[Python-modules-team] web2py package update

Matus Valo matusvalo at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 20:23:12 UTC 2014

Hi Jose,

I found out that package web2py is outdated in debian (there is also 
raised bug #689658 reporting this issue), so I decided to package newer 
version (2.9.4).  Hence, I am requesting sponsorship for this package. 
The URL of the package is:


The respective dsc file can be found at:


All my changes are recored in the changelog. I am aware of one 
dependency problem. The package python-gluon is python library package 
and it has hardcoded path of the splash logo ( in widget.py file), but 
this file is installed with package python-web2py and hence widget.py 
file is broken when python-gluon is installed without python-web2py.


Matus Valo

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