[sane-devel] Test application

stef stef.dev at free.fr
Fri Mar 26 13:42:39 UTC 2010

Le vendredi 26 mars 2010 13:47:17 Yevgeny Gromov, vous avez écrit :
> Hi!
> It's recommended to write a test application while implementing support for
> new hardware in SANE, because it's much easier to debug then library.
> Can anyone give a link to such application?
> And how can I force sane applications to use libraries in /usr/local
>  (modified) instead of system ones?
> --
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	you don't need to install to test. When developing in compile then run from 
within the backend directory with a script like:
export LD_PRELOAD=.libs/libsane-genesys.so
../frontend/scanimage -d genesys --resolution 150 --mode Color 2>run.log 

	The important point is the LD_PRELOAD export that ensure that your latest 
code is ran (here the genesys backend shared lib, you'll need to change it). 
You can also debug like this, but don't forget to change the debugging flags 
from '-g -O2' to '-ggdb' in the Makefile.

	When doing unit testing, I often compile a static test program with a 
makefile like this:

all: hp

	gcc -DUNIT_TESTING -DBACKEND_NAME=unit_testing -ggdb -I../include -c $<

hp: hp3670.o .libs/libgenesys.a
	gcc -ggdb -o hp hp3670.o .libs/libgenesys.a .libs/sane_strstatus.o -L.libs -
L../sanei/.libs -L../lib/.libs -lgenesys -lsanei -llib -lusb-1.0 -lm

	Where I have a hp3670.c file calling the functions I want to test. The 
UNIT_TESTING define is used in the genesys backend to turn private functions 
(to stick with the SANE standard) into public one that can be used by the test 


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