Minicom in a black box?

Oisin Curtin
Tue, 08 Mar 2005 01:21:31 +0000

Adam Lackorzynski wrote:
> On Mon Mar 07, 2005 at 15:35:54 +0000, Oisin Curtin wrote:
>>end.  The process must run from cron.

> minicom uses external programs for xmodem etc, so you could just take
> those directly for transmitting your data?! (e.g. from the lrzsz package).

I forgot to say thanks last time.  THANKS for the suggestion.  I may 
someday go that way.

For now, I found a nasty little kludge that will let me get the job done 
and move on to other things.  A task running from cron can use minicom 
IF it is redirected to a real terminal.  So...

	blackbox.exp </dev/tty12 &>/dev/tty12

for developing, and

	blackbox.exp </dev/tty13 &>/dev/tty13

to secure it from curious fingers.

Oisin  "Triskaidekaphobe"  Curtin