[DSE-User] Installation of refpolicy-targeted modules fails

Unweitze Enweister unweitze.enweister at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 09:45:36 UTC 2007

* Unweitze Enweister <unweitze.enweister at gmail.com> [2007-11-11 10:49:27 +0700]:

> This with ALL modules. What am I missing?
Hmm.  Seems the policy package left the original policy in place over
several upgrades. apt-get remove --purge selinux-refpolicy-targeted and
apt-get install selinux-refpolicy-targeted fixed that, the install read
my more newly installed packages, and loaded what seems to be more
appropriate semodules during the process.

Problems noted so far:

I've built a HUGE ugly semodule called bootfix.pp and load it to get
around my current boot scheme of booting kernel and initramfs from
usbkey and decrypting my loop-aes disk partitions.  I need to break this
down and try to get to the one or two small tweaks that will make the
system tighter.  Built this from dmesg | audit2allow when booted to
single user in permissive mode.

hald didn't want to run, so I built a module haldfix.pp and load it to
let HAL initialize. Built this from dmesg | grep hald > haldfix.txt

Lastly, GDM can't start X (X catches signal 11 when started by GDM), so
I currently start X as normal user, and am not using GDM.

Any input out there?


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