[Resolvconf-devel] Bug#856015: behaves erratically, browser sometimes reports "This site can't be reached"

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Fri Feb 24 09:53:19 UTC 2017

Package: resolvconf
Version: 1.76.1
Severity: important

I installed resolvconf on a jessie system some time ago.  Since then it
has been behaving erratically.

The host gets DNS server details (both IPv4 and IPv6) over DHCP

The DHCP server is an OpenWRT router.  The DNS server details returned
by DHCP point to the router where dnsmasq is running.

resolvconf has put the following in my /etc/resolv.conf on the Debian host:


and started a dnsmasq process on it.

I looked at /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf and it contains the details of
the router IPs, one line for IPv4 and another for IPv6

When I'm browsing the web, I frequently encounter errors "This site
can't be reached".  Sometimes the browser retries after a second and
then the page appears, sometimes it remains stuck.

I've tried testing with dig and I've observed similar behavior,
sometimes queries fail but when repeated a few moments later they succeed.

Could there be some timeout issue somewhere, maybe something is not
waiting long enough for a reply to the first attempt?



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