God will repay you, kindness for kindness!

Pastor Rod Parsley pastorrodparsley at breakthrough.net
Wed Oct 10 02:15:27 UTC 2007

!!TCL: ERROR wrong # args: should be "set varName ?newValue?" TCL!!

The hunted, tortured Acholi people of Uganda are living in a hell on earth - but in Jesus' name, you and I can help to save their lives! 

The Acholi people are desperate. I had to send you this e-mail - for their sake! 

You can bring hope to them today! In compassionate obedience to God, support Bridge of Hope's Operation: Save Lives - and help rush food and medicine to Uganda with your generous online gift right now.

We at Bridge of Hope are doing all we can to help these desperate victims. Unfortunately, it's too late for Evelyne's daughter. 

Evelyne fought with all her might to save her baby when their village was attacked. 

A soldier viciously struck her 3-year-old daughter, Freda, and when she tried to protect her, he hacked Evelyne with a machete and shot her. 

Desperate, dying and unable to get to her child, Evelyne watched in horror as the man slashed the baby with his knife, shot her and then - sure that Freda was dead - brutally kicked her in the face, baby teeth flying from her bloody mouth.... 

I know, if you could, you would have fought to defend Freda and Evelyne. And I know, even now, that you will want to do whatever you can to help refugees like Evelyne recover from this horror and pain. 

One evil man - a false prophet named Joseph Kony - has made life a living hell for the innocent Acholi people of Uganda. 

He led the rebel group called the "Lord's Resistance Army" (LRA) in carrying out genocide against them. The LRA kidnapped children and forced them to become soldiers, or forced the young girls to "marry" rebel group officers. Tens of thousands of children have been abducted! 

But we serve a God who brings light to the darkness ... and sets captives free! We must help these precious victims in Jesus' name!! 

Please, in the name of Jesus, help us feed as many children as possible. Your immediate gift of $60 will help provide healthy food and medicine for a child for THREE ENTIRE MONTHS, while supporting our Bridge of Hope outreaches around the world.

Right now, we are gearing up to send 40,000 pounds of medical supplies and 250,000 nutritious meals to the hungry people of Uganda as part of our OPERATION: SAVE LIVES initiative! 

There is no time to spare. So many people have been displaced from their homes and forced into refugee camps. But as many as 1,500 per week die in these camps!

Please give NOW! Don't give up on the dying children of Uganda. Help us rush life-saving aid to them in the name of Jesus.

God has promised to reward those who support the poor: "He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again" (Proverbs 19:17). 

Give God the opportunity to repay you kindness for kindness. Open your heart in compassion to the "least of these" today. 

Thank you! 

Pastor Rod Parsley

email: pastorrodparsley at breakthrough.net 
phone: 800-637-2288 
web: http://boh.rodparsley.com

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World Harvest Church | 4595 Gender Rd. | Canal Winchester | OH | 43110 
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