate it -- Rate it.&nbsp;&nbsp;:)</td></tr>
 <tr><td class="prompt">install details</td></tr>
 <tr><td>Simply unzip, and place the files in ~/.vim/plugin and ~/.vim/colors --- it will unzip with correct dir structure, so you can just unzip to ~/.vim
<br>Hope this helps you... join #vim on irc.freenode.net for all your vim help needs :)</td></tr>
@@ -204,52 +217,12 @@ Click on the package to download.
     <th valign="top">release notes</th>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=9405">ColorSamplerPack.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>6.0</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2008-10-28</i></td>
+        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=10775">ColorSamplerPack.zip</a></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>7.01</b></td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2009-06-08</i></td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
     <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=2162">Robert (MetaCosm)</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">[Nov - 2008 Update!] All Color Schemes with a score above 20 as of Oct 27th, 2008 -- Static Menu</td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=7610">ColorSamplerPack.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>5.0</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2007-08-31</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>7.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=2162">Robert (MetaCosm)</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Now only includes color schemes with a score of above 20, and I integrated the very cool auto-menu-generation (<a target="_blank" href="http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=2004">http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=2004</A>)</td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=4010">ColorSamplerPack.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>4.0</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2005-03-13</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=2162">Robert (MetaCosm)</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">13 new colorscheme, bringing the total to 140.&nbsp;&nbsp;Now have a &quot;recommendations&quot; menu item, for themes I personally recommend.&nbsp;&nbsp;Added the wonderful theme InkPot in -- so now ciaranm can leave me alone :) </td>
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3405">ColorSamplerPack.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>3.0</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-09-01</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=2162">Robert (MetaCosm)</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Every single theme corrected to ff=unix (so it is compatible on both platforms).&nbsp;&nbsp;Every single theme updated to its latest version ... and there are 6 new themes -- bringing the total to 127.&nbsp;&nbsp;Enjoy. </td>
-        <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3093">ColorSamplerPack.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><b>2.0</b></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-06-03</i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=2162">Robert (MetaCosm)</a></i></td>
-    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">Massive improved menu (Thanks to Pan Shizhu!) 
-        <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><a href="download_script.php?src_id=3076">ColorSamplerPack.zip</a></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><b>1.6</b></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap><i>2004-05-31</i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" nowrap>6.0</td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top"><i><a href="/account/profile.php?user_id=2162">Robert (MetaCosm)</a></i></td>
-    <td class="roweven" valign="top" width="2000">Some of the themes were is dos format, I have changed them over to unix format.&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
+    <td class="rowodd" valign="top" width="2000">[June 2009 Update] Improved and simplified menu, more strict script checking for evil, removed some default themes I was repackaging and removed some more &quot;bad actors&quot; from the pack.&nbsp;&nbsp;I now simply include the 100 highest rated themes, which in this case was themes with a Karma and above.&nbsp;&nbsp;Online demo of themes at: <a target="_blank" href="http://www.vi-improved.org/color_sampler_pack/">http://www.vi-improved.org/color_sampler_pack/</A></td>
 <!-- finish off the framework -->
@@ -296,7 +269,7 @@ Click on the package to download.
