[sane-devel] Umax Astra 2200 SCSI/USB

blub blub at gmx.at
Fri May 23 14:30:39 BST 2003


I tried xsane with my Scanner connecete to SCSI or USB. When I run the 
"preview" the scanner works even if the preview is very bad. But when I 
push "SCAN" the scanner starts, moves a view centimeters (I think up to the 
point where the scanner starts to calibrate) and than the whole system 
crashes (connectet to SCSI) even the "Num" key stops working. When 
connectet to the USB, only Xsane freezes. When I dissconnect the scanner 
from the powersupply, than the System freezes.

Where to search the error. I am us linux-2.4.20-gentoo-r5 kernel and sane- 
backends 1.0.11 sane-frontends 1.0.10 xsane 0.90

And the Scanner is a UMAX ASTRA 2200 V2.0 connected either/or SCSI/USB

THX for help

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