[Pkg-octave-devel] Re: Further patch for OctPlot

Shai Ayal shaiay at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 06:29:55 UTC 2006


Once again thanks for your debugging! I applied your patch and
"upgraded" to the newest version of FTGL. it is all in the CVS.

I have no idea how the FTGL version mixup occured! it probably has
something to do with the ftgl tarball extracting into a FTGL directory
regardless of the version.

I am glad (and actually in awe) that octplot being considered for
debian, thanks for your work.

Are you still waiting for a new release, or can I carry on with my
previous, lazy, release schedule?


On 1/18/06, Rafael Laboissiere <rafael at debian.org> wrote:
> Hi Shai,
> The Debian package for OctPlot was uploaded to the Debian repository and
> is waiting for ftp-admin approval.  You will find a temporary repository
> for the package in:
>    http://pkg-octave.alioth.debian.org/octplot/
> In putting up this version of the package, we discovered a problem with
> toggle_octplot.  During a same session of Octave, launching
> toggle_octplot several times does not result in the expected behavior,
> i.e. switching back and forth from Gnuplot.  In particular, does not work
> after any plotting command is issued, because the functions is kept in
> the LOADPATH cache and not cleared.
> I prepared a patch (attached below as clear-functions-in-path.patch) that
> fixes the problem.  It defines a new field in octplot_config_info
> ("clear_command") and stores there the string with the clear command,
> which is issued every time LOADPATH is manipulated.
> Two other things: first, we were unable to build OctPlot using the
> pre-packaged version of the FTGL library.  Debian has the version 2.1.2
> of FTGL, which is the same as you are shipping with the OctPlot sources
> (according to the file src/FTGL/HISTORY.txt).  However, when I compare
> the files in the tarball available at:
>    http://opengl.geek.nz/ftgl/ftgl-2.1.2.tar.gz
> with the files in OctPlot's tarball, I do see differences.  Here is one
> example:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> diff -u /var/tmp/FTGL/include/FTGL.h FTGL.h
> --- /var/tmp/FTGL/include/FTGL.h        2004-09-30 15:18:34.000000000 +0200
> +++ FTGL.h      2005-06-08 20:27:08.000000000 +0200
> @@ -83,4 +83,14 @@
>     #define FTGL_EXPORT
>  #endif
> +
> +// lifted from glext.h, to remove dependancy on glext.h
> +#ifndef GL_EXT_texture_object
> +    #define GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY_EXT           0x8066
> +    #define GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT_EXT           0x8067
> +    #define GL_TEXTURE_1D_BINDING_EXT         0x8068
> +    #define GL_TEXTURE_2D_BINDING_EXT         0x8069
> +    #define GL_TEXTURE_3D_BINDING_EXT         0x806A
> +#endif
> +
>  #endif  //  __FTGL__
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Which version of FTGL are you actually using?
> The second thing is that in the process of building the package, we noticed
> that the files config.guess and config.sub shipped in the tarball are
> terribly outdated (date stamps are viz. 2000-09-05 and 2000-09-11).
> This is harmless in Debian because the package build scripts replace these
> files with the newest ones.  At any rate, you should update your autotools
> before making the next release tarball of Octplot.
> Cheers,
> --
> Rafael

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