[Pkg-sympa-devel] libunicode-linebreak-perl packaging

Emmanuel Bouthenot kolter at openics.org
Fri Mar 4 21:29:12 UTC 2011


In the latest release of Sympa[1] a new dependency on
Unicode-LineBreak[1] has been introduced.

As we need it to be able to upload newer releases of sympa, It has to be

Multiples choices:
 1) The Sympa Team does it by itself
 2) The Sympa Team co-maintain it with the Perl Team (not the simpliest
 3) One member of the Sympa Team package it by himself
 4) One member of the Sympa Team co-maintain it with the Perl Team
 5) We ask the Perl Team if it could adopt it alone

What do you think ?


[1] http://search.cpan.org/~nezumi/Unicode-LineBreak-2011.002_30/

Emmanuel Bouthenot
  mail: kolter@{openics,debian}.org    gpg: 4096R/0x929D42C3
  xmpp: kolter at im.openics.org          irc: kolter@{freenode,oftc}

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