[debiandoc-sgml-pkgs] Bug#413873: Failure to properly save @tag during nested lists

Ian Jackson ian at davenant.greenend.org.uk
Sun Sep 23 21:35:27 UTC 2007

clone 413873 -1
reassign 413873 userv
retitle -1 Failure to properly save @tag during nested lists
block 413873 by -1
tags -1 + patch

I have investigated this and concluded that the problem described in
#413873 is caused by a coding error in debiandoc2sgml's Driver.pm.

start_taglist attempts to save the contents of @tag (which is the list
of <tag> elements seen so far in the taglist) in @tags.  However, when
the list of tags is pushed it is merged with the previously pushed
lists, rather than inventing a new array and pushing a reference.

The attached patch fixes this problem.

I'm cloning this bug as there are two things that need to be done:
  * debiandoc-sgml needs to be fixed
  * userv then needs to be bin-NMUd (or no-change source-NMUd)

I have tested this change locally and it seems to fix the problem for


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