[Python-apps-commits] r8099 - in packages/s3ql/trunk/debian (8 files)

nikratio-guest at users.alioth.debian.org nikratio-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sat Jan 21 18:54:12 UTC 2012

    Date: Saturday, January 21, 2012 @ 18:54:11
  Author: nikratio-guest
Revision: 8099

New upstream release 1.9


Modified: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/NEWS
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/NEWS	2012-01-20 02:14:27 UTC (rev 8098)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/NEWS	2012-01-21 18:54:11 UTC (rev 8099)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+s3ql (1.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * The file system structure has changed, existing file systems
+    need to be upgraded using "s3qladm upgrade" before they can
+    be used.
+ -- Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus at rath.org>  Sat, 21 Jan 2012 13:49:59 -0500
 s3ql (1.7-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * The file system structure has changed, existing file systems

Modified: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/README.Debian
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/README.Debian	2012-01-20 02:14:27 UTC (rev 8098)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/README.Debian	2012-01-21 18:54:11 UTC (rev 8099)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
    system directory (/usr/man/man1) and can be viewed with the
    standard `man` command.
-   The upstart script (s3ql.conf) and sample backup script
+   The upstart script (s3ql_upstart.conf) and sample backup script
    (s3ql_backup.sh) are installed in /usr/share/doc/s3ql/examples.
-   benchmark.py and make_dummy.py are installed into /usr/lib/s3ql.
+   benchmark.py is installed into /usr/lib/s3ql.

Modified: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/changelog
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/changelog	2012-01-20 02:14:27 UTC (rev 8098)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/changelog	2012-01-21 18:54:11 UTC (rev 8099)
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-s3ql (1.8.1-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+s3ql (1.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Depend on python (>= 2.7) | python-argparse. Closes: #653641.
+  * Depend on python >= 2.7 (now required by upstream). Closes: #653641.
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Dropped obsolete argparse.diff patch.
- -- Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus at rath.org>  Sat, 07 Jan 2012 14:04:21 -0500
+ -- Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus at rath.org>  Sat, 21 Jan 2012 13:38:25 -0500
 s3ql (1.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/control
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/control	2012-01-20 02:14:27 UTC (rev 8098)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/control	2012-01-21 18:54:11 UTC (rev 8099)
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 Source: s3ql
 Section: misc
 Priority: optional
-X-Python-Version: >= 2.6.6
+X-Python-Version: >= 2.7
 Maintainer: Debian Python Apps Team <python-apps-team at lists.alioth.debian.org>
 Uploaders: Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus at rath.org>,
            Laszlo Boszormenyi <gcs at debian.hu>
 Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 8),
-               python-dev (>= 2.6.6-3~),
+               python-dev (>= 2.7),
                python-setuptools (>= 0.6.14),
                python-apsw (>= 3.7.0),
                libsqlite3-dev (>= 3.7.0),
                python-sphinx (>= 1.0.7+dfsg),
-               python (>= 2.7) | python-argparse (>= 1.1),
+               python (>= 2.7), 
                python-llfuse (>= 0.37),
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@
          libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.7.0),
          fuse [linux-any] | fuse4bsd [kfreebsd-any],
-         python-argparse (>= 1.1),
          python-llfuse (>= 0.37),
          python-apsw (>= 3.7.0),
          python-lzma (>= 0.5.3)

