[Debian-med-packaging] [relion] branch master created (now d446b4a)

rf at q-leap.de rf at q-leap.de
Fri Oct 17 18:02:31 UTC 2014

>>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Tille <andreas at an3as.eu> writes:

    Andreas> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 06:18:46PM +0200, rf at q-leap.de
    Andreas> wrote:
    >> yes I noticed the problem, just before I left yesterday. I fixed
    >> it locally by removing the wrong commits in master --> history
    >> rewriting.  Now alioth doesn't let me push (even not with -f). If
    >> it's OK, I'll remove and recreate the repo on alioth to get a
    >> clean starting point again.

    Andreas> Perfectly fine to recreate - do whatever creates the least
    Andreas> work at your side.

OK, just recreated and for testing did a fresh pull from alioth with a
subsequent git-build-package. Everything worked for me. Please try to
upload again.


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