Move biboumi from VoIP to XMPP team?

W. Martin Borgert debacle at
Fri Feb 2 13:41:10 UTC 2018

Quoting Jonas Smedegaard <jonas at>:
> If, as you say, it doesn't matter much, then how does it matter little -

The potential advantage to move is, that with the XMPP team
maybe more people are actual biboumi users and admins. This
might help in case of bugs etc. (E.g. I had a problem with
biboumi and gajim-antispam, that I did not investigate
further. Stuff like that.)

> and what would it involve (if you know)?

To the best of my knowledge, it would involve only
  - a simple path change in the salsa.d.o UI
  - and setting debian/control to the other team


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