quick XBMC review

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Thu Nov 26 06:21:21 UTC 2009

Bruno Kleinert <fuddl at tauware.de> writes:

> Maybe some of the above things are already fixed, I reviewed XBMC some
> weeks ago, so my protocol is probably a bit outdated.

Reading the upstream website:

,----[ from http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=Development_Notes
| Self-containment - XBMC should be as little dependent as possible on
|   operating-system and third-party services/deamons/libraries XBMC
|   should for example contain all file-system and network-client (like
|   samba) support built-into the XBMC package

Upstreams seems to be a big fan of copy and paste inheritance in
general. Just compare how similar that page looks to

Fuddls review shows what this means for a debian package. In the end, it
looks like an incredible amount of work to navigate through the source
of the package. I do not want to imagine how loud the security team will
scream if they see the amount of source copies that they are committed
to track across debian packages.

Andres, IIRC you are also part of upstream. Wouldn't it be acceptable to
seperate reorganize the source tree in a way that 3rd party libraries
are seperated from the 'xbmc core', and make the latter more or less
self hosting? This way, we could just package the latter and be happy.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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