[sane-devel] Suggestion for scanning frontends

mh crapsite at gmx.net
Fri Apr 12 19:47:43 BST 2002

Henning Meier-Geinitz, Freitag, 12. April 2002 18:28:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 07:31:29AM -0700, Matts wrote:
> > So my suggestion is that this is added to the planned fuatures list,
> > the possibility to select a number of areas and then scan them all at
> > once. It should also be possible to save the areas configuration,
> > since In many cased the areas are always the same, since the use the
> > use of a frameholder.
> Probably there are tow ways to do this:
> 1) Add this to SANE2, that means, change the SANE standard. Do all the
>    work in the backend. The fronetnd "only" selects and transmitts the
>    regions of the single images. The backend calculates the real scan
>    parameters and divides the scan data into single images.
> 2) All the work is done in the frontend. Should be possible, too. So
>    the frontend scans only a big chunk of the image and divides it
>    into smaller pieces.
Isn't 2) exactly what QuiteInsane does (or should do, if it would work :-) ?

1) would be better, of course, since you don't have to scan redundant parts 
of the image.


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