Deleted: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/patches/argparse.diff
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/patches/argparse.diff	2012-01-20 02:14:27 UTC (rev 8098)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/patches/argparse.diff	2012-01-21 18:54:11 UTC (rev 8099)
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-Description: Don't depend on argparse when running under Python 2.7
- This patch changes setup.py so that it no longer requires the python
- argparse module when running under Python 2.7.
- .
- The patch was extracted from the upstream mercurial repository and
- therefore contains some unrelated whitespace changes as well.
- .
-Author: Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus at rath.org>
-Origin: upstream
-Forwarded: not-needed
---- s3ql-1.8.1.orig/setup.py
-+++ s3ql-1.8.1/setup.py
-@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use_setuptools(version='0.6.14', downloa
- import setuptools
- import setuptools.command.test as setuptools_test
- from setuptools import Extension
- class build_docs(setuptools.Command):
-     description = 'Build Sphinx documentation'
-     user_options = [
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class build_docs(setuptools.Command):
-         ('all-files', 'a', 'build all files'),
-     ]
-     boolean_options = ['fresh-env', 'all-files']
-     def initialize_options(self):
-         self.fresh_env = False
-         self.all_files = False
-@@ -54,25 +54,25 @@ class build_docs(setuptools.Command):
-             from docutils.utils import SystemMessage
-         except ImportError:
-             raise QuietError('This command requires Sphinx to be installed.')
-         dest_dir = os.path.join(basedir, 'doc')
-         src_dir = os.path.join(basedir, 'rst')
-         confoverrides = {}
-         confoverrides['version'] = s3ql.VERSION
-         confoverrides['release'] = s3ql.VERSION
-         for builder in ('html', 'latex', 'man'):
-             print('Running %s builder...' % builder)
-             self.mkpath(os.path.join(dest_dir, builder))
--            app = Sphinx(srcdir=src_dir, confdir=src_dir, 
-+            app = Sphinx(srcdir=src_dir, confdir=src_dir,
-                          outdir=os.path.join(dest_dir, builder),
--                         doctreedir=os.path.join(dest_dir, 'doctrees'), 
-+                         doctreedir=os.path.join(dest_dir, 'doctrees'),
-                          buildername=builder, confoverrides=confoverrides,
-                          freshenv=self.fresh_env)
-             self.fresh_env = False
-             self.all_files = False
-             try:
-                 if self.all_files:
-                     app.builder.build_all()
-@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ class build_docs(setuptools.Command):
-                 print('reST markup error:',
-                       err.args[0].encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace'),
-                       file=sys.stderr)
-         # These shouldn't be installed by default                    
--        for name in ('expire_backups.1', 'pcp.1'):     
-+        for name in ('expire_backups.1', 'pcp.1'):
-             os.rename(os.path.join(dest_dir, 'man', name),
-                       os.path.join(basedir, 'contrib', name))
-@@ -92,30 +92,37 @@ class build_docs(setuptools.Command):
-         for _ in range(3):
-             subprocess.check_call(['pdflatex', '-interaction',
-                                    'batchmode', 'manual.tex'],
--                                  cwd=os.path.join(dest_dir, 'latex'), 
-+                                  cwd=os.path.join(dest_dir, 'latex'),
-                                   stdout=open('/dev/null', 'wb'))
-         os.rename(os.path.join(dest_dir, 'latex', 'manual.pdf'),
-                   os.path.join(dest_dir, 'manual.pdf'))
- def main():
-     with open(os.path.join(basedir, 'rst', 'about.rst'), 'r') as fh:
-         long_desc = fh.read()
-     compile_args = ['-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Wno-unused-parameter' ]
-     # http://trac.cython.org/cython_trac/ticket/704
-     compile_args.append('-Wno-unused-but-set-variable')
-     # http://bugs.python.org/issue969718
--    if sys.version_info[0] == 2: 
-+    if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
-         compile_args.append('-fno-strict-aliasing')
-     # http://bugs.python.org/issue7576
-     if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 2:
-         compile_args.append('-Wno-missing-field-initializers')
-+    required_pkgs = ['apsw >= 3.7.0',
-+                     'pycryptopp',
-+                     'llfuse >= 0.37',
-+                     'pyliblzma >= 0.5.3' ]
-+    if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] < 7:
-+        required_pkgs.append('argparse >= 1.1')
-     setuptools.setup(
-           name='s3ql',
-           zip_safe=True,
-@@ -140,10 +147,10 @@ def main():
-           package_dir={'': 'src'},
-           packages=setuptools.find_packages('src'),
-           provides=['s3ql'],
--          ext_modules=[Extension('s3ql._deltadump', ['src/s3ql/_deltadump.c'], 
-+          ext_modules=[Extension('s3ql._deltadump', ['src/s3ql/_deltadump.c'],
-                                  extra_compile_args=compile_args,
--                                 extra_link_args=[ '-lsqlite3'] )],          
--          data_files = [ ('share/man/man1', 
-+                                 extra_link_args=[ '-lsqlite3'])],
-+          data_files=[ ('share/man/man1',
-                           [ os.path.join('doc/man/', x) for x
-                             in glob(os.path.join(basedir, 'doc', 'man', '*.1')) ]) ],
-           entry_points={ 'console_scripts':
-@@ -160,22 +167,14 @@ def main():
-                          's3qlrm = s3ql.remove:main',
-                          ]
-                           },
--          install_requires=['apsw >= 3.7.0',
--                            'pycryptopp',
--                            'llfuse >= 0.37',
--                            'argparse >= 1.1',
--                            'pyliblzma >= 0.5.3' ],
--          tests_require=['apsw >= 3.7.0', 'unittest2',
--                         'pycryptopp',
--                         'llfuse >= 0.37',
--                         'argparse >= 1.1',
--                         'pyliblzma >= 0.5.3' ],
-+          install_requires=required_pkgs,
-+          tests_require=required_pkgs + [ 'unittest2' ],
-           test_suite='tests',
-           cmdclass={'test': test,
-                     'upload_docs': upload_docs,
-                     'build_cython': build_cython,
--                    'build_sphinx': build_docs }, 
--          command_options = { 'sdist': { 'formats': ('setup.py', 'bztar') } }, 
