[Debichem-devel] New packaging project being started

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Wed Nov 21 21:08:52 UTC 2012


On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 05:55:12PM +0100, Filippo Rusconi wrote:
> [ writing only to debichem-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org since I know you
> are subscribed ]

That's correct and doing so is perfectly fine.
> Thank you for these kind words.
> Now, I would like to manage a bit the
> http://blends.alioth.debian.org/debichem/tasks/polymer task.
> How should I start learning to modify the blend software suite? I've
> cloned the 
> http://anonscm.debian.org/git/blends/blends.git
> repos, and I'm starting to delve into
> it. However, it would be easier with some quick coaching :-)

Well, we are straight in the process of moving from SVN to git.  What
you did cloned here is the code for blends-dev which you actually do
not need at all for maintaining the DebiChem tasks.  At maximum you
might need `apt-get install blends-dev` if you really want to test the
metapackage creation.  What you might want to check out is most probably

    debcheckout debichem

which remains in SVN - at least until Wheezy is not yet released this
sounds like a good idea to me.  I will rebuild all metapackages for
Debian Science and DebiChem and upload to unstable once I'm sure that
the package pool will not change any more regarding the relevant
packages.  Once this is done and everything is settled we might move
the metapackage code as well.

I'd recommend reading the content of the files inside the tasks/ dir and
add entries accordingly.  Please note:  Once you have commited your
packaging to the DebiChem Vcs (control file containing Homepage,
description etc.) everything is fetched automagically - so you just need
to add "Depends: <pkgname>" and all other information should be obtained
automatically (with some delay for the daily cron job).  If this advise
might not be sufficient feel free to read the doc[1] or for sure ask me
for more details.

I just added user lopippo to the Blends group which grants you write
permissions to the tasks files.

Hope this helps


[1] http://blends.alioth.debian.org/blends/ch-sentinel.en.html#s-edittasksfiles


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