[Tux4kids-tuxtype-dev] tuxtype

David Bruce davidstuartbruce at gmail.com
Sun Oct 31 12:21:16 UTC 2010

Hello Stephen,

On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 12:28 AM, Stephen Gunning <smgunning at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I don't know if this application is still being maintained.

Yes, although I don't have as much time to spend on it as I would
like.  Also, our Mac binary is really outdated.

> I just wanted to
> submit some changes I made to my local copy of the Lessons module. The
> reason for the change was the segmentation fault I was getting when I
> pressed ESC in a lesson. I have attached practice.c, the main fix really
> being the line:
> if ( key != -1 )
>     updatekeylist(key,tmp);

Thanks - I have pushed your updated practice.c file into our repository.

> For some reason on OS X 10.6, I have to disable the Mix_Init code (under
> #ifdef HAVE_MIX_INIT) in setup.c to get the sound to work, even though I am
> using SDL_mixer 1.2.11.
> Don't know what's going on there, but if you have any ideas - please let me
> know.

That's strange - so the sound works if Mix_Init() doesn't get called,
and doesn't work if it is called?  Does the program crash? It is
possible that there is some problem with the conditional #ifdef
HAVE_MIX_INIT code in tuxtype, as it hasn't been tested much (Debian,
even "unstable", is still using SDL_mixer 1.2.8 which didn't yet have

By the way, how are you building tuxtype in OS-X 10.6?  Mac support
has always been a weak spot in our program.  I do have access to an
iMac with 10.5 (about to be upgraded to 10.6), but my Mac dev
expertise is pretty limited, mainly consisting of putting together
MacPorts builds for tuxmath and tuxtype.  Any help making .dmg images
for tuxtype would be very welcome!


David Bruce

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