[Python-modules-team] Bug#780610: python-potr: convertkey.py is missing

intrigeri intrigeri at debian.org
Sat May 9 03:31:38 UTC 2015


anonym wrote (16 Mar 2015 17:14:44 GMT) :
> convertkey.py is missing from the package (in all dists it's packaged
> for) even though it's explicitly mentioned in the package description
> that it should be included. Please add it!

Commit ff5a326 ("port package to dh_python2, adding Python 3.x
package") in the packaging Git repo removed the packaging bits that
used to install convertkey to /usr/bin:

       install -d debian/python-potr/usr/bin
       install -m0755 src/tools/convertkey.py debian/python-potr/usr/bin/convertkey

It's probably trivial to re-add convertkey to python3-potr.install or
python-potr.install, but... which one? Apparently upstream has added
some Python 3 compatibility, but perhaps the safe bet, for now, would
be to re-introduce the script in the (Python 2) package that used to
ship it: even if it's not made it into any stable Debian release,
we're supposedly handling partial upgrades to some degree.

Shall I just do that and NMU, or?


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