[Python-apps-team] Bug#436135: depends on pykaraoke-bin

Pietro Battiston toobaz at email.it
Fri Jan 2 15:18:10 UTC 2009

The fonts are missing because they are contained in the "pykaraoke"

So the bug is solved by just applying the following patch to

<  python-pygame, ttf-dejavu
>  python-pygame, ttf-dejavu, pykaraoke

However, at this point pykaraoke depends on pykaraoke-bin and viceversa,
and this seems fairly stupid, and surely not in the intentions of the
original packager. So there may be a cleaner fix, like discovering that
the fonts (and any other needed stuff) can be found in another dedicated
package, and depending on that, and patching sources to find fonts at
standard locations. However, at the moment this bug apparently totally
breaks package pykaraoke-bin, so I would fix it like suggested anyway,
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