[Freedombox-discuss] [updates] FreedomBox Update

James Vasile james at hackervisions.org
Wed Jul 13 12:09:54 UTC 2011

On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:22:47 +0200, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:
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> On 11-07-12 at 09:19pm, James Vasile wrote:
> > Jonas Smedegaard is a one-man packaging machine (I hear he'll be at 
> > DebConf too!), and that's a huge step.
> Thanks for the kind words.

They are well earned.

> Yes, I'll be at DebConf.  Earlier on I annouced differently due to my 
> lousy ability to handle money, but I later realized that DebConf is too 
> dear for me so I'll attend no matter that I cannot really afford it.

I'd wager many on this list are wired that way.

> Latest packaging news is that Sipwitch has now entered Debian unstable, 
> and I am working with fellow Debian developers and upstream on weeding 
> out some bugs stalling it from progressing to testing.

Nice.  If we can get a working VOIP application layer that would be
huge.  Traffic shaping will be the hard part-- both in getting the
shaping right and in helping the user configure and troubleshoot it.

> Also, upstream RDF developers mentioned recently that my recent 
> packaging sprint of Perl RDF modules apparently will make it into next 
> Ubuntu release, easing upstream development, as many of them use Ubuntu 
> on their machines.  So even if years from appearing in Debian stable, 
> that packaging work already seem to benefit the progress of the larger 
> ecosystem (for those who, like me, believe semweb a.k.a. Linked Data is 
> essential to a user-friendly FreedomBox experience).

Yes, I agree.  We're quite likely to need that stuff at some point.

Best regards,

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