[Po4a-devel] Your a translation group, so why is your web site only in 2 languages, I can help

Info@comchatter.net info at comchatter.net
Fri Mar 14 20:54:55 UTC 2008

Hi there
I find it somewhat distressing that a group involved in translation has 
their site in only 2 languages
How about a web site that your translators could translate using their 
own browser which also supports hundreds of languages
What do I want in return?
Help making better translation tools and getting better integration 
between PO translation and the NLSO system
Benefit to you:
Your users will see that your serious about translation and it will make 
the process faster & more seamless
Benefits to me:
More translations of my other sites and another tool (Open source) that 
I can offer
Cost to you:
Time to improve your tools/service
Mutual benefits: we both gain

What is the NLSO system??
Easiest way to explain is have you see it in action, goto 
http://comchatter.com and you will see a world first, a web designed to 
be fully multi-lingual
Already available in English (native language), also Chinese Mandarin, 
substantial translation in Turkish and partial translations in over 60 
others, total language support, currently listed almost 300 
language/dialects with more being added regularly
NLSO is open-source

I am the primary developer of the NLSO library and ComChatter.com & I am 
Ivan Gan, at your service :)

I hope that we can work together, because one language is never enough!


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