     <td align="right" valign="top">
-      		<a href="http://sourceforge.net" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=8&type=1" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></a>
+      		<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/vim" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=8&type=1" width="88" height="31" border="0" alt="SourceForge.net Logo" /></a>
     <td><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt=""></td>
diff --git a/plugin/color_sample_pack.vim b/plugin/color_sample_pack.vim
index 767af7c..914cb3f 100644
--- a/plugin/color_sample_pack.vim
+++ b/plugin/color_sample_pack.vim
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-" Vim default schemes
+" Maintainer: Robert Melton ( iam -at- robertmelton -dot- com)
+" Last Change: 2009 June 4th
+" default schemes
 amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Blue :colo blue<CR>
 amenu T&hemes.D&efault.DarkBlue :colo darkblue<CR>
 amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Default :colo default<CR>
@@ -14,153 +17,106 @@ amenu T&hemes.D&efault.PeachPuff :colo peachpuff<CR>
 amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Ron :colo ron<CR>
 amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Shine :colo shine<CR>
 amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Torte :colo torte<CR>
-" Recommended Themes
-amenu T&hemes.&Recommendations.InkPot :colo inkpot<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.&Recommendations.MetaCosm :colo metacosm<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.&Recommendations.MidNight2 :colo midnight2<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.&Recommendations.PS_Warm :let psc_style='warm'<CR>:colo ps_color<CR>
 amenu T&hemes.-s1- :
-"submenu black
-amenu T&hemes.black.brookstream  :colo brookstream<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.candy  :colo candy<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.colorer  :colo colorer<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.dante  :colo dante<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.darkocean  :colo darkocean<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.dw_blue  :colo dw_blue<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.dw_cyan  :colo dw_cyan<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.dw_green  :colo dw_green<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.dw_orange  :colo dw_orange<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.dw_purple  :colo dw_purple<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.dw_red  :colo dw_red<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.dw_yellow  :colo dw_yellow<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.elflord  :colo elflord<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.fnaqevan  :colo fnaqevan<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.golden  :colo golden<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.*inkpot  :colo inkpot<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.koehler  :colo koehler<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.less  :colo less<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.manxome  :colo manxome<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.matrix  :colo matrix<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.metacosm  :colo metacosm<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.*motus  :colo motus<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.murphy  :colo murphy<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.neverness  :colo neverness<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.nightwish  :colo nightwish<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.oceanblack  :colo oceanblack<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.pablo  :colo pablo<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.*ps_color  :colo ps_color<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.relaxedgreen  :colo relaxedgreen<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.ron  :colo ron<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.tango  :colo tango<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.*torte  :colo torte<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.vibrantink  :colo vibrantink<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.black.*vividchalk  :colo vividchalk<CR>
-"submenu blue
-amenu T&hemes.blue.astronaut  :colo astronaut<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.asu1dark  :colo asu1dark<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.blue  :colo blue<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.bluegreen  :colo bluegreen<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.borland  :colo borland<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.breeze  :colo breeze<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.darkblue  :colo darkblue<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.darkblue2  :colo darkblue2<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.denim  :colo denim<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.desertedocean  :colo desertedocean<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.dusk  :colo dusk<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.hhazure  :colo hhazure<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.midnight  :colo midnight<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.midnight2  :colo midnight2<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.navajo-night  :colo navajo-night<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.oceandeep  :colo oceandeep<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.sea  :colo sea<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.blue.softblue  :colo softblue<CR>
-"submenu cyan
-amenu T&hemes.cyan.darkslategray  :colo darkslategray<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.cyan.marklar  :colo marklar<CR>
-"submenu darkgrey
-amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.candycode  :colo candycode<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.darktango  :colo darktango<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.hhspring  :colo hhspring<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.hhteal  :colo hhteal<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.hhviolet  :colo hhviolet<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.lettuce  :colo lettuce<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.night  :colo night<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.rdark  :colo rdark<CR>
-"submenu green
-amenu T&hemes.green.*tabula  :colo tabula<CR>
-"submenu grey
-amenu T&hemes.grey.biogoo  :colo biogoo<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.camo  :colo camo<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.*dawn  :colo dawn<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.desert  :colo desert<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.desertEx  :colo desertEx<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.evening  :colo evening<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.fog  :colo fog<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.freya  :colo freya<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.neon  :colo neon<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.slate  :colo slate<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.umber-green  :colo umber-green<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.xemacs  :colo xemacs<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.grey.*zenburn  :colo zenburn<CR>
-"submenu magenta
-amenu T&hemes.magenta.lilac  :colo lilac<CR>
-"submenu offwhite
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.autumn  :colo autumn<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.autumnleaf  :colo autumnleaf<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.*baycomb  :colo baycomb<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.fine_blue  :colo fine_blue<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.fruit  :colo fruit<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.habiLight  :colo habiLight<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.ironman  :colo ironman<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.morning  :colo morning<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.nuvola  :colo nuvola<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.oceanlight  :colo oceanlight<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.pyte  :colo pyte<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.offwhite.simpleandfriendly  :colo simpleandfriendly<CR>
-"submenu red
-amenu T&hemes.red.ChocolateLiquor  :colo ChocolateLiquor<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.red.hhpink  :colo hhpink<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.red.*navajo  :colo navajo<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.red.peachpuff  :colo peachpuff<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.red.tomatosoup  :colo tomatosoup<CR>
-"submenu unknown
