pbuilder git tree: Changes to 'osamu'

Osamu Aoki osamu at alioth.debian.org
Wed Jan 6 14:55:00 UTC 2010

New branch 'osamu' available with the following commits:
commit 8fc4af7fcceab43b902e18263d24a3d66e9d3165
Author: Osamu Aoki <osamu at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jan 6 22:58:38 2010 +0900

    Osamu's branch to enable mode support
    The optional mode argument, e.g. "--mode mode1", is a way to support
    multiple build environments. It creates pbuilder working environment
    where each mode, e.g. "mode1", keeps all its data (chroot, build
    results, aptcache, ...) under /var/cache/pbuilder/mode1/ .
    If we attempt to support complicated chroot configurations from command
    line options, it becomes too complicated and hard to learn.  It will be
    unmaintainable too.  We can see some glimpses with the support of
    experimental.  People may ask what about security support of testing,
    volatile, .....  This mode option solves these problems.
    Keep it simple and stupid.
    The work flow with the mode option, e.g. "mode1" goes as:
    $ sudo pbuilder --mode mode1 --create
    $ sudo pbuilder --mode mode1 --login --save-after-login
     ... interactive configuration of chroot
    $ pdebuild -- --mode mode1
    Alternatively, you may use --no-targz instead of --save-after-login .
    (these are tested)
    If any automatic configuration is needed, I guess use --exec instead of
    --login with some hook script. (this is not tested)
    This is a clean up and minimal change version of my old proposal.

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