[Pkg-octave-devel] Further patch for OctPlot

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Wed Jan 18 11:54:00 UTC 2006

Hi Shai,

The Debian package for OctPlot was uploaded to the Debian repository and
is waiting for ftp-admin approval.  You will find a temporary repository
for the package in:


In putting up this version of the package, we discovered a problem with
toggle_octplot.  During a same session of Octave, launching
toggle_octplot several times does not result in the expected behavior,
i.e. switching back and forth from Gnuplot.  In particular, does not work
after any plotting command is issued, because the functions is kept in
the LOADPATH cache and not cleared.  

I prepared a patch (attached below as clear-functions-in-path.patch) that
fixes the problem.  It defines a new field in octplot_config_info
("clear_command") and stores there the string with the clear command,
which is issued every time LOADPATH is manipulated.

Two other things: first, we were unable to build OctPlot using the
pre-packaged version of the FTGL library.  Debian has the version 2.1.2
of FTGL, which is the same as you are shipping with the OctPlot sources
(according to the file src/FTGL/HISTORY.txt).  However, when I compare 
the files in the tarball available at:


with the files in OctPlot's tarball, I do see differences.  Here is one

diff -u /var/tmp/FTGL/include/FTGL.h FTGL.h
--- /var/tmp/FTGL/include/FTGL.h        2004-09-30 15:18:34.000000000 +0200
+++ FTGL.h      2005-06-08 20:27:08.000000000 +0200
@@ -83,4 +83,14 @@
     #define FTGL_EXPORT

+// lifted from glext.h, to remove dependancy on glext.h
+#ifndef GL_EXT_texture_object
+    #define GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY_EXT           0x8066
+    #define GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT_EXT           0x8067
+    #define GL_TEXTURE_1D_BINDING_EXT         0x8068
+    #define GL_TEXTURE_2D_BINDING_EXT         0x8069
+    #define GL_TEXTURE_3D_BINDING_EXT         0x806A
 #endif  //  __FTGL__

Which version of FTGL are you actually using?

The second thing is that in the process of building the package, we noticed
that the files config.guess and config.sub shipped in the tarball are
terribly outdated (date stamps are viz. 2000-09-05 and 2000-09-11).
This is harmless in Debian because the package build scripts replace these
files with the newest ones.  At any rate, you should update your autotools
before making the next release tarball of Octplot.


-------------- next part --------------
diff -Nur octplot-0.3.0/src/toggle_octplot.m.in octplot-0.3.0.new/src/toggle_octplot.m.in
--- octplot-0.3.0/src/toggle_octplot.m.in	2006-01-17 14:24:26.505312000 +0100
+++ octplot-0.3.0.new/src/toggle_octplot.m.in	2006-01-17 14:51:47.018601448 +0100
@@ -32,6 +32,14 @@
   octplot_config_info.version = \
   octplot_config_info.in_use = 0;
+  octplot_config_info.clear_command = "clear ";
+  octplot_tmp1 = glob (sprintf ("%s/*.m", octplot_config_info.path));
+  for octplot_tmp2 = 1 : length (octplot_tmp1)
+    octplot_config_info.clear_command = \
+      sprintf ("%s %s",
+        octplot_config_info.clear_command, \
+        split (split (octplot_tmp1 {octplot_tmp2}, "/") (end, :), ".") (1, :));
+  endfor
@@ -72,6 +80,7 @@
+    eval (octplot_config_info.clear_command);
@@ -87,6 +96,7 @@
+  eval (octplot_config_info.clear_command);
   octplot_config_info.in_use = 0;

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