[gopher] Gopher Live Stream Demonstration

Iain Learmonth irl at sdf.org
Mon Aug 20 18:18:41 UTC 2012

>>>> I have set up ffmpeg capturing our MJPEG stream and outputing an animated
>>>> GIF over a TCP stream using inetd which pygopherd using a PYG thingy then
>>>> spits out as an animated GIF image when the right selector is used.
>>>> Theoretically, it should work.
>>> Interesting idea. I'd like to see this when it gets live on the network.
>> Haven't negotiated firewall rules for the Gopher server to access the webcam yet, but streaming animated GIF works over HTTP:
>> http://www.erg.abdn.ac.uk/~iain/gif.php
>> --
>> Iain R. Learmonth <irl at sdf.org>
> It seems to work fine over Gopher. I just set up a wget to connect to
> your GIF outputter and send it back out again. It takes around 10
> seconds to connect, but it works fine after that. It's at
> gopher://gpa.internetearth.com:7070/g/gif/205
> Incidentally, I think you need to fiddle with your colour palette. The
> colours look rather odd in the GIF.
> I'd like to see your gif.php file--I'm curious about how you managed
> to get an infinite animated GIF.

The php.gif file doesn't contain the magic. Here it is though:


The real magic is using ffmpeg to transcode the MJPEG stream into the animated GIF and then using inetd to allow people to start the transcoding process and get the data.

I'll write up what I did later today.

Once again, OmniWeb does not seem to work. Floodgap proxy doesn't seem to work either in OmniWeb, Safari or Firefox. OverbiteFF does work.

If anyone else tests it, let me know and I'll add the results into the write up.

I will look into the colours. Right now I'm just happy there's a picture there.

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