[sane-devel] backend in progress: canon i-sensys mf4570dn, 'mfnp' protocol

Louis Lagendijk louis at lagendijk.xs4all.nl
Tue Mar 15 22:43:20 UTC 2011

On Sat, 2011-03-05 at 19:29 +0100, chrysn wrote:

> is there a way to forcibly try the existing implementations on the
> device (without its chipset being known)?
> thanks
> chrysn
Hello Chris
I finally had some time to look at the windows traces in more detail. I
misinterpreted the results before, but the scanner seems to be similar
to the pixma scanners. Could you apply attached patch (patch < tt) from
the sane-backend directory, change the 
BJNP_STRING in pixma_bjnp_private.h in "MFNP" and test? A packet trace
will help. I had to guess the device id string, so it may be wrong (line
1646 of pixma_mp150.c), so you may have to correct that for correct
identification). It may work after that. If not, I hope that somebody
that knows the pixma backend better (Nicolas! or maybe Stef) can chime
in. It is even better to try over USB first as that avoids the
networking layer for the time being, although the change of BJNP to MFNP
should work. Be ready to pull the network plug if the scanner starts

Please provide the output of scanimage after:

Best regards, Louis

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