-+                    'build_sphinx': build_docs },
-+          command_options={ 'sdist': { 'formats': ('setup.py', 'bztar') } },
-          )
- class build_cython(setuptools.Command):
-@@ -200,15 +199,15 @@ class build_cython(setuptools.Command):
-         directives = dict(extra_warnings)
-         directives['embedsignature'] = True
--        options = { 'recursive': False, 'verbose': True, 'timestamps': False, 
-+        options = { 'recursive': False, 'verbose': True, 'timestamps': False,
-                    'compiler_directives': directives, 'warning_errors': True }
-         for extension in self.extensions:
-             for file_ in extension.sources:
-                 (file_, ext) = os.path.splitext(file_)
-                 path = os.path.join(basedir, file_)
-                 if ext != '.c':
--                    continue 
-+                    continue
-                 if os.path.exists(path + '.pyx'):
-                     print('compiling %s to %s' % (file_ + '.pyx', file_ + ext))
-                     res = cython_compile(path + '.pyx', full_module_name=extension.name,
-@@ -217,12 +216,12 @@ class build_cython(setuptools.Command):
-                         raise SystemExit('Cython encountered errors.')
-                 else:
-                     print('%s is up to date' % (file_ + ext,))
- class test(setuptools_test.test):
-     # Attributes defined outside init, required by setuptools.
-     # pylint: disable=W0201
-     description = "Run self-tests"
--    user_options = (setuptools_test.test.user_options + 
-+    user_options = (setuptools_test.test.user_options +
-                     [('debug=', None, 'Activate debugging for specified modules '
-                                       '(separated by commas, specify "all" for all modules)')])
-@@ -250,18 +249,18 @@ class test(setuptools_test.test):
-         if not root_logger.handlers:
-             add_stdout_logging(quiet=True)
-             handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler("setup.log",
--                                                           maxBytes=10*1024**2, backupCount=0)
-+                                                           maxBytes=10 * 1024 ** 2, backupCount=0)
-             formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d [%(process)s] %(threadName)s: '
-                                           '[%(name)s] %(message)s', datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
--            handler.setFormatter(formatter)                                                
-+            handler.setFormatter(formatter)
-             root_logger.addHandler(handler)
--            setup_excepthook()  
-+            setup_excepthook()
-             if self.debug:
-                 root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-                 if 'all' not in self.debug:
-                     root_logger.addFilter(LoggerFilter(self.debug, logging.INFO))
-             else:
--                root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) 
-+                root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-         else:
-             root_logger.debug("Logging already initialized.")
-@@ -273,31 +272,31 @@ class test(setuptools_test.test):
-             def loadTestsFromModule(self, module):
-                 """Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the given module"""
-                 tests = []
--                if module.__name__!='setuptools.tests.doctest':  # ugh
--                    tests.append(unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(self,module))
-+                if module.__name__ != 'setuptools.tests.doctest':  # ugh
-+                    tests.append(unittest.TestLoader.loadTestsFromModule(self, module))
-                 if hasattr(module, "additional_tests"):
-                     tests.append(module.additional_tests())
-                 if hasattr(module, '__path__'):
-                     for file in sorted(resource_listdir(module.__name__, '')):
--                        if file.endswith('.py') and file!='__init__.py':
--                            submodule = module.__name__+'.'+file[:-3]
-+                        if file.endswith('.py') and file != '__init__.py':
-+                            submodule = module.__name__ + '.' + file[:-3]
-                         else:
-                             if resource_exists(
--                                module.__name__, file+'/__init__.py'
-+                                module.__name__, file + '/__init__.py'
-                             ):
--                                submodule = module.__name__+'.'+file
-+                                submodule = module.__name__ + '.' + file
-                             else:
-                                 continue
-                         tests.append(self.loadTestsFromName(submodule))
--                if len(tests)!=1:
-+                if len(tests) != 1:
-                     return self.suiteClass(tests)
-                 else:
-                     return tests[0] # don't create a nested suite for only one return
-         unittest.main(
--            None, None, [unittest.__file__]+self.test_args,
--            testLoader = ScanningLoader())
-+            None, None, [unittest.__file__] + self.test_args,
-+            testLoader=ScanningLoader())
- class upload_docs(setuptools.Command):
-     user_options = []

Modified: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/patches/proc_mount.diff
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/patches/proc_mount.diff	2012-01-20 02:14:27 UTC (rev 8098)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/patches/proc_mount.diff	2012-01-21 18:54:11 UTC (rev 8099)
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@
 Last-Update: <2012-01-04>
 Author: Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus at rath.org>
---- s3ql-1.8.1.orig/tests/t4_adm.py
-+++ s3ql-1.8.1/tests/t4_adm.py
+--- s3ql-1.9.orig/tests/t4_adm.py
++++ s3ql-1.9/tests/t4_adm.py
 @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ class AdmTests(TestCase):
          self.assertEqual(proc.wait(), 0)
 +    @unittest.skipUnless(os.path.exists('/proc/mounts'), '/proc/mounts not available')

Modified: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/patches/series	2012-01-20 02:14:27 UTC (rev 8098)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/patches/series	2012-01-21 18:54:11 UTC (rev 8099)
@@ -1,2 +1 @@

Modified: packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/s3ql.examples
--- packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/s3ql.examples	2012-01-20 02:14:27 UTC (rev 8098)
+++ packages/s3ql/trunk/debian/s3ql.examples	2012-01-21 18:54:11 UTC (rev 8099)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

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