[DSE-User] fixfiles check

Andreas Kuckartz A.Kuckartz at ping.de
Wed Jul 25 20:23:36 UTC 2012

I am trying to understand fixfiles.

When I execute
$ fixfiles check

I get this result:
Relabeling / /boot /dev /dev/pts /run /run/lock /run/shm /sys
Progress and Verbose mutually exclusive

Is that a known error?

The man page for fixfiles says:

      check  print any incorrect file context labels, showing old and
new context, but do not change them.

      verify List out files with incorrect file context labels, but do
not change them.

What is the difference between "print" and "List out"?
What is the difference between check and verify?

The manpage also states:

              change any incorrect file context labels.

              Prompt for removal of contents of /tmp directory and then
change any incorrect file context labels to match the install
file_contexts file.

Does "to match the install file_contexts file" not apply to restore?
Does restore remove the content of /tmp without prompting?


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