[sane-devel] SANE2 proposal

Nick Lamb njl98r at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Sun Apr 14 19:01:08 BST 2002

On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 03:01:42PM +0200, Oliver Rauch wrote:
> Suggestions, patches and comments welcome.

As well as my immediate comments (see previously) I have already looked
through a couple of chapters and have some comments about the changes
(or equally, things which aren't changed and should be)

* Chapter 6 needs updating

* 4.5.4 needs some information to explain what happens when you have
a scan area set, and want to set a new one which doesn't intersect.
There have been problems with this in the past.

* The opening assumption in 4.5.14 doesn't seem right to me. How can
multiple frontends have simultaneous access to a unique resource like
a SCSI scanner? Has anyone considered separating the scan button
functionality from SANE so that it can e.g. launch a frontend ?

* 4.5.7 could do with some clarification, maybe even an example. I
think what's written here is correct, but if I didn't already understand
it I'm not sure the text of 4.5.7 would help.

I think there are some "Note for backend/ frontend maintainer" sections
in my draft which aren't present in this one and I'll try to dig those
out (or someone else can, the draft is public)

In many places this version of the standard gets very chatty, almost
to the point of saying "Well guys, you know, try to play nice". Which
is not what anyone wants from a standard. The worst thing about the
W3C HTML standards is that they rarely say anything concrete, and SANE
got this right in the first revision by being very specific. It's a
standards document, not an statement of personal philosophy :)


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