[Python-modules-team] Bug#734382: [python3-botocore] missing dependency

Stefan stefan at huhn.li
Mon Jan 6 16:52:34 UTC 2014

Package: python3-botocore
Version: 0.29.0+repack-1
Severity: normal

--- Please enter the report below this line. ---
Dependency python3-requests is missing.

--- System information. ---
Architecture: amd64
Kernel:       Linux 3.12.5-titan+

Debian Release: jessie/sid
  500 unstable        www.emdebian.org 
  500 unstable        ftp.debian.org 
  500 unstable        build.i3wm.org 
  500 testing         security.debian.org 
  500 testing         ftp.debian.org 
    1 experimental    ftp.debian.org 

--- Package information. ---
Depends                  (Version) | Installed
python3-dateutil                   | 2.0+dfsg1-1
python3-six                        | 1.4.1-1
python3-jmespath                   | 0.2.1-1
python3:any          (>= 3.3.2-2~) | 

Package's Recommends field is empty.

Package's Suggests field is empty.

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