[Reportbug-maint] Bug#878088: reportbug: please inform security and lts teams about security update regressions

Nis Martensen nis.martensen at web.de
Wed Jan 24 15:56:23 UTC 2018

Let me describe my suggestion in more detail:

 - Instead of having the "is this a security version" check
implemented directly in bin/reportbug as a version number check, there
could be a new function "is_security_update(package, version)" in
reportbug/utils.py. You can move the version number check there to
quickly decide if this is definitely no security version.

 - The point of the apt-cache idea was to try harder to avoid asking
the user unnecessary questions. So this could be included in the new
function. Your question will still be asked, but only if the evidence
that the package actually is a security update is stronger.

To avoid the sys.exit completely, you could just move the seven lines
starting with data = r.json() inside the try: clause?

Please be optimistic: the feedback loop is short now, so we might
arrive at something acceptable to Sandro soon, and then you'll have
your notifications.

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