[Tts-project] Fwd: speech dispatcher and voxin embedded voices

Didier Spaier didier at slint.fr
Sun Feb 12 06:24:31 GMT 2023

Hi David and all

Le 12/02/2023 à 04:51, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. a écrit :
> The old address was given by the spd-conf script in Slackware 15.
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1ea at arrl.net>
> Date: Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 10:41 PM
> Subject: speech dispatcher and voxin embedded voices
> To: <speechd at bugs.freebsoft.org>, Gilles Casse <contact at oralux.org>,
> Samuel Thibault <samuel.thibault at ens-lyon.org>
> I tried to install voxin embedded voices in Slint / Slackware 15.
> spd-say "hello" says very very quickly "hello".
> voxin-say "hello" | aplay the voxin tool says "hello" very clearly.
> I know spd-conf is out of date, so according to Internet advice I
> changed some of the default answers.
> Instead of accepting the default module of "Default output module
> [espeak-ng] :" I entered "voxin" and when the spd-script complained
> about this and told me it was not one of the choices, I chose NOT to
> correct it.
> SLINT has the option of logging into the console before Xorg starts.
> This is what I use but in order to have speech at log in, the user
> needs to run spd-conf and configure a system wide spdhd conf.
> NOTEwhen running as root, this creates a file in userspace that's
> owned by root:root.
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14K Oct 30 18:29
> /home/djringjr/.config/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf
> The installation seems to give errors but voxin works perfectly.

As I already wrote to you, please just don't run spd-conf as root or otherwise,
just edit as root the file /etc/speech-dispatcher/speech-dispatcher.conf.

> I'm preparing a HOW TO for the slint.fr email list.  I've posted what
> I've written so far below my signature.  It's a draft, I haven't
> checked it completely.  There is one small typo in the voxin installer
> script about language codes. I am going to message Gilles separately
> about this.

Please do not post yet to the Slint mailing list what you wrote below your
signature, comments inline explaining why.

> This is the voxin script error - it's a tiny one letter error.
> Default language (two/three-letter iso language code like "en" or
> "cs", possibly with a region qualification.) [en-US] :
> Unfortunately "cs" is an error in the script, there is NO language
> with cs as a code, they probably meant "es" for Spanish.
> If you have a Spanish Latin American Voxin voice, you would type
> ."es-la" without the quotes. If you're an American like myself and my
> language is an American speaking English, you enter:
> en-US

Not sure about that, I will let Gilles answer.

> Best regards.
> David
> I just installed zoe-ml-embedded-high,en,US which I bought last year
> from oralux.org.
> I boot into console so there is one more step needed to install a
> Voxin Embedded voice than just running the installer.
> First find your purchase receipt from Oralux.org.  Use the link to
> download the latest version of your voice.
> This is the file name for my Zoe ML High voice.
> voxin-american-english-zoe-ml-high-3.3rc6.tgz
> I untar it.
> tar xvf voxin-american-english-zoe-ml-high-3.3rc6.tgz
> Unarchiving this file creates a folder:
> voxin-3.3rc6
> Enter that folder.and you will find (for example) another folder:
> voxin-american-english-zoe-ml-high-3.3rc6
> Enter tat folder and you will see:along with other files and folders:
> voxin-installer.sh
> Run this as root.  If you are your user account, just use "su -m" to
> stay in the same folder and become root.
> Run "voxin-installer.sh" by running this command:
> ./voxin-installer.sh
> ./ tells the command line that the command is in the same folder as
> you are in and not in the $PATH of the computer.
> When you do this you will see on the screen (or hear).
> Do you want to install a new language?
> If yes, press the ENTER key.
> Do you agree the licenses?
> If yes, press the ENTER key.
> The response to both questions is to press the ENTER key.  I have
> noticed that the second dialog asking me to press the ENTER key often
> needs me to press the ENTER key again so it registers.
> In a second or so you will hear your Voxin Eloquence voice speaking.

These instructions are stated in https://oralux.org/index.php?mylang=en under
"Installation". There is no need to post them in the Slint mailing list, as no
one else reported issue installing Voxin.

