[Pkg-xen-devel] Bug#783346: Bug #783346: patch for booting Jessie domU with wheezy dom0

Hans van Kranenburg hans at knorrie.org
Tue Jan 22 15:50:29 GMT 2019

Hi Daniel, Dameon,

On 1/22/19 8:26 AM, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> On 20/01/2019 19:01, Hans van Kranenburg wrote:
>> reassign 783346 src:xen 4.1.4-3+deb7u4
>> severity 783346 normal
>> thanks
>> Hi Daniel,
>> This is about the bug report that you filed before about pygrub in the
>> Debian bug tracker against the Xen packages.
>> Your bug report was targeted at a Xen package in a Debian distribution
>> older than the current stable (Stretch), and I'm trying to clean up our
>> open bug report list a bit.
>> In the bug history, I see that already was suggested to use the grub2
>> based way of booting the virtual machines instead of pygrub. This is
>> still recommended.
>> Addtionally, the grub-xen-* packages in Debian Buster will now also be
>> able to boot a Xen domU using the new PVH virtualization mode, if you
>> use the Debian Linux 4.19 kernel package inside.
>> Am I right to understand that we can close this bug report now?
> If you are still distributing the script with the bug, then I would
> recommend:
> a) check if the patch is now included upstream, if yes, close the bug, or

Yes, this is in since 4.5 upstream:


It's also in 4.4.2, but Jessie packages are stuck at 4.4.1.

> b) include the patch in the Debian package, or
> c) stop installing the pygrub script in the package so that users have
> to use pygrub2 or something else.

In general it's really recommended to stop using pygrub and use the
grub2 based alternatives.

> However, I migrated from Xen to KVM so I'm not using the package
> personally any more.

Ok, closing now.

Thanks for your response.


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