[Python-modules-team] Bug#681583: python-blist: empty package

Evgeni Golov evgeni at debian.org
Tue Jul 17 06:27:16 UTC 2012

tags 681583 + patch


this is due to blist not Build-Depending on anything pythoninc and thus 
resulting in the following during build:
 Can't exec "pyversions": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/python_distutils.pm line 120.
 Use of uninitialized value $python_default in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/python_distutils.pm line 121.
 Use of uninitialized value $python_default in substitution (s///) at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/python_distutils.pm line 122.

A patch to solve the issue is attached.


Bruce Schneier can read and understand Perl programs.
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