[Pkg-xen-devel] Bug#1042842: network interface names wrong in domU (>10 interfaces)

Valentin Kleibel valentin at vrvis.at
Wed Aug 2 17:09:23 BST 2023

> #xen-devel is the IRC Xen channel. I just pinged them, I'll wait.
> Depending on their answers, I'll post on the xen-devel mailing list.

thanks for the clarification, looking forward to an answer.

>> Our current workaround is to edit the interface names in the domUs 
>> config to match the wrong sorting. And be extra careful that the domUs 
>> MACs match the ones we expect on that network.
> Via udev (MAC matching) or /etc/network/interfaces ?
> I ask because it may help others, while this gets resolved.

We just edited /etc/network/interfaces, as it only affects a few of our 
i think udev rules matching the MAC would be a better solution. I just 
didn't take the time to write them and went for the quick and dirty 


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