[3dprinter-general] packages to be done

Nicolas Dandrimont olasd at debian.org
Tue Feb 4 13:40:26 UTC 2014

* Andrea Colangelo <warp10 at ubuntu.com> [2014-02-04 13:01:57 +0100]:

> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Thorsten Alteholz
> <debian-3dprinting at alteholz.de> wrote:
> > skeinforge is just a dummy package that depends on sfact and is available in
> > the archive.
> Same here for cwryu.
> BTW: is skeinforge dead?

Hopefully. AIUI the skeinforge author repeatedly refused offers of 3D printers
from the Reprap community; he doesn't own one. (no wonder the UI is confusing)

> > octoprint is on mentors. Shouldn't it be added to alioth?
> Indeed. I'll bribe the uploader with a sponsorhip he can't refuse.

I actually started reviewing the package, but got dragged into other things.

AFAICT it is working, and pretty much technically sound, but there are some
details that need to be taken care of.  For instance, the octoprint user has a
weird interaction with systemd (systemd thinks the user is logged in and
doesn't let me stop the computer).

I'm not sure what the deal is with embedded javascript, but upstream is usually
pretty responsive (they actually released a tarball when they were asked to).

> > The only available package on alioth is slic3r, which is missing the debian
> > direcotry!?
> It's in the "debian" branch. I suppose Nicolas adopted a package not using gbp.

Actually I use git-buildpackage. The HEAD of the git repository is just
misplaced (it should point to the debian branch instead of master).

The initial packaging is working, we need to make sure that it still works on
top of master and upload it.

Nicolas Dandrimont

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