[Freedombox-discuss] Kernel update on BeagleBone Black

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé saghul at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 09:22:42 UTC 2016

>> How can I debug this further? Thanks in advance!
> If first boot setup is causing the further boots to fail then most
> likely the flash-kernel script in freedombox-setup is the reason.  You
> can create a fresh SD card, mount it then disable by the flash-kernel
> script by creating a empty file in /var/freedombox/dont-tweak-kernel.
> Once the flash-kernel is disabled, the image should be usable and should
> give better chance to debug the issue for future kernel upgrades.

Hi Sunil!

Creating that file did the trick :-) My FreedomBox now boots every time.
Could you please give me some guidance of how to further debug the
kernel flashing problem?


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé

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