> First let's make sure we have speech-dispatcher running as a daemon we
> enter this command as root without quotation marks and making sure we
> use a capital D and not a lower case d. "speech-dispatcher -D":
> speech-dispatcher -D
> The script will respond:
> shome/djringjr/.config/speech-dispatcher/speechd.confpeechd: Speech
> Dispatcher 0.11.4 starting

The above is not necessary, at least for Slint

> If you just want to use this voice in ORCA you're all finished except
> for selecting that voice in ORCA preferences but if you want to use
> this voice on the command line and especially if you log into SLINT in
> console mode - you need to configure Speech 'Dispatcher for this.  Pay
> attention because the installation is a bit "special" because spd-conf
> is not up to date.

This is a known issue and the workaround is simple: do not use it but instead
edit directly the file /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf.

So all the below explanations are not needed.

As a reminder there is no need to configure speech-dispatcher as regular user,
as so far the only application that would need it at time of writing  is orca,
and you configure it directly from its "preferences" GUI.

So what you wrote below is uselessly confusing.

I am not aware of the conversation you had with people and lists to which you
sent this forwarded message, so may be I lack the context, but I doubt there be
in concern with installation of Voxin in Slint 15.0, which Gilles checked that
it can be done without any issue as he informed you a while ago.

> You should still be root.
> Run this command:
> spd-conf
> That script will respond:
> Speech Dispatcher configuration tool
> Do you want to setup a completely new configuration? [yes] :
> So you press ENTER to accept the default [yes] answer.
> If you log into SLINT using console log in, you need to make both a
> user and a system speech dispatcher configuration and happily the
> answers are the same.
> The script will respond:
> Do you want to create/setup a 'user' or 'system' configuration? [user] :
> This time we are going to change the default answer to "system" so
> instead of pressing ENTER we type in "system" without quotation marks.
> system
> Don't be alarmed, the script will tell you that you have to be root
> even if you are already root.
> Warning: You must be root or under sudo to do this.
> Configuring system settings for Speech Dispatcher
> Default output module [espeak-ng] :
> Here we have to make another change, instead of just pressing ENTER to
> accept espeak-ng we have to type in without quotes "voxin" in all
> lower case.
> voxin
> The script won't like this answer but it is the correct answer.  it
> will print out:
> The value you have chosen is not among the suggested values.
> You have chosen 'voxin'.
> The suggested values are ['espeak-ng', 'espeak', 'festival', 'flite',
> 'ivona', 'pico', 'espeak-ng-mbrola-generic', 'espeak-mbrola-generic',
> 'swift-generic', 'epos-generic', 'dtk-generic', 'ibmtts', 'cicero',
> 'kali', 'mary-generic', 'baratinoo']
> Do you want to correct your answer? [yes] :
> The script is asking us if we want to correct this answer, and we must
> type in without quotation marks "no" to NOT change the answer.
> no
> The script prints:
> Default language (two/three-letter iso language code like "en" or
> "cs", possibly with a region qualification.) [en-US] :
> Unfortunately "cs" is an error in the script, there is NO language
> with cs as a code, they probably meant "es" for Spanish.
> If you have a Spanish Latin American Voxin voice, you would type
> ."es-la" without the quotes. If you're an American like myself and my
> language is an American speaking English, you enter:
> en-US
> Now the script prompts you:
> Default audio output method [pulse] :
> Instead of accepting pulse, type in "libao" without the quotation marks.
> libao
> The script will accept this value without complaint and prompt you with:
> Default speech rate (on the scale of -100..100, 0 is default, 50 is
> faster, -50 is slower) [0] :
> Just accept the defaults for this and the next few questions about the
> speech rate and pitch.
> I pressed ENTER and the script prompts:
> Default speech pitch (on the scale of -100..100, 0 is default, 50 is
> higher, -50 is lower) [0] :
> I press ENTER again and the script prompts:
> Default speech pitch range (on the scale of -100..100, 0 is default,
> 50 is higher, -50 is lower) [0] :
> I press ENTER again and the script prompts:
> Do you want to start/restart Speech Dispatcher now and run some tests? [yes] :
> I press ENTER again and the script prompts:
> Warning: You must be root or under sudo to do this.
> Starting Speech Dispatcher in system-mode
> Is your system using an /etc/init.d/speech-dispatcher script? [yes] :
> I press ENTER again and the script prompts:

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