[sane-devel] epson 1660 scan resolution questions

Jerry Sievers jerry@jerrysievers.com
16 Nov 2003 11:24:14 -0500

hi.  a few days ago i got an epson 1660 and compiled sane backends 
1.0.13-pre2.  setup the modules.conf file with vendor and product ID
info as such;

options scanner vendor=0x04b8 product=0x011e

this is on linux redhat 7.0 w/kernel 2.2.

scanimage --help reports resolutions up to 3200 DPI.

setting anything higher than 600 for mode color or 800 for mode binary
causes the scanning to hang and an IO error reported by scanner.c.

usb_control/bulk_msg: timeout
scanner.c: read_scanner(0): funky result:-32. Please notify the

please, wondering what to expect from this scanner and if there's a
problem with higher resolutions scans or just a bug in the reporting
of this model's capabilities.

i am legally blind and not able to read the specs from the paperwork
supplied with the scanner for a better idea of what's supported.

general purpose scanning seems fine.

great job sane developers!

Jerry Sievers   305 854-3001 (home)     Unix Administrator/Consultant
                305 321-1144 (mobile	http://www.JerrySievers.com/