[Decaf-devel] New test release 0.1.4

Joachim Breitner mail at joachim-breitner.de
Fri Dec 22 10:08:36 CET 2006


Am Donnerstag, den 21.12.2006, 23:49 +0000 schrieb Luis Matos:
> maybe a /etc/decaf/
> with
> decaf-workstation
> decaf-db
> decaf-cashier
> my problem is only one: special files in user's home. There is no need
> and is bad.

Why is that bad? Most user applications (and decaf-cashier is a user
application) have their configuration in ~/.something

> if we have a /etc/decaf
> we can have decaf-user (user & group for workstation) and a
> decaf-cashier group for decaf-cashier, owning
> the /etc/decaf/decaf-cashier.conf .

This means we force the cafe administrator to use a specific account for
decaf-cashier, or have him manually add his normal account to a group.
I’d imagine that he rather don’t want that dictated, especially as
decaf-cashier will not be the only application he well be using: He will
use his machine as a totally normal desktop, with Office, Printing,
e-Mails, probably games. Just that he has an additional application that
happens to _remote_ control the café’s server.

And since the db is most likely on a different machine anyways, so he
has to manually transfer the settings with the password anyways, so it
does not matter if it ends up in /etc or ~/.

But we can keep discussing, I don’t have my opinion set in stone. Just
convince me :-)

Happy holidays!

Joachim Breitner
  e-Mail: mail at joachim-breitner.de
  Homepage: http://www.joachim-breitner.de
  ICQ#: 74513189

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