-amenu T&hemes.unknown.bw  :colo bw<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.unknown.calmar256-light  :colo calmar256-light<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.unknown.chela_light  :colo chela_light<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.unknown.colorscheme_template  :colo colorscheme_template<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.unknown.default  :colo default<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.unknown.desert256  :colo desert256<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.unknown.impact  :colo impact<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.unknown.psql  :colo psql<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.unknown.vc  :colo vc<CR>
+" Themepack Themes
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Asu1dark :colo asu1dark<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Brookstream :colo brookstream<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Calmar256_dark :colo calmar256_dark<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Camo :colo camo<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Candy :colo candy<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Candycode :colo candycode<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dante :colo dante<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Darkspectrum :colo darkspectrum<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Desert256 :colo desert256<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.DesertEx :colo desertEx<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dusk :colo dusk<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dw_blue :colo dw_blue<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dw_cyan :colo dw_cyan<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dw_green :colo dw_green<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dw_orange :colo dw_orange<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dw_purple :colo dw_purple<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dw_red :colo dw_red<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Dw_yellow :colo dw_yellow<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Earendel :colo earendel<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Ekvoli :colo ekvoli<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Fnaqevan :colo fnaqevan<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Freya :colo freya<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Fruity :colo fruity<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Golden :colo golden<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Inkpot :colo inkpot<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Jellybeans :colo jellybeans<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Leo :colo leo<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Lucius :colo lucius<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Manxome :colo manxome<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Matrix :colo matrix<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Metacosm :colo metacosm<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Moria :colo moria<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Motus :colo motus<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Neon :colo neon<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Neverness :colo neverness<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Northland :colo northland<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Oceanblack :colo oceanblack<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Railscasts :colo railscasts<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Railscasts2 :colo railscasts2<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Rdark :colo rdark<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Relaxedgreen :colo relaxedgreen<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Rootwater :colo rootwater<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Synic :colo synic<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Tango :colo tango<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Tango2 :colo tango2<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Vibrantink :colo vibrantink<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Vividchalk :colo vividchalk<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Wombat :colo wombat<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Wombat256 :colo wombat256<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Xoria256 :colo xoria256<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Dark.Zenburn :colo zenburn<CR>
-"submenu white
-amenu T&hemes.white.delek  :colo delek<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.white.eclipse  :colo eclipse<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.white.martin_krischik  :colo martin_krischik<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.white.*moria  :colo moria<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.white.print_bw  :colo print_bw<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.white.shine  :colo shine<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.white.*sienna  :colo sienna<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.white.tolerable  :colo tolerable<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.white.zellner  :colo zellner<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Autumn :colo autumn<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Autumn2 :colo autumn2<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Autumnleaf :colo autumnleaf<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Baycomb :colo baycomb<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Biogoo :colo biogoo<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Buttercream :colo buttercream<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Calmar256_light :colo calmar256_light<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Chela_light :colo chela_light<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Dawn :colo dawn<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Eclipse :colo eclipse<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Fine_blue :colo fine_blue<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Fog :colo fog<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Fruit :colo fruit<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Habilight :colo habilight<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Impact :colo impact<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Ironman :colo ironman<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Martin_krischik :colo martin_krischik<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Nuvola :colo nuvola<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Oceanlight :colo oceanlight<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.PapayaWhip :colo PapayaWhip<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Print_bw :colo print_bw<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Pyte :colo pyte<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Sienna :colo sienna<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Simpleandfriendly :colo simpleandfriendly<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Spring :colo spring<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Tolerable :colo tolerable<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Vc :colo vc<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Light.Winter :colo winter<CR>
-"submenu yellow
-amenu T&hemes.yellow.PapayaWhip  :colo PapayaWhip<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.yellow.buttercream  :colo buttercream<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.yellow.hhorange  :colo hhorange<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.yellow.olive  :colo olive<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.yellow.professional  :colo professional<CR>
-amenu T&hemes.yellow.robinhood  :colo robinhood<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Aiseered :colo aiseered<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Astronaut :colo astronaut<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Bluegreen :colo bluegreen<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Borland :colo borland<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Breeze :colo breeze<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Chocolateliquor :colo chocolateliquor<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Darkblue2 :colo darkblue2<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Darkslategray :colo darkslategray<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Marklar :colo marklar<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Navajo :colo navajo<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Navajo_night :colo navajo_night<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Night :colo night<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Oceandeep :colo oceandeep<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Olive :colo olive<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Peaksea :colo peaksea<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Sea :colo sea<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Settlemyer :colo settlemyer<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Tabula :colo tabula<CR>
+amenu T&hemes.&Other.Xemacs :colo xemacs<CR>

vim-scripts packaging

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