[sane-devel] Proposed timetable for the release of sane-backends-1.0.16

Olaf Meeuwissen olaf.meeuwissen@avasys.jp
Tue, 05 Jul 2005 18:27:21 +0900

Gerhard Jaeger <gerhard@gjaeger.de> writes:

>> I would much appreciate it if someone with commit privileges would be
>> so kind as to update doc/descriptions-external/epkowa.desc.  It's been
>> a while :-)
> done - with a small correction, you might want to cross-check that.

Thanks.  I don't mind having the :status yanked, but why?
Olaf Meeuwissen                          EPSON AVASYS Corporation, LAN
FSF Associate Member #1962           sign up at http://member.fsf.org/
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