[PKG-OpenRC-Debian] Installing openrc

Yuri D'Elia wavexx at thregr.org
Thu Oct 2 13:26:51 UTC 2014

On 10/02/2014 01:33 PM, heroxbd at gentoo.org wrote:
> Interesting, I don't have policykit installed, and I don't run
> gnome/kde. I do see policykit-1 requiring libpam-systemd now.

In my case policykit-1 is dragged in by colord, which I'm using with
xiccd. libpam-systemd is also required by lightdm (though this would be
easier to substitute with a different package).

> That's bug 761088,
>     https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=761088
> Your concern will be more heard there.

I noticed, but somehow saw it listed as "wishlist", that combined with
decision of Debian of adopting systemd as a standard init made me unsure.

>> However, even if I can assume to get rid of "systemd" itself, it looks
>> like that several systemd libraries are now basically uninstallable,
>> which several other components tightly bound to systemd itself.
> That's a sad situation, although having systemd library around is not
> that bad if it has a well-defined API and functionality.

There's also an increasing number of packages shipping with systemd's
service files, which at some point will probably drop the traditional
sysv scripts.

I have some hopes in "uselessd", if they can keep up and develop a
drop-in replacement.

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