[Python-modules-team] [Openstack] Nova not building on SID with python2.7

Scott Kitterman debian at kitterman.com
Thu May 26 16:58:39 UTC 2011

On Thursday, May 26, 2011 09:07:23 AM Thomas Goirand wrote:
> This doesn't work like this in Debian: I do not own
> the pyopenssl package, so I need to wait until the
> pkg-python-modules team does it. I can send a patch
> against the package, and if it takes more than a
> week or 2 without an upload, then I can NMU (non
> maintainer upload) in the delayed queue. But I wont
> just fix like that, that would be considered as
> rude to not work with current maintainers.

Please see #622154.  The package is team maintained by the DPMT and there's an 
open RC bug for quite some time.  This package is quite ripe for a 0 day NMU 
or a team upload by any DPMT member.  No need to wait based on fear of being 
rude to maintainers.

Scott K

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