[Debburn-devel] LG CH08LS10 not burning CDs

surfed god at youhavechoice.com
Sat Jan 30 21:24:52 UTC 2010

I really should have coffeee before replying...
Its not ACPI that i disabled but I changed AHCI to ATA in SATA operations in
Bios, Just gave it another shot, DMA is enabled and again dmesg shows Bufeer
I/O errors and writing an iso to dvd started well at 4x but a few hundred mb
into the burn the speed dropped to 0.4x to 1.5x and the device buffer
continually emptied while the softwarebuffer stayed at >95%
With AHCI mode no burning at all to cd and dvd at 0.3x sometimes but mostly
it fails right away.
$ ps -ef | grep udev gives me:
root      1224     1  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /sbin/udevd --daemon
root      3329  1224  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /sbin/udevd --daemon
root      3335  1224  0 13:16 ?        00:00:00 /sbin/udevd --daemon
sascha    4218  3661  0 13:24 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=tty -d skip
Thanks again
what time zone are you in? Pacific here.

On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 12:51 PM, Thomas Schmitt <scdbackup at gmx.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> > RIP, cant get cdrecord to work, it will not accept my dev=/dev/sr0 or
> > dev=scsi:1,0,0 but i did get dmesg errors when inserting disk
> There are my cdrskin (same options as wodim and
> cdrecord) and my xorriso (cdrecord emulation
> available by  xorriso -as cdrecord ...options..).
> But well, if dmesg reports read error then they
> don't have more chance to succeed than wodim
> on the multi-user system.
> (I expect one can disable ACPI by some GRUB
>  boot option, though.)
> > then rebooted with ACPI changed to ATA.
> >  BUT burning worked altough at low speeds 1x - 3x for DVD.
> Is that with DMA disabled ?
> Else there would still be some disturbance.
> (It is cursed, isn't it ?)
> > Now I am confused.... Why did it work for a few burns under ARCH
> > before failing again? If it is another process accessing the drive
> > how do i figure out wich?
> If really ACPI alone is to blame then i
> understand it is the kernel which runs the
> offending code.
> (My knowledge about ACPI is strictly wikipedia.
>  So better don't quote me with that.)
> Normally ACPI does not cause constant drive
> molestation. I conclude from the DVD symptoms
> that it is polling with high frequency.
> There must be some cause for this.
> Maybe this cause was not given with the
> successful tries.
> Did you see the udev related report of Age Jan
> Kuperus ?
> What do you get from
>  ps -ef | grep udev
> I see only
>  root      1000     1  0  2009 ?        00:00:03 /sbin/udevd --daemon
> (Sorry, i have no idea how to disable udev and
>  get along with good old mknod device nodes.)
> As soon as you are sure that ACPI is the decisive
> trigger, that soon you should report this to the
> distro which you use.
> I doubt we find anybody here who can explain ACPI
> and kernel and all.
> We need experts now.
> Have a nice day :)
> Thomas
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