[buildd-tools-devel] Suggesting RFH bug for sbuild

Johannes Schauer j.schauer at email.de
Wed Sep 24 05:13:13 UTC 2014


Quoting Wookey (2014-09-23 22:00:40)
> A bit more peering at these two bugs, the code and the docs suddenly made it
> clear that in fact the run-as-user --chroot-setup-commands and the new
> --pre-realbuild-commands hook from 760991 are in fact exactly the same thing.

how are they the same thing?

> So that's a good reason for having it, and now I'm back (after some renaming)
> to a nice symmetrical set of 3 pairs of hooks:
> --pre-build-commands       root  external   After chroot session setup
> --chroot-setup-commands    root  in chroot  After chroot initialisation, before 'update'
> --starting-build-commands  user  in chroot  After update and dependency-install, before build
> --finished-build-commands  user  in chroot  After build, when timer stops, before cleanup
> --chroot-cleanup-commands  root  in chroot  After build, before session is closed
> --post-build-commands      root  external   After session is shut down
> Interestingly, it was writing the docs that finally made this clear to me 
> - so there is a good reason to write docs :-)

While for my own purposes it doesn't matter that starting-build-commands and
finished-build-commands are run as the sbuild user and not root, is there a
reason to not run them as root?

cheers, josch

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