Bug#834199: dh-make-perl: Uses deprecated Dpkg::Source:Package variable

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Sun Aug 14 03:14:48 UTC 2016

On Sat, 13 Aug 2016 02:03:19 +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:

> This package uses the scalar $diff_ignore_default_regexp from the
> Dpkg::Source::Package module, which was deprecated in dpkg 1.17.2.
> Please switch to use the get_default_diff_ignore_regex() function.

Fixed in git.

(In a quite ugly way, since "use constant foo => qr/STRING/" works
but not the same with a FUNCTION. Improvements welcome.)
> (For reference, this is documented in the man page for the module and
> was mentioned in the debian/changelog. I'm not sure how to make this
> kind of thing more visible to API users, 

Good question. I read the changelog of important packages like dpkg
carefully but I didn't know by heart that dh-make-perl uses
$diff_ignore_default_regexp ... I guess in the end there's no real
safe alternative to bug reports after the fact :/


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