
Jordi Vilalta jvprat@wanadoo.es
Sun, 7 Nov 2004 01:05:12 +0100 (CET)

On Sun, 7 Nov 2004, Martin Quinson wrote:
>> - As it is, before finding alioth, I found savannah. The
>>   savannah projet is obviously obsolete and unused, but
>>   there is no way to know that. It wouldn't be bad if there
>>   was no reference to it from google, but there is. Maybe
>>   someone who still has access to Savannah could add a
>>   mention that that site isn't used anymore?
> I guess you speak of:
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/po4a
> The only description of the package is:
> This project moved to http://alioth.debian.org/projects/po4a/

The first result on Google points to http://www.nongnu.org/po4a/, which 
seems to be the same as the "Homepage" link at the top of the savannah 
project (which points to http://www.freesoftware.fsf.org/po4a but has 
the same content). There's some old po4a documentation. There should also 
be a link to the alioth project.


Jordi Vilalta