neon24 / neon25

Peter Samuelson peter at
Mon Jan 2 19:32:22 UTC 2006

[Max Bowsher]
> Subversion ought to work just fine with
>  "Build-Depends: libneon24-dev | libneon25-dev", but I can see why you
> might want to restrict it so that you could know which version of neon
> was in use from just the version of the subversion package

Yeah, that's the reason, we like to be as deterministic as possible in
these things.  The other reason is that this would make it very
inconvenient to generate the dependency between 'libsvn0-dev' and
'libneon2x-dev', which is currently hard-coded to match the build
dependency of subversion as a whole.  (We can't say "Depends:
libneon24-dev | libneon25-dev" in a binary package because that would
actually be *incorrect* - it needs to match what subversion was built
with.  The dependency is there to support static linking, which
admittedly is going to be a very small subset of use cases.)
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