[Secure-testing-team] HOW CAN I TRUST YOU

Jamal Yousef jamalyousef35 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 7 15:23:07 UTC 2009

You are invited to "HOW CAN I TRUST YOU".

By your host Jamal Yousef:

     Date:		Sunday June 7, 2009

     Time:		3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (GMT +00:00)
     Street:		Dear friend, I crave your indulgence for the unsolicited nature of this letter, but it was borne out of desperation and current development. Please bear with me. My name is Mr JAMAL YOUSEF.an auditor of BOA Bank I discovered existing dormant account for 5years. I seek your consent to present yourself as the next of kin of the deceased. as an auditor in the bank I will use my position in the bank to help you stand as the next of kin to the deceased, so that the proceeds of this account valued at $17.3million dollars can be transferred to you, this is the story in a nutshell. Now I want an account over seas where the bank will transfer this fund. Now my questions are:- 1. Can you handle this project?....... 2. Can I give you this trust?....... If yes, send to me your personal information as below: Your name Your address Your occupation Your age Telephone number I expect you're urgent response

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