[sane-devel] Using a Visioneer Strobe XP 100 or Syscan 464

Henning Meier-Geinitz henning at meier-geinitz.de
Thu Feb 20 18:18:32 GMT 2003


On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 10:17:36AM -0600, Ted Drude wrote:
> I do a SANE_DEBUG_PLUSTEK=255 scanimage -L and here is the relevant output:
> [plustek] attach (/dev/usb/scanner0, 0xbfffd340, (nil))


> [plustek] usbDev_close() [plustek] attach: model = >TravelScan 464<
> [plustek] sane_get_devices (0xbffff458, 0)
> device `plustek:/dev/usb/scanner0' is a Plustek TravelScan 464 USB flatbed scanner

Looks fine.

> 5) I've talked to the "engineering" dept. at Syscan about supporting this 
> device under SANE, but they said they "don't know anyone who is using 
> SANE". I tried to explain that SANE is very popular, but didn't seemd to 
> make any progress in getting their help or cooperation.

They are most probably right concerning their scanner :-)

> Any suggestions on how to proceed from here?

What does happen when you try to scan?


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